Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 22: Expand the army

Chapter 22

It was planned in May last year, and construction of the foundation trench was started in August. It took eight months to complete the construction of Xinchong City in mid-March.

In addition, the northeast corner of the city wall is a corner fort that confronts the Donglu Mountain Gate. The perimeter of Xinchong City is more than 1,300 steps, and its size is less than half of Xinhe City. Hecheng can compare, recruiting nearly 20,000 migrant workers at most.

The auspicious day of March 16 was chosen. Before noon, Lin Fu led Chongzhou civil and military officials to enter the city from the Beicheng Gate, walked up the Beicheng Gate Tower from Dengcheng Road, looked at the Chongzhou villagers who came to watch the ceremony outside the city, and held the city plate. Word.

Song Jia dressed as a man and wore a green shirt, but she looked like a handsome boy. After standing on Lin Fie's side, she didn't look at the jubilant villagers gathering like ants under the city plate. She stared at Lin Fie Qingjun's profile. , I wondered how he would feel at this time?

From a military point of view, the multiple fortress defense system of Zilang Mountain is easier to defend and difficult to attack than Xin Chong City. Lin Fu himself has no intention of entering the city, but in a sense, the completion of Xin Chong City is Lin Fu. The real take root in Chongzhou - the completion of Junshanshuicheng will be delayed for another three months.

After offering wine to Heaven and Earth at the Beicheng Gate Tower, Lin Fu and the officials went to the Yashou, and the new Chongcheng officially started.

Except for the city wall, most of the buildings in the city are not newly built.

In the Guangjiao Temple gang-related case, three big families were involved in the case at the foot of Mount Zilang Mountain. These three farmhouses were later confiscated by the Lin family. When the city was built, the three large mansions, the nunnery of Guangjiao Temple at the foot of Donglu Mountain, and the village where Han Zai lived in Chongzhou were enclosed. About 60 or 70 years into the yard, it took up more than half of Xin Chong City.

Under the auspices of Ge Fu, an old worker, these houses were renovated, added or strengthened while the city was being built. Some of them were converted into government buildings such as the Yasi, the county school, the county warehouse, and the county prison, and some were converted into private residences for the families of the generals of the Jiangdong Left Army.

The Yas and the Yas are the joint offices of the Chongzhou County Yas and the Jinghai Metropolitan Superintendent.

Lin Fu knew the affairs of Chongzhou county from the left suffrage government, but handed over the daily affairs of the county government to Li Shuyi, Chen Lei and others as agents. Lin Mengde and Cao Zi'ang, the envoy of the Jinghai Metropolitan Governor, alternately entered the city to handle daily affairs; the real power core of Chongzhou still remained in the Dongya at the foot of Zilang Mountain.

After the Beiya is vacated, a solid wall will be built on the periphery, and it will be transformed into a permanent military camp. Since then, the defense of Zilang Mountain Fortress will also be largely completed. Junshanshuicheng also started construction after the Chongzhou war, and it will take three to five months to complete.


In the afternoon, the sun is warm, the warm wind is warm, the grass is full of grass, and the tender flowers and bright spring flowers are mixed in it, which makes the pink butterflies gather and scatter.

After leaving the west gate, Lin Fu lazily strode on the horse's back, smelling the spring breeze, Song Jia sat in the carriage, and said to Lin Fu through the car window: "Today is also to drink the young master's full moon wine, go back to the mountain earlier... "

Song Jia was wearing a green shirt, her hair like a crow draped down diagonally, which made her face charming and bright.

The period of filial piety was about to end in 20 days, and all local newspapers and residences would send a copy to the mountain, and Lin Fu could not act on official business in the Dongya.

Today is also the day of Xin'er's full moon. It is inconvenient to make a big deal during the period of filial piety, but Lin Fu also instructed the house to set up a few tables of banquets to invite people close to Chongzhou to gather on the mountain, which is also to ask Yueer's joy.

Lin Fu looked up at the blue and traceless sky, the sun just fell slightly, and it was still early. He thought that if you were to see the scenery in spring, it would also be excellent on the mountain, and said to Song Jia, "Then go up the mountain."

At this time, Cao Zi'ang and Qin Chengzu chased out from the Xicheng Gate, and Chen/Yuanliang sent someone from Qingzhou to bring a secret letter.

