Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 545 Song Of The End Times World Song

He is so far away from the outer area,

How can I still hear the accompanying music?

still so loud,

Wouldn't the lords who stayed in the outer area be shocked to death?

Yao Ye frowned and turned around, looking at the outer area,

but found,

Those lords looked intoxicated and expectant, and didn't feel uncomfortable at all.


spread in the air,

From the center, spread out in all directions,

The farther away, the fainter.

Yaoye can hear the voice at the gate of Yecheng,

At the source of that sound....it should be - extremely huge,

Maybe the tremors would be enough to cause an earthquake,

But here, what's going on??

The demon night is dazed,

Fairy sounds, like ringing in everyone's ears,

Not sound transmission, nor the vibration of laws,

But indeed, ringing in everyone's ears...

Straight into my mind, it was as if all of them were wearing headphones, but they could still hear the movement around them.

demon night pause,

All the other big lords also stopped and looked back.

Those mermaids looked around in panic.

Great Lord Betty scratched the tentacles on her forehead,

I feel that this music...is very nice, and I don't know who played it,

Makes her tentacles a little itchy.

to be frank,

A human woman sang, and not many lords were optimistic about it,

As before,

The lords of the Hundred Clans Alliance said the same thing,

Human voices are not outstanding among all races.

The tones that can be emitted are limited, and the range of sound is limited, and the power of vibration is also very limited.

Usually, live concerts require a variety of amplification equipment so that people not far away can hear them.

but now,

I don't know who joined the accompaniment,

As if it was passed down from above the clouds, everyone can hear it.

Just like the sun shining on the earth, it will not make people feel hot, only warm.

The accompaniment of this world is not harsh at all,

Even the lords closest to the stage,

and the lords at the farthest gates of the Nightside,

The same goes for the volume you hear.

This makes the demon night,

Subconsciously looked up at the sky,

If everyone heard the same sound and no one was injured,

that means,

The source of the sound, too far away from all of them.

As far away as the sun from the earth.

But... this is the battlefield of ten thousand worlds,

is it possible

Who can fly to such a high altitude?


There is Su Xuanji, the leader of the Moon Shadow Sect, who broke through the nine layers of sky and landed on the moon,

Inscribe on the moon the next moonset,

It was shocking enough.


Just playing a piece of music, to reach such a high level, wouldn't it be too... outrageous?

Yaoye opens the lord's terminal and checks the information of the regional channel at the first time.

but found,

No one discusses this fairy sound at all.

That can only mean,

Only those at their party can hear,

In this way...the source of the sound is not very far away from them.

But that doesn't make sense,

The sky he looked at did not vibrate violently, and the sound was the same as that of the earth.

The sound is not loud, and it only covers this range,

This is already the domain of the law.

But Yao Ye didn't notice the slightest rule.

He is a god, and he can't detect the law, let alone other people.


The world is like this.

This accompanying music is part of the world.

The world has mountains, water, and fairy sounds, which are also part of the world.

This ridiculous idea was born in many people's hearts.

People who stand tall have seen too much,

When you see things you don't understand, you will think a lot.

And people who stand low, with limited knowledge, don't think so much.

Except for the great lord,

Most of the ordinary lords didn't think much, just looked at the human woman on the stage expectantly.

As for the accompaniment,

Quan should be the territorial equipment of Lord Yaoye, playing for her.

The voice of the world can only be heard by Alice.


She's going to sing now,

So, everyone can hear.

Su Yu doubtfully,

Looking at Alice on the stage,

There are many puzzles in the eyes.

Compared with other people present, he stood taller, even taller than Yaoye,

Because he knew that Ellie on stage was his Yeliana.

Therefore, he has more doubts in his heart than Yao Ye.

The more you know, the more doubts you will have.

When someone doubts, when someone expects, when someone mocks,

Alice spoke.

"This farewell, when will we meet again.

"I drink the evening wind alone."

"I can't drink the tears of the world of mortals."

"How can you just get drunk and rest?"

"Like a flower, like a dream... It was our brief encounter.

"Linging, whispering... Rouge tears falling down the alley.

Doubtful people become dull,

people who look forward to, become excited,

The man who mocked, became shocked.

Alice's song, like the sound of a fairy, resounds through the world.

The wind is moving and the clouds are dancing.

The willow tree swayed its branches to accompany it.

The mountain spring jumped up, adding a rainbow to the clouds and mists.

The world is happy.

Flocks of birds hovered on the stage, outlining a peerless and beautiful picture.

………… Ask for flowers…

Myriad Realms Multidimensional Universe,

In the universe of beasts, there is an ancient phoenix in Nirvana who opened his eyes.

worlds battlefield,

Above the sky, under the sun,

A barefooted young girl with white hair looked at the changes in the world suspiciously.

Estana stared at the singing Alice, her brows were tightly furrowed, as if she was calculating something.

"Passing through falling geese and cultivating bamboo, I have seen the moon, birthday and evening."

"You said that one day you will become famous all over the world and realize your ambition.

"At that time, I bowed my head and wrapped a new tassel for your sword tassel, and it turned into nothing."

"Beyond the mountain, there are mountains higher than the mountain. Halfway up the mountain, a thunderclap shakes the treetops."

"There are people outside of people who can't forget, you are in your arms, and you are haunted every night.

"Scattered moonlight, passing through the clouds."

"Hiding the crowd, spreading like the scales of the sea."

At the end of a song, thousands of people are stagnant.

Su Yu's heart set off a monstrous wave,


He looked at the black-haired woman on the stage in shock,

This, this is Ellie without a doubt, this, this is Yeliana's disguise without a doubt!

This, this is Yeliana?!

The corner of Alice's mouth curled up,

Provocatively, she raised her head towards Su Yu.

"She...... so she can sing so well?"

Ilodie murmured.

Sylph blinked, the elves... can also sing,

But there is no one like 'Yeliana',

Even if it is her, she is willing to bow down.

"This, more than being able to describe it as 'can sing'..."

Tao Yao was amazed.

not far away,

"My dear, who is this guy?" Betty was dumbfounded,

Although she has no rhythm,

But I can also understand that the person who can trigger such a vision of heaven and earth is absolutely extraordinary.

Mermaid's tears, dripping into crystals.

A group of mermaids stared at the human woman on the stage with bewilderment,

The team leader, Lotis, was even more sobbing.


"Okay, Carpenter!!"

After a long period of silence, the celebration erupted with an unprecedented sound.

They have never heard, there is such a beautiful song,

This voice, as if kissed by the world,

All the big lords were deeply shocked.

"Check, that guy... who are those people..."

Yao Ye was shocked in his heart, and at the same time, there was also a touch of fear,

Fear of the unknown.

"No, it won't be

Suddenly, a lord of class 11520 had a flash of inspiration in his mind,

Tremblingly, he opened the lord's terminal, opened the [Hero Supreme List],

Looking at the Hero Supreme List, the first name that jumped into my eyes.

[First place: The singer of the last days, the territory he belongs to "Unfalling City", mythical level. what].

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