Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 20: Tiaohu Lishan

(To be powerful, the third update, to see if the brothers are not good enough, can the red ticket break 6,000 today?)

The Qianshi three-masted ship is 12 feet long and 2 feet and 4 feet wide, with thirteen watertight compartments, under the cabin and in the stern cabin for horses and people on deck. After nightfall, the north wind prevailed, and the sails took advantage of their strength to bypass the delta of the mouth of the Yellow River overnight, and transport the second battalion of 600 soldiers and 300 horses from Cangnan to 200 miles away. In the morning, Xiaoqing in Bohai County. The estuary stops boats to land.

Although there are many generals and horses who are not used to the wind and waves at sea, and suffer from severe seasickness, a certain proportion of non-combat attrition occurs.

After the rectification, Cao Zian led more than 460 generals and more than 240 horses to the inner route along the official road from Bincheng to Bohai County, except for the seasick and some soldiers who stayed to protect the boat with the boatmen and sailors. , looking for annihilates to ride outposts.

Sun Shangwang and Sun Wenbing led Cangnan villagers and a group of workers to go to Jimo in the southern part of the Shandong Peninsula. It was an established route to take Bohai County, bypass Laizhou Bay, and cross the Shandong Peninsula along the Jiaolai River. Search for the official road from the county to Bohai County.

Cao Ziang calculated the departure time and speed of the cavalry outpost from Cangnan, and estimated that his outpost search force of about 100 to 150 people should cross Bincheng County in the morning, and the main force of the counterattack Cangnan cavalry should be in Xiaobotouzhai. Stationing, even if you come with all your strength, is a day later.

Cao Zi'ang did not send scouts, and led his troops to the north along the official road. Outside the south gate of Bohai County, they met the outpost search force of the prisoners who were provoking the defenders in the city.

Cao Zi'ang directly used the banner of the second battalion of the Jiangdong Left Army, with the light-armored infantry of the Sidu team as the core, and the cavalry of the Liangdu team to protect the two wings.

The cavalry outposts hurriedly engaged in battle, unable to fight hard, and fled around the city.

The cavalry of the second battalion has been strengthened, with a total of more than 200 people in the Sidu team. Although the individual combat effectiveness is not as strong as that of the Nenglu cavalry outpost, but with the advantage of defeating the cavalry enemy and detouring to outflank, there are both armored soldiers and Yicheng behind them. In the battle, the number of people was twice that of the enemy's cavalry. Naturally, they were able to chase after horses fearlessly. They did not return to the south gate of Bincheng until the afternoon, and did not enter the city to rest.

First, take advantage of the northwest wind to sail to the island outside the mouth of the Yellow River, anchor and stop the ship, wait for the southeast wind to pick up, and then go north to join the main force of the Jiangdong Zuo army.


The defeated outpost in Bohai County fled to the north, and rushed back to Xiaobotouzhai in Cangnan at dusk to join the main force of the Hexiongqi tribe who stayed at the camp in Xiaobotouzhai.

The deputy capital Xinjue Timur raised his eyebrows and brought the fleeing outpost Zuo Tie to Na Hexiongqi, squinting at him.

He Xiongqi frowned. He wanted to cut wood and build a canoe to go out to sea for reconnaissance. .

Na Hexiongqi believed that the Jiangdong Zuo Army could not rush southward. Even if there were very obvious signs, he still believed that this was still a suspicious plan played by the Jiangdong Zuo Army, but the interception occurred in Bohai County this morning. The battle overturned his speculation.

Although the Jiangdong Zuo Army that appeared in Bohai County this morning only had about one battalion of troops, unless the scouts of the Jiangdong Zuo Army had the ability to send back the news that their main force was stationed in Xiaobotouzhai overnight without being discovered. Go to Bohai County, a hundred miles away, otherwise it is unlikely that the Jiangdong Left Army will intercept their outposts so fiercely when they only have one battalion in Bohai County.

