Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 34: Estuary Secrets

It is late autumn, and the river wind blowing from the sky is cold.

Catch up with the autumn grain market, most of the landowners and farmers in the four townships and Bali only keep the rice grain for one year, and the rest are transported to the nearest market town for sale, in exchange for silver money to pay the land tax and various apportionments, and exchange for salt and oil For the necessities of life such as sauce tea, many people's pots and pans have to be taken to the market to find craftsmen to mend gaps, gaps, etc., so that they can be used later.

This year, Jiangning has a bumper harvest of autumn crops. Although the price of food is low, the surplus is still abundant in previous years. He gritted his teeth and pulled a piece of cloth to put on new clothes for his family before the New Year. He was willing to buy a bag of copper for the children who came to the market with him. Fruit food wrapped in lotus leaves.

The government also took advantage of this time to prepare the water, and the Zhuhe Gang took the official letter from the government and prepared the water to go to the suburban cities and towns to collect and store grain, and to ship them.

It has been more than a month since the East China Sea bandits retreated, and the prefectures and counties along the Taihu Lake have temporarily returned to calm, which has little impact on Qiu Cao.

Along the coast of Hongzepu, especially since Shanglindumi City in Dongyang Prefecture ceased to exist, it had a great impact on Qiu Cao. The Mi City in Quyang Town is almost half-abandoned, making Longzangpu in the south of the city and Mi City in Shangyuan County extraordinarily congested and chaotic.

The Xihehui originally planned only one third of the boats to go to the estuary to prepare the water. Sun Jingxuan saw that the situation was not right, so he sent all the boats of the Xihehui to the estuary to prepare the water. The stone canal grains are fully prepared, and more than 200 canal boats are moored in the calm sky in autumn and winter, waiting for the auspicious day to set off.

Cao roads will be much more congested than in previous years, and the possibility of rushing ahead and being blocked is always smaller.

After Sun Wenwan and Wen Pei arrived at the river mouth, they first brought gifts to Lin Jingzhong's house to greet Lin Jingzhong's parents, and then returned to the boat to change into men's clothes, and then went ashore to go shopping for their father and brother's autumn trip this year.

Catching up with the opening of the Cao Market in Hekou today, there are many villagers and tourists coming from the four townships, Bali and the city, and there are not a few women in the village, but it is always more convenient to change into men's clothes. Seeing or saying nothing, and besides, I have to go to Zhutang to listen to Zhao Shuhan's lectures later, and it is always inconvenient for my daughter to enter.

"Let's go to the warehouse first, there are always some novel items to buy." Wen Pei said on his own after landing.

"Lin Jingzhong may not be in the warehouse, what are you doing in such a hurry?" Sun Wenwan said jokingly.

"Who wants to see him?" Wen Pei said with a blushing face, dragging Wen Wan and the four accompanying congregants to the Jiyunshe warehouse.

The shops in Hekou are mainly concentrated on the north-south long street, which is nearly 400 steps long. The first one is the Jiyunshe warehouse coming out of the Jiangan wharf and storage yard.

Although the front of the warehouse is not big, it is very deep inside. In order to prevent river thieves, the yards of Jiyunshe warehouses are all high walls of blue bricks, the wall base is more than three feet thick, and the storehouses and warehouses are integrated together.

Sun Wenwan and Wen Pei walked to the warehouse. In front of the store, there were many mules and carriages parked in a busy place to store and store grain. They didn't see Lin Jingzhong, but they saw Lin Fu, wearing a green cloth robe, squatting under the eaves in front of the warehouse without any manners, pulling an old farmer who looked like a villager to talk, and he looked quite relaxed and doing nothing.

Sun Wenwan was about to dodge La Wenpei, but Xiaoman, who was sharp-eyed, saw her.

"Wanniang and Sister Wen Pei are here..." Xiaoman said softly.

Seeing Lin Fu looking up, Sun Wenwan could only bite the bullet and give Lin Fu a salute: "I have seen Lord Lin."

Lin Bie's identity was called out to Sun Wenwan, and the old farmer who was spitting on Lin Bie's shoulder and talking about Xingzi knew that the young man in front of him was an "adult". Rope escape also like to walk away.

Lin Fu stood up and brushed the front of his clothes, nodded with sisters Sun Wenwan and Sun Wenpeitang, and said, "Jingzhong is on the pier, I'll be back in a while, you guys sit for a while..." He knew that the Sun sisters didn't like him at all. , Without much greeting, he took Xiaoman out of the warehouse first.

When Lin Fu left, Sun Wenwan looked a little more natural. She couldn't help but glanced at the back of Lin Fu's departure. She didn't notice that there was an ordinary carriage parked diagonally opposite. His eyes were staring at her, and his red lips were as attractive as flames.


"I'm so bored. You said you were pulling me to get some air, but you made the carriage stop at the entrance of the shop for a long time. Then the ball is gone. Should we go too?" She Mingyue couldn't help yawning. Leaning over to look at the long street outside the car window, he asked, "What the **** are you looking at?"

There are more than a dozen mule and horse carts filled with rice grains parked on this side of the long street, and the smell of mules and horses can be heard. She Mingyue frowns, not knowing what her sister-in-law Song Jia is interested in seeing, and she looks at it. That's about half an hour.

