Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 56: Restoring Jinan

(asking for a red ticket)

When the news of the Yellow River burst came back, Lin Fu called all the generals to his tent to discuss matters, and also invited Zhang Jinxian and Cheng Weiyuan to attend.

The large candles in the tent were burning, emitting the aroma of turpentine oil. They were hung on the inner wall of the tent, which took up almost half of the map, and roughly described the cities and topography of the Yanji Plain and surrounding areas.

The atmosphere in the tent was dignified, Lin Bie stood in front of the wall chart with his chest folded, frowning in thought, seeing that all the generals had gathered, he put down his hands and said, "The Yellow River burst its banks, the specific breach has not yet been discovered, but the water It has spread to the southwest of Jihe County..."

"Damn it," Geng Quanshan cursed bitterly, "The thieves are fighting against the Yellow River, they are so vicious, they are going to destroy the foundation of my dynasty!"

The generals in the battalion were all resentful. Although they won the battle to defend Yangxin, they were unable to stop the strategy of looting and sabotage by the captive soldiers.

"On the 26th, the main force of the southern line of the captured soldiers was still in Jinan. The Ministry of War dispatched personnel to the northeastern part of Zhongzhou County to restrain Qin Wang's division. So far, there has been no news of the war at the southern foot of the Taihang Mountains. I predict that the main force of the southern line of the captured soldiers will be captured in the west. The possibility of entering Jinzhong is not very high, the most likely is to shrink from Jinan, Dezhou, Linqing to Xingzhou," Lin Fu sighed softly, pointed at the map, and continued, "Breaking the embankment and breaking the Yellow River, a On the one hand, flooding is used to block the chasing troops behind, on the other hand, it is intended to destroy. According to these two goals, and considering that the water level of the Yellow River is dry and shallow at this time, the breakout of the Yellow River should be in the south of Linqing and the north of Jinan. The east of the Yellow River to Linqing is the Xuanhe River and the Above-ground River. The break from the bottom of the embankment can make the water flow from Linqing to the north, forming a floodplain in the Plains. Master, the more important thing is to destroy all the waterways in the Plains Prefecture..."

At this time, the water potential is not large, but as the weather warms, the river thaws, and the dug breach cannot be blocked in time, and the resulting destructive force will become greater and greater. In particular, the floe flood on the Yellow River, which will begin in mid-to-late February, has an amazing destructive power.

Maybe at any time the river water in the lower layer is dumped, and the ice-covered structure in the upper layer has already begun to be destroyed. Once Lingxun is formed, under the threat of a large number of ice floes, it is very difficult to seal the breach under the current conditions.

The main force on the southern front of the captured soldiers was delayed until this time to retreat, and the timing was right!

"The main force of the southern line of the captured soldiers will go north along the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain and join the main force of the northern line before leaving the customs?" Zhou Tong asked.

"Mostly so," Lin Fu nodded and said, "but they went all the way to the north, and there are two final exits, one is to go west of Beijing, and the other is to go to Jingdong... "

"Will the captured soldiers go to Jingdong, will they go to Jinhai?" Zhou Tong asked.

"It's hard to say," Lin Fu said. "It is said that Wukou Shuzhai is not on their exit channel, but it is only fifty or sixty miles away, and it is on the edge of the main force of the captives..."

"Sir, General Zhenguo asks to see you..." The officer on duty at Yuanmen came in to report.

Lin Fu did not deliberately block the news of the Yellow River burst, and brought Yuan Jianhai in; Zuo Tanggui also followed Yuan Jianhai to Zhulongpo Camp.

"I heard that the thieves dug up the Yellow River?" Yuan Jianhai walked into the tent and saw that the generals, Zhang Jinxian, Cheng Weiyuan and others were there. He didn't say anything, and went straight to the topic. The clan's children were restricted from participating in the local military and political affairs. Lin Fu was discussing affairs in the camp. It was only polite to invite Yuan Jianhai to participate, and it was not rude not to invite him to participate.

"Yes, although no more specific information has come back, it is basically certain that the embankments of the Yellow River from Huaiqing to the north of Jinan have been dug up in many places. After Lu Ji left Jinan, he should have concentrated on destroying the north shore..."

"So, the thieves have already withdrawn from Jinan?" Yuan Jianhai asked.

"It's very likely to be the case, but the specific information needs to be reported back by the scouts..." Lin Fu said, he was sure that the main force of the southern line of the Eastern Captives had withdrawn, but it was still uncertain whether the troops would stay on the south bank of the Yellow River.

"Then, on behalf of Lu Wangfu, I have invited the Jiangdong Zuo Army to march westward and restore Jinan. Since this battle, the Jiangdong Zuo Army has made great achievements in the war, and the merits of the recovery of Jinan should also be included in the Jiangdong Zuo Army's pocket..." Yuan Jianhai said.

Lin Fu did not immediately agree to Yuan Jianhai. He was more worried about the safety of Jinhai at this time. He now needs more specific information, and he needs to know the time when the main force of the southern line of the Eastern Captives will retreat from Jinan. The army is ready to start, and will wait for further news at dawn before making a decision.

The main force of the southern line of the Eastern Captives was surrounded by a large number of captives, which were huge and swollen, and they could not travel fast. It would take half a month to start from Jinan and pass through the northern part of Jinhai. Cheng, it only takes a little more than two days to get to Jinhai, so I'm not afraid of being late.


