Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 167: 100,000 Peasants Appear On Stage, Poor Skills?

gilt luster,

Spreading from the obsidian walls,

It covered Su Yu's entire territory of a hundred miles.

Su Yu looked up curiously at the golden curtain that appeared in the sky,

He promised Gasta not to shoot,

the reason is simple,

Just curious,

Curious about what the new tauren lord will do.

Su Yu never thought he was invincible,

In the battlefield of ten thousand realms, there are many mutual generation and mutual restraint.

this time,

Confronted with this guy whose ID is Mengniu,

Su Yu only put in the buildings that were revealed in previous TW simulation battles,

Obsidian city walls, sniper towers, laser towers, concentrated energy cannons, etc.

The laser towers are those that have not been modified, and are of rare grade.

Such a lineup,

Against a new lord,

Even if he is a contestant in the Ten Thousand Clans Ranking Tournament,

In Su Yu's eyes,

Also more than enough.

after all,

The number of buildings in his territory has reached 80,000,

The bonus of [Twin Saint Dilian] is outrageously exaggerated.


The new tauren lord,

Still gave Su Yu a surprise.

"It seems..."

"In the future, we need to prepare some props 27 to remove the negative state of the territory."

Looking at the defunct buildings that don't work,

Su Yu was thoughtful.

Fight more, summarize more, find your own shortcomings, and then make up for them.

The journey of this TW simulation battle,

In addition to exchanging for "Cloud and Sky Track", he can also get some other gains.


Gasta leads the heroes and units,

Climb the Obsidian Wall,

He wasted no time,

to destroy the buildings on the walls,

Instead, they headed straight for Su Yu's lord crystal.

Su Yu's Lord Crystal,


Flying reconnaissance units can be seen at a glance.

"Oh my God!!"

"What's the situation?!"

"The first lord who crossed the moonfall city wall appeared!!"

"I didn't expect that the buyer would be picked up by a new employee."

"Moonfall..... Are you going to lose?"

Leopard Yuan; "Haha, let me introduce to you, what did this fierce cow student use."

Leopard Yuan: "He used a one-time epic siege tool, "Ned Hogg's Grudge".

Leopard Yuan: "It can make the enemy's epic-level and below-level territorial buildings useless within 60 minutes!"

Leopard Yuan: "No matter how many defense towers there are, they are all just decorations!"

Leopard Yuan: "It seems that our friend Yueluo... has only won 4 consecutive victories and is about to usher in his first loss. It is really regrettable and heartbreaking."

Bao Yuan said regretful heartache, but his face was full of smiles.

Moonfall's territorial development,

It is obviously an allin building,

All resources are invested in the building.

Did not develop any arms and heroes,

This is already recognized by everyone.

Once the defense tower is lost,

The territory of Yueluo is like fish on a chopping board.

Although Yue Luo himself possesses quite a strong combat power,

But what a coincidence,

He promised that the ferocious bull would not make a move.

This time, it was really about to lose.


He can pull his face down,

In front of hundreds of millions of viewers, he broke his promise and lost the arrogance of the angel clan of the Kingdom of Light.

But in that case, I'm afraid it will discredit the angel family.

In Bao Yuan's heart, Yue Luo is now doomed to fail.

He believed that Yue Luo would never lose face and break his promise in front of so many people.

This is the pride of being number one among all races.

"No, can there be such a pervert?"

"All buildings of epic level and below are invalid... This is too scary.

"It's so scary, then I will imitate the moonset and overhaul the defense tower..."

"Once you come across this kind of siege tool, wouldn't you send it directly?"

"Fart, this level of props, is it something you can come across?"

"Besides, even if the building loses its usefulness, don't there still be arms and heroes?"

"But Yueluo didn't..."


"Sigh, I didn't expect Yue Luo's first defeat to be against a new lord."

"I would rather, he was defeated by a century-old lord."

Looking at the legendary arms, hundreds of two-headed ground dragons poured into Yueluo's territory unscrupulously,

Drive straight in.

Looking at the legendary arms, hundreds of hydras twisted their bodies and destroyed all the defensive towers along the way.

