Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 159 All Die Together, The Level Skyrockets, 999,999 Combat Achievements, A Lot Of Resources!

"Captain Kecona!"

"Captain Kecona!"

Furious, Gaskell came to the outside battalion.

"Ah, what's the matter?"

Ke Kena, who was eating grilled fish, raised her head.

Gaskell looked at the oil stains at the corner of Corcona's mouth,


Immediately his face became sad and angry.

"Why don't we march, but station here?!"

"There is danger ahead.

Ke Kena said of course.

"Who said there was danger ahead?"

Gaskell froze for a moment,

The road ahead has been scouted yesterday,

Now, it's just re-cloaked in the fog of war,

Where is the danger?

From the fog of war,

Those fragmented monsters of more than twenty levels,

Can it bring danger to the Third Legion of the Demon Blood Alliance?

"Su Muluo said." Ke Kena replied.

Hearing the three words Su Muluo,

Gaskell's breath choked,

He thought that the captain had made some important discovery,

Unexpectedly, it was just a word from Su Mu

As a follower of Her Majesty the Queen,

More than 20 years of arms,

Gaskell clenched his fists tightly,

After going back.

He must take the negligence of these neutral units,

And Corcona's private asylum,

Report them all!


Something unexpected happened.

The fog of war ahead suddenly dissipates,

A group of detection units from the Tiangu Tomb,

Dispelled the fog of war.

Gaskell's pupils shrunk and his reaction was extremely fast,

He strained his throat,

"Enemy attack!!!"

War is imminent.

Looking in from the newly cleared grid of fog of war,


In the intricate mountain 520 veins,

One by one, white bone skeletons emerged from the ground.

Unlike the Demon Blood Alliance,

The Heavenly Bone Tomb did not recruit any neutral unit forces.


They never lack cannon fodder,


They are one of the seven great clans in the myriad worlds, the undead clan.

I don't know why the Demon Blood Alliance has suffered from cerebral hemorrhage recently,

Will choose to fight against the Tomb of the Sky Bone.


A white bone titan is as tall as the mountain.

step forward,

Numerous neutral units rushed forward.

they don't know each other,

no formation,

But proficient in various survival skills,

Pray for myself to survive in this war.

No one retreated, because the fifth unit of the spider demon was behind.

Fifth Squad,

Thousands of rare troops over level 40, spider monsters,

Start formation.

Silk, falling from the sky.

It started to rain like rain.

Cobwebs, endlessly coming from the sky,

Viscous, flexible like tendons, hard like iron,

live on a mountain,

A pull,


The mountain collapsed.

In this battle, in Ke Kena's work report,

The fifth team was ambushed by the Tiangu Tomb,

But he fought back and died together with the Tiangu Tomb.

The Spider Queen affected by the ability of "Confusion",

I believe in Ke Kena very much, and I don't doubt him.

Gaskell looked back at Kocona in shock,

Blood poured out of his mouth continuously.


He only said one word for you,

Then the pupil gradually loses focus.

Blood flowed down the scythe,

Ke Kena squinted her eyes comfortably,

It feels so good to stab someone in the back.

Her figure changed and became Yeliana.

Then skillfully began to clean up the battlefield,

See if there are any survivors.


"Master, the two of them survived.

Yeliyana pointed at the unconscious bull demon Relga,

and vampire cayman,

Ask Su Yu how to deal with it.

"Live as long as you live, otherwise, only I and Iloti survived in the neutral unit, so it's hard to explain."


Yeliana spared the lives of Relga and Kaiman.

And Su Yu,

Looking at the 10 white flocculent "soul media" in his hand, he smiled.

Thanks to the undead clan for sending him the necessary materials for building the spirit.


Killed a large number of soldiers in the Tiangu Tomb,

His level has been raised from level 21 to level 25, and his combat power has risen to 12,000.

The number of arms of the undead tribe is very large, and the strength is still weak.

This makes Su Yu feel,

Gather experience... Undead is simply the best choice.

And the undead tribe doesn't care about the type of arms at all,

The cost of their recruiting units is very low.

Thinking of this, Su Yu couldn't help showing suspicion.

If he made friends with a former lord of the undead clan,

Wouldn't that allow the opponent's arms to die continuously and give him experience?

Is this considered to be a bug in Kavan World Battlefield?

He can think of it, and others should also think of it,

It should...not work?

In the battlefield of ten thousand realms, the weight lies in the battle.

The Ten Thousand Realms battlefield needs to absorb the energy growth of the aftermath of the battle, so encourage fighting,

Simple death, should, will not be recognized.

