Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 24: post war

The 3rd and 5th battalions, who had been fighting all day, were put on the hull for reorganization. The 4th battalion gathered north from the Xiaomi River and continued to undertake the task of guarding and preparing for the enemy. The 1st battalion and the Gongyi battalion assisted in cleaning the battlefield.

Xiaobotou Village was completely burnt, and the fire gradually went out in the second half of the night. Entering from the Nanzhai Gate, there were a large number of prisoners who were suffocated by the smoke and fire in the alleyway. A gust of wind blows, sparks fly, and the lingering fire is still hot. Most of the horses struggled out of the stables, dashed forward and back in the stockade, and were killed and burned to death. It was also these uncontrolled horses that disturbed the rear formation of the captured soldiers in the enemy village, which made the prisoners break through after dusk. The successor is weak, otherwise the casualties of the third battalion will be even more.

Plants and trees are destroyed, grain and meat are turned into ashes, but bricks, tiles, gold, silver, copper and iron cannot be burned.

Swords, spearheads, iron armor, scale armor, steel armor pieces and other various iron tools are all strategic materials to be recovered by the auxiliary soldiers of the Gongyi battalion.

The captured enemy who counterattacked Cangnan traveled with a part of the luggage and food, most of which were burned. The captured enemy had no intention of trading with the local area. The gold and silver in the luggage was very small. Three or four hundred catties of gold and silver were found to be melted into lumps.

The above is not the point, the point is the gold and silver carried by the captive soldiers.

Since the Donglu invaded the border, every time a city was broken, in addition to the fact that Fucang and a few key big families were dispatched to take over and loot goods and goods as military resources, they would plunder their troops for three or seven days as a countermeasure against the city. Rewards for meritorious soldiers.

The prisoners who fought back against Cangnan had very little gold and silver goods in their camps, but the prisoners carried some of them privately; it is even possible to judge the severity of the crimes committed by these prisoners in Yannan from the amount of gold and silver goods they carried privately on their bodies. .

The Cangnan Great Victory encircled and wiped out Nayan Bu, killed more than 1,000 enemies, and recovered nearly 10,000 taels of gold and silver.

This number is not much, the horses obtained are the biggest harvest last time, but there are few reasons for this number.

The Cangnan Victory was made up of the army of the king's tent and the gathered sentries. Since breaking the border and entering the bandits, they have hardly participated in the siege battle directly, and they have plundered the city and often drink some leftovers at the end. Sunburn, naturally not much.

This time, the horses were either burned to death or suffocated to death. However, since the Hexiong Qi clan broke the border and entered the bandits, he had participated in the first attack on five cities, and his subordinates had entered the city several times to scavenge for gold and silver.

Lin Mengde was worried about the excessive consumption of military resources and insufficient replenishment. After organizing more than 100 auxiliary soldiers to search for the bodies of the captive soldiers, he knew that the fire was worth it, otherwise it would be a huge loss if one person was released.


The generals in the army each assumed their respective positions. Zhou Pu, Ao Canghai, Ning Zechen, Zhao Qingshan, Cao Ziang and others focused on leading the troops to fight, while Lin Mengde had to focus on logistical supplies and provide continuous supply to the Jiangdong Left Army. combat power support.

Among so many people, Lin Mengde did not lead the army directly, but the pressure on his shoulders was no less than that of the others.

Cheng Yuqian led the main force of Jiangning Qin Wang's division to retreat to Jining, and only relying on Jiangning's silver transfer when he set off, he could maintain military support.

Jiangdong Zuojun's aggressive attack, the daily training and marching consumption is twice that of the garrisoned army. In addition to casualties in each battle, the consumption of soldiers, armor, materials and horses is also huge.

Including the Anjia silver, only three months have passed, and the military capital spent by the Jiangdong Zuojun has reached a huge amount of 120,000 taels of silver. There are many factors for Jiangdong Zuojun's record today, but such a high investment is also one of the important factors.

