Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 17: rest

(Third, ask for a red ticket)

In the middle of the night, Heyi took a nap for a while, listening to the footsteps in the outhouse, Lin Fu woke up. He didn't sleep enough, and his body felt more and more cold. He rubbed his face with his hand to make himself sober, and put on his coat and walked out.

"Why didn't you sleep for a while?" Lin Mengde asked.

"Where can I sleep?" Lin Bie grinned, "What's the matter..."

There was not much time left for them. Before a large number of captives came back, they had to transfer the villagers of the four villages in Cangnan out. The Jiangdong Zuo Army wanted to complete the rest and concealment.

"Yangxin County has sent people, county captain, surnamed Cheng," Cao Zi'ang said, "It is said that it is Lao Jun, who used a cart to pull a lot of good things. In fact, I hope that the adults will lead the Jiangdong Zuo army to Yangxin. Do you want it? meet him?"

"Let's see you," Lin Fu said, "Even if you don't go to Yangxin, you can't give people any resentment..."

"Then you can see him, and leave the rest to us; you need to rest more." Cao Zi'ang said.

"It's as if you don't need to rest..." Lin Bie smiled and asked the guard to bring a pot of hot water. He didn't get enough sleep in the middle of the night. There is nothing more refreshing than washing his face, and then let the guards take care of the sun. The letter came from Cheng Xianwei, please come in.

Yangxin is less than a hundred miles southwest of Xiaobotou Village, and the news of the great victory in Cangnan will be the first to reach Yangxin.

Lin Su led the Jiangdong Zuo Army to deal with Ye Jin's cavalry in the north of Yangxin. Yangxin County did not send anyone to invite him into the city to escape. At this time, he sent someone to invite him to Yangxin, which may not be too utilitarian. .

It's just that at this time, everyone has to share the same hatred, and Lin Fu also restrained his strong temper, and patiently told Cheng Xianwei, who was sent by Yangxin to invite him, a lot of reasons why he couldn't go to Yangxin.

Lin Shui led the Jiangdong Zuo Army to withdraw to Yangxin, and naturally took over the defense of Yangxin County in an all-round way. Compared with a big city like Jinan, Donglu did not have many powerful siege equipment, but a small city was easier to defend. At least before Jinan was not lost, Lin Fu had the confidence to defend Yangxin.

Although it is a good idea to retreat to Yangxin, take the city of Yangxin and ride the imperial captives outside the city, but once Jinan Prefecture is lost, the Jiangdong Zuo Army is likely to be trapped in Yangxin City and become the next main force to attack the southern line of the Eastern Captives. Target.

In addition, this strategy is too passive to share much pressure on Jinan Prefecture.

Lin Fubu did not lead his troops to Yangxin. As long as the defenders of Yangxin had a strong will to resist and made a decision, and fully mobilized beforehand, the cavalry would not risk too much loss to attack such an insignificant town.

If Jinan is not defended, it is really hard to say how much resistance will be left in the prefectures and counties in Shandong when the Donglu troops are swept away.


Lin Bie refused to lead his troops to Yangxin. Yangxin County Chief was a little disappointed, but he didn't show much dissatisfaction.

Yangxin County is located in the northern part of Shandong County. After the river freezes in winter, there is no favorable topographic and topographical separation between Yangxin and the Hejianfu to the north.

The Hejianfu counties fell, and Yangxin County was always on the verge of falling. Even after the cavalry all the way back to Xingzhou after the Donglu invaded the Eastern Front, there were still hundreds of Donglu outposts left in Yangxin County. The villagers outside Yangxin County were naturally fleeing, those who were killed were killed, and those who were looted were looted. The military and civilians in the county town were also worried for the past two months, and they hadn't slept well every day.

As a matter of fact, Lin Su led his troops to deal with the Donglu cavalry in the north of Yangxin and the Cangnan Victory the night before was too important for the soldiers and civilians who were trapped in Yangxin City, almost exhausted, and their wills were about to collapse. The Cangnan Victory was almost the only decent victory for the officers and soldiers since the Donglu invaded, and it happened in Cangnan, which was less than a hundred miles away from Yangxin City.

Lin Fu, who ruled the Jiangdong Zuo Army as a civil servant, had his personal reputation in Yangxin also increased to the extreme. Even if the Yangxin County Lieutenant was disappointed that he could not invite Lin Fu to go to Yangxin, how could he be dissatisfied with him?

