Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 240 Choose A Territory Battle And Fight Against The Titans!

The battlefield of ten thousand worlds, the land without beginning,

The region where the Ten Thousand Clans Ranking Tournament is held.

Human rest area.

Elf Queen Millie Argus, and Elf Princess Alia,

Sitting on a high seat beside me,

The resting area of ​​the elves and the resting area of ​​the human race were originally adjacent to each other.

Everyone simply,

Demolish the middle wall building directly - except,

Regardless of each other.

Millia Gus smiled and looked at Su Yu who was surrounded by everyone.

The white-haired old man, Xiuzhen Wenming and other people,

has not come.

But in the Ten Thousand Clans Ranking Competition,

The technological civilization and superpower civilization that have been eliminated,

It's here.

"Boy, you caused us to be eliminated, you have to be responsible

The man with prosthetic eyes glared at Su Yu angrily.

"How can I be responsible, I didn't do anything?"

Su Yu spread his hands and looked innocently at this one of the top figures in the human race.

The old man with prosthetic eyes of scientific and technological civilization,

As one of the five elders of the round table of the human race,

his appearance,

In addition to being able to clearly see that a pair of prosthetic eyes are installed,

In other places, there is no difference from ordinary people.

"Hmph, your blue star is also a technology of development, right?"

"Since this is the case, if you join the technological civilization, you will have to write it off."

The old man with prosthetic eyes snorted air-conditioning,

It was clearly an invitation, but it seemed that Su Yu had taken advantage of it.

"What does it mean to join a technological civilization?"

"What's the matter, you have to join our superpower civilization!"

Another three-eyed old man surrounded Su Yu,

All three eyes were wide open.

He is the leader of a civilization with superpowers.

Although born with three eyes,

It is very similar to the three-eyed family in the myriad worlds,

But he is not a three-eyed person,

The third eye on his forehead is just his superpower.

His bloodline is still human.


Human beings with super powers often have blood power,

Much higher than other humans.

Superpowers can be regarded as one of the innate powers,

What kind of super powers a person's blood can awaken is predetermined at birth.

However, the vast majority of people cannot awaken superpowers.

"Su Yu doesn't even have superpowers, what a civilization with superpowers!"

The prosthetic-eyed old man stared angrily at the three-eyed old man.

Two old men at the round table,

You stare at me, I stare at you,

No one wants to be left behind, let alone let the other party take a step.

Su Yu smiled wryly,

"I feel that you two have good intentions, but... I have already said before that I will not join other human civilizations.


The prosthetic-eyed old man and the three-eyed old man suddenly turned their heads,

in unison.

Su Yu rejected them before,

They also don't lick their faces, sticking their hot faces to their cold asses.

but now,

It's different.

the whole human race,

Only four entered the points race.

Needless to say, Tian Xuannv used to be a cultivator.

Saint Encore, magic civilization.

Even the ranking of Monster Tide is very close to Wuziwei Chenfeng at the end,

All entered the points race.

This makes the eliminated technological civilization and superpower civilization,

I couldn't hold back my face very much.

points race,

It is to generate the sequence ranking of all races!

Draw Su Yu to your own civilization,

It is their last resort to save civilization.


The five civilizations of the human race in the next millennium,

The two of them will always be inferior to the other three civilizations!

On the surface, Xia Xuan broke away from the cultivation civilization,

But what is used is still the cultivation method,

The development direction of the territory is also the direction of cultivation civilization.

Therefore, to a certain extent, it still represents the civilization of comprehension.

This made the prosthetic-eyed old man and the three-eyed old man anxious.

With a pair of mechanical prosthetic eyes and three eyes,

Stare a little hairy,

Su Yu simply started to play dumb.

answer nothing, answer nothing,

A bunch of people were chattering around him.

not far away,

The elf prince, Julius looked at Su Yu jealously.

In the last round, he was eliminated.

Even if the entire elves were not targeted like the human race,

There were only three people who successfully entered the points race.


He was very envious and jealous, not losing a single soldier,

Under the protection of the Son of Eternal Ye, he entered Li Yu, who was harmed by points.

"Hmph, so what if we entered the points race..."

"Wait to be eliminated immediately, you..."

Looking at the star-like Su Yu,

Julius's heart was broken.

Because of the attitude of the Elf Queen and Elf Princess towards Su Yu,

So, he didn't dare to say it in person,

I only dare to say a few words behind my back.

"Su Yu, the points race has begun."

"If you meet me, be merciful!"

Alia looked at Su Yu, smiled and said,

Nine colors of light enveloped her and began to spread to the points competition location.

points race,

There are four types of battles: arms battles, hero battles, lord battles, and territorial battles.

Among them, 1 point is awarded for the victory of arms battle and lord battle, 5 points for victory of hero battle, and 10 points for victory of territory battle.

Contestants are free to choose which fighting style.

During a three-week period,

The top 10,000 players with the highest points,

will advance to the next knockout round.

What ten thousand races are there,

You can enter the Ten Thousand Races sequence in the points race,

In the points race, it will also be completely settled.

……ask for flowers…

"Master Su, I'll go first."

Xia Xuan respectfully bowed to Su Yu,

Excitedly, he began to accumulate soil.

What she chose was the lord battle where each victory only had 1 point.

Since knowing that Su Yu is the moonset,

These days, she hasn't slept.

Both excited and tangled.

Excited to be able to work under such a stalwart as Yue Luo.

Tangled, entrusting the Lord to the wrong person, and the moon falling using the power of light...it cannot be the night constellation.

"Su Xing, choose the lord battle, let's touch each other!"

Wei Chenfeng's bald head was very shiny in the sun.

"No, the points come too slowly that way."

Su Yu chose territorial warfare.

Nine colors of light shrouded it and soared into the sky.

Seeing this, the three-eyed old man and the prosthetic-eyed old man took a few steps back helplessly.

"Territory war?"


Looking at the specifications of Su Yu's nine-color light, Wei Chenfeng was surprised.

This is not mock warfare,

The ten thousand race ranking battle is a real battle.

Territory warfare can be said to be the most costly way of fighting the territory.

It's just the first day,

You choose territorial warfare,

What to do in the next 20 days?

The points competition will be held for three weeks...

Wei Chenfeng scratched his bald head, couldn't figure it out, and didn't think much about it.

The points matchup also started.

Led by the nine-color light,

Randomly teleported to a battle arena.

Su Yu raised his head, looked towards the cloud, and fell silent.

good guy,

Why... are there so many people watching the game?

Here is a place without a beginning,

He who can come to nowhere,

In addition to the contestants,

It is the people with extremely good means.

There are so many people watching the game here,

There is only one reason for that.

It's definitely not because of him, the number one star of the human race, who is at the end of the crane of all races.

"Kill Su Yu!"

"defeat him!"

"Fuck him!!"

Some of the eliminated contestants,

I begged the elders of the family and was brought here.

Just for the sake of defeat.

Su Yu wiped his nose,

He also thought that his opponent was too strong, so he attracted attention.

Unexpectedly... It was him who gathered so many people in this venue.

【Human · Su YuVS titan · Kakuta】

【The duel begins!】

【Please release your territory!】

Suddenly, a familiar voice rang in Su Yu's ear,

He looked a little surprised.

(The serial number of the first two chapters is wrong, and I am contacting to modify it, please ignore it, it will not affect the reading content, I am sorry, my mind has been dizzy recently... Thousands).

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