Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 143: Divide fertilizer

In Jiangning, Lin Bie was already soberly aware that Huaidong would face a situation of joint confrontation among the various families in the future. He could only adopt the attitude of differentiation and win over the officials who fled to Luzhou with the emperor. The officials who fled to Luzhou were struggling, trapped and fighting, making the situation uncontrollable.

Yu Xinyuan was willing to return to Luzhou to persuade the emperor to return the capital. Sun Jingxuan and Chen Huawen on behalf of Huaidong were naturally welcome, and even promised Yu Xinyuan to return to Jiangning without lowering his rank. Yu Xinyuan didn't expect to continue to be in charge of the Metropolitan Court, and it was beyond his expectations to have these guarantees now. As for how to go in the future, it depends on how the situation develops.

In the afternoon of the next day, Chu Wang Yuanhan Chengcheng and Yu Xinyuan left the Kipishi Mountain camp for Luzhou, and persuaded the emperor to return to Jiangning.

"The King of Chu also went to Luzhou. I'm afraid it's not that simple!" Chen Huawen and Sun Jingxuan sat facing each other, frowning.

"My lord, as long as we don't establish two emperors, we can negotiate any conditions, and we will earn as much as we can win back." Sun Jingxuan is much more relaxed than Chen Huawen. He has followed Lin Fu all these years and looked at Huaidong. Step by step, it has grown from the palm-sized plot of Hell Island to today's scale. I know that what Huaidong needs most at this time is buffer time. Emperor Yongxing has no ability to cut down the vassal. Waiting for Huaidong to digest Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places well , and some are means to cut down the vassal. At this time, let more conditions go out, which will not hinder the overall situation in the future.

Chen Huawen and the Chen family joined Huaidong completely after the defeat of Huizhou. Naturally, his understanding of Huaidong was not as deep as Chen Jingxuan's, so it was inevitable that he would be worried.

Sun Jingxuan and Chen Huawen went back to the hospital to take a nap. After a while, Dong Yuan sent someone over to invite them.

Dong Yuan, Liu Tingzhou, and Ding Zhiru were waiting in the tent, Sun Jingxuan and Chen Huawen came in, and sat down with salutations. Next, they would discuss the substantive distribution of benefits.

Liu Tingzhou is loyal to the clan, but the actual situation forced him to be tied to the interests of Huaixi. When Huaidong's situation of controlling the state was difficult to change, he also had to fight for more independence for Huaixi to fight against Huaidong's. capital.

Huaidong wanted to set up a new Privy Council in Jiangning to take charge of the military and political power, and set up various defense zones to separate the local military and government, so that the original military and government of Huaidong could be better integrated into the Privy Council system.

The basic conditions for Lin Fu to Huaixi are: set up a camp in Huaixi, and Dong Yuan will be in charge of the Huaixi defense area as the deputy envoy of the privy, the right servant of the Ministry of War and the general manager of the Huaixi defense area. The appointment of officials can all be discussed within this framework.

The names of the official titles are all fictitious. The framework proposed by Sun Jingxuan and Chen Huawen on behalf of Lin Fu, if Dong Yuan and Liu Tingzhou are surprised, is that Lin Fu did not combine the two positions of the first assistant and the imperial envoy, that is, It was slightly lighter than they expected, but this did not change their intention to fight for more interests for Huaixi.

Dong Yuan asked Huaixi to have jurisdiction over five prefectures and one town, with taxes collected and supported by itself, and the taxes of Weiyang Mansion should be allocated to Huaixi for exclusive use. The officials of Huaixi must use those who are recommended by Huaixi.

Sun Jingxuan insisted that Dongyang Mansion and Luzhou Mansion should be separated from Huaixi and directly administered by Jiangning. Si.

Haozhou, Shouzhou, Xinyang, and Guoyang Junzhen can collect taxes and levies directly under the jurisdiction of Huaixi; but Jiangning's money and grain allocation to Huaixi is only two million taels of silver in total, which will be paid in three years, unless It is necessary for Huaixi to increase the number of troops, otherwise Huaixi's armament will be spent on local taxes. Huaixi officials, in addition to officials, can be recommended by Huaixi, but the recommendation must meet the basic conditions of the Ministry of Personnel, and each post needs to recommend three people for Jiangning to choose; supervisory officials, directly appointed by Jiangning; Huaixi supervisors The chief officer, Huaidong recommended Liu Tingzhou to take the title of deputy censor.

The conditions on the two sides were too different, and it was difficult to negotiate for a while, but Sun Jingxuan and Chen Huawen were not impatient.

On the Huaixi side, because Guoyang is located on the north bank of the Huaihe River, there is a fear of being besieged by Yanlu at any time. The grain and grass reserves are the most abundant, but only Guoyang has the most abundant grain reserves. Military reserves are extremely limited.

Affected by the continuous wars in the post-autumn period, the Autumn Fu in Jiangnan and other prefectures and counties has not yet been collected.

Although Dong Yuan also purchased grain from the people during this time, just in case, the purchase of 200,000 stone grains in the three prefectures more than doubled the price of grain. It can be seen that the ruins of Huaixi are far from recuperating.

At this time, we can't wait for Jiangning's grain to solve the problem. First, the high grain price has rapidly depleted the silver reserves of the Huaixi military government. Second, the continued purchase will increase the fear of the people, and promote the local rich to follow the grain storage to prepare for war and famine. The damage to Judas is even more detrimental to the foundation of Huaixi.

In the next three days of negotiations, the people from Huaixi made more concessions, while Sun Jingxuan and Chen Huawen made fewer concessions.

The eastern area of ​​Haozhou Mansion is the earliest place where Huaixi was recuperated, and it is also the area where Liu Tingzhou was the first to conduct farm work there. It is also located in Hongze Puxi Bay. Dong Yuan and Liu Tingzhou naturally refused to give Huaidong direct control. .

