Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 30: Battle of Jinhai

(No. 3, ask for a red ticket)

From the 14th, the war in the Jinhai Sea, which lasted for several days, suddenly intensified. The Jiangdong Zuo Army stepped ashore on a large scale and moved along the north and south lines of Wukou Village, restraining the cavalry of the Hexiong Qi tribe and looking for opportunities to fight. , and tried to intersperse inside.

In the early morning of the 16th, led by Cao Zi'ang, along with Zhou Pu and Ning Zechen led the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th battalions to bypass the Wukou Village and go directly to the west side of the interior line, equipped with a large number of mules and horses, to make A large-scale forcible dash to the west front.

The war in Jinan was fierce, and the troops on the southern front were almost overwhelmed. The northern front, headed by the Great Prince Ye Jiluorong, had to guard against the hundreds of thousands of troops assembled in Gyeonggi by the Southern Dynasty. .

The Jiangdong Left Army is not large in number, but if it is allowed to rush to the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain and move along the foot of Taihang Mountain, it will cause great interference to the back roads of the north and south lines.

On the 16th, the main force of the Jiangdong Left Army bypassed Wukou Village and crossed westward. Even if he knew that this area was between Wukou, Changlu and Qingqi villages, Hexiongqi was forced to send cavalry in to intercept and prevent Jiangdong Zuojun interspersed to the west of Changlu Village.

From Jinhai and Qingxian, there are as many as seven or eight Wuzhais that the remnants of Jinzhong soldiers are holding on to one after another. The westernmost Wuzhai is at the westernmost end of Qingxian County. Na Hexiongqi was worried that the Jiangdong Zuo Army would first move the main force to the west of Qingxian County by connecting the villages. By then, the Jiangdong Zuo Army would be less than 200 miles away from the Taihang Mountain. , the time of the day is directly interspersed.


Bathed in the morning sun, Lin Fu's blue armor was shining brightly. He didn't wear a helmet, and the sea breeze blew his temples. He stood on the top deck of the stern cabin of the Dongyang and looked at the battlefield west of Wukouzhai. Looking at the movement route of the Hexiong Qi cavalry after the dispatch, the 4,000 cavalry of the Hexiong Qi branch divided into two groups, intercepting Cao Zian, Zhou Pu, and Ning Zechen who were interspersed in the south, all the way to the south of Wukou Village. , to monitor several large ships outside the east seawall of Wukou Village and Wukou Village.

That He Xiongqi, wearing scales that shone under the morning light, rode his horse to a **** in the south of Wukou Village. Surrounded by all brown armored soldiers, he was very conspicuous, and he seemed to be looking here. , it's just too far away to really see it.

"Heh, the old man Hexiongqi is also looking at this side," Lin Mengde squinted and looked into the distance and smiled, "He was afraid that you would use another conspiracy and tricks, and personally lead a large group of cavalry to monitor this side..."

"Then win him in an upright manner," Lin Bing stared into the distance with his eyes slightly narrowed, and instructed Ao Canghai beside him, "You and Zhao Qingshan lead the first and fourth battalions to the south to find an opportunity to land on the shore. , make a gesture of interspersed to the west, and watch how He Xiongqi copes. If He Xiongqi does not plan to concentrate his forces to fight me all the way, after you land on the shore, go west for four or five miles and pay attention, then turn to Wangdengtai Mountain and move to Wangdengtai Mountain. If we can annihilate a captive cavalry on Mount Wangdengtai, at least the situation in the northern part of Hejian Mansion will not persist. At that time, whether we are moving to the west of Qingxian County or detouring to Cangnan, we will be able to take it easy..."

Ao Canghai took a boat to change boats, and Zhao Qingshan led his troops to the south by boat, with horses hidden in the stern boat and the bottom cabin. , the boat is on the sea, like a galloping horse.

Lin Fu squinted at Wang Dengtai Mountain in the southwest. This small earth mountain in the south of Jinhai is only 134 feet high, but it is the only hill within ten kilometers of Wukou Village. There is a remnant village at the foot of Wang Dengtai Mountain. After Xiongqi led his troops over, he occupied the place as a camp.

