Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 64: Military merit award

Tang Haoxin came to Jinhai in person regardless of his age of 72. Even if Tang Haoxin didn't say anything, Lin Fu could also imagine how critical the food shortage in Gyeonggi was.

Tang Haoxin held the arm given to Lin Bie, and did not give him and Lin Xuwen time to change clothes, wash their faces, and tidy up their appearance, and went straight into the lobby to discuss matters. At this time, Ma Chao came over from the back of the yard, but Lin Fu did not expect that Ma Chao would be in Yanjing at this time, and he would come to Jinhai with Tang Haoxin, and greeted him: "Long time no see, when will you be coming to the north, Master Gu. How are you and everyone in Jiangning?"

"I only arrived in the capital on the 23rd..." Ma Chao hesitated, apparently because there were too many people here and it was inconvenient to speak directly.

Lin Bie thought that maybe Gu Wuchen saw something wrong after receiving the special order from the governor, so he specially sent Ma Chao to Beijing to inquire about the news. He asked directly, "Have you left Jiangning, have the river boats been sent?"

"On the night we received the special order, the river gang boats were dispatched one after another," Ma Chao replied, "The lord and the madam are thinking about the eldest lord, so the young ones should pack up and rush to the capital to say hello to the eldest lord."

Lin Bie nodded and said to Ma Chao, "You take a rest first, I'll find you later to find out about Jiangning."

Gu Wuchen is cautious and cautious, with more experience and knowledge than ordinary people, and he also has his own opinions on military affairs. Even if there is no way to get the first-hand information of Yannan, Gu Wuchen should be able to think of destroying the roads and rivers before the Donglu exits the gate. As it should be, he can also read out a lot of information hidden behind the special purpose.

Even if he received the special order and could not delay, he must immediately urge the river gang to open the boat, but sending Ma Chao to the capital to inquire about the news was Gu Wuchen's normal follow-up and supplement.

Tang Haoxin asked Lin Bie to understand the situation between Liao and Liao Shuyu, and sighed in his heart. When he remembered that he was not confused when he was old, he was considered to have some ability to see things, but he didn't know that Lin Bie was young. How did this scheming, this city government, and this sophistication come about?

Lin Mengde first went to Beijing secretly to find Tang Haoxin to talk about the Yellow River's **** burst. Naturally, he pointed out that there was something tricky behind the special decree of supervising food, and asked Tang Haoxin to be the master. Immediately after Ma Chao came from Jiangning, Ma Chao had to walk an extra day in order to bypass the floodplain. He had witnessed the seriousness of the Yellow River burst and told Tang Haoxin the truth.

No need for Lin Meng to say more, Tang Haoxin could also think that Yue Lengqiu deliberately downplayed the seriousness of the Yellow River burst in his memorial in early February. After that, the memorials that Yue Lengqiu sent to Beijing did not mention the Yellow River's **** burst, and no memorials were submitted locally, so that the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household misestimated the disaster of the Yellow River's **** burst.

What can Tang Haoxin do? What can Zhang Xie do? What excuse does the court have to denounce Yue Lengqiu, who is stationed in the northern area of ​​Xingzhou Prefecture by the Governor General Qin Wang, who is on the southern line? I can only pretend that nothing has happened, and try my best to make up for this mess. At least I can't make the ship sink or capsize at the moment.

"The imperial court has dispatched dispatchers from the Metropolitan Police Department and the Ministry of Industry to Pingyuan House to verify the disaster situation," Tang Haoxin's white beard jumped as he spoke. Forgetting the meaning of all, he said, "Maybe a detailed submission will be sent to Beijing in the next two days, but Beijing has no time to delay. I will fight this old bone to break up on the road, and I will not wait. The Ministry of Industry has reviewed the disaster situation, and requested an edict to come out of Beijing to come to you. At this time, we can solve the danger of food shortage in Jingji, and only rely on you..."

Zhang Xie and Tang Haoxin can have today's status, and they are also capable officials. Lin Xuwen can think of the three strategies of "adjusting grain in Jinzhong, opening the sea, and moving the army to eat". Zhang Xie, Tang Haoxin and officials from the Ministry of Household and Ministry of Industry I also thought about it one by one.

At the moment, we can only use all methods to alleviate the danger of food shortage.

To adjust grain from Jinzhong, we can only travel by land and through the tunnels of Taihang Mountain. The access conditions are very difficult. It is the limit that 300,000 to 500,000 shi of grain can be transferred into Beijing a year, and it is far from being able to solve the thirst for food shortage in Gyeonggi.

