Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 069 The Stunned Moonstar Queen, Territory Development

One of the effects of 【Yuntian Demon Flame Bow】,

"Longwei" has an instant kill effect on creatures below level 15!

So, when Yaheng saw his legendary unit——Dream Eater.

Seeing the rare orc hero who has ruined countless female farmers in his territory, but he still respects it—Habasson.

Tong Tong, Tong Tong was instantly killed by an arrow!

The shock in his heart made him lose his mind.

My ears are buzzing, and my eyes are dark.

The tinnitus made him lose his hearing, and the massive congestion in his eyes made him lose his vision.

only one heart,

With infinite awe and fear,

trembling in the dark.

He understood a terrible truth.

This bow is epic!!

Then think of the legendary hero Su Yu.

Yaheng understands,

Such a lord, even in the 13 universes of the entire human race, has his place.

He will definitely show his talents in the [All Human Civilization Lord Selection Competition]!

He will represent the human race and participate in the ranking battle of all races!

And himself... is just a small stone that he kicked away at will on the way forward.

Yaheng was completely desperate.

He cried out in despair, "Mom...

The one-month-old prince called his mother?

The new lords who are coveted by the whole moon and stars,

He fell at Su Yu's feet.

Rumor has it that he possesses an epic bow and arrow,

Shooting out the sky full of black flames,

Instantly kill all heroes and units in sight.

Even if it is a legendary unit, even if it is a rare hero, they all died in battle.

Even an army composed of the entire Moon and Star Alliance,

None of them hurt him.

Defensive tower?

High building life?

One arrow at a time.

Bai Xiaowei: "Come on, shout with me, Su Yu is number one in the world!"

"Su Yu is number one in the world!"

Tian Feng: "Su Yu is number one in the world!"

Jian Ruiming: "Su Yu880 is the best in the world!"

Class monitor Xu Ting: "Su Yu is the best in the world!"

In the class group, it was very lively.

In the group chat in class 2, there was a lot of drama.

They're excited, they're excited,

At this moment, a deep admiration for Su Yu arose.

I can't wait to move the territory to the vicinity of Su Yu's territory immediately,

But Su Yu followed suit.

Bai Xiaowei: "Hey, I'm so bored, I want to go to Su Shen's territory for a stroll.

"Bai Xiaowei, you bastard!"

"I'm so envious."

"Why didn't I start the game next to Su Yu's territory?"

Bai Xiaowei, send me the coordinates of your territory, please. "

"I've decided, I want to explore the fog of war with a radius of thousands of miles, and I must find Su Yu's territory!"

"Bai Xiaowei, please hug your thigh!"

In the class group, everyone couldn't lick Su Yu, so they started to lick Bai Xiaowei.

This made Bai Xiaowei feel relieved.

Bai Xiaowei: "It's called Baidi!"

"Boss Baidi!"

"Boss Baidi, please hug my thigh!"

"Su Yu...he alone brought the Moon Star Alliance?"

Ajiesen: "Really, really, don't scare me...I'm afraid."

Gu Ling'er: "It's true, he seems to have an epic bow.


Ajiesen: "Uh, I'm going to search for rare exercises to compensate him now, is there still time?"


"Su Yu is too aggressive..."

In the group chat of the new lord Blue Star Alliance, Su Yu was discussed one after another.

Someone also posted a picture.

In that picture, the grassland is gray, burning with black flames, the buildings collapsed, and the eyes are dilapidated.

Is this... an epic?

It's just an early stage weapon,

So scary.

Wanjie City.

Every lord can freely enter and leave the City of Ten Thousand Realms.

Restricted by the law, force cannot be used here.

It is more like a social place where the lords are tired from the battlefield, relax and play.

Not only the lord can come here,

Heroes, as well as people in the Ten Thousand Realms universe, have terminals.

All can be transmitted to Wanjie City through the terminal.

At this time, the 11520th floor of Wanjie City.

In the entire Multiverse of Ten Thousand Realms, all new lords can enter and exit here.

Here they can trade with each other,

Between different civilizations, trade their needs.

In a human restaurant, the layout is simple and simple,

There is only one table of guests.

The door is closed.

The Lord Blue Star looked at a beautiful woman on the left in embarrassment.

She is the queen of the moon and stars.

Then he turned his head to look at the handsome and calm man on the right,

He is the new lord of Blue Star, Su Yu.

At this moment, Queen Moonstar stared at Su Yu with eyes full of anger.

I wish I could swallow Su Yu alive.

It's a pity that this is the city of ten thousand realms, so we can't use force.

"Why did you attack our new Lord of the Moon Star?!"

"Could it be possible, you Blue Star, do you want to start a war with our Moon Star!!"

The Moon Star Queen stared at Su Yu, her beautiful eyebrows frowned and trembling slightly.

The alliance of the new Lord Lords of the Moon Star, which represents the hope of the Moon Star, is over,

She couldn't bear this huge blow.

But she can't face a lord who has a legendary hero and an epic bow,

Do something.

It made her feel powerless.

"I asked Prince Yuexing for compensation, but he refused, and even took the initiative to give orders to attack me.

"Out of self-preservation, I fought back." Su Yu explained.

