Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 146: pirate ship

The relatives and servants of the Wang family were all imprisoned in the courtyard. Zhang Yan, Zuo Chengmu, and Cheng Yuqian occupied the front courtyard of the Wang residence to question and discuss matters.

Wang Chaotai has no backbone, and once he is tortured, he will reveal something.

Before Yu Xinyuan and Cheng Yuqian came, Wang Chao had him and Chen Ruyi befriend him, and persuaded Wang Tian and Yu Xinyuan to lead Xie Chaozhong to lead the army with the case of the Ministry of Household Bank, marry Chen Ruyi, and give She Feihu to She Feihu because of the defeat of the Huizhou army. , Han Bin coerced the thief, and then cooperated with the extravagant family to make waves in Jiangning City, and all the incidents of cheating Emperor Yongxing to abandon Jiangning and flee to the west were revealed. punishment.

The guards guarding outside informed Yu Xinyuan and Chu Wang Yuanhancheng that they had come over. Zhang Yan, Zuo Chengmu, and Cheng Yuqian glanced at each other. Wang Tian was sick in bed, and he was already a toothless tiger. In the overall situation, it is true that they can put the responsibility for the defeat of Huizhou and the emperor's abandonment of the capital to flee westward to Yu Xinyuan, Wang Xueshan, and Wang Tian, ​​but what good will it do for the three of them?

"Did you tell Master Yu to go back to rest first, and ask Prince Chu to come in and discuss a thing or two?" Zhang Yan said.

Zuo Chengmu calmly nodded to Cheng Yuqian.

Zhang Yan, Zuo Chengmu, and Cheng Yuqian avoided seeing, but asked Yu Xinyuan to avoid the matter—the chill in Yu Xinyuan’s heart, instantly cold from the top of his head to the soles of his feet—it was said that he was sent to **** him back to his residence, but he was actually imprisoned, and he was in Juchao at this time , but he didn't have the ability to fight against Zhang Yan, Cheng Yuqian, and Zuo Chengmu, and he didn't have any money to fight.

Yu Xinyuan just said to Chu Wang Yuanhancheng: "Sacrificing me will not benefit you at all!"

Chu Wang Yuan Hancheng did not know the details, but the assassin was sent by Wang Xueshan. At this time, Zhang Yan, Zuo Chengmu, and Cheng Yuqian wanted Yu Xinyuan to avoid him. They could not make any promises to Yu Xinyuan. Rest at the place..." He left Yu Xinyuan there and entered the room to see Zhang Yan, Zuo Chengmu, and Cheng Yuqian.

"What happened, if the assassin was sent by Wang Xueshan, what can't Master Yu trust?" With so many things happening in one day, Chu Wang Yuan Hancheng lost his patience and walked into the lobby, seeing that there were no outsiders here, he opened his mouth and said: ask directly.

"Wang Xueshan bought the luxury family early..." Zhang Yan told the King of Chu one by one.

Chu Wang Yuan Hancheng was stunned for a long time without regaining his senses, and said in amazement, "Wang Xueshan, a dignified minister of the household, was coerced by a simple trick to coerce a thief?"

"Fear!" Zhang Yan spat out a word softly.

This word also seems to be struck by thunder in the heart of Yuan Hancheng, King of Chu - Wang Xueshan is not afraid of luxury, but Huaidong! Emperor Yongxing made a series of wrong moves. At the beginning, he insisted on asking Xie Chaozhong to lead the army until he finally lost his mind and abandoned Jiangning. In the end, he was afraid of Huaidong!

If he was really afraid of what would come, in the end everything fell into Huaidong's pocket.

Chu Wang Yuan Hancheng sat down on the frozen high-back chair and was speechless for a while.

"Lord Chu, how about Liu Zhi?" Zuo Chengmu said.

"The pulse is still there, but I haven't woken up from a coma. Whether I can survive it depends on the will of God?" said Chu Wang Yuanhancheng.

"Even if Liu Zhi is dead, the evidence of Wang Xueshan and his son's assassination from a thief is conclusive, and they have a confession to Huaidong," Zhang Yan said. "However, how far will the matter be? Can Prince Chu give us an idea?"

Yuan Hancheng, King of Chu, looked at Zhang Yan, Cheng Yuqian, and Zuo Chengmu, his mind was spinning fast, even if he didn't expose the case of Hubu Qianzhuang, he would save Wang Tian and Yu Xinyuan, and take responsibility for the defeat of Huizhou and the escape of Emperor Yongxing to the west. For Wang Xueshan, that's enough. Even if Wang Tian and Yu Xinyuan are handed over to Huaidong, Zhang Yan, Cheng Yuqian, and Zuo Chengmu will not get any substantial benefits. On the contrary, it will weaken their power to fight against Huaidong after returning to Jiangning...