You must know that the interception launched by the Jiangdong Left Army in Bohai County hardly leaves any way out. As long as there are one or two hundred cavalry troops behind the outpost, they can turn defeat into victory. Moreover, judging from the performance of intercepting the Jiangdong Zuo Army, the generals of this battalion are not pretending to be miscellaneous soldiers, but are actually the main combat strength of the Jiangdong Zuo Army.

In terms of time, the Jiangdong Zuo Army should have retreated to Bohai County. Even if the Jiangdong Zuo Army had to use a suspicious strategy of dividing troops, it seemed unlikely that the timing and location would be so accurate.

That He Xiongqi never thought of the possibility that Jiangdong Zuojun could use a sea boat to deliver a battalion of soldiers three hundred miles away overnight.

Although there are also sea ships in Liaodong, most of the ships captured by Donghu in Liaodong are single-masted or two-masted medium-sized sea ships, and they can travel a hundred miles at night. Is there a fast boat that can travel 300 miles down the sea at night?

The north makes cars and the south makes boats, forming the respective advantages of the north in car-building technology and the south in ship-building technology.

Most of the ships in the north are single fan-shaped sails, and the utilization efficiency of wind power is far less than that of complex longitudinal sails. In addition, the huge difference in the design concept of ships and the degree of resistance to typhoon winds make the ships in the north in the speed and structure. The strength is far behind the southern ships.

Although Lin Bie doesn't know any shipbuilding technology, he has two ideas. The ship needs to be easy to maneuver and fast, and the other is to have a solid structure and good wave resistance. The Longjiang Shipyard under the Jiangning Ministry of Industry has assembled the best shipbuilders in the world, and Lin Bing has spared no expense. Several ships under the Jiyun Society can already be said to be the most advanced sailboats in the world.

Ge Siyu pondered the experience of boatmen actually operating sailboats, and created the boat-handling and sail-control technology of "adjusting the wind and fighting the wind", and even made the double-rigged sails able to slowly borrow the wind and move forward slowly in the case of headwind.

These are things beyond the imagination of General Donghu, and He Xiongqi can't blame him for not thinking about it.

Na Hexiongqi still felt that the Jiangdong Zuo Army did not make sense to retreat southward, but he could not overturn the facts in front of him, nor could he forcefully suppress the strong will of his generals to pursue the Jiangdong Zuo Army southward.

"The Jiangdong Zuo Army has already withdrawn to the Bohai Sea. If we hesitate, let the Jiangdong Zuo Army withdraw to the south of Linzi. For us, it is too deep to enter..." Although Xinjue Timur is rude, it is not that he does not understand the military. The reckless man, with the speed of Jiangdong Zuo army holding the villagers in Cangnan, it will take at least three days for their cavalry to catch up, and it will take two days for the forced march. Even if they are chasing non-stop now, the left army in Jiangdong will be on the southern front line of Guangrao. At that time, even if the Jiangdong Zuo Army found a small town to escape, they could still besiege it and find an opportunity to destroy it. If this side delays for a long time, let the Jiangdong Zuo Army flee into Linzi City, or flee further south, they will lead 5,000 cavalry to besiege Linzi City. , it's too far in.

That He Xiongqi also knew that it was not too late, and before summoning the leaders to discuss the matter, he sent two teams of three hundred cavalry outposts to search on both sides of the official road.

Cangnan's defeat was regarded as a humiliating failure that could not be tolerated by all the leaders of the south, not to mention the abandonment of the body and the head of the man who died in the battle of Donghu, which aroused their anger. If it weren't for Hexiong Qi's strong suppression, they would even lead troops to pursue them without authorization. When Hexiong Qi called the counsellors to discuss matters, they naturally all said in unison that they would set up camp to pursue them at night.

The defenders of Dezhou and Linqing surrendered. Except for the Dengzhou Navy, the main combat troops and horses in Shandong were concentrated in Jinan Prefecture. In their eyes, the leaders of the canons are only worried that the Jiangdong Zuo Army, which is still capable of fighting, will hide in the city.

That Hexiongqi had to agree to pursue the night lightly, but to prevent the Jiangdong Zuo army from hiding on the island, he also had one sergeant and three assistants lead nine hundred cavalry to stay behind Xiaobotou Village. In addition to the thousands of headless corpses that died in the Battle of Cangnan, they also had some baggage, supplies and horses to stay in Xiaobotou Village.

