Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 44: trap

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Walking under the eaves of the porch, Lin Fu untied the raindrops and frowned slightly as he watched the rainwater dripping down from the eaves like a curtain of beads.

Although everyone is complaining that such rainy weather delays things, but who can be angry with God, the rainy season is over, and the next flood season is even more troublesome.

"My lord came so early..."

Lin Fu looked back and saw Yang Mu, the clerk of the workshop in Chongzhou County, coming from the other side of the corridor, bowed to him, smiled back and said, "Come here earlier, you can sit down and drink tea and chat with everyone - I don't know about this rain. When will there be a break, everyone is sitting in the official room, I am afraid that when the rain stops, everyone will grow moss. I brought some good tea here, and I will ask someone to make it for everyone later..."

"Your Excellency is really polite, I would like to thank you for the good tea here." Chief Yang saluted, and then went into the council hall.

"By the way, Yang Shuban, I heard that in the past few days, there have been several floods in the county, and I have already reported the disaster to the county. Have you gone down to see it?" Lin Bie called to Yang Mu.

"Beijing went to see it yesterday, and it's not serious," Yang Mu replied, "When the summer and autumn come, the waterlogging in Chongzhou will be a headache..."

"I have to ask Yang Shuban for advice, but is there any good way to reduce the flood disaster in Chongzhou?" Lin Fu asked.

Chongzhou is a land of sand accumulation, the terrain is low and flat, and it is a rainy area in summer and autumn. When the rain is heavy, the accumulated water cannot be drained out, resulting in waterlogging. The waterlogging disaster in Chongzhou is very serious. At this time, it was rainy and rainy, and some places were already flooded.

Compared with the reduction of agricultural production caused by waterlogging, typhoon and tide disasters are not worth mentioning. A typhoon like last year has rarely been encountered in Chongzhou for many years. The main reason is that the refugees who have just arrived on Xisha Island have no experience in dealing with typhoons in the flood season, which caused such heavy casualties.

"..." Yang Mu pondered, this question is not easy to answer.

It's not surprising that Yang Mu asked Lin Fu such a question. For more than half a month, Lin Fu had been in frequent contact with officials from the new by-election in Chongzhou County, much more frequently than Han Zai, who hid in the garden all day. It's just that some of the questions asked by Lin Bie were very big, which caused everyone a headache and it was difficult to answer.

It is true that the county government office is in charge of water conservancy and construction in the county border. In fact, the main work of the county government office in the current world is mainly carried out around the grain and taxation. Wherever there is a flood or drought report, the studio may send people to check. , come back to report truthfully or exaggerate the disaster situation, the county magistrate will consider it as appropriate, and give some tax relief to the disaster-stricken areas.

Yang Mu is not disgusted by these. A truly talented person should not be afraid to answer such a question, and it is an opportunity to show his talent.

Of course, Yang Mu also noticed that after Lin Su led the Jiangdong Left Army into Chongzhou, the way or style of handling county affairs in Chongzhou County was very different from before, or from other counties.

For example, in the case of building a city, generally speaking, Lin Fu, Han Zai, Wu Meijiu and a few confidants should negotiate a plan and submit it to the county chief for approval. The members all convened to ask about the policy, and also called together the elders of the villages and villages to discuss the matter.

Yang Mu pondered for a moment, then replied: "Waterlogging causes disasters. To reduce waterlogging damage, it lies in the word 'discharge'. Whenever heavy rain comes, as long as the accumulated water is drained out in time, it will not cause waterlogging damage. When it comes to 'drainage', it should be digging more ditches to facilitate drainage—of course, it is also beneficial to irrigation. It's just that these things are not easy, and it is even more difficult for Chongzhou County to do these things at this time..."

"Since Mr. Yang has some ideas, he might as well sort them out," Lin Fu said. "When I was in Jiangning, others said that I was not a writer, and only liked to do some side-by-side techniques. I also specially asked Zhao Shuhan, the head of the Jiangning Criminal Department, to edit the "Artisan Canon". , this drainage technique is a branch of agriculture and water conservancy, it may not be useful at this time, but it will definitely be useful in the future..."

"I know that I will definitely do more homework when I go back to my humble position, so that things that are too vulgar are not taken out for adults to laugh at." Yang Mu said.

"When Zhiyong recommended Mr. Yang, he said that Mr. Yang was good at field affairs and had a reputation in Chongzhou," Lin Fu laughed and asked again, "By the way, Special Envoy Han wants to build a new city in Terada, what do you think?"

"..." Yang Mu hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

"If you have any thoughts, please tell the truth," Lin Fu saw that Yang Mu was quite scruples, and asked him to speak bluntly.

"To tell the truth, Yang Mu thinks that this is a good thing for Mr. Han, maybe Mr. Han is a little too hasty." Yang Mu said.