Lin Fuelle stopped, opened the secret letter on the street, frowned slightly, and pursed his lips for a while, then heaved a sigh of relief, showed the secret letter to Cao Zi'ang, and said, "The emperor ordered Liang Xi to go south in late February, and with Yue Leng Qiu attacked the bandits in central Henan, and wanted to settle the situation in central Henan as soon as possible. Liang Xi was short of food supplies, so he asked Qingzhou to supply Liang’s army first, asking for salaries with 50,000 troops, and never saying that he would not propose a day for soldiers..."

Qin Chengzu snorted coldly: "During the thirst, the thirst has not stopped, the poison has been released, and it is also the child of the Chongguan child who is to blame..." He was schadenfreude to Liang Xi's father and son's failure to advance in Jinan.

Lin Fu frowned slightly and said: "To recapture Jinan several battles, Liang Xi and his son used their troops extremely fast, with the potential of thunder, and they won many battles, which also restored the Liang family's unbearable prestige since the tragedy of Chentangyi. But looking at the root cause, the Tianpao rebels hurriedly revolted. Although there were 300,000 people, they were incomplete in armour, battalion, and lack of clothing and food. In just three or five months, there was no training at all. That's all, it's easy to defeat. In contrast, although Chen Hansan's army has only more than 20,000 troops, nearly half of them are elite soldiers, and there are 2,000 old cavalry. They are not under the father and son of Liang Xi, but on both sides of the Yingshui River, they have not been able to get any advantage from Chen Hansan. The father and son of Liang Xi are still a little self-aware, how can they bite this hard bone at this time? "

Cao Zi'ang stood in front of Lin Bing's horse, folded his chest with his arms, raised his left hand to rest his chin in thought, and said, "When Liang Xi and his son recovered, they recruited more than 16,000 troops from Qinyang. How much is the salary, and how much is real?"

"Guanyun Bo Liang Chengyi attacked Yang Quan in the south, and although Yang Quan was killed, Liu Miaozhen then led his troops north to meet them. The refugee army would not suffer too many casualties. Liang Xi, the Duke of Lu, and Liang Cheng, the Hou of Changxiang, attacked the Tianpao army in the west and regained the plain. , Jinan, and Daming, in only 20 days, a large number of refugees should surrender their weapons. Liang Xi and his son were strong and strong, and the soldiers were recruited into the army. The number of 50,000 troops would not be too empty... Liang Xi The father and son are going south to join forces with Yue Lengqiu to attack the Chen Han and other refugee troops, and the strength of the former troops is a bit small." Qin Chengzu said.

Lin Bie nodded, affirming Qin Chengzu's judgment. Qin Chengzu was good at calculating, and there would not be too much error in judging the strength of the Liang family.

"To be serious, the red jacket girl Liu Miaozhen fought no better than Chen Han in Yingxi. She went north to Hezhong Mansion and responded decisively to all Yang's defeat," Cao Ziang said, "Liang Chengyi's tenth battalion should be Liang. If you have enough supplies for the Red Jackets, Liang Chengyi will not be a match for the Red Jackets..." They sent a large number of sentries in Huainan to collect information, and they were quite familiar with the generals of the refugee army.

Qin Chengzu and others have suffered at the hands of Chen Hansan. Although they hate it, they can face up to Chen Hansan's ability. Cao Ziang admires Liu Miaozhen more.

When Lin Tie was in Shanglin, he had a brief battle with Liu Miaozhen, and had a deep impression of this black and strong woman.

In terms of martial arts, Liu Miaozhen and Zhou Pu, Ao Canghai, and Ning Zechen are in the same order, and Zhao Hu, Zhao Qingshan, Ge Cunxin, Ge Cunxiong, and Zhou Tong are slightly inferior.

What is even more rare is that Liu Miaozhen is very good at military use, and can be regarded as a double jade with Chen Hansan.

Considering that when Chen Hansan betrayed Huaian, there were 2,000 elite cavalry soldiers following him, and when Liu Miaozhen raised his army, his subordinates could be called only 200 or 300 elites, Cao Ziang thought that Liu Miaozhen was better.

"According to the current information, the refugee army tends to gather and join forces in the lower reaches of the Yingshui River and the north bank of the Huaihe River," Lin Fu thought thoughtfully. "Maybe Liu Miaozhen should stay on the north bank of the Yellow River to look for fighters..."