The division of defense zones was finally divided into Huaixi by Haozhou, Shouzhou, Xinyang and Guoyang Town. Taxes were also collected and collected by Huaixi branches, but the proportion of taxation should not exceed the upper limit allowed by Jiangning. Luzhou Prefecture was placed under the direct jurisdiction of Jiangning, but the troops stationed in Luzhou were transferred to the north and under the direct jurisdiction of Huaixi. The number of Huaixi troops was increased by 10,000, and the number of soldiers was increased to 110,000. Whether it was a colony or a battle, it was up to Huaixi to decide.

The total amount of money allocated by Jiangning to support troops has been increased from 2 million taels to 3 million taels, and the payment will be completed in two years; in addition, an additional 200,000 taels will be added every year for the newly added 10,000 troops. money rates.


Emperor Yongxing abandoned Jiangning and ran west to the west, accompanied by about 20,000 imperial battalions and imperial guards, and even larger ones were the harem concubines, eunuchs, palace maids, and hundreds of officials and family members who fled westward. The retinue, many seven or eighty thousand people.

All the way, he lost his soul and fled west in panic. There were countless people who fell into the water and died on the way. Emperor Yongxing almost fell into the water on the way. Anyway, he was pulled by the eunuch. sound.

Nearly 100,000 people rushed to Juchao in a chaotic manner, and worried that Xie Dan, the Luzhou defender who had been a confidant of Yue Lengqiu and Deng Yu, had ill intentions, so they stopped at Juchao and ordered Xie Dan to come to Juchao to see the driver.

Emperor Yongxing needed a palace, accompanied by hundreds of officials with their families and family, accompanied by squires and servants, had a hall, and escorted the soldiers.

There are only a thousand households in Juchao County, and the emperor drove him to Juchao. No matter how old or young in the county, they were all expelled from the city.

The shortage of food and grass was the only thing for the westbound troops. When they fled westward, they only wanted to bring their gold and silver wealth with them. They almost emptied the silver storage in the Ministry of Household, Ministry of Industry, and the internal treasury, but no one thought about the food problem of nearly 100,000 people. On the westward flight, nearly 100,000 people were starving. After arriving in Juchao County, the county's grain storage was only more than 200 stone, and it could not even last a day. When the people were driven out of the city, the soldiers and horses of the imperial camp also let go of the looting, which was extremely vicious, like a rogue, but the food they looted could not last a few days.

While ordering Xie Dan, the defender of Luzhou and surrounding counties, to **** the grain to Juchao to see the driver, they marched out of the city to raise grain—the so-called raising grain was no different from looting. In the eight days, the behavior was not necessarily much better than that of the rogues. The countryside was looted and washed, and adultery, prostitution, and incidents occurred from time to time.

In order to welcome Shewenzhuang's return from the west, She Feixiong sent Yang Xiong to lead the navy to the east along the river, to the outskirts of Chizhou, forcing the Jiangzhou army to escape into the city, and also divided a small group of troops and horses to sack the north bank - at this time the Yuying Army Cai fled into Juchao City in panic, and did not dare to go out to loot.

Immediately after the Huaidong Water Camp moved westward, Yang Xiong led the Dongting Lake bandits to withdraw, and the news of the recovery of Jiangning also spread to Juchao, and the chaotic situation finally settled down.

Yue Lengqiu went to Jiangning to ask for a confession, showing the gesture of giving up Emperor Yongxing, Zhang Yan angrily left Chizhou~www.wuxiaspot.com~ crossed the river and returned to his nest.

Not everyone can keep a clear head and watch the situation. Xie Dan, the Luzhou garrison who was Deng Yu's former army, was the first to arrive at Juchao to see him, and he was given the title of Fuguo General and Chao. Jiang Bo and the Yuying Army were under the control of the deputy capital, and the nearly ten thousand soldiers and horses of the original Luzhou were all incorporated into the Yuying Army.

If Emperor Yongxing hadn't come to Juchao and fell ill, afraid of the wind and cold, when Zhang Yan hurried back to Juchao, he would have moved to Luzhou City.

Hearing that Yue Lengqiu had gone to Jiangning to ask for a crime certificate, Emperor Yongxing was furious and scolded Yue Lengqiu for being ungrateful.

Zhang Yan's arm was cut, Cheng Yuqian stumbled and smashed his head, and Zuo Chengmu and other accompanying ministers were able to let the guards escape, and escaped the catastrophe; a palace maid had no time to escape and was hacked to death on the spot.

After a long time, Emperor Yongxing regained his senses. Sitting in a pool of blood, he was so weak that it was difficult to stand up. He just asked Zhang Yan, Cheng Yuqian, Zuo Chengmu and other ministers to constantly draw up edicts to order the world's prefectures and counties and dispatch troops. The world is still under his control.

Zhang Yan, Cheng Yuqian, Zuo Chengmu, Wang Xueshan and other ministers who accompanied him left and right had no choice but to have the metal utensils that could hurt people be removed from the room. Emperor Yongxing wanted to make a decree, and they all followed his temperament, but no longer To be true, even if I wrote it, I would not send someone to deliver it; I also blocked it to prevent the Yongxing Emperor from hearing the news of Jiangning and stimulated it again. I just hope that when Yu Xinyuan can bring back the good news from Shouzhou, the emperor can return to normal. .

Shouzhou along the Fei River is Luzhou, which is much closer than going to Dongyang Mansion. Yu Xinyuan and Chu Wang Yuanhancheng entered Juchao on the 15th; Liu Zhi heard the news that Yongxing Emperor was mad and killed, and temporarily stopped at the place. Yijiang has not dared to come to Juchao. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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