Of course, Liu Zhi's life and death are unknown. They can't kill Wang Xueshan and his son, and **** them to Jiangning for trial.

All the officials moved westward with the emperor, and the documents and files of the Ministry of Household were all moved in and those that could not be moved to the ground. Time to bite people to mess with the country's politics" push it clean...

Yuan Hancheng said: "After the emperor returned to Jiangning, you and the others will compete with Huaidong, outside but not inside, to protect Lord Yu and Lord Wang, it will benefit everyone without any harm. Although Lord Wang can't afford a couch at this time, But you should also understand people..." He said this, but his eyes looked at Zuo Chengmu.

Among these people, Zuo Chengmu and Huaidong had the least grievances. In fact, from the time when Xie Chaozhong led the army to the time when Emperor Yongxing abandoned the capital and fled westward, Zuo Chengmu tried his best to oppose it. Huaidong bowed his head, maybe he would end up better than the others.

"What Prince Chu said is reasonable," Zuo Chengmu said calmly, "Master Yu and Master Wang are also right, they really can't be handed over to Huaidong to bully; and if the imperial family can be revived in the future, they have to rely on Huai. The West and Jiangzhou army are not allowed, the documents of the household are destroyed, and the household still has several hundred thousand taels of silver, so there is really no need to transport it back to Jiangning..."

Yuan Hancheng, Zhang Yan, and Cheng Yuqian all stared at him, and Zuo Chengmu couldn't even jump on the pirate ship.

Yuan Hancheng said something like "outside but not inside", his intention is also very obvious.

When the emperor fled westward, there was a shortage of food and grass, but there would be no shortage of gold, silver and jewelry. When he fled westward, the Ministry of Household, Ministry of Industry, Neifu, and the government of Jiangning were all emptied of the silver reserves. When the accompanying officials fled westward, they would also be able to The gold and silver that he brought with him was soft and soft, and in the house at his feet, Wang Xueshan brought more than 200,000 taels of silver that escaped from Jiangning in a hurry.

Zhang Yan and Cheng Yuqian are both greedy for money, but they are even more greedy for power—without power, the more wealth they have, the more the fish is washed and ready to be slaughtered. As long as they keep their power, they don't even care if they have more or less than a dozen or two hundred thousand taels of silver.

But these silvers are especially crucial for the embarrassed Huaixi and Jiangzhou troops at this time, and if they get them, they can increase their strength and the confidence to fight against Huaidong.

Yuan Hancheng couldn't understand what he was thinking, Zuo Chengmu simply helped him to say it, to show that he jumped on their pirate boat - and only in this way could he be safe.

Zhang Yan said: "In the beginning, the Ministry of Accounts invested 500,000 taels in the bank, but it was completely lost in the blink of an eye. At this time, there was naturally no account to check. Wang Xueshan copied out more than 200,000 taels of silver, which cost tens of thousands of taels. Take it out to deal with Jiang Ning, deduct 200,000 taels of silver, and there is still a gap of 300,000 taels of silver, Master Yu, Master Wang and the others must be willing to fill it..."

Yuan Hancheng was overjoyed and said, "Master Zhang is commendable for being loyal to the imperial family!"

Zhang Yan smiled, a bit bitter. He also admired Lin Fu, but since Tang Haoxin died, he must stand on the opposite side of Huaidong - only Huaixi and Jiangzhou Army, Jingxiang and Xiangtan are stronger. Solid, they will be more secure after they return to Jiangning.

The Chen family represented by Chen Huazhang and Chen Huawen had a good relationship with Huaidong for a long time. At this time, if they were attached to the past, they could still keep their roots; Zhang Yan, an eunuch, had no clan power or township party to rely on. Giving up resistance, being demoted, and dying in a foreign land are all good endings.

Zhang Yan understands the cruelty of official fighting better than anyone else.

After the negotiation here, I immediately sent someone to invite Yu Xinyuan, and then sent someone to invite Wang Tian, ​​who was sick in bed.

Yu Xinyuan went back with chills, and when he came back, he heard that there was a turning point. As long as he took out 150,000 taels of silver, he would be completely tied to a boat with Zhang Yan, Cheng Yuqian, and Zuo Chengmu. How could he care about the heartache? down.

