Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 26: Remnants

With the golden arrow from Yezierhan, Hexiongqi was finally able to suppress the manic generals. Timur took a sixty iron whip and dragged him into the tent with a **** body. Although his eyes were still fierce, his mouth was closed. He is not a fool. He usually **** the 18th generation of Hexiongqi's ancestors without any problem. At this time, if he doesn't know what to do with him, he will probably give that Hexiongqi the golden arrow of King Khan. He directly chopped off his head to straighten the law.

That He Xiongqi also knew that he couldn't hold back and do not fight a single battle, as that would greatly dampen the morale of the generals. The battle will undoubtedly make him lose so much that he can't even have a skin that covers his buttocks.

Na Hexiongqi stretched out his hand and lifted the iron helmet that pressed his forehead. He sat on horseback and looked at the distant battlefield. The cavalry led by Timur himself crossed and attacked, but they couldn't make the Jiangdong Left Army's armored soldiers on the west **** of Haitang. Disrupt, not to mention cut, rout.

Although the Jiangdong Zuo Army's arrays are still more than a mile away from the seawall, the crossbows equipped by the Jiangdong Zuo Army have a range of three or four hundred steps and one mile. Like small islands floating on the sea, supporting and covering the flanks of the foot soldiers on the shore.

That Hexiongqi thought to himself: At least the soldiers of the Jiangdong Zuo Army on the shore should be contained and moved three or four miles to the west, so that there will be enough space to send more cavalry to attack their array from more angles.

At present, it is obviously impossible to achieve this level. Jiangdong's left army has the prestige of winning two battles, and the morale of its generals is better than that of its own. In the face of cavalry piercing conflicts, there is no fear, and everything appears to be well-trained. The most important thing is Jiangdong. The left army is much better equipped than they are.

Riding a bow within 60 paces can effectively interfere with the Jiangdong left army, but it has to hit the parts without armor to form lethality. There are about 1,200 soldiers of the Jiangdong Left Army in the silt along the pond. Nahe visually estimated that they had as many as 200 powerful crossbows with a shooting distance of 200 steps. On a narrow combat surface, even Even if you charge the enemy with the elite of the king tent, you will not be able to keep the charge formation under the shooting of 200 powerful crossbows. It is even more dense two or three times. At this time, even the elite cavalry can't resist the counter-charge of the opponent's foot soldiers neatly and orderly, wrapped in flying contradictory vehicles...

Timur came back with a sullen stomach that could not be vented, his face was scratched by a crossbow arrow, and a piece of flesh and blood was taken from his left ear. In front of him, the urn said: "It's like a turtle shell, I can't eat it!"

"King Khan has confirmed from the prisoner's side that this Jiangdong Zuo Army is indeed a new soldier recruited in early October. There is no official order in the Zhenfu Army in the Southern Dynasty. It is a township soldier." The son returned without success, and said, "The Jiangdong Zuo Army is in front of you, are you still arrogant enough to think that the iron cavalry of my Donghu Khanate is invincible in the world?"

Timur hates to clamp/tighten the crotch and dismount the horse, so that it hurts and tightens the reins to prevent it from neighing and kicking. It has been two days since he pursued the southern border of Jinhai County. There were hundreds of soldiers, but they still couldn't shake the more than a thousand Jiangdong Zuo troops parked on the shore, not to mention the collection of boats that went out to sea to chase the few ships.

"You lead the troops to the left wing to rest, but be careful that the remnants of Jinzhong in Wukou, Changlu and other villages are also ready to move," Na Hexiongqi said, "Jiangdong Zuojun lured us to Jinhai, but they did not eat our confidence. That's probably what he's thinking!"

"This battle is really useless," Timur sighed viciously, "it's better to retreat and lure them to the inland to fight again..."

"It's not that easy, the leader of the Jiangdong Zuo Army is much more cunning than we imagined. He lured us to Jinhai to contact the remnants of Jinzhong from Wukou, Changlu and other villages. We knew this, but we had to come... "Na Hexiongqi said.

"Why?" Timur asked. "Ignore them and still look good!"

"It's only 400 li to the west of the Taihang Mountains from here. If we ignore them and let the Jiangdong Zuo Army contact the remnants of Jinzhong to make a detour to the eastern foot of Taihang, it will be more troublesome," said Na Hexiongqi, "to break the border this time. If you can return with great success, you must understand in your heart that the task given to us by King Khan is not to avenge blood and hatred, but to contain the Jiangdong Zuo Army so as not to harass our army's flanks, let alone destroy King Khan. The fundamental strategy of plundering Yanji and shaking the foundation of the Southern Dynasty..."

"..." Timur didn't say a word. In other words, three days ago, he might have spit on He Xiongqi's face. Although the two days of fighting were so useless, his mind has calmed down. At least that He Xiongqi Xiongqi's words can be heard.

Timur is not a fool. A senior general who has accumulated military merit and rose to the level of deputy and general has a set of skills for marching and fighting. After the early mania has calmed down, he can also think about some deep things.