Outsiders all know that Lin Fu purchased and stored grain in the Hekou through Jiyun Society while the autumn grains were on the market, but they did not know the scale of the purchase and storage. After the carriage stopped by the street for a while, Song Jia saw almost a thousand bags of rice grains being moved into the warehouse of Jiyunshe's warehouse. On the surface, it seemed that Lin Fu appeared in the warehouse with nothing to do, but in fact, it could be seen that he was very concerned about the storage and storage of rice grains in the warehouse.

Lin Fu borrowed Xihehui's watercraft to ship the supplies to Xisha Island at night. In addition, Jiyun Society also arranged for people to collect and store rice grains in the counties along the Taihu Lake. It is difficult for outsiders to know about this period of time. How much rice has been collected and stored, how much has been shipped to Xisha Island, and how much has been hoarded in the estuary warehouse of Jiyun Society.

Song Jia thought about these things in her heart, speculated that Lin Fu might have deployed to Xisha Island, and did not plan to explain these things to She Mingyue in detail. She turned around and sat with her delicate back against the wall of the carriage, and said with a smile, "Who is it? Look at that stupid ball! If it weren't for your brother's brains, how could this stupid ball be such a headache now?" He lifted the curtain of the car and instructed the driver to run and call back the maid who went to the clothing store to choose clothes for cover.

Hearing that the driver climbed down from the front of the car, and the curtain of the car was lifted from the outside, Song Jia thought it was some frivolous climber on the street who touched the carriage, picked up the silver makeup knife that was protecting her body, and stabbed her with a wrist. Tight, the silver makeup knife fell into the hands of the person who came.

Song Jia raised her eyes and saw Lin Bie lowered her head with a smile, but gave up her struggle and said, "Who am I supposed to be, it turns out to be Mr. Lin. There are only two of our female relatives in the carriage. Do you think it's appropriate for Mr. Lin to break in?"

"What's wrong? Hekou is not a dragon's den, but Mrs. She and Miss She also broke in alone. I didn't ask Mrs. Shao and Miss She if they were suitable," Lin Bie let go of Song Jia's slippery wrist. , took the delicate but unusually sharp silver makeup knife in front of him and looked at it, smiled, "Fortunately, I expected the young lady to have this trick, otherwise Trade Lost broke in and stabbed it in vain. …”

Song Jia held her sister-in-law She Mingyue's hand lightly and asked her to calm down, her head was slightly tilted, her clear and bright eyes stared at Lin Fu, she smiled, and her style flowed, and said: "The river mouth is the Longtan Tiger Den, I know it too. Master Lin will never bully weak women like us with a rare man in the world. Today, Master Zhao of the Punishment Department is giving a lecture on prison studies in the bamboo hall. What is inappropriate for me and other little girls who want to come over and see Master Zhao's demeanor?"

Lin Fu stared at Song Jiafeng's beautiful and fair-skinned face and looked at Xu for a moment, and said with a smile, "There's nothing inappropriate, I came here to invite the young lady and she to the bamboo hall; I didn't expect it to be suitable for the young lady In my mind, then it’s not considered abrupt and beautiful. Besides, when the young lady and Miss She come to the estuary, what kind of thing is it for me to hide?” I thought that in order to peep at the estuary and not disturb the side, the woman left all the accompanying guards in the south of the fence. Outside the door, it's really bold; if it weren't for the fact that the carriage stayed in front of the warehouse for a long time, it would have been hard to detect.

Song Jia heard the voice of the driver being restrained and struggling outside, leaned over and opened the curtain of the car. Seeing that there were Lin Bing's guards in front of the car, she ordered the restrained driver: "Master Lin invited us to the Zhutang to listen. Master Zhao Shuhan talks about prison studies, there is no fuss~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You just follow the past..." But he scolded Lin Fu in his heart: shameless, other people are in his position, and there is a big conflict with the She family , he always has to be concerned about his reputation, but he's better, he got into the car with a shameless face, and used words to coerce them.

Lin Fu smelled the faint body fragrance coming from Song Jia's body, opened his head slightly, lifted the curtain of the car, let Xiaoman also sit in the carriage, and asked the guard to go to the bamboo hall with him wrapped in the carriage.

Gaozu founded the country, and a large number of remnants of the previous dynasty moved to East Fujian, led by eight families including She and Song. Although the eight families subsequently chose to submit to the imperial court, the era of the eight surnames governing Dongmin also began.

For more than 200 years, although the imperial court set up kings and vassals in East Fujian, and made Jinanfu as the residence of the kings and vassals of Fujian, the imperial court took more precautions against clan kings and vassals than foreign surnames. Becoming the backbone of the local forces in East Fujian has never been weakened.

Shewenzhuang killed the King of Fujian ten years ago and raised the flag against the king, setting off a ten-year-long rebellion against the king, and the other seven surnames were also involved in it. Could it be that the other seven families are willing to follow the She family one way? Can't it be black?


"Why did Mr. Lin suddenly climb into that carriage?" Wen Pei stared at the carriage diagonally across the street in confusion. The few men dressed as ordinary people surrounded the carriage and headed towards the back street. They were obviously Lin Bie's guards.

"Maybe she met an acquaintance," Sun Wenwan was also guessing who the carriage would be. She thought that the carriage was going to the Zhutang, and she wanted to go over and see what happened. Without waiting for Lin Jingzhong to return, she said to Wen Pei, "Let's go to the Zhutang. , Lin Jingzhong will also go to Zhutang later, you are not afraid that you won't see him today."

"Which one wants to see him?" Wen Pei said without admitting it.


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