Wang Tian was bedridden, and was carried over by his two sons on the sick bed to discuss matters. Yuan Hancheng and Liu Zhi, the kings of Chu, didn't inform him about the fact that they came to live in the nest, and suddenly told him so many things. Wang Tian couldn't digest it for a while, and wasted his energy for a long time. Wang Tian thought through the details, and also They can only follow Zhang Yan and the others.

After the matter was settled, Yu Xinyuan asked, "Should the sage be aware of this matter?"

"Shit!" said Chu Wang Yuanhancheng.


Ever since he slashed the palace maid with a blade, Emperor Yongxing stayed in the room to recuperate. The concubines of the harem and the two young princes were afraid to come and serve.

Fortunately, Zhang Yan and the other ministers were in charge, and Emperor Yongxing lost his temper, and the eunuchs and palace maids also had the courage to ignore them, but Xiaoyi waited on them and did not let Emperor Yongxing hurt himself.

A few days passed, and the arrogance and resentment in Emperor Yongxing's heart were also suppressed, but his body became weaker and weaker. He picked up the bronze mirror and looked at it, almost thinking it was another person. His cheeks were sunken, his long hair was messy and yellow, and his eyes were full. It was bloodshot, and he was breathing hard while sitting there, as if he was terminally ill.

"The King of Chu, Minister Cheng, Minister Zuo, Master Zhang, Master Yu and others are asking to see you outside the hall..." Huang Menlang walked in and reported that this is the most spacious room in the Yahou residence of Juchao County, but it is far from the same. Compared with the palaces in the imperial city, Huangmenlang is accustomed to calling it "the palace".

"King Chu, Master Yu," Yuan Jianwu replied in confusion, his head was splitting, he was a little confused for a while, and then he thought about it again, "Is it Yu Xinyuan back?"

"It's Yu Xinyuan, Lord Yu and Prince Chu who came back from Shouzhou!" Huang Menlang replied with Zhang Yan's instruction.

"My uncle Chu Wang is also here," Yuan Jianwu laughed, "I just said that Huaixi are all my loyal ministers, and they will definitely protect me. When will Dong Yuan lead his troops to retake Jiangning for me, and take those All the rebels and rebels?" He laughed and wanted to stand up, but he felt that his body was shaking, Huangmenling hurried over to help him, Yuan Jianwu said: "Hurry up and call the ministers in, I have to discuss the plan with the ministers..."

The house is not deep, UU reading www.uukanshu. comZhang Yan and others listened to what was going on in the yard, looked at each other, laughed bitterly, walked in with their heads broken, kowtowed, and everyone else was silent. It's important to tell the emperor to know..."

"If there is any good news, say it quickly, say it quickly..." Yuan Jianwu got up and sat on the bed with his waist down, asking Zhang Yan and the others to flatten their bodies, and asking the servants to move chairs to give seats to the ministers. Huang Menling looked embarrassed and embarrassed, but turned his head and walked out first.

Food and charcoal are necessities. All the decent furniture in this room was torn down to be used as firewood, and there was not even a chair left. Zhang Yan and the others naturally knew that there was no chair they could hold up, so they still insisted on kneeling there and refused to stand up, saying, "I have waited for you. It was found out that Wang Xueshan, the minister of households, colluded with the rebels of the She family before the war, and his son Wang Chao took a concubine Chen Ruyi to serve as the eyeliner of the She family in Jiangning; Xie Chaozhong led the troops and instigated the emperor to leave Jiangning to patrol Luzhou. It's all because Wang Xueshan was instigated by extravagance and betrayal to make tricks...by being deceived and deceived, and the officials and others did not observe it, so that the emperor has fallen to this point.

"What!" Yuan Jian's heart felt like a heavy hammer, and he sat on the bed in a daze for a long time, muttering to himself repeatedly, "How could Wang Qing be against me, how could Wang Qing be against me? How could Wang Qing be against me?" After repeating it for dozens of times, his eyes became vicious again, and he gritted his teeth and said, "The Wang family is deeply favored by the emperor, and it actually hurt me, and even caused me to lose a great river and mountain, the crime should be lingchi! The whole family, no, the three clans will all be executed lingchi. !"

Zhang Yan looked at the emperor and seemed to regain some sense. He lowered his head and glanced at Yuan Han on the left hand side. He thought that the emperor could put all the blame for failure on Wang Xueshan's head. If you can regain your sanity, everything will be more convenient. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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