After Yang Xin received the exact news of the victory in Cangnan, officials such as the magistrate, the county chief, the chief clerk, and the famous squires in the county did not hesitate, and decided to send the county magistrate to Cangnan, in the name of Lao Jun. , I want to ask Lin Su to lead his troops to Yangxin, hoping to use the power of Jiangdong Zuojun to defend against foreign enemies.

Of course, Yangxin County Commander didn't have much hope before he set off. After all, Jiangdong Zuo Army is a guest army that is not subject to Shandong's control, and is a diligent king's division. Not necessarily willing to guard the small town of Yangxin.

The lieutenant of Yangxin County brought several knives and archers from the county non-stop, and saw the battlefield of the Cangnan Victory with his own eyes. On the moonlit night, the ground was full of the corpses of the Donglu barbarians, which was very encouraging.

Just as fear is contagious, so are courage and morale.

Yangxin county lieutenant did not dare to stay in Cangnan for a long time, and hoped to get a few eastern captive barbarian heads back to Yangxin to boost the morale of the besieged soldiers and civilians in the city.

Although military merit is the most important thing to obtain the head, it is a real, uncompromised military merit, unlike the number of enemies who can be full of nonsense. However, there are more than a thousand heads, there is no difference between more and less. Lin Bie just instructed Yangxin County Commander to take the heads back to Yangxin to encourage the soldiers and civilians in the city. There is no need to hang them outside the city gate. In a few days, a large number of Donglu cavalry will come to Cangnan to counterattack. If you see the head hanging outside the gate of Yangxin County, it may not be a good thing.

It was already dawn when Sun Shangwang was sent away, and Lin Fu asked him about the mobilization of Cangnan Sizhai villagers.


Not only in the north, but in the central plains are usually the embodiment of traditional clan power. Nine out of ten villagers in Xiaobotou Village are surnamed Sun. Even if the Donglu invades, Xiaobotouzhai will give priority to keeping the children of the surname Sun. It is also the embodiment of this kind of clan power and cohesion. When the Eastern invaders attacked, Xiaobotouzhai showed a firm and tenacious will to resist, and never lost to the enemy.

It's just that these docks are still too thin compared to the city. The walls are single-wall stone barriers, which can prevent bandits and small groups of enemy soldiers, but they can only prevent bandits and small groups of captives.

The captured enemy had not attacked before, and the forcible attack of the fortress was not worth the loss. Enough people have been plundered before, and no matter how much, it will become a burden. Gold and silver goods are of little value to the Donghu people; for a party, people are the greatest wealth, and silver is only floating clouds. If Lin Fu wanted to guard Xiaobotou Village at this time, he had to consider whether the Donglu would be able to endure the humiliation brought by Cangnan's defeat and the killing of the royal family's children - the possibility of defending it was very slim.

If Cangnan cannot be defended, all the villagers in Cangnan must be evacuated to the south, so as to avoid becoming a scapegoat for the counterattack. On the other hand, it is to use Cangnan villagers to retreat south, create the illusion of Jiangdong Zuo army retreating south, and confuse the captive cavalry who counterattack in Cangnan, in order to contain more Eastern captive cavalry and reduce the pressure on Jinan Prefecture.

Defending Jinan Prefecture is of great significance to the Dayue Dynasty. It can not only prevent the prefectures and counties to the east and south of Jinan Prefecture from being threatened by the Donglu cavalry, but also quickly restore the waterway after the Donglu cavalry has withdrawn, so as to preserve the lifeline of the north and the south. line is not affected.

Even at the lowest ebb of water transportation, the amount of grain that was transported to Yanjing through this waterway was as high as 3 million stone each year. If Yanjing did not receive enough grain, the military food of the people of Yanjing and the defenders on the three sides would be greatly affected. Big impact, this is the most life-threatening.

When the victory of Cangnan was just won, all the villagers of Cangnan Sizhai had to be evacuated.

Except for a few well-respected Wuzhai clan leaders, it is impossible to reveal the real intentions and deployments to lure the enemy, to prevent anyone from accidentally falling behind in the middle, and to inform the prisoners of the intentions and deployments here in advance to counterattack Cangnan— - This adds a lot of difficulty to mobilization.

Cangnan village leaders such as Sun Fengyi and Sun Shangwang were so anxious that their buttocks were smoking and could not rest for a moment. In the end, they were so anxious that they had no choice but to order the villagers to mobilize the villagers to move to Xiaobotou Village overnight. Most of the Wuzhai are clan forces and they live together. As long as they persuade the leaders of the Wuzhai clan, it is more convenient to use arrogant and direct methods. The wealth is outside the body, the stockade can be rebuilt if it is destroyed, and there is nothing left without people.


