Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 98: Eastern Hubei Defense Line

Naturally, Lin Fu couldn't wait for the main force of Huaidong to gather in Jiangzhou before crossing the river to attack the eastern Hubei area. Otherwise, why would he persuade Hu Wenmu to put all his troops on the north bank to defend Jingzhou?

In order to prevent Hu Wenmu's determination to defend Jingzhou from being shaken, in the first ten days of August, Lin Fu personally led the third town division of the Changshan Army, under the cover of the third water battalion in Jinghai, forcibly landed in the south of Qichun, and united with the troops led by Deng Yu. The Chizhou Army, with a total strength of 60,000 people, advanced to Qichun City.

In the face of such a large army, the enemy general Chen Hansan did not stick to the prominent Qichun City, but before engaging in the battle, he decisively led his troops to withdraw from Qichun City, traveled northwest for more than 100 miles, and retreated to Fengshan in the northwest of Qichun. , Jiulianhe and other villages; at the same time, Sun Jichang of the newly attached Han army led more than 15,000 troops and horses to enter Huangpi in the northeast of Hanjin City; Suizhou general Zhong Rong led 10,000 elites to enter between Huangpi and Fengshan Tiemen Mountain.

From Hanjin (now Hankou, Wuhan) to Qichun City, the entire eastern Hubei region is the flank of the Jingxiang area, which shelters the depths of Suizhou and the east bank of the Han River from attack. Beiyan, together with She and Luo, wanted to attack Jingzhou in one go after taking Nanyang, and this flank must not be broken by the Huaidong Army.

However, the straight line width of this flank line of defense is more than 250 miles.

Whether it is Shewenzhuang or Ye Jiluorong, or the generals such as Chen Hansan and Yang Xiong who are responsible for guarding the flanks, they are very clear in their hearts: blocking the Han River is already their limit, and they have no extra ability to block the Yangtze River. The Huaidong Water Camp could not be prevented from entering the section of the river from Hanjin to Qichun.

Once the main force of the Huaidong Army was gathered in Jiangzhou, and the army from Chizhou came across the river, they could not hold the wide line of defense along the river from Hanjin to Qichun with only 50,000 or 60,000 troops.

Even if they were forced to take the cities along the river in eastern Hubei, they would only ask Huaidong to seize every opportunity to defeat them and capture Qichun, Huangzhou, Huangpi, Hanjin, Xishui, Tuanfeng and other cities one by one.

Abandoning Qichun, which is prominent in the southeast of eastern Hubei, and even abandoning cities such as Huangzhou, Xishui, Tuanfeng, and Bahe near the river, and evacuating nearly 100 people in the northwest in the direction of Junshan, Qishan, and Fengshan. The entire defensive line of the eastern Hubei flank can be separated from the attack range of the Huaidong Water Camp, and the width of the defense line has been sharply reduced from more than 250 li to less than 150 li.

The shorter the line of defense, it is also said that the more concentrated the troops, the stronger the defense, and the harder it is for the Huaidong Army to tear through the line of defense.

In addition, abandoning Qichun and Huangzhou, and retreating to the northwest inland for more than 100 miles, you can rely on the continuous and seamlessly connected steep terrain of Fengshan, Jiajun Mountain, Qishan and other mountains at the southern foot of Huaishan Mountain, which can be effectively defended. The Huaidong Army staggered and interspersed, and behind them was the deep hinterland of Suizhou. Reinforcements could come through Fengshan, Chujun Mountain, Qishan and Hanshui at any time, and there was no danger of being surrounded and isolated by the Huaidong Army.


Before Chen Hansan withdrew, he set fire to Qichun City, but Chen Hansan did not have the ability to burn Qichun to the point where there was no wood or tile left. After Qichuncheng is sorted, it can still be used reluctantly.

The Chizhou Army and the Huaidong Army were stationed in the east and west of Qichun, and Lin Fu's line was still set up in the remnant city of Qichun.

In addition to Lin Fu, Fu Qinghe, Gao Zongting, Song Fu and others in Qichun, Zhang Zuowu and Gu Hao crossed the river by boat, and Yue Lengqiu, who escaped from Nanyang in time, also came down from Shouzhou to meet Lin Fu, only Three days earlier than Zhang Zuowu and Gu Hao, they joined with the Chizhou army Deng Yu, Yue Zhi, etc., and they were also in Qichun City at this time.

The map is hung on the north wall. The map depicts the geographical situation of the Jingxiang area. The hills, mountains, streams, castles, slopes and forests are plotted regardless of size. Yue Lengqiu is familiar with the military and politics, and has led the army to fight for many years. Of course, I can understand how much Huaidong paid for such a detailed map.