Looking at the legendary hero, the ax troll, dragging a huge ax, getting closer and closer to the Lord Crystal of Moonset.

many spectators,

and members of Moon Shadow Cult,

They all sighed.

"This month's fall... I'm going to lose."

"Xiao Wei, there is no game in the world that you can definitely win."

Gu Linger looked at the screen,

Although bewitched by Bai Xiaowei,

this game,

She pressed Yueluo a lot of gold coins,

However, she did not blame Bai Xiaowei either.

"No hurries."

"Losing? How is it possible?"

Bai Xiaowei gnawed at the melon, indifferent to the disadvantages shown by Yue Luo in the game on the screen.

"Why do you believe in Yueluo so much?" Gu Ling'er didn't understand why.

"Because of the tens of millions of gold coins in his pocket."

Bai Xiaowei's answer left Gu Chuankou speechless.

Xiaoxiao: "Yueluo...maybe I'm really going to lose."

Leopard Yuan: "Oh, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, the number one of all races, there is only 4 consecutive victories. y

Xiaoxiao: "That's hard to say, he can also accumulate victories again in the future."

Leopard Yuan: "Hehe, if I were Moonfall, I would directly explore the mist as soon as I entered the field, and after I found the opponent's territory, I would directly "flare strike", this game "wouldn't be possible to lose.

Leopard Yuan: "After all, it's a chick, it's still too immature."

Xiaoxiao: "Is it... eh?! A new unit launched by Yueluo?!"

rays of light,

In the realm of the moonset, constantly lit,

The crowd suddenly widened their eyes,

It is the armies of Moonset,

Or... a hero?

Looking at the information displayed on the screen,

Many people stayed for a while.

Leopard Yuan: "Farmer?"

Leopard Yuan screamed strangely with a high-pitched voice.

Moonfall, is this desperate?

Put all the farmers in the territory into it?

"Ha ha ha ha..………"

Leopard Yuan laughed loudly.

"Yue Luo... is really talented."

"He wants to use peasants to defeat these legendary units, or even legendary heroes?"

"Although I admit that the number of his peasants is more than 100 million for a new lord.

"However, trying to compare it with the military type makes people laugh out loud."

Leopard Yuan kept explaining, laughing while talking,

Moonfall invested 100,000 peasants to guard the lord's crystal,

such behavior,

It's really funny,

In the territory simulation battle, put farmers in?

Very few 347s do this.

Peasants, responsible for the production of the territory, have almost no fighting power.

If peasants are allowed to fight,

It shows that the territory is on the verge of extinction.

In the simulated battle, if you lose, you lose. It is really embarrassing to throw farmers in to fight to the death.

Leopard Yuan: "Haha, although farmers are in danger in their territories, they can be equipped with weapons and temporarily become militiamen."

Leopard Yuan: "However, Najia's combat power is very small."

Bao Yuan: "What's more, Yueluo has no arms, he doesn't have standard weapons and equipment at all, and these peasants are empty-handed."

Leopard Yuan: "These legendary units, the earth dragon and the hydra, are probably going to be exhausted."

Leopard Yuan: "If Yueluo wins with peasants, what's the matter with me eating another microphone?!"

Leopard Yuan made a bold statement,

Many new lords sighed.

The members of the Moon Shadow Cult had complicated expressions on their faces,

Now is the time, let the peasant units come in,

It means that the moon is really at the end of the road,

For the people of the Moon Shadow Sect, the moon falling in their hearts is more sacred,

This kind of struggle is really ruining the image.

It shouldn't be owned by a stalwart like Yue Luo.

"Yue Luo can build unlimited buildings, with such a large population, why not train troops..."

"You can tell by looking at his buildings, there must be a price."

Discussions abounded.

Xiaoxiao: "Although that's the case, the peasants in Yueluo...seem to be as strong as a hundred million."

The voice of Xiaoxiao's explanation immediately attracted the attention of many people.

zoom out,

They looked at the burly and burly men in a daze.


this farmer,

How soil?.

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