Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 43: Entering the city to carry the coffin

Lin Fu looked at Lu Jingyan's corpse that was brought into the city, his cheeks were sunken, the needle-like beard slumped softly with the loss of life, and the blue eye sockets sank deeply, as if he was sleeping peacefully. , just no more vitality.

Lin Bie carefully sorted out Lu Jingyan's tattered armor, then turned around and walked in front of the generals. I swear, I will swear to kill when I meet a traitor! In my lifetime, I will not share the sky with them!" Word by word, he cut gold and iron, threw the broken knife into the ground, and roared: "Captain Lu defends the soil to kill the enemy and sacrifices his life for the country, Jiangdong All the generals of the left army are here, obey our military orders, and salute to Captain Lu and the generals and soldiers of Shaowu who fought bravely!"

Zhang Jinxian, the magistrate of Yangxin, opened his eyes to watch the tragic scene, his eyes were blurred with tears. At this moment, he no longer worried about whether Yangxin would fall. Lin Bie was known as Jiyang Jianbi, and he was as strong as an iron bone. His indomitable temper and the strange charm that can make the generals of the army follow him, forgetting life and death, and fighting bravely at critical moments, are qualities that are never seen in those mediocre officials and generals.

Zhang Jinxian ordered that the nanmu coffin on the tower of the city gate be lifted down, and the body of General Lu Jingyan, the guard of Shaowu and the captain of the light car, was installed. This nanmu coffin was originally carried to the city gate tower by him imitating the ancients who carried the coffin to the battlefield to mark his death. Lin Bie led the Jiangdong left army to help Yangxin, Zhang Jinxian returned to the county government to preside over the city order, and the nanmu coffin was not lifted. The city gate tower, at this time, was fortunate enough to carry such a brave hero.

Lu Jingyan's body was placed in a coffin. Zhang Jinxian and Cheng Weiyuan found two open mansions in the city to serve as camps for the remnants of Shaowu.

The guards in front of Lu Jingyan were about to come over to carry the coffin. Lin Fie held one of them, lifted the bottom corner of the coffin with one hand, moved it to his shoulders, and carried the coffin to Lu Jingyan himself.

Geng Quanshan, Chen Dingbang and other generals from the remnant army of Shaowu also took the bottom corner of the coffin and carried the coffin to the captain. He stood up on the stretcher, let someone help him move the bottom corner of the coffin to his shoulder, and walked to the temporary camp...

Zhou Tong, Ao Canghai, and the generals of Jiangdong Zuo Army and Jin Zhong Army stood under the city wall, watching Lin Fu personally carry the coffin and send Lu Jingyan's body to the temporary camp of the remnant army in Shaowu. To have the honor of carrying the coffin in person, even if he died in battle at the head of Yangxin City, was worth it.

Brother Lu, General Yuan Jianhai of Zhenguo, Zuo Tanggui, the steward of Prince Lu's mansion, Ye Youren, the deputy steward, and others stood beside them in embarrassment. At this time, no one came to pay attention to them. In normal times, they lost their temper early. It's just to suppress the tragic atmosphere in the city, and I know that this is not a place where they can go wild.

Shaowu's remnant army fled into Yangxin City in a hurry, but at this moment more than a thousand remnant soldiers seemed to reveal a steel will. They opened the city gate and let them out, and there was no doubt that they could kill the captive soldiers in the outer city of the city. Fuck shit, cry dad and mom.

Yuan Yan was sitting on the back of a little stallion, as if the sadness and majesty in front of her had captured her heart and soul. Is this just because of entering the city? No, at this moment, almost everyone's eyes on the city wall and on both sides of the long street are focused on the bearded uncle who is carrying the coffin at the forefront of the team, as if he is the source of confidence in this city, as if as long as he is there, Yang Xin is an invincible iron city, and his firm back in cyan cold armor is surprisingly reassuring to see.

As if imprinted on the soul, the scene at this moment and the inexplicably sad and majestic atmosphere were engraved in Yuan Yan's tender heart.


Lin Bie carried the coffin to the temporary camp of the Shaowu remnant army, and asked Cheng Weiyuan, the captain of Yangxin County, to carefully settle the remnants of the Shaowu army, and asked the generals Geng Quanshan and Chen Dingbang to rest in peace for two days.

Lin Fu and Zhang Jinxian, the magistrate of Yangxin County, are going to settle the refugees in the Lu palace. Although he doesn't want to pay attention to these clan children at all, he is a minister of the Dayue Dynasty at this time. If he doesn't settle the clan children carefully, he will stay after the war The tongue of man attacking. At the moment, other conflicts must be suppressed, and all forces must be concentrated on defending the city.

If the people of Lu Wangfu dare to pull the back foot of the defender, Lin Fu is not a soft-hearted person.

When Lu Wang Yuan Jiancheng and the officials from the left and right sides of the palace were attacked in the inner city, they were all killed before they could escape. When the eunuchs and the many guards in the palace, nearly seventy or eighty people escaped, Zhang Jinxian, the magistrate of Yangxin, arranged a large mansion at the east end of the city for the people of the Lu palace to temporarily settle.

Lin Fu and Zhang Jinxian caught up with the team of Lu Wangfu on the long street, walked to the front, clasped their fists and said to Yuan Jianhai sitting on the horse: "General Zhenguo, don't come to Wuxian!"