"My son refused?!" Queen Moon Star was stunned for a moment,

With the education received by Prince Moon Star, how could he offend a person who has a legendary hero?

"What compensation do you want?" She couldn't help asking.

"The Moon and Star Alliance injured my farmer, so naturally they want to give me an explanation." Su Yu said in a natural tone.

Immediately, the Moon Star Queen did not catch her breath,

The Lord Blue Star was also dumbfounded.


just for a farmer,

You wiped out the Moon and Star Alliance?

The Blue Star King, who was planning to reconcile the conflict, stared blankly at Su Yu,

The words reached my throat, but I couldn't utter a single word.

"You... just for a farmer? Destroy the hope of my Moonstar..."

Queen Moonstar was so angry that her chest heaved up and down,

A pair of jade hands trembled, and her delicate body trembled.

"I did not attack their lord crystal.

"It was they who withdrew from the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms by themselves."

Su Yu said truthfully.

In the (chah) black flame of the arrow, those Moon Star people were so frightened that they withdrew from the battlefield of ten thousand realms.

There are quite a few of them who directly gave up their status as lords.

Queen Moon Star's eyes were red, with faint tears appearing.

Su Yu was about to cry with anger.

Too much deception, really too much deception!

"Are you not afraid that I will summon the previous lords and destroy you?!"

She frowned, her phoenix eyes widened.

Although I don't know where Su Yu's territory is,

But presumably, it will not be too far from the grassland where the Moon Star Alliance is located.

"I can't, I can't!"

The Lord of the Blue Star hurried in to smooth things over,

She tried her best to persuade Queen Moon Star.

But the moon queen turned a deaf ear,

Into the left ear, out of the right ear,

Just staring at Su Yu.

Even if she threatens this,

She didn't see a trace of fear in the other's eyes either.

This made the fist in her sleeve clenched even tighter.

She admitted that she dared not touch Su Yu.

Once Su Yu is activated, it will definitely provoke a war between Moon Star and Blue Star.

He has a legendary hero,

As long as you don't die young,

Sooner or later, it will become one of the overlords of this space universe,

At that time, maybe I will surrender at his feet.

It is also true, the Moon Star Queen is angry,

There is no other way.

The boiling anger in her chest made her whole body tense,

Suddenly, the tense delicate body froze,

Her eyes turned dark, and she was so angry that she passed out.

The Lord of the Blue Star Kingdom smiled wryly, and looked at Su Yu:

"Leave this matter to me, if you're fine, don't provoke her.

"After all, if she is really angry and summons the lord to attack you, it will only increase your troubles if you move the territory.

"Yeah." Su Yu nodded, but there was a trace of regret in his heart.

He longed for someone to attack his territory.

A large number of experience points and a rapidly rising level gave him a taste of the sweetness.

In the battlefield of all worlds,

The level of monsters emerging from the fog of war is divided according to the region.

For example, the new lord of the first class of Su,

The level of monsters near the territory is very low.

Only with the passage of time, their level will slowly increase.

Obviously, the development speed of Su Yu's territory,

It is too much beyond the normal territory.

two months passed,

The levels of Sylph and Iloti are still only level 22.

And the experience needed for Su Yu to level up is three times that of a hero,

As a result, his level is still at level 19.

Unless there is a large-scale war, or find a space legend point,

Go to the area where those old lords are.

Otherwise, it is difficult to upgrade the level.

The distance between each lord is thousands of miles away,

As a result, there are very few lords of the older generation who meet the new generation of lords on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms.

If you want to meet in private, just go to Wanjie City.

Want to hack resources?

Who can value the resources of some rookie lords in a territory with the strength to conquer thousands of miles?

Two months passed by,

Su Yu stood on the mountain, blowing the mountain wind, looking at the territory that was close to the size of a town.

The farmhouse is as high as 8000 houses,

Among them, there are 1,000 C-level wooden houses, and the population growth limit is 2,000;

There are 4,000 B-level stone houses, and the population growth limit is 12,000;

There are 1,000 A-level duplex rooms, and the population growth limit is 5,000.

There are even more than 1,000 dining rooms.

In his territory, apart from heroes, there are farmers.

Therefore, the peasant population has reached more than 19,000.

With such a large population, a lot of farmland has been reclaimed.

Paved roads, in grid form, are distributed on the territory.

15,000 mu of farmland, covering an area of ​​10 million square meters [10 square kilometers.

That is 1000 grid territory.

Scattered farmland, because of the establishment of water station pipelines,

Not only on the banks of the Ruchuan River, but also in areas where farmhouses are densely populated.

Fields and farmhouses, neat and orderly.

Su Yu level 3 lord crystal, the upper limit is only 500 grids,

So there are a lot of farmland built in the wild.

Fortunately his walls are nearly complete,

Even in the wild, as long as it is within the city walls, it is safe.

Not afraid of being destroyed by monsters.

With a radius of hundreds of miles, the fields are more than Wange.

Therefore, even if Su Yu builds many buildings, from a bird's-eye view,

The area inside the city wall was still extremely empty.

There is also a lot of fog of war, pouring in through the gap in the unfinished city wall.

The number of buildings in the territory has almost exceeded 10,000, and the last effect of the mythical talent will be activated soon.

Buildings can move freely!

Su Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at his territory,

Time to build defense towers!.

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