In addition to the necessary defenders, most of the garrison was transferred to the coastal Saibao such as Jinhai, Ninghe, and Changli to be garrisoned, and the grain was transported directly from the sea to Jinhai, Ninghe, and Changli, which saved the most troublesome and complicated inland rivers. And the land transfer process can effectively alleviate the food shortage in Gyeonggi, but it is only a relief.

The amount of food needed to solve the food shortage in Gyeonggi is huge, and we can only pin our greatest hope on "reopening the sea and water".

From Hejianfu to the north to Ninghe, almost all counties were disabled. The most organized system, manpower, and material resources were also the most abundant. It can be said that the only one with the conditions to open the sea is the Jinhai vortex.

Since the victory of Jinhai, more than 40,000 villagers and garrison have gathered in the three villages of Wukou, Changlu and Qingqi, and Lin Fu has been transporting grain and grass to Jinhai Wukou by sea since the beginning of last month. At the beginning, although the hoarded materials are far from the sea, they can definitely support the orderly progress of many large-scale projects such as opening a river channel, building a sea port, and building a granary.

In addition, Lin Fu has the reputation of Cangnan, Xiaobotouzhai, Jinhai and Yangxin, as well as the reputation established by the relief of refugees and villagers, which enabled him and Lin Xuwen to mobilize villagers and local forces in the Jinhai area to participate in the opening of the sea. ability, far more than other officials.

Zhang Xie and Tang Haoxin did not know in Beijing that Lin Fu and Lin Xuwen could not wait for the imperial court's instructions to start the preparations for opening the sea in Jinhai. In Beijing, they were actually very worried that Lin Fu and Lin Xuwen would not cooperate. Of course, the main reason is that Lin Bie won't cooperate.

From Zhang Xie and Tang Haoxin's point of view, Lin Fu and Yue Lengqiu were a little unhappy in Jinan. Yue Lengqiu obviously wanted to join them this time. For Lin Fu, he opened the lid in time and dragged it off until April. In the middle and late days of Gyeonggi, there was a big trouble due to the shortage of food, and it would be difficult for Yue Lengqiu to clear the responsibility by then.

Young people are always arrogant. Maybe Lin Fuzhen will ignore the overall situation and will force Yue Lengqiu to death. Tang Haoxin was worried about this happening in Beijing. This is probably because Lin Fuzhen is trying to balance Yue Lengqiu with small efforts. The only chance for a cold autumn.

Out of these considerations, Tang Haoxin took the trouble to come over in person. After all, there is no more suitable person in Beijing to appease Lin Fu than him.


Lin Fu just sighed slightly in his heart. At least Tang Haoxin tried his best to maintain unity and stability at this juncture, and he had a big picture.

Lin Fu nodded and said, "Mr. Tang, if you don't come here, we can't wait for the court to ask for an order, and we will start working without authorization. Time doesn't wait for anyone, maybe a day's delay will cause a big mess. My brother and I are late. One day back, just to inspect the vortex river... Duke Tang and Director Chen come over, that would be really good."

Lin Fu knew that Yue Lengqiu and the special decree of the grain governor would not be mentioned again, so he put his mind aside, and everything was to alleviate the food shortage in Gyeonggi.

Tang Haoxin breathed a sigh of relief when Lin Fu made such a statement, and said, "Then I will rest in Jinhai for a few days and then go back to Beijing. My body is going to fall apart on the way. This time I came out of Beijing in a hurry. , I only brought two decrees here, one is for the continuation, the other is for you, you should prepare the incense case to receive the decree!" Tang Hao's confidence is very clear, and naturally many bright-eyed people in the court are very clear, In such a hurry, whether the matter of opening Haicao can be accomplished quickly depends entirely on whether Lin Fu is willing to cooperate actively and actively.

The court had no excuse or reason to ask Lin Fu to cooperate with Kaihaicao. Even if it was a strict order, Lin Fu could completely dismiss the responsibility, and even patted his **** and asked the class teacher to go back to Jiangning. The Donglu invaders had completely retreated to Linyu Pass before dusk on the 24th, and the Battle of King Qin was over.

Since the Jiangdong Zuo Army formed the army, apart from the 30,000 taels of silver and 30,000 taels of salaries from the Jiangning Ministry of Industry, they have never received a single cent of silver from the imperial court, nor have they seen a single cent of silver for the four great victories. . No matter how much supplies the Jiangdong Zuo Army hoarded in Jinhai, Lin Fu didn't spit out a grain of millet, and even Emperor Chongguan couldn't do anything about him.

