Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 589: Sniping With A Gun! Cannons Against Mosquitoes?

"I rely on?"

"what's the situation………"

"The laser tower is showing off?"

"I want to see the scene!"

"Let me in, I just left the spectator space, I just want to go to the toilet..."

Audiences who have just exited the viewing space,

Outside the viewing space, there was a lot of noise.

It's just that the current spectator space is already overcrowded.

The sky is full of stars, and there is no room for anyone.

This annoyed the audience,

I had to open the terminal and watch the live video.

Video images, no matter how real they are, are always two-dimensional.

It's not as good as watching the battle in the spectating space, as if watching the battle in person.

"Brother, do you want a seat in the spectator space, 10 gold coins?"

"10 gold coins?! Why don't you just go and grab them?"

"Heh, Yue Luo is showing great power, whether you want to see it or not.


The viewing space of TW simulation battle,

There are usually free seats,

If you encounter a game with skyrocketing popularity, you will spend resources to open up more space to watch the game.

These additional spectator spaces will be charged, and each person only charges 1 silver coin.

but now,

The viewing space officially opened by TW has reached the upper limit,

One seat, after being speculated by scalpers, has already fetched 10 gold coins per person.

In the live screen,

Can't see anything except the sky full of red light,

Some spectators gritted their teeth one after another to buy spectator seats and entered the spectator space.

The sky is full of stars, bright and heartless.

After pulling the space of the spectator space, they finally saw what happened.

A million laser towers, firing lasers,

As if possessing infinite power,

The sky and the earth are all red, so I can't see clearly, the body of the red laser,

How huge it is.

Heroes of the three major defensive systems of the Sun God, resisting the laser,

The army of the defense department unites,

A sharp mirror barrier guards the 132 Legion.

As the Lord of the Sun God,

The territorial power of Tianxuan ghosts and gods and Hellfall gods can be said to be all-round,

In the face of various attacks, there are means to deal with them.

The weak point of laser attacks is mirror reflection.

This is the weakness written into the textbook,


Facing this mighty laser, they responded instantly.

The huge red laser is shunted by the mirror barrier,

Scatter into the boundless desert world.

There were no casualties.


The laser attack is continuous,

Unless the operating energy of Su Yu's territory is exhausted, the laser tower's rays will never stop.

"Damn it!"

"This month's laser tower...how is it so strong?"

"The power of this increase must be more than ten million times!"

"This sense of power... the average Yang God can't handle it at all. I believe it's a billion-fold increase!"

"A billion-fold increase, is that possible?"

Tianxuan ghosts and ghosts and prison Luo Mingshen looked at Tongtian's red light with lingering fear in their hearts.

If they were slower to react,

I'm afraid that some soldiers will die in battle,

This is definitely a huge humiliation for the two of them.

The lord of Yangshen appeared on the stage, facing a lord who had entered the battlefield of ten thousand realms in his early years,

How embarrassing would it be if someone died in battle?

Although the death of the simulated battle is not a real death, they can't afford to be ashamed!

The purple face of Hellfall God rose a little red.

He said in a deep voice: "It's not an option to go on like this, with this laser...we can't move forward."


The mirror barrier formed by the three defense-type Sun God heroes and the defense-type legion,

With the Tongtian laser, a delicate balance point has been reached,

If you advance rashly, there will definitely be casualties.

Tianxuan Guishen snorted coldly: "As the lord of the Yang God, can it be difficult for us to spend time with Yue Luo?"

"Even if the energy of his territory is exhausted and the laser tower stops functioning, then we won't be honored!"

"Dark ghosts come out, sneak into the rain to kill!"

A dark ghost, a Yangshen hero of the ghost tribe, stepped out and disappeared as a shadow.

"The dark ghost leads the order."

The dark ghost led the stealth army, left the mirror barrier,

They bypassed the Tongtian lasers and headed for the laser towers far on the horizon.

"Snipe those laser towers, Tianming." Prisoner Hades looked at one of his long-range heroes.

"Tian Ming takes orders."

Tian Ming nodded,

Among the 132 regiments, 33 formations are lit up,

Their thirty-three legions are all long-distance legions,

Formed a long-range sniper formation,

In the battlefield of ten thousand realms, it is enough to span the distance of light years,

In the unlimited multidimensional universe of ten thousand realms, it can even penetrate the universe!

A gigantic spear phantom unfolds,

The law of guns, the law of penetration, the law of extreme speed, the law of piercing armor...

The power of innumerable laws (abfa) reached above the spear shadow.

"The Colossus of Heaven and Earth!"

Tian Ming, the hero of the Ming Clan's Yang God, folded his palms together, turning into a phantom with his head above the sky and his feet on the ground.

The phantom of Tianming held the phantom of the spear.


Target Su Yu's laser tower colony,

Throw hard!


There was a shrill whistle, and the space trembled.

Any object, the speed of propagation in space, the highest is the speed of light.

But the ripples in space are not restricted by the rules of space.

The spear that pierces the sky and the earth does not move in space,

Rather, it is moved by space, with it.

So, its speed exceeds the speed of light, across space,

in an instant,

Hit hard into the group of laser towers.

In this instant,

A scene that shocked everyone happened.

I saw those laser towers disappeared with incomprehensible abilities.

Only one laser tower was left, which became the locked attack of the phantom of the spear.


A mushroom cloud rises into the sky,

Thirty-three army formations, with a long-range Yangshen hero,

Successfully killed...a laser tower.


In the commentary seat, Leopard Yuan had a strange expression on his face.

Bao Yuan: "I have to say that the power of the Yang God is indeed terrifying, so terrifying...

Xiaoxiao: "Yeah, Boom killed a laser tower, it's scary.

Leopard Yuan: "Let me tell you, this blow...actually aimed at the lord's crystal in Moonfall, it might be more effective."

Xiaoxiao: "Yes, yes."

Prison Falling God blushed,

It was a blow comparable to destroying the world, but only one laser tower was destroyed.

The moon falls, but it has a million laser towers......

This Nima,

It's like setting up a cannon and shooting a mosquito!

After spending a lot of power, it is difficult for the thirty-three long-range legions to launch the same attack in a short time.

The condensing of the rules alone consumes a lot of resources, and also consumes a lot of Tian Ming's energy.

"Why are you aiming at the laser tower?"

Tianxuan asked a puzzled question.

"If you want to win the beauty, you must trample on the moon! How can you let him lose so easily?"

Prison Falling God said with an angry voice.

"But this blow is sent out... We are even more ashamed." Tianxuan ghost shook his head.

It's better to reduce the power and launch multiple long-range attacks.

"Who knew...his laser tower could teleport?" Hellfall Hades said stiffly.

"Forget it, the stealth army and the dark ghosts are coming soon, let them crush those laser towers, let's move on." Tianxuan Ghost said comfortingly,

Prison Falling God was silent.

In his opinion, the blow of the huge powerful gun formed by his own heroes and legions... The result is like a clown,

This made him extremely unhappy.

"We can't take advantage of him!" Prison God said angrily.

"Don't worry, destroy all his buildings and leave him alone with the lord crystal. With Yue Luo's character, he will definitely not surrender. When the time comes, you can humiliate him however you want."

As the Tianxuan ghosts and gods said, the mood of the Primordial Underworld God improved a lot, and his face gradually eased.

Only by stepping on Yue Luo's feet and trampling it hard a few times can he dispel his anger.

Prisoner Underworld's eyes gradually became gloomy and cold.

He doesn't want to be laughed at in Yangshen's circle,

Today's appearance is to trample on the prestige of the moon and show off the prestige of hundreds of clans!.

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