This time, the army that broke the border was almost arranged along the north and south lines at the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain. The northern line suppressed the main fighting forces of the Southern Dynasty in the Gyeonggi area. The eastern foothills of Taihang Mountain in the southern part of the prefecture is the most empty side rib for their defense, and after capturing Jinan prefecture, this line is the most important option for the northward withdrawal. If the Jiangdong Zuo Army is allowed to enter the Taihang Mountains, the threat to them will definitely be much greater than it is now. The Jiangdong Left Army was equipped with elite equipment, high morale and well-trained generals, and it was obviously impossible to pursue a pursuit in the mountains. At that time, it might be necessary to double or triple or quadruple the mobilization of troops to block the various mountain passes at the foot of the Taihang Mountains.

Although the Jiangdong Zuo Army is dominated by infantry, it has a large number of horses in its army, and its maneuverability in the interior line is much stronger than that of pure infantry. It is really impossible to give up the personal marking of the Jiangdong Zuo Army; but personal marking is also quite painful.


On the **** facing the sea in the north, several horses could not get off, and the knights on horseback were all lightly armored and armed with swords. The leader was a young man in his thirties. His cheeks were thin, and his mustache was about an inch long. Yes, but his eyes are very sharp, and he watched with a solemn face, and a battle two or three miles away occurred in front of him.

The armor was somewhat damaged, and it reflected a blue-red color in the setting sun. The captive cavalry sentry had noticed them long ago. At this time, dozens of cavalry were sent to drive them away.

From the outside of Wukou Village, it looks like the most common dock village on the Yanji Plain. It stands in the sunset. Several horses fled to the Nanzhai Gate. Dozens of archers stood behind the walled walls on both sides of the gate to drive away the rangers.

The village wall is also a single-walled stone wall, but a row of wooden stakes was built on the inner side of the village wall, soil was filled between the wall and the stake, and then a layer of horizontal wood was laid, and people stood on the wall and shot to death. Close to the enemy, there is a wooden pile wall and filling, and the wall of the village has become more stable. It is not so much a dock, but a solid fortress.

"General Yang, how did the Jiangdong Zuo Army do in this battle?" Two middle-aged men in long cotton robes came from the stockade. One of them helped the young man who rushed into the stockade and led the young man to hold the horse and let him down.

"It's still a stalemate. After all, the Jiangdong Zuo Army is small in number, and its mobility on the shore can't be compared with the thieves..." Yang Zihang got off the horse, handed the horse to the guards behind him, and said to the two middle-aged men.

"So, the Cangnan Victory is not fake news?" At this time, a black-faced youth jumped off the wall and asked Yang Yihang.

"What's fake or not! They brought the captives here and fought half-truths for two days. Isn't it under the idea of ​​incorporating us? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world!" The short young man beside Yang Yihang was full of anger He said with hatred, "I can see through, there is no one with good intentions. If Zhang Xie and Tang Haoxin of the Chu Party hadn't been behind the ghosts, and the adults were forced to lead the Jinzhong soldiers to fight alone, they would have died so miserably. Didn't even get the body back? Lin Fu is a member of the Chu Party, so what could it be?"

"It's a fact that the Jiangdong Zuo Army dares to fight against the thieves in the wild when they reach Yannan," the black-faced youth retorted. Out of captive thieves and fighters?"

"Can the Chu Party have a good thing?" The short young man said with a stubborn temper, "Wu Tian, ​​you have to seek a good background and join the Jiangdong Zuo Army, I can't control you; The mind that the vortex village pulls away..."

"Little dwarf, UU reading www.uukanshu.com What the **** are you talking about, I want to beg for a good background? My motherfucker's corrupt officials can't be killed," Wu Tian, ​​a black-faced youth, didn't bother to argue with the dwarf, and said a cruel word , asked Yang Yihang, "Would you like to send someone to Changlu Village to discuss with Ma Yigong? Would you like me to bring the two over there?"

"It's getting dark, it's not safe, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Yang Yihang said.

Relying on the sharpness of field battles and the rapidity of horses, the Dongluyou sentry would intersperse and ambush outside the villages after dark. On the contrary, in the few days after Jiangdong Zuojun came over, the sentry did not dare to expand too much during the day. I knew where the cavalry of the Jiangdong Zuo Army would suddenly land on the shore and besiege them.

As expected by Lin Fu, after the Jinzhong soldiers were defeated, they were not completely annihilated, and a large number fled to the east. After the escape route to the south was blocked, some people surrendered and were captured, and some were captured in the wild. The horses caught up to kill, and some people escaped into the dock in time to stick to it.

It was not an easy task for the Donglu to attack these docks where the remnants of the soldiers of the Central Jin Dynasty had escaped. Its fundamental goal of breaking the border and entering the pirates is to plunder. As long as it is confirmed that the remnants of the soldiers in the middle of the Jin Dynasty are not a threat, the Eastern invaders have tried several times, and they have all failed.

Yang Yihang is the nephew of Yang Zhaoqi, the military minister and the admiral of Jinzhong. He has accumulated merits to the sixth-rank Zhenwei captain. Wu Tian, ​​the deputy lieutenant of the sixth-rank Zhenwei, is also the subordinate of the Jinzhong Admiral Yang Zhaoqi. Afterwards, he led the remnants of the Jinzhong army and more than 800 collapsed soldiers who gathered along the way to escape into the Wukou Village, escaping the bad luck of annihilation. In addition to them, Ma Yigong and others led the remnants to avoid Changlu, Qingqi and other villages and stick to it until now.


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