The three of Yago stepped into the backstage corridor, and walked along the not-so-large circular corridor to the central position.

The entire Diroud Theater was empty.

Or no one came.

Although the gas lamp was not lit, it was similar to the style of the church. The open windows on the left and right sides of the vault a few meters higher also cast a faint light enough for the eyes, but the light shining through the stained glass was slightly fainter. dark.

In this quiet corridor with only the sound of three people's footsteps, it brought a strange and eerie feeling.

In this way, the three of them walked along the somewhat dark winding corridor to the outside of opera actress Elaine's room.

Stopping outside Elaine's room, Yago stopped in his tracks.

What's the matter? Diego?

Friesen's dark green eyes swept around, thinking that Yago had discovered something again.

No, it's just that the location of this room seems to be where we stopped just now.

Yago responded.

It seems so. Alenasia echoed with a gentle voice.

Friesen also stood still, glanced ahead, and uttered a word of unknown meaning:


What's wrong? Although he is actually a novice, Yago, who is playing the role of a more novice, has given full play to the novice privilege of asking if he doesn't understand.

It's nothing. However, unlike the previous situation where the question must be answered, this time, Friesen did not explain.

Originally planning to move on, he turned around and retreated to the door in front of Yago and Alenasia, and stretched out his hand to push the door open.

Yago also followed the gap between Friesen's body and the door frame to see the scene in the room——

The body has been removed and everything at the scene appears to be preserved except for the body.

On the left side of the room is a small sofa for rest, with pink pillows and thin quilts on it, the floor hanger is placed near the inner side, and the dressing table is on the right side, with the fallen chair leaning against the foot of the table At the corner, part of the ground at the corner that can be seen from this perspective is blocked.

There is no difference from memory.

Be careful. Friesen, who suppressed his smile, stepped into the room with a serious expression, his eyes turned dark green.

Okay. Yago, who was meditating to gather inspiration in his heart, followed him into the room, and Alenasia also followed him into the room. The two looked at the left and right sides of the room respectively.

After entering the room, Yago is also preparing to switch his perspective back to the first-person perspective. It is fine outside the room or in the corridor, but after entering this room, his perspective is almost close to the ceiling.

But at this moment, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a black shadow flashing past the crack of the wall close to the inner wall of the ceiling, that is, the wall that Captain Friesen was approaching.

When he focused on the past, he found nothing.

But he didn't think it was an illusion.

Something must have moved past.

This discovery made Yago give up the choice of switching back to the first perspective.

After stuffing the coin in his hand into his pocket, it looked like Yago was checking the sofa, but his eyes had already turned around the ceiling of the room.

But unfortunately, he did not find similar traces.

Do you want to tell Friesen?

No, it does not appear to be necessary.

In the field of vision, Friesen was also looking up.


Alenasia picked up the cosmetic bottle containing white paint on the table, glanced at it and put it down:

Captain Jodhwa, have you checked the body?

Of course I won't leave out the body.

Friesen's eyes fell back, and he turned his head to look at the blood stains in the corner:

I got a lot of information from the blood, but when I checked, the woman had been dead for more than a day.

Dead for more than a day?

Yago turned his head in disbelief. After all, he and Paulin were watching the heroine played by Elaine dancing on the stage.

Hearing Yago's voice, Friesen didn't look back at Yago, but raised his head again and moved his gaze to the light window on the top of the wall:

The corpse reveals far more information in my eyes than in your eyes.

While speaking, he stepped on the ground with his right foot, as if confirming something:

The logic that you can avoid leaking secrets by dying only makes sense to ordinary people. The information that Extraordinary people like me can get from the dead is still limited. Some Extraordinary people can get far more information from the dead than the living. need more.

Did Miss Elaine die before she went on stage? Then why did she act like a living person then?

Yago had already started thinking about this issue when Friesen told the news.

It was killed long ago, and then replaced by another person?

Or is it a dead man who is performing on stage? Corpse opera?

Or is it an illusion?

Not to mention other things, but in terms of imagination, as a modern person who has been baptized by various works of ACGN with magnificent colors, all kinds of brain holes emerge in endlessly.

Yago thought about it.

And at this moment, the voice of Alenasia standing in front of the pool of blood sounded:

Captain Jodhwa, then shall I start?

start? start what?

When Yago turned his head away, he saw Friesen walking towards the pool of blood and putting on his gloves.

Hmm. Focusing on the blood on the ground, Friesen motioned for Alenasia to start.

In the next moment, Yago saw a reddish radiance emerge from Alenasia's hands, and then rolled down from the palms as if possessing an entity, and landed on the bloodstain.

It was at this moment that Friesen clasped his hands together, and with the glistening blood gushing out from light green to emerald green, a revolver formed in his hand.


There was no bang. The sound that this loud noise should appear in his impression did not appear.

There was no sound at all, the emerald green bullet hit the pool of blood, with dots of dark blue emerald green blood blooming in the dark red on the ground.

Friesen looked at the unresponsive blood, raised the muzzle of the gun lightly, and the emerald green sprinkled in the dark red blood was drawn back, but it did not return to the muzzle, and was thus entangled by the blood, freezing like a drop of wax In the air, then, fades quickly.

In a short moment, the emerald green blood quickly faded to light green, and then turned into an almost colorless water.

Only bits and pieces of micro-green can be seen.

With a flick of his hand, along with the breaking of blood threads, the greenish blood disappeared into the glass bottle in his left hand:

I really hate being stained with other people's blood.

Sighing, he stuffed the bottle into his pocket.

Although it is true that the perpetrators are Extraordinary, it should be possible to rule out the ability, mysterious objects or offset sequences of the 'Gravekeeper' pathway.

However, just after he said this, his eyes suddenly widened:

Get out of the way!

Accompanied by the warning sound, Friesen rushed towards Alenasia at an unmatched speed, and at the same time, the shape of the pistol formed by emerald green blood changed and rushed out quickly.

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