Although the descendants of the clan in this world enjoyed all the wealth and honor in the world, they had no right to control the local officials. Maybe there was an old grudge in the past, but at this time it was under the fence of others, Yuan Jianhai asked the guards to help him get off his horse, and arched with Lin Bie: "Master Lin went to the south to fight in the north and made great military exploits for the court, and a certain meeting will be performed. The government and the court, please give credit to Lord Lin..."

The ghost wanted to do meritorious service for the Yuan clan. Lin Fu hated and cursed in his heart. He had no concept of allegiance to the court at all. If it wasn't for this great river and mountain and the people of Limin not to be invaded by aliens, he would be too lazy to take such a dangerous risk, although he thought so in his heart. , he still kept a smile on his face, and when he saw a young boy around 11 or 12 years old behind Yuan Jianhai who wanted to dismount, but no guards stepped forward to help him, he walked over, put his hand under his arm, and hugged him off the horse. He came and asked, "Who is this?" When he saw that the boy's pink face was flushed and the tentacle's body was extraordinarily soft, he realized that it was a girl, so he quickly stopped and apologized: "Lin Bie is reckless... "

"Yan'er is my brother's little daughter, pity my brother and nephew were killed by the thieves, leaving her an orphan..." Thinking of this, Yuan Jianhai was also saddened, and he didn't care about Lin Bie's rudeness. After all, Yuan Yan is still a little girl, and the army is in chaos, how can she care about so many false gifts?

"It turned out to be the little princess. I was frightened along the way." Lin Fu bowed to Yuan Yan, who was disguised as a man.

Yuan Yan was like a frightened deer. She hid behind the guards, but couldn't help but look back at Lin Bie. Looking at his dark and bright eyes, she felt that she was very good-looking. She restrained her shyness and said softly. : "Lord Lin needn't be more polite..."

Lin Fu smiled and said to Yuan Jianhai: "Yangxin City has been besieged for more than two months, and the materials in the city are scarce. Everyone is supplied with rations. These matters must be handled by General Zhenguo..."

"This is what it should be." Yuan Jianhai said, what else could he do besides saying that? Zhang Jinxian, the magistrate of Yangxin County, stood by and didn't say a word. It seemed that the military and political power in Yangxin City at this time was within Lin Fu's grasp.

"General Zhenguo, please rest first. After nightfall, I will convene everyone at the county office to discuss the defense of the city, and I will also invite General Zhenguo and Lu Wangfu to send people to attend. Now everyone must share the enemy and repel the enemy..." Lin Bound said.

After Lin Fu said these words, he left. There are many things to do in defending the city. At this time, prepare more so that one less person will die when defending the city. He doesn't want to waste time on perfunctory rituals.

Zhang Jinxian accompanied the people from the Prince Lu Mansion into the house to settle down. Zuo Tanggui glanced at the back of Lin Fu, who was surrounded by the guards and left, and said nothing.

As soon as Lin Fu entered Jinan, he took his Zuoguan'er Village as a den of bandits. The pressure of the commanders in Jinan City in Lu Wangfu did not give Zuoguan a fair statement. Lin Fu is an arrogant and domineering character. Undoubtedly, at this time, Liang Lichuo was famous for his military exploits, and he was the new favorite of the Chu Party, and his arrogance was even more arrogant. Zuo Tanggui dared to slander him behind his back, but he did not dare to oppose him face to face.

Watching Lin Fu leave, Zuo Tanggui approached Zhang Jinxian, the magistrate of Yangxin County, and asked, "Could it be that Jiang Zuojun took care of everything in Yangxin City? Did Master Zhang hear about the fall of Jinan~www.wuxiaspot. com~ I'm afraid that the guest soldiers are unreliable at critical times..."

Zhang Jinxian glanced at Zuo Tanggui and thought to himself: What do you mean by saying this at this time? At this time, Yuan Jianhai also looked back at him from the front.

Zhang Jinxian said, "Supervisor Lin led the Jiangdong Zuo Army to help Yangxin. We are all laymen for the city defense. We can only rely on Lin Dujian and the Jiangdong Zuo Army..." After all, he is a local official in Shandong, so he has to give The face of the people in King Lu's mansion, King Lu was killed, most of them were the generals of Zhenguo who succeeded King Lu. He was a small magistrate, and his attitude did not dare to be too tough. It's enough to give him a hat that offends the imperial family.

"Supervisor Lin just said that everyone in the city is supplied with rations. Could it be that General Zhenguo and Yan County Master are also among them?" Ye Youren, the inner servant, interjected at this time, "General Zhenguo. I came all the way with the Yan County Master, and I had a lot of hard work, and I was in a panic. Could it be that the face of Jiangdong Zuojun's face is too full of mouth?"

"Ye Dianguan, I'm fine." Yuan Yan interjected innocently.

Only then did Zhang Jinxian understand that these people in Lu Wangfu didn't have the guts to confront Lin Fu face to face, but they took him as a soft scumbag, hated these two eunuchs in their hearts, and had to put on a smile. , said: "I know from the post, General Zhenguo and the small county master can't be wronged anymore when they go to Yangxin..." There is no shortage of manpower in the city. Among the people who escaped from the Prince Lu Mansion, except for the young daughter of Prince Lu, there is no shortage of people. The other female relatives thought that there would be no problem in choosing a few well-behaved, smart and decent-looking girls to serve the little county master and the general of the township.


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