"The refugee army gathered in Huaibei, perhaps trying to defeat the Changhuai army in one fell swoop," Cao Zi'ang said, "If the Changhuai army is defeated, there will be no troops along the Huaihe River to stop the refugee army from going south, crossing the Huaihe River, and returning to Hongzepu, and Shen Rong will not be in Weiyang. How many soldiers are available, the refugee army can echo the troops and horses of the She family in eastern Zhejiang, even if it is possible to cross the river south..."

"Judging from the current situation, Liang Xi's father and son did not advance in Jinan, and Yue Lengqiu was too far north to retreat to Xuzhou. If the refugee army really bypassed Xuzhou and crossed the Huaihe River in the south, it would make people very headache..." Qin Chengzu said.

The refugee army joined forces in Yingkou, and Xuzhou was in the north-easterly direction of Yingkou. If the refugee army wanted to cross Huainan directly, Yue Lengqiu would not be able to pursue it in Xuzhou. The entire Huainan area was empty of defense, and there were only a small number of local garrison troops, especially the Weiyang House. Almost all the elites of the Weiyang local army were sent to the north of Zhejiang for Dong Yuan.

Song Jia was sitting in the carriage. Hearing this, she thought that Lin Fu would not allow the refugee army to cross the Huaihe River in the south and echo the extravagant flying bears in eastern Zhejiang. Chongzhou should be further expanded at this time, right?

Lin Bie raised his head slightly, looked at the blue sky above the mountain, thought for a moment, and said to himself, "Maybe it's time for the third water camp." After a pause, he made up his mind and lowered his head. He looked at Qin Chengzu and Cao Zi'ang who were standing in front of the horse, "Let Ning Zechen lead Feng to leave the camp and return to Chongzhou, and let Ge Cunxiong draw the flag heads from the 1st and 2nd battalions, the commander of the pawns, and the 120 sentry generals. Come back together and directly set up the third water camp..."

"Do you need to make another battalion in the Chongcheng Infantry Camp left behind in Shengsi?" Cao Zi'ang asked.

"Let Zhou Tong reorganize the second battalion in Shengsi," Lin Fu said. "The cavalry battalion will not be expanded for the time being. The three armies of Chongcheng, Changshan, and Fengli will be directly upgraded to brigade, and the five battalions will be formed as soldiers. All generals will be promoted to brigade commanders. "Chongzhou, let Ao Canghai move first..."

Song Jia listened to the unfamiliar titles of "Brigade" and "Brigade Commander" in the carriage, and knew that it was Lin Bie's blunt military system.

Since the founding of the country, the Dayue Dynasty has set up military towns to guard places and border gates. Usually, it consists of several battalions or dozens of battalions of armored soldiers. There is no brigade-level setting between the battalion and the army town, and no post-level setting between the team and the battalion.

Song Jia thought that the three brigades of Chongcheng, Changshan, and Fengli would make up five battalions of soldiers. In addition, the riding battalion has two strong battalions, and the Jinghai battalion is even more overstaffed. At this time, Ge Cunxiong was recruited to set up the third water battalion. Based on the number of flag heads, **** chiefs, and sentry generals, it would also be directly composed of two battalions.

After the expansion of the Jiangdong Left Army, the total force will reach the 24th Battalion of the Seventh Brigade.

In addition to the Chongzhou Infantry Battalion and the Jinghai Second Water Battalion guarding the Shengsi Line of Defense, and the Jinghai No. 1 Water Battalion protecting the Jinhai Grain Road and the Danluo Jizhou Route, the troops that will be transferred to Chongcheng for Lin Fu will include the Cavalry Battalion and Changshan. Buying, Fengli Buying and the upcoming Jinghai Third Water Battalion.

Song Jia guessed that the third water battalion in Jinghai should focus on fighting in inland waters. Lin Fu probably wouldn't tolerate the refugee army crossing Huainan to echo the extravagant flying bears in eastern Zhejiang. An opportunity for the left army to expand again?

The trip to Jinhai was really crucial, prompting the imperial court to implement the policy of protecting grain with salt and silver, and opening up a route for Chongzhou to reach Jinhai directly from Heishuiyang, so that Chongzhou had a direct influence on the Jinhai grain route. What is more important is the southward migration of the Sun, Zhou and other sea merchants, and a large amount of silver money poured into Chongzhou, which enabled Lin Fu to concentrate resources to strengthen the armament of the Jiangdong Left Army, and was the first to receive 200,000 taels of silver to support the army. Therefore, there is no financial pressure for this expansion.

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