In addition to making a fortune in Jiangning's money transfer and pounding strategic materials in Dezhou, Jiyun Club also subsidized 40,000 taels of silver. If this war lasts for a few more months, and there are not enough collections and supplements during the war, Jiyun Society will not be able to sustain it.

Lin Mengde attaches the most importance to the search and seizure of the battlefield, and the search and seizure of the battlefield is naturally his responsibility. The fire in Xiaobotouzhai was relatively small, so he asked Ao Canghai to send a guard to block Xiaobotouzhai to prevent the ordinary soldiers below from being unclean.


Lin Fu sat by the fire and drank the millet porridge for supper. Wu Qi moved the outpost to the south of Yangxin and found no sign of the main force of the captives returning. There was still enough time left for them to drink millet porridge. Porridge is much more comfortable to chew dry cookies.

Lin Meng came over happily, and Lin Fu asked, "How about the collection?"

"You'll know when you come with me..." Lin Mengde said.

Lin Fu pulled the cloak and ran over with Lin Mengde to see the results of the seizure. His emphasis on the replenishment of military resources will not be lower than that of Lin Meng. The guarantee of a strong army is a strong logistical support.

However, seeing the treasures confiscated from the corpses of the prisoners, Lin Fu suddenly lost his good mood. These gold and silver bracelets, longevity locks, necklaces, hairpin rings and other items that were deformed by the fire, you can imagine the situation of the prisoners looting the city and committing evil.

The more seizures here, the more sins these captive soldiers have committed in Yannan.

"Let's get it in the book..." Lin Fu waved his hand and said unhappily, asking the guards to call Zhou Pu, Ning Zechen, Zhao Qingshan, Ao Canghai and the sentry generals below, this battle is over. , to summarize, how to go next, but also to discuss.

Lin Fu walked back to the campfire and continued to drink his millet porridge.

Wu Qi first came over and said: "I heard from the workers' camp that this time, a lot of money was seized, especially the goods on the captive soldiers. There are also 60,000 or 70,000 silver. The Donglu's cavalry that entered the bandits this time is almost five or six. Ten thousand people are involved in the direct siege and plundering of the city, and if the private plunder is at this level, the crimes committed by these grandsons in Yannan are really serious and unforgivable..."

The Yannan Sanfu is located in the heart of the Yanji Plain, adjacent to Gyeonggi. It is rich and fertile, with good weather and good weather, few disasters, better public security than other places, and it is normal for people to have abundant financial resources. No matter what is unforgivable, it also requires the court to strive for it. If you have this qualification, the center is afraid that he is still negotiating the idea of ​​peace.

Lin Bie beckoned Wu Qi to sit down and said with a wry smile, "Don't talk about this, I'll discuss how to fight next..."

"... Deploying defenses on the front line of Longkou River and Xiaomi River, waiting for work, beating his mother's labor and teachers!" Zhao Qingshan, Ning Zechen, Zhou Pu and others came over one after another, Zhao Qingshan said in a high voice.

"..." Lin Fu laughed, it seemed that everyone's morale was completely boosted, and confidence was also gained. In the past, there would be no idea of ​​winning more with less, and said: "Can Cao Ziang catch up in time? It's hard to say when I come back. In addition to the casualties this time, there are still 2,000 people available here. There are sea boats as support. The triangular area between the coastal embankment, Xiaomi River, and Longkou River is set up to stop Na Hexiongqi from running back and forth. The exhausted army, but also a strategy... What are the opinions of others?"

"It's okay to set up an array to intercept, but what is the key to our intention?" Ning Zechen asked.

"Well, that's a good question..." Lin Bie nodded. Ning Zechen's growth was very rapid. He was very excited to win the battle in time. Fighting with clear intentions is superfluous and unnecessary. They took the risk of intercepting the Hexiongqi’s return to the main force on the Longkouhe and Xiaomi fronts. It is difficult to obtain decent results by fighting more with less. In battle, even if there are sea ships to rely on, you don't have to worry about the back road being blocked, but there is no need for the battle of competition...