On the map, the line of defense constructed by the She and Luo families along the southern foothills of the Huai River after they attached to Beiyan was marked with great accuracy, forming a huge obstacle that blocked the east bank of the Han River.

With the entry of Sun Jichang and Zhong Rong's troops, Beiyan's total number of troops has reached 60,000.

Nanyang may have already been captured, and even if it is not captured, it will not last a few days. Yue Lengqiu feels helpless as to how to tear apart this line of defense before the main force of Beiyan crosses the Han River to the south.

Yue Lengqiu did not doubt the strength of the Huaidong Army, but no matter how strong the Huaidong Army was, it would take time to tear apart the defensive line built by the enemy in eastern Hubei against the dangers of mountains and rivers.

In the Shangrao war, Lin Fuqin led the main force of the Huaidong Army to tear apart the Shejia's defense line in Shangrao, and set the battle situation in Jiangxi in one fell swoop. Although the climax of the entire Shangrao war was very short, it took ten days to tear the Shangrao defense line. It was smashed, but before that, the Huaidong Army had prepared for this for about half a year, and nearly two million stone materials were sent to the front line of Quzhou.

The strength of the Huaidong Army, the famous generals and soldiers are only the surface, the ability to deliver two million stone materials in half a year is the real strength of Huaidong.

During the battle of Shangrao, the Huaidong Army only used 100,000 soldiers. Perhaps Yue Lengqiu's ability to manage the army was not as good as Lin Fu's. The pile of stones and materials to the front line is enough to give Yue Lengqiu considerable room to organize 200,000 troops and horses, and with 200,000 troops and horses, they can always beat the Shangrao line of defense.

It's just that the Privy Council was poorly prepared for the upcoming battle of Jingxiang.

Not to mention that the Chizhou army has not recovered its morale from the fiasco in Zongyang. Many of the main troops of the Huaidong Army also rushed from Ganzhou, Yuanzhou, and Fuzhou, and most of the soldiers and horses have not had time to cross the river.

For the war in Shangrao, the Privy Council invested too much resources. Later, in order to stabilize the situation in Jiangxi, not only did they get nothing, but they also invested nearly two million taels of silver for disaster relief and famine relief, dispatching officials and other matters. Although the Ministry of Household's revenue this year is much better than last year, the new revenue is also completely consumed by Jiangxi.

What kind of money is there to invest in the battle of Jingxiang?

If Nanyang's endgame could drag on for a year and a half, Jiangning's financial situation would be much better than it is now, even if the autumn season passes.

This is also the case, Yue Lengqiu can also better understand why Beiyan is so urgent to go south.

Under the control of Huaidong, Jiangning's ability to increase annual income is too fast.

Emperor Yongxing abandoned Jiangning, so that the She family won Jiangning City without abandoning one soldier or one soldier. Although the luxury family was repelled in the later period, Jiangning, Chi, Hui and other palaces were severely damaged.

According to common sense, Jiangning does not have three to five years, and it is impossible to recover; who would have thought that in just the past year, the revenue of the Ministry of Household has returned to the level before the Jiangning war.

Today, the Ministry of Household allocates only 400,000 taels of military capital to the Huaidong Army every month. If Beiyan cannot turn the core area controlled by Huaidong into a war zone in a short period of time, the Ministry of Household allocates funds to the Huaidong Army. The military capital will rise sharply again in two or three years.

Yue Lengqiu would not find it strange that the Huaidong Army could only get military resources from the Ministry of Household in three years, reaching a height of 10 million taels per year.

After the recapture of Jiangxi and Fujian counties, including Guangnan and Xiangtan, they also expressed their surrender one after another. The Dingkou actually controlled by Jiangning increased by nearly 10 million people, including the previous two Zhejiang, Jiangdong and other places, and Jiangning actually controlled Dingkou. Dingkou, about 25 million to 30 million. This figure does not include Liangchuan and Jinghu.

At this point, Yue Lengqiu believes that the confrontation between the north and the south will become favorable for the south, and it will not be far from the northern expedition of the Lin Bieli army.

The best way for Beiyan to avoid this situation is to occupy Jingxiang, threaten Jiangning from the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and force Huaidong to invest a lot of resources and troops on the western front; continue to turn Huaidong and other places into war zones.

In addition to the five counties of Chongchuan, which are the fiefs of Linfu, the four prefectures of Hailing, Huai'an, Weiyang and Dongyang on the north bank of the Yangtze River contribute no less to Jiangning than the prefectures along the Taihu Lake. As long as Jianghuai is turned into a war zone, Jiangning's revenue will be greatly reduced, and the war potential will naturally be greatly reduced.

"Master Yue, Master Yue..."

Lin Fu whispered twice, and finally called Yue Lengqiu back to his senses.

"Oh..." Yue Lengqiu raised her head and looked at Lin Fu. She was distracted just now and didn't listen to Lin Fu's words.

