Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 35 The Gentlemen's Club


Yago came back to his senses, and looked around in horror.

However, there is no big face printed on the castle in sight, and there is no terrifying pressure that makes people unable to move.

Yellowed silver-gray curtains, a birdcage containing two fog crows.

There is no doubt that I am standing in my own room.

came back?

Yago looked at his hands in disbelief, and shook them.

He thought he was going to die.

He felt like he couldn't beat that monster just now.

The world in the book is really dangerous.

Although I made psychological preparations in advance, it still seems that I still underestimated the dangers of the world in the book, and I feel good about myself.

Originally, I wanted to rely on the characteristics of silver hair and silver eyes to pretend to enter the castle, find a safe place to wait for the story to end, and wonder if I could find a chance to get the potion from this book world, but I still thought too much.

I am still too weak now, I have no fighting ability at all

We need to find something that can be used in combat.

Scrutinized the system book carefully.

means he can use to fight

The highest one is [shooting (pistol)], his shooting success rate is 40%.

It seems that he only clicked this one, and the others are default values.

If this wizard sequence fully adopts the default skills of the coc running group, then regarding the battle, the fighting method he can rely on is .

[Fighting: Brawl] 25% of the base value.

[Fighting: Sword] 20% of the base value

[Dodge] 25% of the base value

[Throwing] 20% of the base value

In games with coc-like settings, the success rate is also corresponding.

1%-5% are novices and complete laymen.

6%-19%, are beginners, beginners with little knowledge.

20%-49% are amateurs with a certain degree of talent or basic training, belonging to the level of hobbies.

50%-74%, that is, professionals, professionals, investigators with this level of skills can make a living with this skill.

75%-89% are experts, stronger than the former in terms of professional knowledge.

More than 90%, a master, that is, one of the world's top figures in this skill.

However, the basic values ​​of skills such as fighting, sword, dodging, and throwing are too low, and relying on these skills in battle is simply gambling with one's own life.

Rather than doing it manually.

Shooting is a bit better, at least after throwing a failure result, it can have a success rate of 55-60, which is more than half.

And he really doesn't know how to masturbate. In reality, he can't just pull the trigger. Besides, is the pistol in this era a revolver or a flintlock?

Although there are relevant memories in the memory of Diago, they are all blurred, like a person who has passed the driver's license test but hasn't bought a car for six or seven years. It is true that he can drive, but you can Do you expect him to be good at driving?

You can only try to gamble your life in an emergency, when you have no other means.

Besides, do you have any means of self-defense?

The pressure brought by the face emerging from the gate of the castle, for that memory, Yago's memory is too deep.

Speaking of this, it seems that when he exited the world in the book, it seems that the face on the door said something.

But at that time, his mind was filled with pain and all kinds of weird and incomprehensible whispers, and he had no energy left to listen.

Shaking his head, he really couldn't think of anything related. After letting the fog crow fly above the cage to rest, he lay down on the bed, ready to rest.

However, when he lay down on the bed after washing and turned off the light to prepare for a rest, he heard the sound of flapping wings——

The fog crow flew to the side of his pillow, staring straight at him.

...It's scary.

Looking at the fog crow that had an inexplicable connection with him because of the ritual, Yago thought for a while and gave it a name:

From now on, you'll be called 'Ash'.

Yago, who is also not very good at naming, gave this fog crow a short name.

As for Yago's words, Mistcrow didn't respond at all, as if he didn't understand.

Yago didn't have any idea of ​​what response it would make. After recalling the many things that happened today, he sighed and fell asleep in an uncontrollable tiredness.

The next morning, after getting up, washing up, and being startled again by little Betty standing in front of the kitchen door, he and Elsa had breakfast together.

According to memory, I changed into a white shirt, put on a light gray vest and dark gray trousers, fastened the bow tie, and then put on a very elegant silver-gray double-breasted long dress that was similar in color to the vest but could be seen in different colors.

It's a gentlemen's club.

After a series of tedious dressing preparations, Yago hugged his silk top hat, carried a silver-handled cane, and got into the carriage with Elsa.

He wants to go to Fast Cloaker with Elsa first.

After arriving in the store, he entered the changing room, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, stared at himself in the mirror, took out a silver from his pocket, and threw it upward.


After a failure, ending with the failure of psychoanalysis with a default success rate of only 1%, Yago flipped the coin again.

Looking at the pattern on the back that looks like snowflakes and ice crystals, Yago took a deep breath, looked at himself in the mirror, and said to himself:

Tossing a coin is my habit

.It's a very common thing.


The world in the book.

At the same time, on the system book in his mind, words emerged one by one——

[Voice skill test = 73/75]

[Speaking skill test = 57/75, successful]

Staring at his pupils in the mirror, the coin in Yago's hand flipped twice as a series of words appeared.

If you want to fool others, fool yourself first.

A few minutes later, Yago came out of the changing room, bid farewell to Elsa, got into the carriage driven by old Fanks, and headed for the gentleman's club.

Master, we are here.

Accompanied by the voice of old Fanks, Yago could feel that the carriage stabilized.

I see.

Yago put a top silk hat on his head, and got out of the carriage with a silver-handled cane in his hand.

No. 28 West Flame Road.

What appeared before Yago's eyes was a huge double-leaf fan and a black iron gate decorated with flowers. Both sides were connected by long iron railings with a width of at least 300 meters.

Gentlemen's club.

The size is comparable to Ashes Manor, and it is also the only huge manor in the city of Diroud.

Inside the iron railings are rows of tall buildings. From the hollowed-out iron gates and railings, several men and women in high-end dresses can be seen walking into the building along the road.

At this moment, the two security personnel standing at the door glanced at the family emblem on the carriage, and then opened the door:

Welcome, Baron Fast.

They speak in unison, and even the pitch changes are almost the same, no doubt they have been trained.

Pointing along the outstretched arms of the two people who bowed their heads slightly, Yago walked into the gate.

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