Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 66: offer peace

(The first one, ask for a red ticket)

At most, around 40,000 to 50,000 people gathered near the Wukou Village. Except for the military camp on the south side of the mouth of the vortex, the messy shacks on the north side. Donglu completely withdrew from the gate, and the villagers gathered in the vortex were thinking about returning to their hometown to see what else was left at home. It was impossible for the captive soldiers to tear down all those adobe houses, put them back together, and then weave a canopy with thatched reeds and put them on it, which would also be able to keep out the wind and rain.

The weather is getting warmer, the rivers are unfrozen, and it is time to prepare for spring planting. However, at this time, there was still surplus grain in the family, or the grain was buried in the ground in time before escaping, and no one in ten found it, there was no food, and there was no seed for spring ploughing. Going to the embankment to manage meals, calculate wages, and distribute seeds, not only the villagers gathered near Wukou Village followed the embankment, but also the refugees who returned from other places.

On the 28th, the three branches of the Wei River and the Guoshui River were cut off, and there was a low-lying land in the southeast of Wangdengtai Mountain. In just one day, the shallow silt of the Eddy River emerged from the water.

Lin Bing chased the rising tide of the sea and blocked the estuary with four flat-bottomed boats filled with sand. As soon as the sea receded, the four boats were literally separated on the riverbed of Chazikou, next to Chazikou in the middle of the night. When the water flowed out, nearly 10,000 soldiers and civilians were organized to build a temporary dam to close the river on the basis of four seagoing boats to drive wood piles, move earth and crushed masonry.

In April, it is necessary to use the Eddy River to transport grain to and from Gyeonggi. There is only one month to renovate the Eddy River. It is impossible to completely improve the navigation conditions of the Eddy River. We can only focus on digging out a few particularly shallow riverbeds and building embankments to ensure that the hundred-stone ship can sail smoothly with full load. In addition, the avenues on the north bank of the vortex river are repaired and consolidated, so that there is a straight road between the vortex mouth and Weitai, and the grain of the vortex mouth can also be transported to Weitai by mule and horse carts, and then shipped to Gyeonggi. After all, the distance from Wukou to Weitai is just over 50 miles. The straight-through building is wider. The mule and horse carts can go back and forth every two days. If two hundred mule and horse carts are prepared, there can be 300,000 to 500,000 a year. The capacity of the stone. The two hundred mule and horse carts are four or five miles long, and the straight road of more than fifty miles can only accommodate two hundred mule and horse carts at most, otherwise it will be a mess.


Lin Bie wore the crimson official robe on the blue armor coat, and walked with Tang Haoxin on the seawall. Ma Chao and other entourages were scattered around, which did not prevent Lin Bie from talking to Tang Haoxin.

The sea breeze blowing on the face, no longer feel cold, the whole north is officially spring.

"This war is temporarily over," Tang Haoxin stroked his white beard under his chin, looking at the blue water with his turbid eyes. For state affairs, he was especially exhausted and old-fashioned, and said slowly, "The giant pirate in Changzhou, the East Sea Harrier, There were giant bandits Liu An'er in Hongzepu, and giant bandits Luo Xiancheng and Gong Yucai in Jingchu, etc. There was never a day of peace. Among them, Liu An'er was the most serious disaster, Hao Si fell, Chen Hansan surrendered and revolted, Liu thief called himself a crowd 300,000. If Li Zhuo hadn't been sitting in Jiangdong, Huai'an and Dongyang would have fallen long ago. Now Liu Thief is leading his troops up the Huai River, and Huai Shang has fallen into seven counties. The rebels are becoming more and more rampant. According to the Jingchu Feibao, Luo Xiancheng and Gong Yu Cai and other thieves also have the tendency to lead their troops north, and they seem to be joining forces with Liu thief on Huai..."

"..." Lin Fu looked at the waves outside the sea pond silently. Most of the people who followed Liu An'er in Hongzepu's uprising were fishermen, poor peasants and refugees who were forced by life and could not find a way to live. They were supposed to be pitiful people, but they had to be left to the world. If this chaos continues, the entire Central Plains will only be overturned, and the Donglu will be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman. It is always necessary to quell the chaos in the various counties, and the key is to quell the chaos in order to completely quell the chaos of the refugees.