Because he didn't know the direction of the Jiangdong Zuo Army's movement before, and because the entire Hejian Mansion had been looted for them, there were only those particularly difficult to gnaw villages left, and He Xiongqi didn't plan to **** them, so he started from Dezhou and brought them with him. Sufficient food and grass, supplies out.

Pursue lightly in the south, interspersed with the prefectures and counties in the central part of Shandong that have not been captured, and you can get food on the spot.


The crooked moon hangs in the night sky and sheds its brilliance, making the snow-covered Cangnan field shine brightly. The island is only more than two miles away from the seawall and the moon is bright, although only vague black shadows can be seen. , but can identify the situation where the Xiaobotouzhai captives set off. The specific situation will not be known until Wu Qi sends people to dive ashore to observe closely and report back.

In the middle of the night, the dark sentry found out the strength of the soldiers left behind in Xiaobotouzhai and came back in a small boat to report.

Lin Fu didn't go back to the boat, but pulled Zhou Pu, Ao Canghai, Ning Zechen, Ge Cunxin, Zhao Qingshan and others to sit in the snow on the island under the bright moonlight to make tactical arrangements: "The main force of the cavalry is forcibly marching south. In pursuit, we should cross the central part of Yangxin at dawn, and we must release enough cavalry to the north of Xiaomi River or Longkou River, not only to warn the main force of the captive cavalry to suddenly return north, but also to cut off the channel between Xiaobotouzhai and the main force of captive cavalry..."

"You want to attack Xiaobotou Village?" Ning Zechen asked excitedly.

"There are only 900 prisoners left behind, not many. You might as well attack him once," Lin Fu said. "There is a tactical principle that you must remember. A strong soldier cannot be called strong until it is deployed. Therefore, we must do everything possible to give full play to our own strength. Strengths, do everything possible to limit the enemy to exert their strengths. The strength of the cavalry is in the field, using horses to maneuver, interspersed with actions, thunder and fierce, and its old soldiers are good at riding and shooting swordsmanship. People on horseback seem to be integrated with war horses~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The use of tactics is also extremely flexible. If you can beat them, you can fight them. If you can't beat them, you can fight them. Attacking them in the middle of the village is actually forcing them to give up their maneuvers and dismount to fight the defensive battles they are least good at. Their shields and armor are not as tough as mine, their swords are not as sharp as mine, their spears are not as dangerous as me, their bows and arrows are not as strong as mine. Foot, the danger of Xiaobotou Village is still enough..."

Almost all cavalry generals use long swords with curved ridges. Without shields, light armor, and bows, they are cavalry bows that cannot be shot at close range. .

The few days of fighting in the north of Yangxin and the great victory in Cangnan showed that the captive cavalry could not take much advantage of the infantry formation with a tight formation and a firm will to fight, and it was even more obvious that the captive cavalry who dismounted and fought were suppressed.

Although there are many veteran soldiers with rich combat experience in the captive cavalry, the Jiangdong Zuo army is much stronger than the captive cavalry who dismount and fight in terms of armour and equipment. Besides, with the prestige of the Cangnan Victory, the morale of the soldiers of the Jiangdong Left Army was very high, and the combat experience was also accumulated to a certain extent in the Cangnan Victory.

Speaking of famous generals through the ages, the core elements are always the spiritual elements such as morale, martial arts and will to fight.

Ning Zechen hurriedly asked for the battle, "This time, it's our fifth battalion's first battle..."

"Okay, then Zhao Qingshan will lead the fourth battalion to land and be responsible for guarding and blocking the channel along the Xiaomi River. Ao Canghai will lead the first battalion to stay with me as a reserve team. Ning Zechen and Zhou Pu will lead the third battalion and the fifth battalion. The battalion is divided into the north and south gates of Xiaobotou Village to attack it, the fifth battalion is the main attack, then the Gongyi battalion mainly cooperates with the fifth battalion to attack the village," Lin Fu said, "Now you can mobilize and discuss specific tactics, after dawn Just do it..." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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