Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 26: grab the beach

The southeast wind brought drizzle, the sails and drums were like crossbows, and the boats were like arrows. More than 200 warships of the Jiangdong Zuo Army sailed westward through Huaikou.

Sun Ganzi didn't guess Lin Fu's identity from the banner of "Huaidong Jingkou made envoys, Jiangdong Xuanfu envoys and ministers participated in politics", but if such a large-scale water battalion officers and soldiers suddenly leaked through Yunti Pass, it was bound to happen. Affect the war situation in Huaibei.

Chen Zhe had already sent a quick cavalry to Suyu, Sizhou, and Suining to report the news, but Sun Ganzi was still worried, and handed over the Yunti Pass to Chen Zhe for defense. The tail of the fleet chased after it.

On the plain on the north bank of the Huaihe River, more than 600 cavalrymen trotted on their horses, spreading out in a cone shape, and the line was more than two miles long.

There are nearly 2,000 elite cavalrymen in Chen Hansan's home, and the more than 600 horses in the Pioneer Camp were created by Sun Ganzi with great difficulty in the past two years. They are very precious. If it wasn't for the fear that officers and soldiers would suddenly land on the north bank and attack the refugee army scattered on the north bank to raise food, Sun Ganzi would be reluctant to ride his horse on the slippery muddy road in rainy days to chase the warships that were taking advantage of the wind.

At this time, the refugee army scattered on the north bank to raise food was also Sun Ganzi's direct line of soldiers and horses, but they were reluctant to catch officers and soldiers by surprise.

The Huaihe River flows from Huai'an City to the north-east, and the fleet enters the Huaihe River from Yunti Pass, and naturally turns to the west-south.

This section of the Huaihe River is quite straight, reaching about 160 li to Huai'an City.

Fortunately, the fleet was going against the current, and the wind was just too small. Sun Ganzi and his cavalry were able to barely join the fleet on the north bank.

When it was dark, Sun Ganzi gathered the refugee army scattered on the north bank. The more than 600 cavalry had turned into more than 2,000 cavalry. However, when the Shushui River blocked the way, the pontoon bridge that had been erected nervously before the march was cut off with a knife and axe. , set it on fire, leaving only charred remnants in sight.

At this time, the rain had stopped, and the setting sun appeared on the horizon, illuminating the golden waves at the mouth of the river.

Sun Ganzi tightened the reins and stood on the east bank of Chazikou, where the Mushui River joins the Huai River. He ordered people to search for the ferry in the upper reaches of the Shushui River. The docking and landing was so fast that the refugee army on the northwest bank of the Hechakou was caught off guard.


The speed of the refugee army's fast cavalry was not slow in delivering messages, and the two thousand cavalrymen were bitten to death, but they were blocked by the three or four li-wide fork formed by the Shushui River that merged into the Huai River from north to south. On the west bank of the branch, there are also more than a thousand refugee troops who received a message from the fast horse and went to the shore to guard against landing on the north bank of the Huai River.

The landing of boats has high requirements on water flow and the terrain of the beach. The west bank of the river branch entering the Huaihe River is a large river beach wetland, which is in the shape of a triangle and has a depth of two or three miles. Muddy. The green reeds have spread to the height of the side of a warship, and if they grow wildly, they will form a large reed on this beach.

The Jinhai was parked in the middle of the waterway, Lin Fu supported the parapet and looked into the distance. The twilight was already heavy. At this time, if we didn't rush to land on the beach, we dragged it over overnight, and there might be thousands of refugee troops who rolled over in the dark and gave Sun to Sun who was temporarily blocking the east bank. The pole would also try to find a way to cross the Shu River overnight. At that time, it was even more difficult to go to the north bank of the Huai River west of the Shu River.

Ning Zechen came over in a small boat, boarded the stern deck, and said, "I have seen the situation, you can give it a try, I will personally lead the team up, there are still few robbers on the west bank, and I will send the boat to continue westward to the west, so as to disperse the pressure here. When you get to the shore, you can stand firm..."

"Okay! There are no warships entering Huai Shui, and the fleet continues to disperse in the West to find other landing points." Lin Fu affirmed Ning Zechen's plan, and he had to get ashore before the sky was completely dark, and he and Zhang Yubo Said, "I'll send you to Huai'an City to meet Liu Tingzhou. If it's not bad, when you come back again, we'll have a foothold on the north bank, and we'll be able to get in touch with the Changhuai Army who retreated to Shuyang..."

In the twilight, although Huai'an City was far away, it was less than thirty miles to the southwest. Along the Shushui River, Shuyang City was only forty or fifty miles away.

Zhang Yubo changed cabins and led a team of guards to the south bank.

The fleet continued to disperse towards Xila, and scattered hundreds of soldiers and civilians at the mouth of the river to the west. Ge Cunxiong and Ning Zechen organized the landing.

Two Jinhai-class troop transport ships parked in the middle of the river, and stopped under the big ditch. Several high-level warships stopped on each side to block the river beach with crossbow arrows as far as possible. More than a dozen flat-topped and shallow-bottomed ships with shallow to deep drafts were filled between the troop carrier and the river beach. The nearly 100-zhang-long passage of the boat stack leads directly to the beach. More than 100 soldiers each carry a bale of hay to board the boat stack. The bale of hay is passed from the back to the front beach, and spreads on the muddy wetland and extends forward...

