Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 120: Selling Water Turmoil, 100 Million Territory Energy Is In Hand!

[Sell 100 units of water resources and get 10,000 territorial energy. Are you sure?]


[Sell 500 units of water resources and get 50,000 territorial energy. Are you sure?]



Su Yu squatted by the river,

Use the lord's terminal to aim at the Rukawa River~,

With one hand on the screen, frantically clicking to confirm.

I don't know how many times I clicked,

[Trading Room] Those posts about buying water resources are decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This made some merchants hoarding water anxious,

Who is so short-sighted?

How many days until summer?

Does it start selling water?

Wait until the summer is halfway through, or even near the end, to sell water,

is the greatest benefit,

At that time, I am afraid that many lords have died of thirst,

those on the verge of dying of thirst,

I will definitely go bankrupt to buy water.

At that time, it will be true that every drop of water is a huge profit.

However, it was disrupted by a stunned young man who suddenly appeared.

Nor did they expect,

Someone will store water to such an extent...

It is enough to satisfy thousands of new lords who are short of water.

My hands are numb,

The information about water collection at high prices has almost disappeared.

During this time period, there will not be too many lords who are in short supply of water.

But there must be many lords who are short of water.

Su Yu pondered for a moment,

Posted a transaction message about selling water,

He dared not set the price too low,

If it is too low, if even the new lord who does not lack water at all joins in the purchase,

Then this flowing river... is really not enough.

【Unlimited supply of water!】

At the top of the trading house information list, a striking message hangs high.

This is where the transaction volume is extremely high,

Only those who are eligible to spend a large amount of territory energy, hang up the information.

Generally speaking,

Occupied by major chambers of commerce.

Unlimited water supply?

How could the chamber of commerce be like this...


It's that brain-twitch thing!

A group of lords who saved a little water and wanted to make a lot of money,

They all started to leave messages under the top message.

"Unlimited, how about you coax ghosts?"

"Stupid, who do you think you are, don't believe him!"

"The water he sells is probably of poor quality."

"I have better water for sale here, if you need a private chat."

Fiery lords,

They all vented their anger.

Once there are too many slanderous comments,

Those lords who buy water have to consider how much they pay.

This top message sells water resources,

1 unit = 50 territory energy,

Not cheap, but for summer, it's cheaper.

The most important thing is ... ... unlimited supply.

No matter how you look at it, how weird it is.

"Hold the grass, what are you talking about upstairs! This is Sushen's water!"

"That is, pure river water, no pollution!

"Malicious detractors die!"

Jian Ruiming is in the class group, and in the group chat with the Blue Star Alliance,

Published information about Su Yu selling water.

He is now handling logistics for the Blue Star Alliance, responsible for the supply of goods,

It already has a certain status in many people's hearts.

When I heard that he was a classmate of Su Yu and Bai Xiaowei,

The members of the Blue Star Alliance treated him even more closely.


Su Yu, who sells water, has received so much slander,

They all refuted.

And the lords who commented,

It was found that the water seller was guarded by someone,

One by one, they are gearing up, projecting the keypad of the terminal,

Get ready to type.

"God Su, which God Su?"

"I remember... there was a man named Su Yu on the Human Race side, who was called God Su by many people."

"Laughing to death, is that one of the two big jokes of the human race?"

"All the legendary heroes have run away, and there is still a face to come out?"

"Hehe, in the middle of the human trials, 23 lords with legendary heroes have become 21, which is really weird."

"If you don't look at the legendary heroes, the loyalty will drop too much, that's it."

"The guy named Jiang Anning of the human race, the legendary hero ran away, felt too shameful, sorry for his hometown, and has already withdrawn from the battlefield of ten thousand realms.

"This Su Yu, why does he still have the face to show up?"

Knowing that the water seller is Su Yu,

The topic of everyone suddenly changed.

Throughout the new lord,

Su Yu is also a minor celebrity.

Although this year's rookie lord is related to the ranking battle of all races,

The number of people with legendary heroes is exaggerated,

There are at least hundreds of thousands in the entire Ten Thousand Realms battlefield.

But Su Yu also stood out from the inside.

Relying on the first place in the "Leadership of the Most Unbeatable Lords",

Not only is it popular in the Terran forum,

It has become famous in various forums of other ethnic groups.

Having a legendary hero is enough to make people jealous.

But what did he do?

at the tryouts,

Let the legendary hero rub shoulders, cut fruit, and feed fruit?

Most importantly,

The legendary hero is still a beautiful elf girl!

Who can bear this shit.

Some people, the lords of the top 10,000 sequences in the monster tide calculation,

not very clear,

But for Su Yu, definitely heard of it.


will be punished.

as predicted,

Su Yu's legendary hero, ran back to the elves.

Really laughing.

The point is, he still foolishly sent people back.

not long ago,

……ask for flowers……

The world tree of the endless forest welcomed an elf and a human.

That person is Su Yu,

That elf, is Su Yu's legendary hero.

Be able to become a hero in the battlefield of ten thousand realms,

still legendary,

That must have been a long time ago, and that elf was a big shot in the elf family.

Such a person was let go by Su Yu,

Everyone will feel happy just thinking about it.

"What nonsense! God Su just asked for leave."

"That's right, he didn't retire, just wait and see!"

"You are jealous, Chiguoguo's jealousy!"

"Hehe, let people serve you as a legendary hero, of course you will lose your loyalty."

"Who are you from Su Yu, protecting him like this?"

"I remember Su Yu's comments on the Terran Forum, isn't it great?"

Obviously it is a place to sell water,

But it turned into a tearing conference.

Su Yu looked at the message under the transaction item speechlessly.

He just earned 100 million territory energy,

There are so many people here to mix things up.

It seems...there is no way to continue selling.

Sell ​​to Chamber of Commerce?

Not to mention that if the quantity is too large, the price will be lowered,

That can't help people who are in drought and water shortage,

Moreover, people who are really short of water can get water from the chamber of commerce, which is undoubtedly a sky-high price.

Although Su Yu is not a saint,

But yesterday I just felt the heat of summer,

Since I don't lack water, I can help those lords who are in drought, so it is natural to help one or two.

You can also gain territorial energy, killing two birds with one stone.

As for the slightly lower price,

One is for sales, this is a no-cost business,

The second is to help those lords who are suffering from drought and water shortage.

"Is my reputation among the new lords so unbearable?"

Su Yu doubted himself a little and sent a message to Bai Xiaowei.

He basically doesn't go to the forum very much,

And in his mind,

Moon Shadow Sect has so many people following him,

The reputation brought by the status of 'Yue Luo' is too great,

So much so that he almost forgot the reputation of 'Su Yu'.

Bai Xiaowei: "How can that be!"

Bai Xiaowei: "God Su, you are the heaven and the earth, and I am the only one!"

Closed the chat of Bai Xiaowei flattering.

Su Yu ponders how to sell water better,

The 100 million territorial energy obtained from the sale just now,

It can be said that it is a drop in the bucket for his territorial development plan.

he needs more

【Elf Princess Alia, I invite you to join the "Moon Shadow Sect", do you agree?】

A message suddenly popped up from the lord's terminal,

Su Yu froze for a moment.


Instead of trading houses for sale, thankless,

He might as well hang on to Moon Shadow to sell,

They are all their own!

"Agreed husband.".

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