"It's a good thing, it's a good thing." Lin Fu laughed twice, and put Yang Mu into the council hall.

Yang Mu is a local. He should know that the fields under the name of Guangjiao Temple are divided into Terada and Yetian, and they should not simply be called "terada". However, Yang Mu's family was poor, and after he passed the examination as a scholar, he had never been able to go further. For a long time, he lived by being Mr. Xixi for the wealthy and wealthy family. From his standpoint, it is natural that regardless of whether it is Terada or Shitian, it is used by officials to build a city. it is good.

Even within the Jiangdong Left Army, people like Cao Zi'ang, Zhou Pu and others believed that all the properties under the name of Guangjiao Temple should be brought into official possession.

Therefore, Yang Mu thinks that Han Zai's suggestion to requisition all Terada to build a new city is a good thing, and it is not surprising at all - whether a person agrees or disagrees with a thing is inseparable from his own position- But the landowners who sent their fields to the monastery to avoid taxes would never see this as a good thing, but a terrible bad thing for them.

The disposal of the property under the name of Guangjiao Temple has precedent significance. As long as the disposal of the property under the name of Guangjiao Temple forms a precedent, the disposal of the property under the name of other suspected bandit monasteries can follow.

It's just that some people think about this, and some people don't think about it. At least those involved landowners are staring at how the county will deal with Guangjiao Temple's land.

After Han Zai sent a letter to Jiangdong Zuojun asking that all the properties under the name of Guangjiao Temple be requisitioned by Chongzhou County to build a new city, the seemingly calm water surface of Chongzhou County was like boiling water.

Since the Li family also has a large amount of property involved, there are eighty people who have come to Li Shutang to inquire about the rumors in the past two days. In the past, because the Li family and Lin Fu were close, these people did not dare to ask Li Shutang for information, for fear of selling it to Li Shutang. At this time, knowing that the new special envoy of Xuanwei was so cruel, they came to Li Shutang to make up his mind. .

It's not easy to lift the lid, it's better to let Han Zai, who doesn't know the seriousness, lift it.


Chongzhou land is divided into upper, middle and lower grades. It has nothing to do with fertile or barren land or paddy or dry fields. The main difference is the degree of waterlogging disasters. In Chongzhou, there is no situation of drought, water shortage and unfavorable irrigation. As long as the fields are good for drainage, fertilizer accumulation and normal, they are all on the fields. Two crops a year, one crop of wheat, one crop of rice, and three grains per year are normal again. However, Shangshu Tian can even achieve high yields of four and five stone grains; the biggest problem is waterlogging.

Chongzhou County has a total of 1.5 million mu of grain fields, and Lin Fu has checked the monasteries and monasteries that have concealed more than 300,000 mu. It is necessary to check out all the fertile fields that have been concealed by the rich and powerful people of the township. 1.5 million mu or even 3 million mu is not something that can make people particularly surprised.

The potential of grain production capacity and taxation potential in Chongzhou County is promising.

In the future, Lin Fu will definitely develop water conservancy in Chongzhou. After all, in the slack season of autumn and winter, a lot of manpower is idle, and even without wages, as long as three meals are provided, a large number of people can be organized to build ditches.

But at this time, the fields were occupied or even concealed by the tyrannical clan. Even if Lin Fu made a great water conservancy project, even if it promoted a bumper harvest in Chongzhou, the actual benefits would be occupied by the arrogant clan. It is impossible to really promote a substantial increase in taxes, and it is impossible to guarantee a substantial increase in the salaries of the Jiangdong Left Army.

The first thing Lin Fu has to do is to suppress the tyrannical powers, to check out the fields that have been concealed, and even to collect as many fields as possible.

When Han Zai was in Chongzhou, Lin Fu didn't dare to do anything big, and didn't dare to offend these tyrants, because he was afraid that they would all go to Han Zai's side.

Lin Fu grabbed a by-election of officials in Chongzhou County before Han Zai, and controlled the county warehouse. Through the supply of officials and materials, he secretly manipulated the specific affairs of Chongzhou County, so that although Han Zai had the name of a special envoy to comfort and appease, he did not have it in Chongzhou County. what as. However, once Han Zai gets the collective support of the local forces, Lin Fu will not be able to secretly control Chongzhou County through the supply of officials and materials. After all, Han Zai can obtain sufficient talents who are familiar with local affairs and necessary to support the operation of the administrative system from the local forces. With the silver and rice grains, Han Zai will be able to control the affairs of Chongzhou County in an open and fair manner.

Because of these kinds of scruples, Lin Fu has been delaying the case of bandit gangs and not disposing of the property owned or occupied by Guangjiao Temple and other monasteries.

