Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 62: Kenjima

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

In the past dynasties, the complexity of the secret history of the palace is not necessarily slightly worse than the official history.

From the assassination of Emperor Qingyu to the conspiracy of King Yan and the Hou Jingbei, as well as the ascension of Emperor Delong, the rise of the Empress Dowager Liang and the Liang family, as well as Emperor Delong's sudden illness and his death, the secret edict was passed on to his younger brother. Bloody secrets from outsiders.

In the cruel and **** struggle for imperial power, the princes and generals were nothing but passing by.

After coming out of Yongchang Houfu, the sun was already slanting west, Lin Bie was riding on horseback, squinting to see the golden light reflected on the eaves of the setting sun, he tightened the reins, and said to Ao Canghai: "The Journey of Artemisia An excellent poem: The bones are exposed in the wild, there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles, and one hundred people are left behind, and the thought of it breaks one's heart... However, since Chen She, everyone only knows the phrase 'a prince and a general, I would rather have a seed' Talk."

During the banquet, Ao Canghai was standing behind Lin Fu. From various indications, Yuan Guizheng was also unwilling to be lonely. In terms of honorable titles and wealth, even the princes and princes of the clan will be reduced to nothing after the ninth generation. Only the hereditary titles are the most rare. There are only thirteen families in the world, and the Marquis of Yongchang is one of them. Want to learn from the eight surnames of East Fujian and come to be a fief?

"I'm worried that the Marquis of Yongchang also has contact with the She family..." Ao Canghai said.

"How can such a person only bet on one family?" Lin Fu smiled slightly and said, "When the waves come, Yun Shengtao perishes, let him go." Lin Fu didn't want to get entangled in the **** court battle at this time. , he can exchange for the opportunity for Sumei to travel to and from Chongzhou freely. If he wants to not be involved at all, it is impossible. What the sea boat of Yongchang Houfu wanted to do from Chongzhou to Gyeonggi, Lin Fu planned to turn a blind eye, too lazy to care, and nothing could hinder him for the time being - in front of the general situation, this kind of hidden in the palace The conspiracy and calculations in the corner are really not on the table.

Seeing that it was getting late, Lin Fu went to Gu's residence again.

Before noon, the Commissioner of the Procuratorate had initially drafted a charter for the construction of the prison city on the withdrawal island, but the location of the prison city in Chongzhou had not yet been finalized. According to Xiao Xuanchou's table and the opinions approved by Beijing Central, you can choose a sand island at the mouth of the Chongzhou River.

Xisha Island already has more than 34,000 mouths, and the land that can be reclaimed as fertile land is only 150,000 or 60,000 mu, and there is not much rich wasteland. The most important thing is that Lin Fu has already made a relatively complete plan for reclaiming Xisha Island. In addition to materials, there is no need to continue to increase the investment in manpower.

In addition to Xisha Island, there are dozens of large and small sandbars near the mouth of the Chongzhou River, but Lin Fu's object is the Hecheng Grassland east of Chongzhou County, which is the Hecheng Grassland owned by Weiyang Salt and Iron Company.

In the present age, the main method of making salt is drenching boiled salt, also known as fried sea boiled salt.

Frying sea salt requires a lot of fuel, and the reeds that grow naturally in large tidal flats in coastal areas provide a lot of forage for sea cooking salt. In order to ensure the acquisition of forage, large areas of new silt land around the saltworks are designated as pasture land owned by the Salt and Steel Company. Only pasture households are allowed to plant weeds, and it is strictly forbidden for villagers and displaced persons to cultivate and cultivate.

The Hecheng Grassland to the east of Chongzhou, even if the tidal flats are not counted, is larger than Chongzhou County. Compared with Chongzhou County, where there are more than 300,000 villages in one county, Hecheng Grassland has more than 30,000 villages, except for a small number of farmers near Hecheng Division, and the land is greatly abandoned.

In fact, apart from the method of frying the sea and boiling salt, which consumes a lot of forage, drying salt in the field is not a top-secret technique.