Lin Fu went back to the camp to rest for a while after inspecting the troops and preparing the information in the second half of the night. At dawn, the scouts in front brought back specific information in Jinan, and came along with the messenger of Yue Lengqiu, the governor of East Fujian.

This messenger was not someone else, but Song Jia, the younger brother of She Feihu's wife's wife, Song Bo, a son of the Song family in Jin'an, and Song Bo, a member of the governor's office in Dongmin.

Yue Lengqiu had already led his troops into Jinan at noon last night. He had already regained several cities in Linqing. As expected by Lin Fu, the eastern captives forced Qingzhuang to capture and capture Qingzhuang on the embankment on the north bank nearly two hundred miles north of Jinan and Jinan. , In just three or four days, more than a dozen holes were broken.

Lin Fu only slept for less than an hour. He was dragged out of the bed and read the letter written by Yue Lengqiu in Jinan under the lamp. His cold and cunning face appeared in his mind. Bo's face tore the letter to shreds.

"I see, please go to rest first, Sir Song, and when Sir Song wakes up, you will get my reply to Governor Yue!" Lin Fu said coldly.

"Then don't disturb Lord Lin." Song Bo bowed before leaving the camp under the guidance of the guards.

After walking out of the camp, the dawn gradually became brighter, and the main battlefield of Yangxin's defense battle was in front of the southeast. Although Song Bo was a little tired after rushing more than two hundred miles, he couldn't help but cheer up when he saw the situation on the battlefield. In the valley in the southeast, the corpses of the rebels and captives have only been sorted out, and they have not been buried yet. They are everywhere. The gates of the city are all the remains of blood and fire. The fierce battle of letter defense and the splendor of Yangxin's great victory.

In the letter, my sister said that Lin Fu was afraid that Lin Fu was the most outstanding person in the southeastern counties after Li Zhuo. This is really true. Jinan had only been separated for more than two months. Jiangdong Left Army won all four battles, all major victories, and the first battle of Yangxin, which further prevented the strategic intention of the captive soldiers to advance eastward. The works of meritorious deeds can be regarded as dazzling among the diligent kings and divisions of the ten thousand horses.

Two months ago, who would have thought that the underdog of Jiangdong Zuo Army would repeatedly achieve such extraordinary feats, and who could believe that it would be a 22-year-old youth who would lead the Jiangdong Zuo Army to achieve such brilliance?

Song Bo glanced back, Lin Fu's figure was reflected on the tent, which was a cowhide tent left by Donglu. He saw Lin Fu slam the things on the table to the ground, and no sound came out. , I thought that Lin Fu probably threw Yue Lengqiu's letter to the ground.

Indeed, Yue Lengqiu's actions are somewhat shameless.

At the beginning of December, Yue Lengqiu led some of the elite troops of the Eastern Minqin King Division to leave Jinan and enter Jinzhong. In fact, they did not penetrate into the hinterland of Jinzhong, detoured from the tunnel in the middle of the Taihang Mountains to harass the flanks of the invaders, and contained them. He stayed in a small town at the south foot of Taihang Mountain for nearly a month.

In the middle of last month, seeing the change in the direction of the imperial court and the war, and also seeing the weakening momentum of the main force on the southern line of the Dongluo to continue to attack, Yue Lengqiu led his army south out of the Taihang Mountains and entered Hebi, southwest of Linqing, to garrison.

Yue Lengqiu, as the governor of East Fujian, is a local official of the second rank. He gathers the generals and officials of the Qin Wang division in Zhongzhou. Yue Lengqiu has the most respected status. The imperial court sent envoys to the Wei Army in Hebi, and specially appointed Governor Yue Lengqiu to assemble the troops of the Qinwang Division on the southern front in Shandong, Zhongzhou, and Jinzhong to command the southern front. Logically speaking, the Jiangdong Left Army was also Yue Lengqiu. This southern line is under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Qin Wang.

Seeing that Jiangdong Zuojun made great military exploits on the east front, Yue Lengqiu would only do these petty things that are opportunistic and seek for profit. I feel ashamed, but the reality is so ridiculous and cruel. Yue Lengqiu took away the great work of recovering Jinan. Yue Lengqiu, as the governor of the southern line, will also take a point or two for the credit of the Yangxin defense battle. .

Geng Quanshan and Chen Dingbang came in a hurry; Song Bo saluted, but Geng Quanshan and Chen Dingbang ignored him coldly, and went straight into Lin Fu's tent to discuss matters. Song Bo looked at them with hatred in their eyes, but he could understand the anger in their hearts. Lu Jingyan died in battle, and Shao Wu's army who defended Jinan could almost be called the destruction of the entire army. Yue Lengqiu, who was responsible for this, turned into a man. The governor of the southern line became a great hero in the recovery of Jinan.

Yue Lengqiu not only dictated the movement direction of the Jiangdong Left Army, but also demanded that the remnants of Shaowu should withdraw from their camp and return to Jinan to assemble when they received the military order. Who can stand it?

Lin Fu can also rely on his merits and not be restrained by Yue Lengqiu, but Geng Quanshan and Chen Dingbang are the generals of King Qin of Dongmin. Without Lu Jingyan's protection, they dared to defy Yue Lengqiu's military orders. Li Wei.

After a while, Zhang Jinxian, the magistrate of Yangxin County, and Cheng Weiyuan, the county magistrate, also rushed over, along with Zuo Tanggui from Prince Lu's Mansion. Zuo Tanggui did not invite Lin Fu to discuss matters. He was dispatched by General Zhen Guo to invite Song Bo to discuss matters in the city. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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