As long as the evacuation of the villagers in Cangnan is not a problem, Lin Fu will let go of most of his thoughts. It is easier for the Jiangdong Zuo Army to rest and rehabilitate. It is led by the generals. In addition to rest and reorganization, timely summarizing experience and lessons in the entire army is almost forming a tradition. .

The most important achievement of the Cangnan Victory was military merit. With such military merit at the bottom, Jiangdong Zuojun, who had been recruited hastily before leaving, would be almost impossible to disband if they returned to Jiangning.

While encouraging the morale of the military and civilians in Shandong Zhufu County, it also spread the reputation of Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuo Army throughout Dongshan Zhufu County.

Although both the emperor and the Chu party tended to negotiate peace, Qu Di and the historical charges that no one wanted to bear, so all kinds of activities were secretly operated. No one would dare to stand up and loudly advocate to negotiate peace with the Donglu when all the three houses in Yannan were devastated by the Donglu. No one dared to stand up and say that the Cangnan victory had eroded the morale of the army and the people to the extreme. Not a great thing.

In addition to these, a large number of war horses are the main gains of the Cangnan Victory.

In fact, Ye Jin's troops marched to Cangnan, accompanied by more than 2,600 horses. Among them, there were nearly 800 horses that were not injured or slightly injured and did not affect riding. There are also more than 800 war horses, and nearly 1,000 war horses were seriously injured or died.

Lin Fuhui replaced 800 horses from the Jiangdong Zuo Army for the southward evacuation of Cangnan villagers, and more than 700 injured horses will also be transferred to Jimo by land along with Cangnan villagers. Maybe many of these injured horses will not be able to stick to Jimo, but if you can bring one more horse in the past, it will be more beneficial.

Since the Dayuet Dynasty lost its main source of horses, this extra-oral horse is especially precious.

Compared with the horses, even though many of the annihilated cavalry were elite soldiers of the king's account, their armor might not be as good as the ordinary Zhenfu army, but they had captured a lot of good things from Yannan.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army captured some armor this time, which could almost only make up for the wear and tear of the Jiangdong Zuo Army in this battle. Donglu had very few crossbows, but the cavalry bows were quite good. Lin Bing only selected more than 400 cavalry bows to supplement the army. Other cavalry bows, weapons and a batch of badly damaged and eliminated but still barely usable armor were handed over. To the soldiers of Cangnan Sizhai Township.

In order to facilitate archery on horseback, the riding bow is much smaller than the step bow, and its strength and range are not as good as the step bow. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are only 600 soldiers in Sizhai Township in Cangnan in name, but when the Donglu cavalry attacked, not to mention the young and strong men, even women had to go up the wall to assist in defending the village. More than 5,000 people, except for the old and the weak, are basically all soldiers. It's just that the weapons and equipment of the village soldiers are very poor, and other people's brave people who are temporarily organized only take a kitchen knife or a **** as a weapon to kill the enemy.

The township soldiers and the people in the four villages of Cangnan desperately need this batch of armour and bows and arrows to strengthen them.

The Cangnan Victory also made the Jiangdong Zuo Army's combat attrition more serious. Nearly 300 people died in the battle, and nearly 300 were seriously injured and could not accompany the army and needed to be evacuated south by sea boat. in the ranks.

Even so, even if the young and strong men in Cangnan were inspired by the great victory of Cangnan, they all eagerly asked to join the army to kill the enemy, but to ensure the mobility and smoothness of the villagers evacuating south, village soldiers who have a certain military training foundation are indispensable Yes, Lin Fu discussed with Sun Fengyi, Sun Shangwang, and the leaders of the other three Wuzhai villages, and only selected 200 Jianyong from Cangnan Township soldiers, and another 200 Jianyong from ordinary young men to be recruited to the Jiangdong Zuo Army.

Sun Shangwang hoped to follow the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and Lin Fu persuaded him to retreat south with the villagers.

In order to ensure the mobility of the Jiangdong Left Army remaining in Yannan, Lin Fu reduced the labor camp that followed the army and kept only half of the staff. .

It is not necessarily easy for the villagers to retreat south to lure the enemy. Lin Fu asked Sun Shangwang and Sun Wenbing to play a leading role.

When the sky was bright, there was a gust of east wind, and the two Qianshi ships Zhang Manfan quickly approached the seawall. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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