Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 69 Him? (Ask for monthly ticket)

Faced with his sister's concern, Lumian shook his head:


He glanced around and said, "Let's talk after we go in."

When he got close to the stove, he briefly mentioned the exploration process of himself and Lain, and then told his sister that if Mrs. Pualis came to attack them later, they must not hesitate to surrender quickly and betray the three foreigners. people.

Based on his encounters and various phenomena he saw in the castle, Lumian did not think that the two siblings could defeat Mrs. Pualis together, and they might not be able to handle the "midwife".

Aurore listened quietly and couldn't help laughing:

"Rationally speaking, your countermeasure is indeed the best, but why does it make me feel weird? It's like turning into a villain in a novel, and it's not the main villain, the charming one."

"The important thing is the result." Lumian emphasized to his sister, "According to your words, it means enduring humiliation, shouldering heavy responsibilities, preserving a useful body, and waiting to show value in the future."

"..." Aurore couldn't help raising her hand to hold her forehead, "Did I teach you too many weird things?"

"Yes." Lumian nodded "sincerely".

Aurore rolled her eyes:

"Okay, I understand, I won't fight with Mrs. Pualis until the most critical moment.

"Just now, Mrs. Pualis found out that the alarm was triggered and wanted to leave. I didn't stop her by force. I just showed reluctance and chatted with her for almost another minute.

"Well, tell me the details of your search in detail."

She walked to the dining table and sat down, as if listening, while paying attention to her surroundings in case Mrs. Poialis came to question her angrily.

Lumian pulled out the chair on the other side of the dining table and told the story of the harvest of exploration and the battle process in full.

As she listened, Aurore's expression gradually became a little weird, getting weirder and weirder.

"What's wrong?" Lumian noticed something unusual about his sister.

Aurore thought about it for a while, then asked with a strange expression:

"There is a photo of a man in Mrs. Pualis's bedroom, and that man looks similar to her. He is suspected to be her brother?"

"Well, those three strangers said they might be a missing member of the Rockfort family, named Plit." Lumian relayed their words, including "Dantiism" and a large number of illegitimate children.

He finally added: "According to the investigation of the three outsiders, there is no such person as Pualis in the Roquefort family."

Aurore nodded slightly and exhaled:

"Then I'm basically sure that my guess is right."

The weird look on her face didn't fade away, but became even more pronounced.

"What guess?" Lumian looked confused.

Aurore glanced at him and said:

"Perhaps Mrs. Pualis is the missing Plit."

"Ah?" Lumian was shocked, "They are a boy and a girl... Mrs. Pualis also gave birth to two children!"

"Who knows if she gave birth to her herself, maybe to an administrator?" Aurore sneered and retorted, "Even if it was really Mrs. Pualis's birth, it doesn't explain anything. In the world of occultism, everything Everything is possible, if you think about it, www.youxs.org, it is not impossible for Preet to become a woman."

"This is true in theory, but..." Lumian still couldn't accept it.

Aurore showed a teasing smile:

"The reason why I dare to guess so, and those three outsiders didn't have similar inspiration, is because I have heard of, no, witnessed something.

"Do you still remember which path is adjacent to the 'Hunter'?"

"'Assassin'." Lumian answered without hesitation.

He was also tempted by this name, which was obviously better than "Hunter".

"In our organization, uh, the Curly Baboon Research Society, there was a man who liked being an 'assassin' and chose this path." Aurore said with a strange expression, "Later, at a party, he With a melancholy and troubled look on his face, he told us that the 'Assassin' has reached Sequence 7 and the magic potion he needs to take is called 'Witch'."

"'Witch'?" As soon as Lumian heard the name of the potion, he had a premonition of what would happen next.

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"Yes, 'witch'. In the world of occultism, 'wizard' and 'witch' are two completely different concepts. You used to always confuse each other, and you would call me a witch from time to time, which made me feel weird." Luo Er took the opportunity to educate, "Obviously, drinking the 'Witch' potion will turn you into a witch, pretend to be a witch, and your body will completely transform into a woman."

Hiss... Lumian took a gentle breath, and was extremely glad that the first material he obtained was the "Hunter" extraordinary characteristic.

If what he got was related to "Assassin", given his eagerness to not want to make a choice at the time, there was a high probability that he would have already embarked on the path of no return.

"What happened next? Did that person drink?" He couldn't help but ask.

Aurore smiled and replied:

"He was in a dilemma for a long time. He didn't want to become a woman, but he didn't want to stay in Sequence 8 from now on. Until someone advised him, 'Life is short, why not give it a try?'

"I met him again at a party later. No, it was her at that time, a very beautiful and charming woman."

"..." Lumian was speechless for a moment.

Aurore looked at him with a smile and said:

"In the future, when you reach Sequence 5, if you can't get the Sequence 4 materials of the 'Hunter' pathway, you can consider the Sequence 4 of the 'Witch' pathway. Yes, the 'Assassin' pathway is also called the 'Witch' pathway..."

She looked like she was watching the excitement and didn't mind that things were getting serious.

"Witch"... Lumian deeply felt that the name "Assassin" was really confusing.

The world of occultism is full of dangers!

He quickly brought the topic back on track:

"It seems that Mrs. Pualis really may be the playboy Pritt."

