Lord of the Starry Sky

17. The place of decisive battle

Qin Fang became energetic: "What can we do?"

"Run first." Shen Jian replied and did the same.

He relaxed his shooting at the short-haired woman and prioritized his own movement to retreat.

Qin Fang was so angry that he almost vomited blood: "Is this your method? Just running is useless, she is faster than us, and the river valley has an end."

"You don't have to run to the end of the river valley. The third turn is where the decisive battle takes place." Shen Jian replied.

Qin Fang stopped talking after hearing this and ran with Shen Jian.

In the Junior High School Elite Challenge, except for Shen Jian, the average strength of other participating students from Jin Chan No. 3 Middle School was weak.

But under Shen Jian's integrated command, they coalesced into a whole, and everyone seemed to perform beyond their standards.

Qin Fang, who was eliminated by Shen Jian himself, knew very well that although Shen Jian had outstanding personal strength, he was not a lone wolf.

The short-haired woman frowned when she saw Shen Jian and Qin Fang's actions.

But she has a speed advantage over the two of them, and the fact that the other one only cares about escaping is actually to her advantage.

So she also speeded up and chased Shen Jian and the others.

She was not afraid that the two people on the opposite side would turn around and attack her first.

At worst, if she had retreated, the situation would have been reversed once she entered her sister's field of vision.

But just as Shen Jian judged, she couldn't afford the risk of another cold attack.

Before, it was to give my partners a chance to counter a sneak attack and kill an opponent directly with one shot.

However, the two people on the opposite side should not be underestimated. As a result, she was shot and slightly injured.

So now she has completely given up on the idea of ​​taking tricks, and is playing steadily with her partner, step by step, forcing her opponent to fight head-on with her, and using her real skills to compete with her opponent.

For this reason, she could not stop and wait for her companions. She had to chase Shen Jian and the two, at least ensuring that they were always in her sight.

As soon as she increased her speed, the distance between the two parties suddenly became closer.

But Shen Jian and Qin Fang didn't just run away. They still turned around and fired, forming a fire net to intercept her footsteps and force her to slow down.

After the two sides struggled for a while, the short-haired woman suddenly increased her speed again.

But Shen Jian and the others did not dare to be careless.

Sure enough, as soon as they showed up, they were attacked again by cold gun sniping!

The opponent's sniper also turned around the bend of the river and regained a shooting angle.

Shen Jian and Qin Fang fought and retreated, and it was another fierce and insidious battle. Shen Jian and Qin Fang finally repelled the charge of the short-haired woman again, got rid of it, and successfully dodged into the second corner of the river valley.

The short-haired woman quickly followed suit again.

But this time Shen and Jian got stuck in a corner to set up an ambush. A burst of gunfire mixed with palm thunder hit the short-haired woman and she could only retreat temporarily.

The opponent's snipers hurried on, re-selected their positions, grasped the view of the river bend, and provided fire support to their companions.

Shen Jian and the others stopped when they saw the situation, completely turned around to the other side of the river bend, and walked away.

The short-haired woman finally passed the river bend.

The sniper went back on the road. She just stopped and opened fire in order to provide fire support.

The bend in the river curved too much, and now she needed to move again to regain her view of the valley on the other side of the bend.

The short-haired woman in front wanted to wait for her companion to take position again, but her opponent did not give him a chance and ran quickly.

This time the opponent was much faster.

The firepower also seemed a bit sparse, as if one person was missing.

There seemed to be only one running figure left in the front.

The short-haired woman was suspicious of fraud and slowed down a bit.

The pursuit between the two sides stopped, and the sniper was in position again. The short-haired woman was relieved and accelerated again.

One person's firepower cannot stop her.

However, she soon felt a warning sign, her hair stood on end, and she quickly dodged.

However, it was too difficult to dodge the cold gun attack without any warning. The short-haired woman narrowly avoided it again and again, and her shoulder was still scratched by the rune bullet.

The sniper captured the attacker's position and immediately counterattacked.

Shen Jian, who fired a cold shot, had no intention of making a second shot and moved his position early to avoid the opponent's sniper's retaliatory strike.

He and Qin Fang did not retreat again, but tried to launch an offensive against the short-haired woman.

Unfortunately, the opponent was covered by snipers. Although Shen Jian and the two were able to capture the opponent's position from a distance, the range and shooting accuracy of the weapons on both sides were not at the same level. They could hit them, but it was difficult for them to fight back.

The short-haired woman successfully held her ground.

After being wounded again, she sighed and flicked the knife in her hand.

The purple light on the blade suddenly turned blood red!

She charged back at her opponent.

However, this time, every time she rushed forward, she struck out with a knife.

Under the shining blood red light, her whole body seemed to turn into a huge blood knife.

Driven by the light of the sword, the short-haired woman's movement speed did not seem to be affected by the injury.

"Rich people." Shen Jian sighed.

The opponent also has such a sword in reality, and it has been scanned by Battle.net, so it can be perfectly restored in the fairyland.

He and Qin continued to fight and retreat.

The third river bend is approaching.

Shen and Jian turned around the bend of the river and once again hid in the blind spot of the opponent's sniper's field of vision.

The previous tactics at the second river bend were repeated, forcing the two people on the opposite side to stop and then retreat again.

The short-haired woman chased around the corner, and her opponent's figure loomed in the distance, and it seemed that only one was left.

She hurriedly caught up.

We can't give the other side a third chance to hide someone and make a cold shot.

"It's better to rely on me. I should also bring a gun as a backup. Now my flexibility and speed are higher, but my fighting style is less varied." She reflected in her heart.

As soon as the short-haired woman speeded up, the people in front sensed the threat and immediately fired back again, throwing thunderbolts from their palms at the same time.

However, the firepower of only one person was not enough to stop the short-haired woman from approaching.

Moreover, her companions would soon turn around the bend in the river to regain a shooting angle.

However, the strange movements on the other side always made the short-haired woman feel a little uneasy.

"Youyou, get the field of view as soon as possible, I can only see one." While chasing, the short-haired woman communicated with her companions through the sound transmitter hanging on her ear.

"Sister, I have a question!" the sniper quickly replied: "I can already see the river valley here, and I'm looking for a better position as a sniper position, but I can only see one opponent at the moment, and the running route is weird. very."

The short-haired woman stopped suddenly: "You are far away and have a much wider field of vision, but you can only see one?"

She vaguely felt that this moment was different from the second river bend. The other party was not a cover and containment, but the other party took the time to distance themselves, ambush and fire cold shots.

There is a person on the opposite side who may be hiding, and is now behind him!

He was on full alert, and it didn't matter which direction he attacked from.

The other party is not coming for her, the target is the companion behind!

But I chased him all the way, always observing the environment ahead and along the way. I shouldn't have noticed the other party hiding...

Is she being suspicious and overthinking?

"Youyou, be careful, I may have missed one..." the short-haired woman was saying with some uncertainty, when gunfire suddenly rang out from behind her!

Not the sound of a sniper rifle.

Instead, the sniper's screams came from the sound transmitter.

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