Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 191 The Third Natural Disaster·Great Flood, The Disaster Of The Moon Shadow Sect!

Late summer, eighth day to last.

high in the sky,

Lieyang, who has not had a holiday for nearly three months,

Finally retreated behind the scenes.

Xia Yi gradually dissipated.

sky, thick clouds,

Then, it started to rain cats and dogs!

This torrential rain,

will be the next day,

Then, a great flood was formed in the entire battlefield of ten thousand realms!

The great flood that comes in seven days at the end of summer,

the eliminated lord,

Accounting for more than 90% of the eliminations throughout the summer!


This great flood also has a different name,

The third natural disaster!

For the new lord,

lingering through the summer,

After Xia Yi's torment and test,

they will face,

Scorching the earth for nearly three months, the resulting storm!

It rained all day and all night,

The battlefield of ten thousand realms has formed a wave,

Sweeping to all territories.

In addition to the special places that cannot be invaded,

The entire Ten Thousand Realms battlefield was covered by the surging flood.

This is even scarier than turning into an ocean,

at least the waves,

Will not rush to such a point.

But the rain didn't stop,

It will continue "Zero Nine Zero" for another seven days!

Flood tides will also be stronger than waves every day!

worlds battlefield,

Moon Shadow Sect, the first area of ​​influence.

The dense rain has darkened the sky and the earth,

The rain turned the world into chaos.

"Drainage works should be given top priority and cannot be stopped!"

"Don't give up on the lords of that desert area!"

"Moonfall saved us, if we give up, how can we be worthy of Moonfall?!"

Su Xuanji looked at the rolling waves between heaven and earth,

She sits in a pouring boat,

Moving in one direction.

The third natural disaster, the great flood,

Su Xuanji once experienced,


that experience,

Compared with now, it's nothing like a big deal,

Still can't provide her with any help experience.

Because, she is no longer alone.

The entire Moon Shadow Sect needs her to lead the way forward.

The great flood is coming,

Although preparations have been made for the construction of flood barriers from the very beginning,

But... the horror of the flood on the flat terrain was still beyond her imagination.

Because of the arrival of the summer boss,

This area of ​​the Moon Shadow Sect's influence area,

Ten thousand kilometers long and wide, it has become a flat desert.

When the great flood comes,


This flat terrain has become a symbol of terror.

The sweeping flood tide is rushing,

And those territories in the desert,

Like bumps on smooth stone,

The flood, like sandpaper,

Grinding and removing these territories.

It's only the first day,

There are already many territories that have been eliminated.

The raindrops are falling,

Hit the tide, set off waves, and shoot countless arrows.

Like the Milky Way pouring down, the sea pouring down.

Looking at the original desert area,

Now it's a churning ocean,

Su Xuanji fell into deep despair.

"Give them up."

"Such a large piece of desert terrain...the flood tide cannot be defended."

An angel with black hair and golden eyes flew in mid-air.

Looking indifferently at the land that is already an ocean.

The rain ding ding dong dong on his white wings,

It soaked the wings, but it didn't make him frown.

"But...if we give up."

"What's the point of Yueluo defeating the centipede and protecting them..."

Looking at the bright child Muse flying in the sky,

Su Xuanji smiled wryly.

"Some things must be compromised after all."

"Yue Luo is powerful, but he is not omnipotent."

"This kind of natural disaster, even if it is him, must be powerless."

"So, you don't have to blame yourself."

"This is... a large flood tide in a flat area."

Muse whispered,

looking at the churning ocean,


Even if it is a phalanx formed by hundreds of thousands of angels,

None of them can stop the tens of thousands of kilometers of flood tide.

The power of disaster in the battlefield of ten thousand realms,

too frightening.

It's not something new lords like them can stop.

the power of the flood,

Just like Xia Yi in the summer of the Battlefield of Myriad Realms.

There is a 'Hongyi' in it

If you want to compete with it, you have enough strength, you can.

But if you want to stop this flood,

That is tantamount to wishful thinking.

Even if it is the moonset, it is impossible.

"The ice crystal wall can't stop it!"

"His Royal Highness, save me!"

Gu Linger: "Let you expand the territory to such a large ten groups of idiots!!"

"Isn't that to get more energy crystal nuclei..."

Gu Ling'er: "Give up the surrounding territories, otherwise, I will withdraw from the battlefield of ten thousand realms by myself!!"


