Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 94 Attack (first update, please vote for me)

Lumian was half-squinting his eyes, feeling the pores all over his body opening, and suddenly had an extremely strong premonition of danger.

In the ruins of the dream, he had many similar experiences. He suddenly stopped the car and fell sideways, like a ball of flesh that could not stand without any bones.

The sound of whining wind filled his ears, and a sharp ax struck Lumian's body and hit the air.

Lumian fell to the ground and tried to stand up by rolling, but at this moment, pale or dark or strange or evil arms stretched out from the surrounding shadows and grabbed his clothes. , hugging his body.

The cold feeling and stiff experience quickly penetrated Lumian's body. While he was twisting wildly, trying to escape from the confinement with his strong flexibility, he opened his voice and shouted loudly:


His mouth was suddenly covered by two evil palms covered with tiny pimples, and the sound suddenly stopped, leaving only the whimpering movements. "

At the same time, Lumian saw an elongated human-shaped shadow reflected on the wall, raising the ax in his hand towards him.


A two-handed giant sword composed purely of light blocked the axe's blow.

Ryan was the first to rush over. He didn't even bother to put on the "Dawn Armor" and just condensed the "Morning Sword".

The ax that existed in a shadow state showed a heavy, sharp, and black appearance as soon as it separated from the wall.

The second person to come to the door of the bathroom was Liya, who was in the study room opposite. The little silver bells on her veil and boots jingled not too hastily.

Liya raised her right palm and aimed the silver-white pistol at the strange arms that captured Lumian.

They were working frantically, as if trying to drag Lumian into the shadows.

On Lumian's neck, forehead, and back of his hands, blue blood vessels protruded, and he had exhausted all his strength in feeding.

But even so, he still couldn't compete with those arms that were either pale or dark, and his whole body merged into the shadows little by little.


Liya fired, and a golden bullet was wrapped in blazing fire and hit an arm that was so dark that it seemed to be dripping with ink.

The arm immediately burned, and he quickly let go of Lumian's neck and retracted into the shadow of the corner.

When Aurore came to the door of the alliance bathroom, she saw exactly this scene. "

Seeing that one-third of her brother's body had become thinner and darkened into a shadow, and his expression was getting stiffer and stiffer, as if he was about to freeze. Aurore didn't bother to analyze the current situation and directly took out a handful of iron from the hidden bag. Black material.

She sprinkled the powder in her hand towards Lumian, and her light blue eyes became darker.

Lumian immediately felt an invisible giant hand grab his body and forcefully pull him towards Aurore.

He remembered that his sister had used a similar spell before, but the effect was to push him away, but this time it was to pull him in.

The power of that giant hand was so great that it was on par with those evil and terrifying arms. Lumian's tendency to slide into the shadows stopped instantly.

Dang Dang Dang!

Ryan made a series of slashes to knock the figure holding the sharp ax back into the wall.

The next second, Valentine appeared behind Liya and Aurore.

After he saw Lumian's condition, he immediately half-opened his arms.

Blossoming illusory golden flames appeared out of thin air around Lumian, instantly igniting countless evil arms.

Those dark or pale arms either dropped droplets of liquid like melting candles, or they evaporated and turned into wisps of black smoke, dissipating in the air.

In just one or two seconds, four-fifths of the strange arm holding Lumian disappeared.

The remaining parts were unable to resist the invisible giant hand and Lumian's struggle, and one after another fell away from the target.

Lumian suddenly felt relaxed and followed the pull of the invisible giant hand, half flying and half pounced in front of Aurore.

At this time, as those dark or pale arms retracted, the figure holding the ax froze on the wall, quickly blending into the surrounding shadows, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Lumian stood up, looked around, and sneered:

"Is this the end?

"Only one person was sent here. Doesn't it look down on us?"

Aurore glared at him:!

"do not speak!"

How could you say such unlucky words at this time?

While Aurore's voice still echoed in the corridor, behind Liya and on the wall next to the wooden door of the study, a black vine covered with spikes, unusually thick, and seemed to come from the abyss fell from the roof.

At its top blooms giant flowers that are as red as blood and smell fishy.

The flower suddenly expanded, like a mouth that had reached its limit.

It swallowed Liya's head violently and started to squirm crazily.

As he bit it, the thing in its mouth turned into a thin piece of paper, which was torn into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the giant sword of pure light flew out from the alliance bathroom and nailed the giant evil flower to the wall.