Even an "assassin" can become a "witch", and a way that allows a man to have children will most likely also allow a man to become a woman.

Aurore nodded and looked out the window warily:

"I suspect that Mrs. Pualis also became a woman after reaching a specific sequence, and had to say goodbye to the family by disappearing to avoid being discovered by the authorities. Well, according to the mysterious lady, the power of the gods' gifts can also be obtained through sequences. to divide.

"Her abnormal path should also include the power to promote fertility, utilize life, and control the undead."

"Utilizing life and controlling the undead" was what she deduced from the battle between Lumian and the others and the "midwife".

This is also consistent with the performance of the "Mrs. Night" in the other world being followed by many undead, and the one who looks very much like Mrs. Pualis.

At this point, Aurore suddenly said "uh".

"What's wrong?" Lumian asked carefully.

Sister, won't you think of some scary truth again?

Aurore frowned and looked at her brother and said:

"During afternoon tea, Mrs. Poialis suddenly said that love is difficult to understand. She obviously wanted him to die because he had made a mistake, but he was really facing death, but he couldn't help but save her, and he refused to tell the other person.

"I was very confused at the time, but I didn't pay much attention to it. Now that I think about it, did she have a hidden intention and say that specifically?"

Lumian was also confused:

"She saved people, when did she save people..."

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at Aurore.

The two siblings simultaneously remembered that in the other side of the world, "Madam Night" took away the undead and indirectly saved them.

"But that happened in the last cycle..." Lumian wanted to deny it, but couldn't continue.

He and Aurore looked at each other and found that each other's eyes were filled with shock and fear.

If that's what Mrs. Pualis was referring to, that means she was able to keep the memory, at least part of it, in the loop!

"No way..." Aurore whispered to herself, "Forget it, let's take it as true for now. I would rather think the enemy is more powerful than be careless."

Lumian agreed, and then thought of something:

"Aurore, er, sister, considering the fact that Mrs. Pualis may have been male, is it you who she fell in love with?"

"I didn't do anything wrong, www.youxs.org, you are the one Pualis loves." Aurore retorted immediately.

Lumian subconsciously said:

"Maybe she thinks I was ordered by you.

"I usually have little contact with her. I was teased by her when I led someone to find out about her affair with the parish priest. You discussed literary works and fashion trends with her from time to time, and occasionally you went to her house to borrow a pony to ride on."

"Eh..." Aurore's tone rose, showing an expression of disgust, "Then she still introduces me to marriage partners? Didn't you say that they are not good, or even bad?"

Lumian thought for a moment and said:

"Maybe she wants to use this method to destroy your interest in men, and then slowly lure you towards her..."

"Have you ever seen anything strange?" Aurore glared at her brother angrily.

Lumian is not only rational, but also confident:

"Your novel.

"You wrote a similar plot in a novel."

"Really..." Aurore fell into deep thought.

After a while, she looked out the window and said:

"It's been so long, but Mrs. Pualis hasn't come to trouble us, and the cycle hasn't restarted..."

"Maybe she didn't want to kill those three foreigners. Once such an official investigator is actually killed, there may be even greater trouble." Lumian began to guess, "And she didn't know I was involved, so I didn’t doubt you.”

The witness was dead and no one else had seen him.

Aurore nodded invisibly and laughed at herself:

"This wait makes me not even in the mood to prepare dinner."

Lumian suddenly had inspiration:

"How about I go to the castle and have a look?"

"Will the criminal return to the scene?" Aurore laughed.

Lumian nodded:

"I'll go and see what's going on at the castle. Anyway, Mrs. Poialis shouldn't doubt me.

"Ah, by the way, I haven't picked any tulips yet, so I just used the excuse that you were going to make fragrance to ask them for a few."

On the surface, Aurore and Mrs. Pualis are friends, so there is no problem for Lumian to do this.

Aurore thought for a few seconds and said:

“You can try, but wait a little longer, it’s not yet completely confirmed that Mrs. Pualis won’t come to cause trouble.

"Well, if you don't come back within half an hour, I will go to the edge of the village to trigger the cycle and restart it directly."

"Okay." Lumian agreed.


When he arrived at the administrator's castle again, the sun had already set behind the mountains, and the sky was filled with red clouds.

Lumian walked through the garden and came outside the open main door, and said to the male servant guarding there:

"My sister Aurore plans to make a fragrance. I wonder if I can borrow some tulips from Mrs. Pualis?"

The male servant wearing a red shirt and white trousers answered normally:

"I'll ask Madam."

He quickly turned into the castle and came out after a while:

"My wife said, you can just go to the garden and pick them."

You really didn’t doubt me? Moreover, it was as if nothing happened... Lumian did not try to enter the castle, but walked into the garden to look for tulips.

When he saw the flowers, he also noticed that there was a maid beside him, trimming the branches of the flower tree in the shadows.

As they passed by, Lumian looked at the maid casually.

Suddenly, his eyes froze.

The maid was in her forties, with brown hair and brown eyes, a beautiful face, and no wrinkles. She was just like the "midwife" who fought a battle with Valentine and others and was finally killed by Laien!

At this moment, she was standing next to Lumian, her face seemed to be shadowed by the flowers and trees.

PS: Please vote for me~

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