Lin Fu divided the Jiangdong Zuo army into two groups, so that He Xiongqi could not see their intentions and was forced to divide his troops to deal with them, and then turned towards Wangdengtai Mountain from both directions at the same time. Even if Hexiongqi intends to concentrate his forces on attacking one part of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, the other can still attack the prisoner Wang Dengtai Mountain camp and force him to come back to rescue, which will eventually form a favorable situation for the battle.


Jiangdong Zuojun made a move. The two ships were loaded with soldiers and headed south. Then He Xiongqi had to divide his troops along the coastal embankment to monitor the south.

Although most of the Jiangdong Zuo Army were infantry, they had a large number of horses. After landing, they could quickly maneuver to the designated location and then dismount to fight. It was absolutely impossible to guard against the Jiangdong Zuo Army with the mobility of conventional infantry.

After two divisions of troops, He Xiongqi felt that the troops at hand were insufficient. In addition to the main monitoring of Wukou Village, he also sent a small number of rangers to monitor the movements of Changlu, Qingqi and other villages. It also smelled a dangerous breath: Could it be that the Jiangdong Left Army is going to fight with our troops in the Jinhai field?

After Xiaobotouzhai was left behind, the troops and horses were completely wiped out, and the advantage of Hexiong Qi's troops over Jiangdong Zuojun was not so obvious.

After several days of continuous fighting, the Hexiong Qi tribe also suffered a lot of casualties. In addition to the provisions, luggage, and wounded who needed to be taken care of, the number of cavalry he could call was only about 3,000. However, Jiangdong Zuojun made good use of the advantages of sea ships. Food, grass, baggage, and wounded can be placed on the ship or on the island. They don't have to be responsible for sending troops to Nahexiongqi to copy the way back, and casualties and casualties can also be obtained in time. The replenishment of reservists has always maintained a complete preparation of five battalions and three thousand soldiers.

Although the remnants of the soldiers in the central Jin Dynasty said that the fighting ability of the village was not strong, the number of people who joined the township soldiers was large.

That Hexiongqi took a deep breath, realizing that Jiangdong Zuojun might want to fight to the death with them in the south of Jinhai County.

Concentrate on one of them?

That He Xiongqi doubted whether he could successfully defeat the nearly 2,000 Jiangdong Left Army infantry and cavalry by throwing all the troops at hand.

In the past few days, Na Hexiongqi found that even the Jiangdong Zuo army infantry formation with two hundred people at one post was difficult to defeat.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army advancing westward had nine sentinels and twenty-seven capital teams, while the Jiangdong Zuo Army took the sixty soldiers' capital team as the basic unit to form a formation and crossed, so that its foot and cavalry were threatened and interfered by the cavalry, and there were also some. Great mobility. Even if he casts all the troops in his hand, he cannot guarantee that he will be able to defeat the Jiangdong Left Army in the west, and it will be difficult to prevent the Jiangdong Left Army from retreating to Wukou Village, and then it will be a battle pattern again.

The principle of "concentrating forces to attack one part" does not work here; but He Xiongqi couldn't sit back and ignore the movement of the Jiangdong Zuo Army to the west, and sent someone to look for Timur to tell him that the Jiangdong Zuo Army had a battle. The intention is that Timur should pay attention to the abnormality at all times. If he feels that the situation is not right, he will immediately retreat in the direction of the southeast garrison, and he must not stop fighting.

Although it was in the Spring Festival, the weather was cold and clear before noon. Ao Canghai and Zhao Qingshan led their troops to borrow a large cape stone extending into the sea 14 miles south of Wukou Village. The ministers were about twenty-four or five li apart, and after fighting with the enemy cavalry, they were involved in going back and forth, and when the sun was in the middle of the sky, they simultaneously turned to Wangdengtai Mountain in the southwest of Wukou Village.

After receiving the report, He Xiongqi had already spent half an incense stick. At this time, he had already determined that the Jiangdong Zuo Army had the intention to fight, and it was no longer necessary to monitor Wukou Village in person. He wanted to lead the remaining 600 cavalry to return Wang climbed to the Taishan camp, cooperating in the center.

At this time, the north and south gates of Wukou Village opened at the same time, and the remnants of Jinzhong rushed out from the two gates.