In the early years in Wudi County, Shandong Province, there were records of salt drying in paddy fields. Perhaps it was a bad custom, or it was a small-scale paddy field for salt drying. The output was greatly affected by the wind and rainy season. The history of paddy field salt drying in Wudi County It has continued on and off for twenty or thirty years, and it is no longer necessary to ban it.

Changlu and Huainan salt fields have also recorded records of salt drying in paddy fields, but they have not been popularized.

Lin Fu knew that surrounding fields and drying salt was a major trend in the salt industry. He couldn't control this for the time being. He was interested in the large land under the jurisdiction of Hecheng Grassland.

If, in the early spring of last year, hundreds of thousands of refugees had been led to the Hecheng pastures to reclaim wasteland, the Hongzepu Rebellion would not have turned into what it is today.

Chongzhou County has limited land resources, most of the land is owned by owners, and all are cultivated by tenant farmers. The main purpose of forest binding in Chongzhou County is to check the hidden fields and tenants, and to increase the taxation of Chongzhou County, but it cannot accommodate too many refugees, but the cranes There are plenty of grasslands in the city.

Of course, Hecheng Grassland provides Weiyang Salt and Iron Division with six or seven million fodder every year, and Weiyang Salt and Iron Division provides salt tax with two million taels of silver each year for the center. The idea of ​​Hecheng Grassland is not so easy to fight. It can only follow the detour strategy of Xu Xutuzhi.

The first step was to replace a thousand fields from the Hecheng pasture on the north bank of the Yangtze River to build a prison city. Other thoughts were temporarily hidden.

Lin Fu hadn't thought about the qualifications to deal directly with Weiyang Salt and Iron Division. He hoped that Gu Wuchen would come forward in the name of the inspector and envoy. As for how much money would be spent behind the scenes, he asked Lin Mengde to take care of it himself.


Lin Fu came out of the city after having a meal at Gu Mansion at night, and when he returned to Hekou, did he know that Su Mei had asked Si Niangzi to come to the cottage and asked him to visit Xiaobai Garden after returning.

Arriving at Xiaobai Garden, Lin Fu found that there were three thirteen- or fourteen-year-old girls beside Su Mei. Without Su Mei's words, Lin Fu could also guess that these three girls were convicted in the case of Su Hu's conspiracy. The girl from the Su family of Jiaofang Division must have been sent by Fan Ding.

"At dusk, Phan Ding was sent by someone," Su Mei sent the person away and sat under the lamp, two lines of tears streaming down her cheeks, "I have no other unfulfilled wish for this outcome. …”

Lin Fu walked over, reached out and wiped away the tears from her cheeks, Su Mei hugged his waist with his backhand, and fell into his arms and cried. Lin Bie let her cry for a while, and then said with a smile: "This is a good thing, you want to cry my new robe dirty..."

"You..." Su Mei let go of her hand embarrassedly and wiped the tears from her cheeks with the embroidered handkerchief. Lin Bie took her shoulders, and she docilely hugged him.

Lin Fu was tired of standing, and sat in a chair with Su Mei with a thick skin. He told Su Mei about his banquet in Yongchang Houfu today, and said, "Yuan Guizheng thinks he will drag me to the place where he is. In the case of treason that year, detaining people is not very interesting anymore. It is better to pretend to be generous and send people over to show it. You will not be restricted in Jiangning in the future. Prepare a boat for you..."

"You are in short supply of boats, what do I have to do with a boat?" Su Mei shook her head and refused to prepare a boat specially for her, "Jiyun Club's merchant fleet travels to and from Chongzhou frequently, so I will go to Chongzhou to see it. You and Xiaoman can just sit in the merchant fleet of Jiyun Society..."

Lin Bie held Su Meifeng's plump and round chin, looked at her charming bright eyes under the lamp, wanted to let her sit on his lap, but was afraid of abrupt her, only said: "Alright, this time you will follow me first. When you go to Chongzhou, the Su family should also officially recognize each other - these things, you have to tell Xiaoman yourself..."

"Okay." Su Mei was a little embarrassed to stare at Lin Fu. She struggled a little and lowered her head. She put her ear to his chest and listened to his heart beating vigorously, thinking about sitting like this for the rest of her life. When the candles burned out, thinking that Lin Tie still had a lot to do in Jiangning, he stood up and pushed him to leave.