Lin Fu didn't know why Tang Haoxin suddenly mentioned this, did he want to lead the Jiangdong Zuo Army back to Jiangdong to fight? In his heart, he didn't really want to quell the rebellion of the refugees, and he was shy, except to use it as a butcher's knife.

"Yue Lengqiu expressed his request to lead his division to Jiangdong to suppress Liu An'er's department," Tang Haoxin said. "The Holy Master sent a special envoy to Wukou today to ask about this..."

"..." Lin Bie was startled, and the hairs on his back stood up. He didn't expect that the evil thief Yue Lengqiu would interfere in Jiangdong's affairs. This was definitely not a situation he wanted to see.

Lin Fu didn't expect that Yue Lengqiu was timid and did not dare to fight against the Donglu, but he was keen on suppressing the bandits. He probably saw that the fighting power of the refugees was far from that of the prisoners. He wanted to use the heads of the refugees to make military achievements. A complete little guy.

Tang Haoxin squinted to observe Lin Fu's expression. Seeing that he did not hide his surprise, he asked, "What do you think?"

"I dare not discuss such a major state affairs." Lin Fu said.

"It's just you and me here, and your words won't get into the ears of a third person. How dare you?" Tang Haoxin said.

"Why not use Li Zhuo?" Lin Fu asked back.

Yue Lengqiu's unkindness towards Gu Wuchen is obvious, and Tang Haoxin should not have a good impression of Yue Lengqiu; at this time, Li Zhuo is a better choice than Yue Lengqiu. Besides, the whole army of Changhuai Township was destroyed, and it was Li Zhuo who stabilized the situation in the south. There was no reason to suppress Li Zhuo at this juncture.

"Li Zhuo's presentation came to Beijing on the 25th, and he invited him to Jizhen to supervise the battle. In the table, he offered a plan to pacify the prisoners, saying that he would be able to pacify the prisoners in five years..." Tang Haoxin said without any extra expression.

"..." Lin Fu's surprise in his heart could only be turned into a long sigh. He didn't know what kind of determination Li Zhuo made to make such a memorial. In the memorial, he even insisted that five Nian Bi was able to pacify the prisoners, he asked, "What's the opinion of Zhou Zongfan from the Zhou Army?"

"Zhou Zongfan has been sacked by the sage," Tang Haoxin said, "Zhou Zongfan is responsible for breaking the border and entering the pirates, and just being dismissed is already a benevolent house of the sage..."

Lin Fu didn't know that in the past two or three days, the situation in the DPRK has turned upside down. He is still an insignificant pawn. If Tang Haoxin hadn't been in Jinhai, he would have known about these things in two days. Of course, the court asked about these changes. his opinion.

Tang Haoxin asked him again about his views on Yue Lengqiu and Li Zhuo, but Lin Fudu insisted that he "don't talk about state affairs" and refused to talk about it.

The situation has become very obvious. The Minister of War has been dismissed. At this time, Zhang Xie, Tang Haoxin, Chen Xinbo, Hao Zongcheng and other Liao Liao are the only ones who can influence the decision of Emperor Chongguan. What else can I say?

The Yanshan defense line was riddled with holes. Although Hao Zongcheng was in charge of the Ji Bei Army, he would never bear the burden due to his timid and fearful nature. Besides, he also did not have the ability to revive the Yanshan defense line.

Chen Xinbo extravagantly hoped that Li Zhuozhen could make achievements on the Yanshan defense line and support him to stay in power in the DPRK.

Zhang Xie and Tang Haoxin naturally don't want Li Zhuo to go north, but they also don't have a more suitable candidate. Can they expect Yue Lengqiu to come and take the lead? What's more, Li Zhuo's boasting of such a sea mouth directly blocked their mouths.

Lin Fu looked at Jinwei Island in the southeast with a heavy heart, and was unwilling to express his personal opinions on the affairs of Yue Lengqiu and Li Zhuo in the imperial court.

Tang Haoxin also looked at Jinwei Island in the southeast. Although Lin Bie firmly stood on Gu Wuchen's side and their side in many matters, he had to admit that Lin Bie was no longer able to Small characters at the mercy of others. Thinking about it, Tang Haoxin also finds it strange. Since Lin Fu's rise to prosper, he seems to have an indissoluble bond with the "island". First, Jinchuan Prison Island in Jiangning, then Xisha Island in Chongzhou, and now Jinwei Island.