Na Hexiongqi was startled when he saw the number of riders dispatched from Wukou Village. There were two battalions of 1,200 riders, and they were fully equipped. He didn't expect that there would be so many people hiding in Wukou Village. He didn't know that many soldiers had sneaked into Wukou Village in the dark of the night from Changlu, Qingqi and other villages in the past few days. The first battalion was mainly composed of Yang Yihang's army, the first battalion was mainly composed of Ma Yigong and Zhou Tongbu, and the other villages were all recruited by elites, with a total of 900 infantry and 300 cavalry.

He sent a small group of cavalry to attack the remnants of the Jinzhong soldiers, and shot a lot of arrows. Then He Xiongqi gave up the idea of ​​defeating the Jinzhong soldiers, and led his troops to run directly to Wangdengtai Mountain.

Na Hexiongqi guessed that Lin Su led the Jiangdong Zuo Army to Jinhai to contact the remnants of the Jinzhong soldiers, but he still underestimated the combat power of the Jinzhong soldiers.

It can't be said that He Xiongqi was underestimated. The remnants of the Jinzhong soldiers had incomplete armor, insufficient arrows, no food to cover their stomachs, and no clothes to cover their bodies. In the past two months, the will of the Jinzhong soldiers to defend the village was very strong. It is true that it is strong and has poor combat ability when going out of the village. What He Xiongqi could not have expected was that the Jiangdong Zuo Army's ability to supply the remnants of Jinzhong soldiers would be so strong.

Yang Yihang, who was riding on horseback, reined in the reins and glanced in the direction of the berthing of the Dongyang. He couldn't see the expression on Lin Bie's face from a distance. With fire and hatred, if I can get it back today, don’t pretend to be a bear for me!” Only a small number of cavalry were used to cover the flanks, and most of the infantry spread their legs and chased Wang Dengtai Mountain in a marching formation. go.

After Yang Yihang led his troops to set out, a pile of wolf smoke burned in the Wukou Village, and the black and straight smoke column was blown away by the wind, and the villages were notified.


Lin Bie held down the side of the ship and held up the chest-high parapet guard, watching Yang Yihang and Ma Yi's power department also set off to Wangdengtai Mountain as scheduled, he pressed the handle of the knife and said to Ge Cunxin, "How many troops are there? Organize and prepare to go ashore, if Hexiongqi is based on Wang Dengtai Mountain and sticks to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as many troops as can be cast here, the time left for us is very limited..."

The possibility of Hexiongqi's persistence is not high. After all, it is easier for him to choose to break through the encirclement, but everything must be taken precautions. Ye Jiluorong sent reinforcements to come, more than 200 miles, and it only takes more than a day for the light cavalry to advance. The time to report the letter should at most be left to Jiangdong Zuojun one day and one night.

That Hexiongqi chose to stick to it, and Lin Fu didn't expect to be able to wipe out the entire Hexiongqi group in one day and one night. At that time, he besieged Xiaobotou and left the captives behind. If he hadn't used fire at the end, it would have been doubled. Time may not be able to capture it - it cannot be completely wiped out, but it is necessary to use powerful bows and crossbows to kill and maim the Hexiong Qi on a large scale.

Lin Fu mainly considered the situation that the Hexiong Qi clan chose to break out of the encirclement, so that the Jiangdong Zuo army and the remnants of the Jinzhong army formed a situation of attacking Wangtai from three different directions in the afternoon, waiting for the Hexiong Qi clan to retreat. Prepare to break through, and the gaps between the formed encircling circles will also shrink to a distance of less than three miles. To the east is the sea, not the direction of Hexiongqi's breakout. The wolf smoke from Wukou Village just informed other villages, especially the remnants of the Central Jin soldiers assembled in Changlu and Qingqi villages. The southwest and northwest breakout direction sent small-scale interception forces, and they were asked to do everything possible to delay the breakout speed of the Hexiong Qibu cavalry regardless of casualties.

It was the first time that Lin Fu could be transferred to a superior force. Naturally, he had to test the ability of Jiangdong Zuojun and Luqi to fight in the field.

At this time, Zhang Fan, a sentry ship that was sent to the northern waters, sailed back and asked to board the Dongyang under the banner. Lin Bing was quite surprised. What did the sentry ship from the north come back for, and what important news did he have to send back? Of course, it won't be to discover the enemy's situation. In that case, the wolf smoke in the cabin should be burned directly. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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