Lin Fudao didn't blame Yue Lengqiu. Yue Lengqiu was almost trapped in Nanyang. He finally ran out before Nanyang was encircled by Beiyan. It was inevitable that he was unsure, and said: "The enemy's defense line in eastern Hubei is due to In the middle, there are mountains such as Jiajun Mountain and Qi Mountain as natural obstacles. The center of gravity of its defense is really two ends. Mountains and Jiulian River. If you capture Tiemen Mountain and Fengshan, you can swing straight into the hinterland of Suizhou, attack Lishan and Chaishan, and capture Hanjin and Huangpi. If we want to tear apart the enemy's defense line in eastern Hubei, this court believes that we can only let the enemy of Tiemenshan go, and the troops will be divided into two routes to fight Fengshan and Hanjin, Huangpi, and Lord Yue will supervise the Chizhou army, with Qichun as the foundation. , to attack Fengshan in the northwest, and this hospital will lead the main force of the Huaidong Army to attack Hanjin and Huangpi... What does Master Yue think?"

Although Lin Fu was in charge of the military and government of the world as a privy envoy, the Chizhou army formed its own system, and it was naturally reasonable and desirable to divide the troops into two lines to attack the two ends of the enemy's defense line in eastern Hubei.

Deng Yu, Yue Zhi and other generals of the Chizhou army all hoped that Yue Lengqiu could return to the army. At this time, hearing Lin bound Xu Yue Lengqiu re-supervise the Chizhou army, they were naturally excited.

Yue Lengqiu felt bitter in his heart, and divided his troops to attack both ends of the Eastern Hubei defense line. Is it that easy to fight?

The Fengshan and Jiulian Rivers that the Chizhou army was about to attack were the key points to defend the southwestern foot of Fengshan and the Xishui River. It is said that the Chizhou army has 30,000 soldiers and horses, which has an advantage in strength.

However, going up the Xishui River, the terrain is more dangerous the further north you go. When you reach the upper reaches of the Xishui River, you will face the obstacles of mountains and mountains. You can only attack Fengshan and Jiulianhe two villages that are built on the basis of danger from the front.

Fengshan and Jiulianhe two villages are built on the dangerous mountain, and the two villages are no more than five or six miles away. Reinforcements can quickly enter Fengshan at any time.

With the fall of Nanyang, Beiyan only needs to leave Chen Zhihu's troops to contain Huaixi, and Luo Xiancheng's troops can quickly go south through the hinterland of Suizhou to supplement the defense line in eastern Hubei.

Different from Yuanzhou Army, Yuanzhou Army has a large number of officials and generals who are willing to pay for the luxury. After the luxury family was defeated in Jiangxi, these people are eager to return to Jiangning. Not only Zhou Cheng, Wei Zhong and others openly support the surrender, Zhou Zhizheng and others People even took refuge in Huaidong secretly early, and Huaidong was able to defeat Yuanzhou's army in one fell swoop, with almost no casualties. However, Luo Xiancheng's subordinates were all born rogues. They have been entrenched in Suizhou for all these years and did not accept recruiting. They are very wary of Jiangning.

Luo Xiancheng, Zhong Rong and other few people are not this vigilant, but the generals of the Suizhou army generally do not trust Jiangning. At this time, they join Beiyan, especially when Beiyan already has an absolute advantage in Jingxiang, Suizhou soldiers and horses will be firmer. Defend the Edong line of defense.

At this time, the only guards in Fengshan and Jiulianhe were Chen Hansan, and it is believed that they will increase to 30,000, 40,000 or even higher in a short time. , Suizhou military general Zhong Rong led more than 10,000 elite soldiers to make progress. They did not have any extra soldiers and horses to contain Tiemen Mountain. What did the Chizhou army use to capture Fengshan?

Of course, Yue Lengqiu couldn't blame Lin Fu for the unfair distribution. The two cities of Hanjin and Huangpi that the Huaidong Army had to deal with were more than ten miles apart. At this time, nearly 40,000 enemy soldiers had already been stationed in Yang Xiong and Sun Jichang.

At this time, the Huaidong Army had assembled no more than 30,000 water infantry troops near Qichun, and had not yet attacked Hanjin. Although Huaidong will eventually be able to mobilize more than 80,000 water infantry troops, at the same time, after Beiyan takes Nanyang City, the number of enemy troops stationed in Hanjin and Huangpi for defense will also increase sharply in the later period.

Even if Beiyan finally took out 120,000 to 150,000 cavalry to attack Jingzhou, at most 150,000 to 180,000 troops could be invested in the Eastern Hubei defense line.

