The illusory eye between the eyebrows of the "Devil Wizard" is very similar to the "Peeping Eye" of the "Wizard" path, but this thing does not appear in the change of the eyes, but directly forms a vertical eye, which is Lumian Never heard of it before, never seen it before.

Of course, the "Secret Peeper" may have similar distortions when it reaches a high sequence, but Boorman obviously has not reached the saint level, otherwise it was Lumian who escaped just now, not him. No, in that case, Lumian Even if An wanted to escape, he might not be able to escape. He could only hope that the residual aura of the "Blood Emperor" would temporarily distract the opponent and he would take the opportunity to "teleport" away.

Combining the official wanted order, the information provided by "007" and the intelligence he collected from Philip and others, Lumian has already judged that Boorman, the "devil wizard", cannot have a Sequence 4. He is not bold enough to dare to hunt. Demigod level.

Judging from the illusory vertical eye and Boorman's diverse and comprehensive abilities, Lumian feels that he really fits the characteristics of a "wizard", but no "wizard" has such a "eye of peeping into secrets". Not only does he have long At the center of the eyebrows, it becomes a vertical eye, with pale patterns and a nearly black background. In addition to seeing the "reality", it also has the ability to intimidate other people's spirits!

At that moment, Lumian had the feeling that he had been stripped of all his external appearance, leaving only his spirit body fighting against Boorman's spirit body. Once he gave in or failed, he would pass out or be enslaved by the other party.

Fortunately, the "reality" in him cannot be seen by mid- to low-sequence Extraordinaries, and Boorman is no exception. Before Lumian could inspire the remaining aura of the "Blood Emperor", the "Devil Wizard" suffered a backlash and almost almost Lost the ability to fight.

In addition, Boorman's control of undead creatures and the protection he obtained after being comatose are not something that a "wizard" can do. Even if they can achieve similar effects by relying on the spells they have learned or invented, they cannot achieve that kind of effect. To a certain extent, it will not be so easy.

"Which evil god is this? Or, as a 'wizard,' Boorman encountered some kind of pollution and acquired some abnormal characteristics? Is this how the inhuman details on his body came about? Yes, he did so much With multiple resurrection experiments, there will be no shortage of sacrifices to evil gods.

"That illusory vertical eye is really strong and weird. I wouldn't be able to resist it, if it weren't for the seal of Mr. Fool, the residual aura of Termipolos and the Blood Emperor, these super-personal things. , I might really die in the hands of Boorman today..." Lumian's thoughts were spinning, and he quickly came up with a certain guess.

He took this opportunity to calm down the impact of the explosion, took out the golden straw hat from the "traveler's bag", put it on, and disappeared in a flash.

Lumian was "teleported" directly to 16 Correas Street,

You can outrun the "Devil Wizard" Boorman, but you can't outrun this big businessman!

If Boorman was in relatively good condition when he escaped, Lumian was worried that he would return here professionally and take away his employer. But since the other party was taken away by some undead creatures in a coma, that would definitely not happen. I'm back at No. 16 Correas Street, and I won't wake up - the longer the time passes, the trap of the "devil wizard"

Therefore, Lumian just had some time to think about Boorman's sequence and the inhuman problem.

This was also because he was waiting deliberately: if "Devil Wizard" Boorman could wake up soon and come back here to take his employer to escape, then Lumian would come a minute or two late and just stop him and Fidel.

Standing at the door of No. 16 Correas Street, Lumian frowned slightly.

As a "hunter", he smelled a faint smell of blood, and the lingering smell of blood came from the house.

After thinking for a moment, Lumian gently pushed open the dark blue double door.

It didn't even lock.

The door was covered with blood that had not yet completely solidified, as if someone had fled here in a hurry, and as soon as they unlocked the door, they were chased by their pursuers and torn into pieces.

The only problem is that there are no body parts left here.

Lumian stopped at the door, listened carefully, and found that the whole house was dead silent, without any movement.

"Fidel was so decisive. Before Boorman came to kill me, he eliminated the insiders and moved them to a safe place?"

"In this way, if Boorman's operation is successful and he finds out why I have such suspicions, and is there anyone else who knows about it, then he can be attacked by pirates such as the 'Black Lord' in the middle of the night and almost lose his life. , I finally escaped and used it as an excuse to come back here. Otherwise, I will disappear from now on and change my identity to start a career again." With doubts, Lumian jumped over the area where blood was spilled at the door, intending to search the house and see Can you gain anything? The specific relationship between "Devil Wizard" Boorman.

He held the door open with his backhand and walked toward the stairs where a stronger smell of blood came from.