On June 28, Lin Xuwen's reply was sent back to Jiangning from Jinhai. He also agreed that the body of his father Lin Tingxun should be moved to Chongzhou for burial immediately.

Jiangning invited a monk to do the practice for 11 days before and after the incident. He also made more preparations for other things. The coffin was officially moved to Chongzhou for burial on the second day of the seventh lunar month.

Lin Fuze and Su Mei rushed ahead on June 29th. In addition to the second battalion of Jinghai Camp, there were more than 1,700 prisoners and officers and soldiers on Prison Island.

In addition to the fleet of Jinghai Camp, Jiyun Society also organized more than 60 Upon boats to transport prisoners.

In July, the river is full of water, and it runs down the river like a galloping horse. Although the moon is bright at night, the stars are bright, which is conducive to night navigation. We set sail in the early morning of June 29 and arrived at Guanyin Beach on Xisha Island at noon on the 30th.

Prison Island has long been used as a large prison outside the city, where all the prisoners who were sentenced to one to three years in prison for misdemeanors were imprisoned. These prisoners are not very harmful, and even more than half of them are tenants who cannot pay the rent and tax to the officials.

When they were on Prison Island, although food and clothing were not good, they had enough food to eat, clothes to wear, free soup and medicine when they were sick, and even a small amount of wages every day. They were quite diligent and lawful in their work. Supported more than a dozen factories on Prison Island.

After Lin Fu arrived in Chongzhou, he also set up a number of workshops on Xisha Island.

In the early stage, these workshops were mainly used to solve the needs of ordnance, warships, combat equipment, armour, shoes and hats, quilts and other materials within the Jiangdong Left Army, as well as the production and construction of Xisha Island and the survival and living needs of the islanders.

These workshops have only been established for less than two months, and what is lacking is skilled craftsmen. Most of the refugees resettled to Xisha Island are farmers, and very few people can do handicrafts. Xisha Island employs a group of craftsmen, but the number is very limited. After all, most people who can eat a bowl of hot soup and rice at home in this era are reluctant to leave their hometowns.

Nearly 8,000 people from the Xihe Congregation and their families moved to Chongzhou, which solved some problems. However, the craftsmen belonging to the Xihe Congregation mainly focused on the field of repairing inland ships. The establishment of a shipbuilding yard has taken away more than half of the craftsmen of the Xihehui, but the craftsmen who burn bricks to build houses, make coking coal and iron, make nails, knives, and manufacture various copper and iron castings and tools are still extremely scarce.

The prison island has been in business for a year and a half. Among the nearly 1,500 prisoners, there are more than 300 skilled craftsmen. Others also know some handicrafts. They can be directly arranged to work in the workshop. It completely solved one of the most troublesome problems in Xisha Island.

The eldest Sun Geng, who served as the deputy supervisor of Zhengjiu Pin Prison City, also moved his family to Chongzhou this time, and he also struggled to cross the threshold from official to official. In the afternoon, he set foot on the land of Xisha Island and took a long breath. It was hard to believe that a year ago, this was a deserted island, and more than 20,000 people were drowned due to typhoon and tide recharge.

After Lin Fu arrived in Chongzhou, the boat docked directly at the Nanya Pier of Zilang Mountain, and asked Hu Zhiyong to arrange a small courtyard for Chang Sun Geng's family in the surrounding building on the east bank of the Xiaoman River in Guanyin Beach. There are six rooms, enough for Changsun Geng and his wife to live with their mother, only son and an elderly family.

Everything on Xisha Island is handled by someone. As long as more than 1,000 prisoners are brought to Chongzhou, everything is well arranged here. After arriving on Xisha Island, Lin Fu also asked Changsun Geng to rest for two days, arrange his family before starting work, and asked Hu Zhiyong to explain the situation of Xisha Island to Changsun Geng.

"The road on the island is more tidy on the Guanyin Beach side. Lord Changsun wants to go out for a walk and talk to me, or go directly to the horse camp to borrow a horse..." Hu Zhiyong said.

"Everything on the island will be troublesome in the future," said Changsun Geng.