Just thought about it for a while,

Su Yu then gave up the whimsy of brushing the level.

If it can be brushed,

Those big forces have already let the contestants who participated in the Ten Thousand Clans Ranking Tournament take off in place.

But now, no one can take off.

"Master, come, let's exchange items."

Ye Liyana called out her power terminal as the leader of the Third Army of the Demon Blood Alliance.

She tapped twice on the micro-device on Su Yu's right wrist,


Su Yu's military exploit value has changed to 999999.

"so much?"

Su Yu's eyes widened.

"Well, and Iloti's."

Yeliana took Iloti's little hand and took another photo.

The value of military exploits owned by two people,

(chcg) The resources that are enough to be distributed by the Demon Blood Alliance to the Third Legion this time,

80% has been redeemed.

If it were not for the consideration of the Third Army,

There are more than a dozen teams,

Ye Liyana, maybe these materials should be packaged in the Genichi pot.

"Could it be...too much."

Look at the exchange list displayed in the terminal of the Yeliana force.

Su Yu was dumbfounded.

"Not too much, not too much, let's change Ilotti too.

a long time

Su Yu excitedly used the lord's terminal to collect a lot of resources from Yeliana's terminal,

Then teleported back to the territory with Iloti.

With so many resources and territorial power, it will usher in a blowout!

And Yeliana, whistling, turned into Corcona,

He returned to the Demon Blood Alliance without hesitation.

She has the ability to "confuse the mind",

Not afraid of exposure at all.

As long as there is a degree of relaxation in doing things,

for some reason,

The other party will think in her direction without doubting.

For example, this time, Yeliyana only asked Su Yu and Ilotti to exchange 40% of the resources, but not all of them.

"Oh? Those two humans actually wiped out ten strongholds in the Tianbone Tomb?"

The Spider Queen Neans showed surprise,

Although I knew the legendary unit was powerful, I didn't expect it to be this big.

This is only level 30!

Before the illegal wandering, it was a hero unit?

If they come to the Demon Blood Alliance again in the future,

Be sure to treat each other well!

"Yes, Nayinwu."

Ke Kena looked sad and sad,


The third army, the fifth unit she belonged to, was ambushed by the Heavenly Bone Tomb, and died together with the opponent.

Seeing Ke Kena's sad look, listening to her deep voice,

Neansi's eyes showed distress.

"Kekona, from now on, you can go to the First Legion."

"First Legion?!"

Ke Kena's eyes were wide open, as if she had misheard, she couldn't believe her ears.

First Legion,

It is the strongest legion of the Spider Queen, and even the entire Demon Blood Alliance.

Although the name is Legion, but the number is not many.

They are the backbone force cultivated by the Demon Blood Alliance with all its resources.

Inside, there are only five teams in total,

Team entry level, starting at level 60.

Among them, the first team, the second team, and the third team,

Led by the three heroes of the Spider Queen.

The fourth team is led by a tauren hero.

The fifth team is led by a Stoneman hero.

The strongest force that forms the Demon Blood Alliance!

"You report to Liz and work under her."

"She has missed you for a long time."

Neans smiled,

"But, but...my level." Ke Kena was tearful,

not pretending,

Her real combat power, a rare hero who only reached level 41,

Entering the First Legion is undoubtedly a sheep in the jaws of a tiger,

Many plans could not be carried out,

If you stab someone in the back, I'm afraid you won't be able to pierce the opposite layer of skin.

"No problem.

The Spider Queen smiled, and took out a golden experience fruit.

She never doubted that Ke Kena would be other territorial forces.

Because of the Ten Thousand Realms battlefield, there will be a reminder on the terminal when there are transactions between different territorial forces.

And different lords will be restricted from trading.

Ke Kena, has been able to receive her resources without any prompts,

This undoubtedly shows that Ke Kena is a neutral unit.

Those two human beings who exchanged military exploits for resources must also be neutral units.

Otherwise, it is impossible to take away the things of the Demon Blood Alliance.

Only neutral units can obtain resources from different territories.

However, neutral units cannot give to other lords what the lords gave them.

This is limited by the rules that different lords cannot trade.

Yeliana's many faces not only change her appearance,

Even the nature of the unit can also be changed,

In terms of judgment, she can pretend to be a neutral unit, and she can also help others pretend to be a neutral unit.

This point is very against the sky, it is simply a BUG.

It is possible to completely avoid the rules of the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield, allowing different lords to trade at will.

It's just that Su Yu, deeply trapped in inertial thinking, hasn't noticed this yet.

No one would think about the world rules of the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield all the time while living in the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield. .

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