Perhaps sensing his approach, heavy footsteps suddenly sounded there.

Amid the commotion, a person came up from the basement and appeared in Lumian's sight.

That is not a human being, or can no longer be called a human being.

It is three to four meters tall. Its body is composed of corpses from different humans. It has both female curves and male characteristics. They are sewn together with thin linen threads, and there are constant drops of blood-colored mucus at the joints. fall.

This "human" head is relatively complete and has only one source,

The big businessman's head and body were clearly out of proportion, as if a child's head was placed on the neck of a semi-giant. His dark brown eyes were quite hollow, with a bit of fear and confusion remaining.

Dead? Fidel is dead? He turned himself into a monster? As soon as Lumian had this thought, he saw the giant stitched corpse dragging three human leg bones that seemed to be stuck together and rushed forward violently. come over.

On Bai Sensen's giant "Bone Sword", a layer of pale flames burned.

Lumian's eyes narrowed slightly, and his body suddenly disappeared, instantly outlined behind the huge stitched corpse. 1


He opened his mouth and sprayed out a light yellow light.

The light fell on "Fidel"'s head, but it failed to cause dizziness, let alone pass out.

The undead creatures created seem to be immune to the "Humph Technique"!

Almost at the same time, the giant sewing corpse running at high speed turned its body forcefully and made a vague sound in its throat. It seemed like it was speaking a language that Lumian could not understand, and it also seemed like it was spitting out a word with magical effects. .

Lumian felt a tremor deep in his soul, as if he had been shocked by evil and death.

His whole body froze there briefly.

The giant stitched corpse turned its body completely, took a big step forward, raised the giant "bone sword" burning with pale flames in its hand, and struck Lumian's head.

Lumian has also encountered similar situations many times. Most of the reasons came from high-level things, but the current situation is obviously not as good as the consequences caused by the illusory gaze of the "devil wizard" just now.

Lumian "woke up" in time, activating the black mark on his right shoulder.

Amidst the roar of the wind, a giant "bone sword" burning with pale flames struck at the afterimage he left behind.

This time, Lumian emerged directly against the back of the stitched giant corpse, and poked the opponent's back with the "Movement of Hate" taken out of the "Traveler's Bag".

With a popping sound, the blackened bone flute, which was obviously neither strong nor sharp, penetrated into the flesh and blood of the giant corpse.

The thin linen threads there suddenly collapsed, and large areas of flesh and blood peeled off, revealing a dark red heart gushing with pale flames.

Lumian stretched out his left hand forcefully and pressed on the nearly fatal wound. The red and nearly white fireball was compressed layer by layer and pressed in.

With the power of this press, Lumian suddenly flew backwards, avoiding the giant "bone sword" struck by Wu La.


In mid-air, he saw red and almost white fire shooting out of the giant stitched corpse that had just turned its head, tearing into pieces the heart that seemed to be still beating.


The giant stitched corpse was torn apart, and the flesh and blood belonging to different humans were scattered on the ground.

Bang, the head from Fidel fell into the pile of flesh and blood, and the hole receded, revealing a painful expression.

"Who turned you into this?" Lumian looked out the window, feeling that the explosion just now should attract the attention of the night patrol police.

Fidel's head opened and his mouth opened, and he said vaguely and viciously: "Yes, it's Boorman!"

"Bullman?" Lumian was a little surprised, "Are you fighting among yourself?"

Fidel's head answered painfully, his voice getting lower and lower: "I think you are testing me and want to observe me for a few more days. He, he can't wait, wants to kill you tonight, I don't agree, He killed everyone in the whole house, killed... "He, he is a real madman!"

Having said this, Fidel tilted his head, closed his eyes, and completely lost his composure.

"Devil Wizard" Boorman's mental state is not a small problem... Just because of this, he killed his employer's whole family? If you really want to kill me, you can do it alone... Lumian has considered it before Does Fidel feel that he is fishing for him as a fish, and for this reason, he deliberately created the illusion that he was fishing for the "Black Lord" to paralyze Fidel. As for the effect, Lumian doesn't care too much and doesn't take the bait. , then let’s try another method. He doesn’t just know how to “fish”.

Who knew that this would actually trigger an internal strife between Fidel and Boorman.

Lumian felt that he would not be able to do such a thing when his mental problems were at its worst, unless Fidel used language to stimulate him at that time, for example, pointing out that only madmen believed in resurrection.

Lumian stared at the corpses for a while, but saw no signs of extraordinary characteristics in them.

"Unlucky, they must have all been taken away by Boorman." He shook his head and walked towards the room where the safe might be placed.

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