It is okay to ask the Jiangdong Zuo Army to attack and fight, or even order Lin Fu to go down the river with the soldiers of the Jiangdong Zuo Army to dig mud. , Build a granary - this has nothing to do with Lin Fu's responsibilities.

Lin Fu didn't know how much consolation prize Tang Haoxin brought him when he came out of Beijing this time, so he hurriedly asked Lin Mengde to prepare the incense case to receive the decree. Even if there is no consolation prize, there are some things he has to do. The so-called national rise and fall is the responsibility of everyone. Lin Fu has no loyalty to the Yuan family, but he can't bear to watch the country turmoil and countless people starve to death on the streets.

Two edicts, one for Lin Xuwen.

The food shortage in Gyeonggi was in danger, and it was a rare and quick decision to make a decision this time. The court decided to formally establish the Jinhai Metropolitan Caoyun Division Yamen in Jinhai. The identity of the preparation officer is also the Department of Water Transportation of Jinhai Capital, and he is solely responsible for the opening of water and water in Jinhai.

Due to the rush of time, how to fill in the structure of the Jinhai Metropolitan Caoyun Division Yamen, the Ministry of Personnel did not give a statement, but Xu Lin continued to deal with the power, and he could choose from the local government or directly select officials as subordinates. The Ministry later ratified it. The decree did not directly specify that the Cao Yun Army was under the yamen of the Du Cao Yun Division, but it also clearly stated that the remnants of the Central Jin Army headed by Ma Yigong and Yang Yihang were temporarily under the control of Lin Xuwen and performed the duties of protecting the Cao Cao.

Although the remnants of the Central Jin Army were given an official name to stay in Hejian Mansion, the status of the remnants of the Central Jin Army was also lowered from the town army to the guards and auxiliary soldiers.

Lin Fu knew that the remnants of the Central Jin Army could have such a result, and it was because Hao Zongcheng, the Minister of Internal Affairs, didn't make any extra obstacles in the face of his willingness to trade the first-class military merit with him. Even if the remnants of the Central Jin Army are downgraded to the first level of auxiliary soldiers, their food, salaries, and military supplies are even worse than the government army. However, whether the remnants of the Central Jin Army can maintain their combat effectiveness depends on Lin Xuwen and the Jinhai Metropolitan Water Transport Division. Can you squeeze out some extra money? UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

If you really can't do it, you can reduce the number of troops. The soldiers are not too expensive, but the quality is more important. It is not necessary to keep a part of the elite combat power, and the others can be compiled into auxiliary soldiers. As long as you have the name of staying in Jinhai, everything can be done easily.

Hejian Prefecture Jinhai opens the sea, how to cooperate with Shandong, how to gather grain in Shandong, how to organize sea ships to transport from Shandong to Jinhai, how much grain can be organized in Shandong, when Tang Haoxin leaves Beijing, North Korea and China have not yet decided . The crudeness of the plan showed the hasty and panicked decision of the central government to open the sea water. In a day or two, it was hard to expect Zhang Xie, Tang Haoxin and others to think everything through.

There is also an edict to reward Lin Fu for military merit.

The military merits of the Jinhai Victory and Yangxin's defending victories have not yet been accounted for by the Ministry of War, but Tang Haoxin expected Lin Fu to actively cooperate with Kaihaicao when he went out to Beijing. Dissatisfied. Therefore, when Tang Haoxin left the capital in a hurry, he still brought an edict to reward Lin Fu personally. It was not a letter from the Ministry of War or the Ministry of Personnel, but Emperor Chongguan personally used the seal, which in itself was a rare honor.

Lin Fu led the Jiangdong Zuo Army northward to Yannan, and was the leader of the Luqin King Division for his military achievements in the four wars. He was awarded the title of Baron of Jinhai County because of his military achievements. , Granted 500 acres of Yongye Field, and both Shiyi and Yongye Field were drawn from Jinhai County. In addition, the sanctuary has been promoted three levels in a row, from the seventh rank to the fifth rank Chaosan doctor. As a man from Jinhai County, a doctor of Chaosan, and the governor of Jiangdong, he was in charge of Jiangdong's left army temporarily stationed in Jinhai, and assisted Lin Xuwen in opening up the sea and Cao.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army's first-class reward silver will first be allocated 50,000 taels, and after the verification is completed, the shortage will be made up; the Jiangdong Zuo Army will reward the generals and wait for a while. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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