Although Beiyan's troops in the defense line of eastern Hubei will be dominated by She and Luo, and the two soldiers are relatively weak, but they are better because they have more people, and they defend against the dangers of mountains and rivers. Huaidong and Chizhou are in the army. If the force is weak, what can be used to penetrate the defense line in eastern Hubei in a short period of time? What will be used to sabotage Beiyan's plan to attack Jingzhou and relieve the siege of Jingzhou?

Once Beiyan is called to take Jingzhou first, Beiyan will be able to pull out a large number of troops and horses from the west bank of the Han River to fill eastern Hubei, not to mention piercing the defense line of eastern Hubei, they will be forced to switch from offense to defense, and defense will also defend be difficult.

From Yue Lengqiu's point of view, now he can only hope that Hu Wenmu can hold on in Jingzhou! If the war in Jingxiang can drag on for a year or a half, the situation will become favorable to Jiangning—perhaps it should be said to be favorable to Huaidong. In a year and a half, the situation in Jiangxi can be better recovered, so that we can better support the tug-of-war on Jingxiang.

Regardless of whether Zhang Zuowu and Gu Hao were actually hostages or not, they represented Tanzhou in Qichun and were naturally qualified to attend the highest-level military conference. Unexpectedly, Lin Fu was still determined to fight the battle of Jingxiang.

The reason why Zhang Zuowu and Gu Hao thought that Lin Fu could not fight the battle of Jingxiang was mainly because they had a narrow vision and could not see that the battle of Jingxiang would affect the pattern of confrontation between the north and the south, and affect the initiative of the next world battle. Will it fall in the south or the north; another, they still can't clearly see Lin Fu's ambition.

Yue Lengqiu and Lin Fu have been dealing with each other over the years. Naturally, some things can be seen more clearly than the people in Tanzhou, but it was because he saw too clearly that he wrongly estimated Lin Fu's determination to help Nanyang before.

If Nanyang can be defended, the next situation will definitely be beneficial to the south. At least when Yuzhang and Lin Fu met, Yue Lengqiu did not doubt Lin Fu's determination to defend Nanyang.

The next development of the situation shows that Yue Lengqiu misjudged Lin Fu's determination to guard Nanyang when he was in Yuzhang, but at this time he still believed that Lin Fu would not give up Jingxiang easily, and at worst would have to fight with Beiyan in the Jingxiang area. To see it down, unless Lin Fu really doesn't have the ambition to swallow the world.

It must be called Beiyan to completely occupy Jingzhou, control the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and threaten Jiangning from the upper reaches. The whole situation is extremely unfavorable to Huaidong.

Of course, after Yue Lengqiu escaped from Nanyang, he saw that Lin Fu gave up Nanyang so neatly, and his confidence was not so firm. Only when he saw Lin Fu leading the front to cross the river in Qichun did he re-believe in his own. judge.

In any case ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Chizhou Army has no way out.

Of course, in addition to Zhang Zuowu, Gu Hao, Yue Lengqiu and others who arrived in Qichun at this time, Vice Minister Zuo Chengmu and Hu Wenmu's son Hu Wenchang also rushed over.

After the fall of Nanyang, if the main force of the Huaidong Army did not cross the river to enter the eastern Hubei area, and restrain the main force of Beiyan troops and horses heading south from the east bank of the Han River, the Jinghu Army alone would have absolutely no confidence in defending Jingzhou.

In fact, the example of Nanyang is the first, and the people of Jinghu are also very afraid of playing with Huaidong. Before seeing Huaidong officially crossing the river and throwing their troops to the north shore of Hubei, the people of Jinghu would not Completely put the main force into Jingzhou for defense.

On the one hand, Zuo Chengmu came to work on behalf of the imperial court, and on the other hand, Zuo Chengmu was a deputy minister from the Jinghu system, and he was the representative of the Jinghu family in Jiangning. Whether Jingzhou can hold on, or whether it will give Huaidong the opportunity to weaken, is related to Zuo Chengmu's vital interests, and he cannot sit idly by.

The Jinghu Army will naturally not give up Jingzhou easily, because once it abandons Jingzhou and retreats to the south bank, only Jiangxia Banfu and Ezhou Palace can be defended. Yue Lengqiu almost fell into Nanyang and couldn't escape by playing with Lin Fu like that.

Of course, if the Huaidong Army was not determined to cross the river north to join the war, the Jinghu Army could only temporarily abandon Jingzhou due to the situation.

In addition to leading Yu Wencheng's troops to cross the river north, after winning the remnant city of Qichun, Lin Fu ordered the supplies of the Jianghuai prefectures to be assembled directly with Qichun as the center. Xiang's determination.

Only in this way can Lin Fu ask the people of Jinghu to put down their psychological burdens and concentrate on defending Jingzhou; at the same time, he also ordered the Xiangtan governments to send the aid materials and troops to Jingzhou directly by water. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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