Streams of bright red blood immediately flowed down the sword and were evaporated into mist.

Almost at the same time, similar black vines hung down from the roof of Lumian's house. They covered the walls, sealed the windows, and grew giant bright red flowers one after another.

Aurore had already taken out a material that looked like it was ground from pearls, and threw them into the air, combining them with some natural force that was being pried.

The invisible warm wind blew by, and those black vines lost their vitality one after another, became withered, and could no longer support the bright red flowers in the air.

They hung softly to the floor of the second floor.

The effect is very good...Aurore sighed secretly when she saw this.

Her spell came from a member of the Curly Brush Research Society. It was a "weeding technique" he learned from nowhere in order to tidy up lawns and gardens. At that time, Aurore bought it at a very cheap price and would not suffer any loss. I made the exchange and usually just use it to clean up the weeds growing on the walls of the house, but it actually came in handy today.

However, those black vines that seemed to come from the abyss were extremely tenacious. They only withered and did not die on the spot.

This created time for Valentine, and he once again summoned the golden, illusory "light fire" and let them burn those filthy creatures in the corridors and various rooms.

Ryan then filled the area with clear morning light, driving away all evil and breaking all illusions.

Faced with these circumstances, "Hunter" Lumian, who had no choice but to exert himself, suppressed the urge to perform a mysterious dance and watched his sister and the three foreigners work together to clean up the anomalies that had invaded the second floor.

Before long, those black vines and bright red flowers turned into smoke.

However, the small silver bells on Liya's veil and boots were still jingling, which meant that the danger was not over.

Lumian quickly looked around, sniffed and said:

"The smell in the air doesn't seem right..."

There seems to be a faint, sweet fishy smell remaining.

"I feel a little dizzy and want to sleep." Liya did not hide her discomfort.

Are the gases from burning vines and flowers narcotic? How insidious! Aurore has rich knowledge of mysticism and reacted immediately.

She took out another handful of transparent powder and threw them forward.

The strong wind came out of nowhere and swept every place on the second floor.

Upon seeing this, Ryan, Lumian, Valentine and Liya ran into different rooms and pushed open the window that was closed by black vines.

When the strong wind, which was harmless to humans, stopped, Aurore looked at Lumian and asked:

"What now?"

Lumian smelled it carefully: "It doesn't have that smell anymore."

"I feel better too," Leah followed.

At this time, the small silver bells on her veil and boots stopped shaking.

This means the crisis is over.

"A tentative attack by the priests?" Aurore began to guess.

Lumian glanced at Valentine who looked unhappy:

"I think it should be, but I don't know that I just received the 'gift' www.youxs.org, www.youxs.org."

Hearing his name, Valentine's expression softened.

Ryan looked around and said in a deep voice:

“No matter what the possibility is, it reminds us that we must raise the level of vigilance.

"From now on, we are divided into two groups, taking turns to rest and watch the night, regardless of day and night."

If there is only one person on duty at night, he is likely to be attacked and trapped in trouble, with no one to provide timely help.

"No problem." Aurore and Lumian looked at each other and said, "My brother and I are in a group."

Lane and others expressed no objection.

After that, the two groups took on the responsibility of vigilance in a six-hour rotation. Although nothing happened, as Lent approached, they all knew clearly that danger was coming, and it came round after round. .

During this time, Lumian took advantage of the break to continue exploring the dreamland.

He did not hunt the flame monster immediately, suppressing his inner eagerness in order to fully understand the target's activity patterns.

Relying on his "stealth" ability, relying on long-distance tracking, repeated observations, and enough patience, Lumian finally mastered the information he wanted:

In the morning of the dream time, the fire monster would go to the open space to set up traps and practice the relevant skills it had mastered. This would last from forty-five minutes to an hour and a half. Then, it would leave along a fixed route and enter the place where a lot of flesh and blood were scattered. area to replenish energy.

Its movements in the afternoon were irregular. It mainly took different roads to patrol its "territory". Lumian has not yet discovered the criteria for its selection of corresponding routes.

Wait until evening, it will again follow the fixed route into the hunting area.

After that, Lumian didn't know. He only visited the Dream Ruins for a maximum of six hours at a time and never explored it at night.


The night before Lent.

Lumian woke up in the bedroom in his dream and in the light gray mist. He glanced at the "Corrupted Mercury" placed next to him, and his mind instantly focused.

Tonight, he will hunt the fire monster.

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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