Those arrogant families who sent their property to the monastery, although they have been panicking during this period of time, are a little dissatisfied with Lin Fu's failure to deal with the bandit case, and the failure to come up with a clear statement about Terada's handling of the case, but in the Under the military pressure of the Jiangdong Left Army, no one dared to take any action.

Everyone understands the principle of "fighting the leader". In Chongzhou County, where the city was destroyed and thousands of people were slaughtered, wouldn't everyone dare to wear the hat of a bandit?

Lin Fu didn't dare to act rashly, so naturally he did everything possible to instigate Han Zai to jump into the pit and let Han Zai jump out to offend the local forces. In this way, no matter what he does next, he doesn't have to worry that the local forces will turn to Han Zai.


"Envoy Lin Du, what are you thinking about?"

Lin Fu came back to his senses. Han Zai and Xiao Baiming were walking up the steps. He smiled and said, "I was wondering when Lord Han and Dujian Xiao came over. Lord Han really came early!"

"That's not as early as the Director Lin Du," Han Zai said.

Han Zai was not used to gathering so many people together to discuss matters, but Lin Fu said that he would only be willing to hand over the field records of Guangjiao Temple to Chongzhou County before the bandit case was closed, and he could only be forced to agree. This form of public opinion made him very uncomfortable.

Han Zai received the legacy of his ancestors, and his wife was able to be a top five-rank propaganda envoy. He was born rich and had never experienced any setbacks. How could it be possible to see through the means of Lin Bie?

Xiao Baiming stood behind Han Zai and looked at Lin Fu carefully. He always felt that Lin Fu was hiding some conspiracy, but he couldn't see through it.

Xiao Baiming is also a shrewd person, but he has his limitations and is accustomed to acting aggressively, and he has a robbery mentality. Even if he knows that there are yoshida in the monastery property, he still wants to take these yoshida by force. The local clans? In the local area, the magistrate's power can indeed make people break the family, the small clans in the village, those small and medium-sized landlords, who are not officials and do not have power, and there are very few things that make him scruple, otherwise they would not have thought about starting from Chongzhou. The thought of redeeming the body of the kidnapped boy.

Lin Fu and Han Zai came early, and Wu Meijiu didn't dare to stay in the back office for a while, so he came out quickly, standing between Lin Fu and Han Zai, the two smiling people who didn't laugh. matter man. When the people gathered, Lin Fu and the others also entered the discussion hall. Lin Fu smiled and said to Han Zai, "Master Han, you are respected here, or are you here to preside over the discussion?"

"No, no, the gang-related cases have always been in the charge of Supervisor Lin Du. It is suitable for Supervisor Lin to preside over the discussion." Han Zai said hypocritically.

"Since Mr. Han said that, then I'm welcome!" Lin Fu's smile faded, and he walked to the main case in the middle of the lobby, sat down behind the table, and said to Han Zai and Wu Meijiu, " Master Han and Master Wu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I apologise for the two of you to sit down with me!"

Where did Han Zai think that Lin Fu completely disregarded the official rules and courteousness, and was so angry that he almost wanted to drag Lin Fu from the main case, but he grabbed Lin Fu's head and couldn't attack on the spot, so he could only swallow his breath and talk to Wu Meijiu and Xiao Baiming. Sitting next to Lin Bie, he didn't want to talk to Lin Bie for a word.

"Master Han proposed that the county should take over all the property of Guangjiao Temple to build Chongzhou New City. I invited everyone to discuss this matter. I know that among the officials, there are those who agree with Master Han and some who oppose Master Han. Since It's an open discussion, so don't have any scruples. Six-room officials, I agree with Mr. Han sitting in the left column, Yang Shuban, you should take the lead," Lin Fuqian leaned forward and said to Yang Mu, the office's secretary, "Those who disagree. Sitting in the right column, the first and the senior representatives of the villages, I feel wronged that you stand on both sides... There are many people, there are nearly 100 people in the lobby, I know everyone has something to say, but you must set a rule, otherwise everyone will rush If you speak, there will be chaos in the lobby! Whoever wants to speak, please raise your hand first, and you can speak only if I agree to speak. Anyone who violates this rule twice will be expelled from the lobby. Everyone has a chance to speak, those in the front row There is no limit to speaking more than three times. People standing in the back row have only one opportunity to speak. Please think carefully before speaking! Have you heard my rules clearly?"

Although Lin Fu is young, he has a lot of power. This is not an innate imposing manner. This is the majesty accumulated in his hands when tens of thousands of lake pirates, pirates, East China Sea and monks and bandits lost their lives. Lin Fu finally asked, Everyone in the hall couldn't help but respond: "Listen clearly!"

Han Zai felt gloomy in his heart, thinking that it is difficult for the senior officer to be restrained by this inexplicable breaking of the rules that you set down? I thought about it in my heart, but I saw that there were many officials in the next chapter who supported his proposal, and I didn't want to mess this up. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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