Jinwei Island is a small island located six or seven miles southeast of the mouth of the Guoshui River. It is even much smaller than Jinchuanyu Island and Changshan Island in Jiangning. The surrounding area is about four miles long. Including the land, it is about five or six hundred acres in size.

There is no substantial benefit for Lin Fu to be awarded a title because of his military exploits. At this time, he doesn't care about any taboos. In the name of allocating 500 acres of Yongye Field, he occupied the entire Jinwei Island and counted it as his personal property. This is also the biggest and most substantial benefit of his knighthood.

After the victory in Jinhai, a large number of prisoners fought back to monitor Wukou. The villages of Wukou, Changlu and Qingqi were limited in size and could not accommodate too many people. Lin Fu could only build a logistics base on the island to evacuate the villagers. , hoarding supplies, and as early as that time, Lin Fu fell in love with Jinwei Island.

Although Jinwei Island is small, it is a bedrock island with the highest terrain in the northeast. It is seventeen or eighty feet high from the sea. It is the commanding height of the terrain around the vortex mouth, which is higher than Wang Dengtai Mountain. The northeast and east are steep cliffs, and the beach rocks are also rugged, which is not conducive to ships approaching, but in the southwest, the terrain is steep and flat, and there is a natural harbor that can benefit ships.

It is impossible to determine when the Donglu invades the border next time. Lin Fu wants to transform Jinwei Island into an island fortress where a battalion of elite soldiers can be stationed before Donglu’s next invasion. Even if the land is occupied by the invaders, They can also gain a foothold in Jinhai.

Regardless of the shortage of manpower in Jinhai Kaihai Cao, the more than 1,300 prisoners and rebel soldiers who escorted northward from Yangxin were all thrown to Jinwei Island by Lin Fu, and the conscripts came to dig rocks, fill the sea, build fortifications, and build Small seaport.

Now Lin Fu has a lot of resources at his disposal, and Tang Haoxin's eyes and noses~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Hao Zongcheng's head-level military merit transaction has also been completed; Hao Zongcheng also urgently needs a savage head to cover up He is timid and fearful of the enemy.

50,000 taels of reward silver for military merits, 200,000 taels of silver for military merit transactions, and repeated seizures, Lin Bie had more than 300,000 taels of silver on hand in Jinhai.

The more than 40,000 stone grains hoarded on Jinwei Island were exchanged by Jiangdong Zuo Army with the seized materials such as foreign horses, horse meat, furs, etc., with Denglai Maritime Merchant. Kaihaicao wanted to use these materials. Lin Fu was very talkative. But all of these have to be exchanged for money by the Ministry of Households.

The court decided to set up the Jinhai Metropolitan Water Transport Department, and the first batch of silver was 500,000 taels, which seemed a lot, but based on the high grain prices in the Gyeonggi region, 500,000 taels of official silver could be purchased for 20 to 30 taels. Wanshi Food.

Lin Fu is not particularly dark-hearted. One stone millet is worth one or two to five cents of silver, and 40,000 stone millet and wheat, totaling 60,000 taels of official silver, can be ignored. This price is much lower than the price of millet in Gyeonggi at this time, but it is three or four times the price of millet in Jiangning.

At this time, several people came up to the sea pond. Tang Haoxin saw that Zhang Wendeng (Deng), the former head of the Household Department and the current subordinate of the Jinhai Metropolitan Water Transport Department, and others, waited for them to approach, and asked, "Yu Deng, Laihai, etc. How was the negotiation?"

Zhang Wendeng smiled embarrassedly: "One stone millet is calculated at one or two to five cents, which is already the highest price that the household department can afford, but the meaning of the words of the merchants in Deng and Lai seems to be only willing to trade with Jiangdong Zuojun, life and death. I don't want to let go, so I have to let Lord Lin reluctantly..."

"Ah, is there such a thing?" Lin Fu asked in surprise, thinking about it, reputation is not something that can be established in a day. The credibility of the court, the army and the merchants in the border towns is far from being able to be with Jiang Dongzuo. Compared with the military, it is normal for Deng and Laihaishang to have such a mentality. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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