Hu Zhiyong's face is Lizheng on Xisha Island, and the eldest Sun Geng is naturally worthy of Lizheng, but he knows in his heart that apart from the two battalions garrisoned, Hu Zhiyong and Sun Jingxuan are both Lin Tie's henchmen on Xisha Island.

After getting along for so long, Changsun Geng is also quite convinced by Lin Fu's handling of affairs. When he came to Chongzhou, he was not coveting an official title of the ninth grade, but also hoped that he could do more with Lin Fu. Hu Zhiyong cooperated well.

"Lord Changsun is very polite," Hu Zhiyong said with a smile, "Why don't I take you to the surrounding room where the prisoners are housed and take a look. The adults instructed not to build additional walls to separate Guanyin Beach; The prisoner is mainly the eldest grandson, after the eldest grandson has read it, please tell me if you have any orders..."

"Let's go to the surrounding room and take a look..." Chang Sun Geng was also unable to sit still.

On the Guanyin Beach side, three surrounding houses are specially vacated, all of which are concentrated on the beachhead on the east side of Guanyin Beach. Further east is a peach grove. , have grown to be seven or eight feet high, and the crown of the tree is quite impressive.

The surrounding house is very large. One surrounding house covers an area of ​​almost 15 or 6 mu, and is arranged in a zigzag shape. In the middle is a shared rammed earth drying field, which is five or six mu of land. The doors of the three surrounding houses are facing the sun. field. According to Lin Bie's instructions, there were no additional walls around the house. The overall appearance was not much different from the other buildings in Guanyin Beach except for the surrounding buildings and military fortresses.

There were a lot of reception staff on Xisha Island. Zhao Hu also led the prison guards to supervise them. More than 1,400 prisoners were orderly entering the enclosed room with quilts, pots and other items waiting to be arranged. Changsun Geng and Hu Zhiyong came over, and the arrangement was almost finished. The smell of meat came from the surrounding room. Hu Zhiyong smiled and said: "Everyone is new here, and the first meal has wine and meat. Wine does not want to get drunk, but meat is full... I heard that the eldest grandson doesn't mind sharing meals and drinks with the prisoners, why don't we have dinner here too?"

"Very good," said Changsun Geng with a smile, "if you have wine and meat, can you ask for more?"

After a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sun Jingxuan also rushed over to meet with Chang Sun Geng, and discussed with him about the prisoners entering the workshop to work.

Except for the prison island military pawns led by Chang Sun Geng and Zhao Hu, ordinary prison officials and yamen did not follow, but prison island prisoners have formed a system of prisoner autonomy, and there are a group of people who voluntarily stay after their prison terms expire. Those who came down to work also selected some of them to serve as prison guards, and they did their best to do their jobs better than the previous prison guards and yamen.

This is also the reason why more than 1,400 prisoners evacuated from Prison Island and moved to Xisha Island without any confusion.

Even if these more than 1,000 prisoners have settled down on Xisha Island, they will gather around the house to rest at night, organize training in the morning, and after the meal, they will be assigned to work in various workshops led by prison officers and cell leaders, and they will have lunch in the workshop at noon. , After work in the evening, go back to the surrounding house for a collective dinner.

For most of the misdemeanor prisoners who were sued because they could not pay the rent and tax, they had work, enough food to eat, and a small amount of wages that they could save to support their families. On this day of rest, wages and meals are paid, and life is even more stable than before prison. What else is there to be unsatisfied with? Perhaps the biggest worry is not knowing where to go after the sentence expires?

The operation of Prison Island for more than a year has also confirmed that this whole set of methods is very effective.

The real headache is the continuous flow of exile prisoners sent to Chongzhou. The vast majority of exile prisoners are prisoners of serious crimes, including many robbers and robbers who kill without blinking an eye, and their geographical distribution is very complex. There are criminals in Jiangdong, Liangzhe, Jiangxi, Shandong, Zhongzhou, Jinghu and Jingchu counties.

Changsun Geng didn't know how Lin Fu would deal with those exiles. Looking at Lin Fu's arrangement, he probably wouldn't place the exiles on Xisha Island. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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