Sun Ganzi took advantage of the dim twilight to swim to the west bank with four of his cronies, put on their armor and ran over.

At this time, more than two hundred refugee troops came from the north. Sun Ganzi grabbed the leader and asked, "Do you recognize me?"

"The little one is from the Zuo Hujun, why don't you recognize you, Master Rod?" The leader recognized Sun Ganzi. Seeing that he couldn't see anyone except the hundreds of people who were scattered, he asked in surprise, "Rod. Where are your soldiers?"

"Stop it in the east," Sun Ganzi pointed to the east bank, and he could no longer see the situation on the east bank. He said, "The soldiers of the Zuo Hu army can fight, okay, you all come with me and drive these officers and soldiers into the water. Go..." Seventy-eighty-eight of these two hundred people were all wearing armor, and in the refugee army with less than 11 armor-piercing numbers, they could be seen as elites with the naked eye.

There is no embankment at the mouth of the river, and it is a shallow flooded land, so it has a wide range.

The big axe that Sun Ganzi was used to was extremely heavy, and he couldn't swim across the river. He picked up a shield and a straight-ridged knife, and he took the lead and rushed into the river beach, leaving the archers scattered on both wings, dashing down and scattering. ...

As soon as the last refugee army was defeated, another refugee army came, piercing armor and holding a shield, and charged with arrows. The speed was so fast that Ning Zechen, who came ashore first, was taken aback.

The dry land on the river beach was not large, and it was far away from the warships behind, and the crossbow arrows could not cover it. Ning Zechen knew that he had to take the armored soldiers who landed first to rush out, and defended his position, so that the following soldiers and horses could be protected. Give up enough landing space, so that this landing will not fall short.

Ning Zechen brought the Mo Knife and looked up at the enemy. The enemy who rushed towards him spread out in a cone shape. The former was naturally a brave general in the refugee army. Raise the knife and step straight to the past...

Sun Zhuang raised his shield to block it, and the sword that smashed through the shield continued to strike his left arm. If it weren't for the iron guard on his left arm, it would have been chopped off immediately. Even so, he was almost broken by the shock. Sun Zhuang's response was not slow. The guards beside him swung away with their shields.

The straight-ridged sword was not as powerful as the Mo sword, and it was normal that the shield could not be broken with a hurried sword.

In Sun Zhuang's view, it was a big loss of face.

He could see that Ning Zechen in front of him was the leader of the officers and soldiers. He stabbed Ning Zechen to break his shield and almost killed him, but the inconspicuous guard beside Ning Zechen swung his sword away with a shield. How could he be reconciled?

The guards beside Ning Zechen looked inconspicuous, but it was Zhang Jiheng, a sentry general who Ning Zechen trusted in Fengli Camp.

Zhang Jiheng led his troops to the shore first, and Ning Zechen rushed out to kill himself. Naturally, he had to protect him in case of any loss.

Zhang Jiheng was not reconciled. He thought that he would be able to kill the enemy generals in one fell swoop with Ning Zechen, but he did not expect that the straight-ridged sword was so heavy that he took a step back before taking off his strength. When he attacked again, both sides were already The soldiers from both sides who quickly engaged in the battle were crowded out, and there was no chance for direct confrontation...

Although Sun Zhuang was illiterate, he was not a reckless man. He stabbed him in a cold sweat and grabbed a shield. He didn't dare to rush into the enemy line by himself as before. At this time, Sun Zhuang could feel the elite of the officers and soldiers in front of him. Although he felt exhausted, he could still take advantage of his strength to cut down or push the current officers and soldiers forward. The brave soldiers of the refugee army beside him could not keep up. Sun Zhuang took a few steps toward the conflict, and the thick cone formation was squeezed into a slender cone. If he didn't step back, he would be cut off and trapped in the formation of officers and soldiers as a lone army...

Sun Zhuang had no choice. He didn't want to put his life here. He retreated a little, and then led people to charge forward. Ten steps.

The armored soldiers who landed later have formed a dense array of projectile arrows behind. Sun Zhuang saw that nearly half of the more than 200 people who rushed down were injured, and he knew that nothing could be done, so he fought and retreated in order to form a wider battlefield. , and let the soldiers of the refugee army who had been led away and returned again to fill the battlefield to fight a tug-of-war.

Hearing the news, most of the refugee troops who came to intercept them were scattered troops to raise food, not the elite of the refugee army, and none of the armor piercers out of ten. A wider battlefield was formed, and it seemed that more refugee soldiers came in to participate in the war. For Ning Zechen, it was far less pressure than the more than 200 armor-piercing refugee army elites who pressed on the narrow ground of the river beach just now.

It was almost dark here. Although the boats stopped in the river were holding fire, and the refugee army also lit a lot of torches on the shore and threw them here, the light of the real face-to-face killing was already very dim.

Ning Zechen took his elite armoured soldiers to the left and dashed to the right. The dim light had little effect, but the refugee army, who could not adapt to the dim light, began to be in chaos, and the gap between their physical strength became obvious. When Ning Zechen led the crowd to the beach , the assault array can still maintain a relatively complete cone shape, and the intercepted refugee army could not resist the pressure collapse, and fled north along the east bank of the Shushui... My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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