"It's hard to find the target next time..." Zhou Pu was a brave general, but the rough experience in the first half of his life made him not as passionate as Zhao Qingshan.

"To eliminate the defenders of Xiaobotouzhai is to make the main force of Hexiongqi's army run back and forth. This goal has been achieved, then Hexiongqi will inevitably lead the army to counterattack. He divided his troops..." Zhao Qingshan still wanted to fight, and said, "I can't find an island for a whole month and a half and wait for the Donglu to retreat on their own, right?"

Their biggest reliance now is the sea ships behind them. Maneuvering along the coastline is their biggest advantage. Naturally, they cannot give up this advantage and interspersed inland to disturb the enemy's rear.

"Let's put this question down first, let's summarize the gains and losses of this battle first," Lin Fu greeted everyone to sit down around the fire, and said, "My Jiangdong Zuo army's gains and losses, you will summarize later, first summarize the enemy's gains and losses , let's see what we can learn from it... Who of you will talk about the fatal mistakes made by the captive soldiers after staying in Xiaobotouzhai?"

"For Donglu, since the invasion, the battle has been too smooth," Ao Canghai sat beside him for a long time in a muffled voice before he said, "Then He Xiongqi's deployment is not a big mistake, he stayed behind. The next thousand cavalry should be to prevent my Jiangdong Zuo army from hiding in the island and attack. It is a standard camp, and some of the cavalry should be stationed outside the village. But all the cavalry will enter the village, even if There are no other mistakes. Blocking the southern and northern village gates of the Jiangdong Zuo Army is also the result of catching turtles in the urn and closing the door to fight dogs. When Chen Zhihu was in charge of building Zhaowu and other cities in Dongmin to block extravagant homes, Li Zhuo proposed that there should be more open and secret gates in the construction of the city. The principle of building a stronghold outside the city, making it easier to advance and retreat, and easy to deploy. When building a city, you must not think about keeping the enemy from outside, and you must also think about how to deploy your troops when you counterattack. The stockade is more difficult to defend than the city, and more attention should be paid to wrapping it up. It is impossible for the Donglu to have no experience in defending the city. In the end, it is still arrogant and underestimating the enemy. Looking at this problem in turn, our repeated victories should also make the Donglu pay more attention to our army. It is very difficult to use other mentality of underestimating the enemy to design to deal with..."

Lin Bie nodded, Jiangdong Zuo Army was still some distance away from the elite division, but Ao Canghai, Zhou Pu, Cao Zi'ang generals were far better than the ordinary Zhenfu generals.

Seeing Ning Zechen frowning, Lin Fu asked, "With the intensity of the battle to seize the Nanzhai Gate at dusk, if these thousand or so captives were moved to the outside of the village, how much troops would you need to wrap them around..."

"..." Ning Zechen shook his head and said, "We must guard against the main force of the captive cavalry in the south to counterattack at any time. Even if there are sufficient troops, they should not be surrounded. It is the best policy to defeat them and not make them gather..."

Lin Bie nodded and said: "We will destroy the outer circle and the enemy in the inner circle. We must encircle them. On the contact surface, we need to achieve a similar level of force density, and the outer circle must be twice as strong as the inner circle. The so-called 'ten encirclement' In the case of an encounter on the ground, the possibility of encircling and annihilating must be taken into account only if there is an absolute superiority of troops, otherwise do not take risks easily. It is quite easy to trap the enemy in the city and lock the enemy in the village, and the expansion of the city gate and the village gate are quite equal. Even if there are 108,000 soldiers and horses hidden in the city, it is useless if they cannot be deployed. In the final analysis, it is still the principle of 'strong troops cannot be called strong until they are deployed'... These lessons, you go back and follow the soldiers below. Both the leader and the flag leader have to explain it thoroughly. I am discussing with you the tactical issues of field attack and defense and city defense. I don’t mean to teach you a lesson. I just want to know that Yang Zhaoqi’s troops were surrounded and annihilated in the field battle with Donglu in the east of Gaoyang County. Is the whole army wiped out?"


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