Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 126 Yue Hongyu, The Worried King, And The Calm Moonstar Queen

Moon God Palace, Moon Rabbit Saintess, and Yue Mengmeng were present.

Recently, Yue Mengmeng has been in constant conflict with the fairy princess.

she comes here

The five human round table elders just glanced at the elf queen,

Didn't say much.

The conflicts between juniors are not something they need to intervene.

What a coincidence,

The castle in the air where Yue Mengmeng is located is just beside the elf princess Alia.

"Sister Hongyu, I didn't expect you to be interested in coming."

Yue Mengmeng has a smile on her face, as the saint of the Moon Rabbit Clan,

But she was very respectful to the same young woman beside her.

Yue Hongyu, the 11520th Lord of the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield.

Like Yue Mengmeng, he is the new lord,

But without an iota of fame.

Compared with the cuteness of Yuemeng Xiaojiabiyu,

She is tall, with full peaks and peaks, standing gracefully.

He is about 1.7 meters tall and has a pair of rabbit ears, which adds a bit of elegance to his standing.

"I'm very interested in that "730" Su Yu you mentioned.

A cold voice sounded,

Yue Hongyu silently looked at the sky screen.


Yue Mengmeng rolled her red eyes and asked curiously, "Sister Hongyu, did you see something?"

Yue Hongyu pondered for a moment, then replied:

"Su Yu is most likely a trump card secretly cultivated by the human race."

Immediately, Yue Mengmeng's eyes widened: "Isn't that the same as sister Hongyu?"

As the saint of the Moon Rabbit Clan,

Yue Mengmeng deeply knows how strong Yue Hongyu is.

As the trump card secretly cultivated by the Moon Rabbit Clan,

If Yue Hongyu exerted his strength, he would at least be able to enter the top 100 in the monster tide settlement ranking.

monster tide settlement ranking,

A grade of one thousand,

And the top 100, top ten and top three are even more different.

"I'm just guessing."

"His performance is a bit unusual."

"The human race did the opposite, deliberately suppressing his momentum."

"Didn't you find out that apart from the coordinates of the territory of the five sons of the human race, the coordinates of Su's territory...is also very mysterious."

"The intelligence department has not found any news or rumors so far."

Yue Hongyu explained one or two things.

"Is that so?" Yue Mengmeng seemed to understand.

"I just don't know, which one of the five major civilizations of the human race is he, if it is a technological civilization, maybe he is your great enemy.

Technological civilization is more restrained towards the moon fish family.

"Don't be complacent just because you have a ranking in the calculation of the monster tide."

"There are still many people who can enter the top 10,000 sequence, but they are hidden, such as me.

"This Su Yu, you have to pay attention to one or two."

Yue Hongyu looked at Yue Mengmeng and said seriously.

Hearing this, Yue Mengmeng stuck out her tongue: "Anyway, the Yuetu clan still has to rely on sister Hongyu, so no matter how powerful Su Yu is, she can't be better than Miss Hongyu, right?

"That's natural."

Yue Hongyu smiled proudly.

She has no reputation, and she has not entered the top 10,000 sequence of monster tide settlement,

Her external identity is that of Yue Mengmeng's maid.

But she has enough self-confidence,

Here, stand out from the crowd.

Among the new lords in the entire Tianyun District, no one is her opponent.

Blue Star League viewing area.

The Lord of the Blue Star, who didn't even eat breakfast, rushed here early.

He looked sad, and his frowning eyebrows were not stretched.

Beside him, the Queen of Moon and Star, was sitting upright.

"Aren't you panicking?"

"Aren't you clamoring for a refund?"

The Lord Blue Star looked at Queen Moon Star's indifferent look, and couldn't help but ask.

"Heh, every time I want you to pay ten times the resources... I get slapped in the face by that kid."

"got used to."

Queen Moon Star looked indifferent and didn't care.

"But that's Tianxuan girl!" The Lord of the Blue Star trembled in his heart.

Unexpectedly, this time, he was full of worries, but the Moon Star Queen didn't care,

It was as if following him completely the opposite way.

"so what?"

The Moon Star Queen glanced at the Blue Star King lightly: "You think, Su Yu is very simple?"

This remark stunned the Lord Blue Star, and he couldn't help asking: "You understand... what happened to Su Yu?"

Moon Star Queen: "Do you know the exercises Su Yu practiced?"

The Lord of the Blue Star shook his head, it has been four months, Su Yu refused the exercises twice,

It's a bit unreasonable to say that I didn't practice the exercises....

Moon Star Queen: "Do you know the coordinates of Su Yu's territory?"

"I don't know."

"Do you know the overall picture of the buildings in Su Yu's territory?"

"I don't know."

Since Su Yu's simulated battle, he has only placed 8 arrow defense towers.

"Do you know Su Yu's heroes other than the legendary elves?"

"I don't know."

"Do you know Su Yu's troop type?"

"I don't know... what do you want to say?"

The Blue Star King stared straight into the eyes of the Moon Star Queen.

The Moon Star Queen jokingly said, "Since even your Blue Star Lord doesn't know anything, then Su Yu will be simple?"

Those words made the Lord Blue Star startled.

"A while ago, Su Yu sold water and earned tens of billions of territorial energy...

Queen Moon Star narrowed her eyes slightly: "I don't believe, he will be defeated easily, even if the legendary elves are not around, don't forget, he still has an epic bow and arrow...

The words of the moon queen,

The blue star king's nervous heart gradually relaxed a little,

He still looked worriedly at the battlefield projection,

The game is about to start.

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the night before he was about to enter the Ten Thousand Realms battlefield, so uneasy.

"Gu Xiaowu, what do you want to be in the future?"

"Great Lord!"


The Lord Blue Star sighed, and his generous hands turned white.

It is the first universe again, and it is the five major civilizations,

It once made him voluntarily give up his status as a lord...and return to Blue Star to be a lord.

Now, is a new star rising from Blue Star going to make the same mistakes again?

"Su Yu...you must hold on."

Gu Ling'er in a white dress sat down beside Bai Xiaowei,

She handed Bai Xiaowei a cardboard box.

Bai Xiaowei's nose twitched twice, her eyes lit up.

Can't wait to open the carton.

A scent wafted out, and there was a chicken drumstick with sauce in it.

Bai Xiaowei didn't think it was too hot, she didn't wear gloves, she just picked up the chicken leg and gnawed it.

Gu Linger looked sad,

Like her father, she is also worried about Su Yu, and about the Blue Star humans.

Watching Bai Xiaowei gnaw on the chicken legs heartlessly,

Gu Ling'er asked subconsciously: "Xiaowei, you said...can he win?"

"Of course, God Su is invincible!"

Bai Xiaowei puffed her cheeks while talking.


"Could it be that Su Yu can still be a moonset?"

Bai Xiaowei's blind confidence in 4.4 Su Yu made Gu Linger somewhat undocumented.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Bai Xiaowei who was eating the chicken leg suddenly choked,

He blushed.

Water, water..." She stretched out her oily hand and touched Gu Ling'er's white dress.

"Here, eat slowly."

Gu Ling'er took out a bottle of water.

Bai Xiaowei hurriedly took the water, gulped it down a few big gulps, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't know how you grew up, so edible, and so petite."

Gu Linger scanned Bai Xiaowei's eyes,

She was miserably deceived by Bai Xiaowei back then,

I really thought that Bai Xiaowei was a high-cold loli who was not easy to get in touch with.

As a result, I found out later that this is a big foodie, and everything cold and cold is just pretending.


Bai Xiaowei chuckled twice and wiped her mouth.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, pointing to the simulated battlefield,

"Look, God Su is here!".

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