Blue Star Alliance,

Although only more than two hundred lords gathered together,

But the big flood tide we are facing is also very scary.

Their strength is no better than that of the Moon Shadow Cult,

Without the help of the Angel Clan.

Only by myself.

Hundreds of ice phoenixes create ice crystal walls everywhere,

Trying to divert this big flood tide.

Many people have lingering fears,

The first day was so scary,

In the next few days, waves of high floods,

What should I do?

The rain wet Gu Linger's white dress,

Clinging tightly to her Miaoman's body.

Gu Ling'er looked up at the heavy rain falling in the sky,

into deep worry.

flood control works,

Although construction has already begun,

But everyone still underestimated the power of the Great Flood.

Everyone in the Blue Star Alliance thinks that they are ahead of most of the new lords,

Being able to easily withstand a big flood is simply a big mistake.

None of them are willing to spend more territorial energy on waterproofing projects.

If it wasn't for Jian Ruiming, the little fat man, who built a circle of flood embankments in advance,

The flood tide from the north was scattered,

I am afraid that this big flood will cause heavy losses to the Blue Star Alliance.

"So many of us together, it's all so hard...."

"Tell me, how about Su Yu and Bai Xiaowei?"

"They, you don't have to worry about them, I remember... Su Yu's territory is on the mountain.

"Hold the grass, on the mountain? Indestructible terrain? Natural moisture-proof! I'm so envious..."

"Come on, starting on the mountain, the resources are very poor. If it were you, you might not be able to survive the monster tide on the seventh day, and you still want to face the big flood at the end of summer?"


"Hopefully in the next few days, we can hold on.

"If it doesn't work, the only option is to escape into the City of Ten Thousand Realms..."

"Don't say such pessimistic words, everyone's development has surpassed most of the new lords."

"Even if the elimination rate of the Great Flood reaches 50%, we shouldn't be eliminated!"

"That's right, come on!"

"mutual encouragement!"

Su Yu lay on his back on the obsidian city wall,

The rascals chatted and looked at the great flood that swept across the world.

raging tide,

Even his "energy barrier" couldn't get in,

Not even qualified to touch the obsidian city wall.

It is also thanks to him that he has built so many legendary flood embankments.

Nima Ma's,

big flood tide,

Just this thing?

What a waste of his material!

The materials for building the legendary flood embankment are not cheap.

It can be said that it was wasted in vain.

Su Yu didn't expect either,

The Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms is famous, and it is known as the third natural disaster.

Not even an energy barrier can be broken

Indeed, under the talent and territory increase, the health value of the energy barrier is a bit scary,

But you shouldn't even get in, right?

Su Yu was very bored.

Bring up the territory panel,

Looking at those legends flood embankments,

How to deal with it?

"Master Su Yu, it's not good to get wet in the rain."

Holding an umbrella, Bai Xiaowei climbed onto the city wall,

Get close to Su Yu who is lying down, and hold an umbrella for her.

Su Yu blinked, this angle of view...

Bai Xiaowei, unconsciously looking at the big flood outside,

He said with emotion: "This big flood is nothing more than that."

"Don't say that, it's only the first day, and you have to be in awe of nature. The flood has a total of seven days, and the waves are higher than the waves."

Su Yu said seriously without taking his eyes off it.


Bai Xiaowei smiled lightly, "I can't even touch the obsidian city wall...it's really rubbish.

"However, these rubbish also cause headaches for many people."

"Master Su Yu, everyone in the Blue Star Alliance, and Moon Shadow Sect, seem to be in trouble.

"Are you going to help them?"

Bai Xiaowei blinked her big eyes, looked at Su Yu,

It was only then that Su Yu realized that Su Yu's gaze was a little wrong, and he quickly took a step back.

The raindrops hit Su Yu's face.

Su Yu said regretfully: "It's only natural for Yueluo to help Yueying Sect."

"I help the Blue Star Alliance...then it can't be free, they have to pay something.

"That's right!" Bai Xiaowei's eyes lit up.

For the Blue Star Alliance, Su Yu has done his best.

It is impossible to take care of them in everything, and he is not their father.

Lest they take themselves as if they were being taken advantage of.

Let the other party understand that your help is not something that should be taken for granted.

Then, they will be grateful, and your help will be meaningful.

Although Su Yu, doesn't need anyone's gratitude,

But he is also happy to see the rise of Blue Star,

With Gu Linger's leadership and his help,

Presumably, it won't be too difficult. .

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