Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 168: Taihu Pirates

The E-shaped prison is the prison on the prison island. The guards are extra strict. The Qu Jiatong bandits and the bandit leaders who were colluded by the Qu Jia to attack the river mouth are all imprisoned here.

Pine resin candles were held on the walls of the prison cells, which were lit in a quiet night, filling the prison cell with the aroma of pine resin.

"Bah!" Qu Wuyang hunched his waist. For several days, the heavy shackles weighing more than 30 pounds on his neck and 30 heavy shackles on his feet were incomprehensible. After the interrogation, he was also imprisoned in a standing cage. Even the iron man had to be tossed into a human shape. At this time, Lin Fu had someone let him out of the cage. He still had the strength to spit at Lin Fu, and scolded fiercely, "Don't forget that your hands are covered in music. The blood of my children..."

"Allow your Qu family to release other people's blood, but not allow others to release your Qu family's blood?" Lin Fu took the scabbard and slapped Qu Wuyang's face, then held the scabbard against Qu Wuyang's chin, and sneered. "I think you're a living dog at your age. Even if the children of the Qu family die in vain, the debt will be charged to you, you bastard, don't you expect me to tie my hands and let your Qu family kill them? Can't quell the resentment in your heart? You Qu Wuyang can have the pain of losing a child, but others are not children, husbands and wives, and parents The children of the Qu family are cheap."

"..." Qu Wuyang choked Lin Fu speechless. He was unwilling to die when he was planted in the hands of this Shuzi, and only glared at Lin Fu.

Lin Fu took the chair handed over by the jailer, sat down, and said with a grin: "Do you still expect me to respect you as a person and want me to take care of you in prison? From now on, I want you to understand that in prison Island, you're not even a piece of shit."

"Aren't you afraid that the old man will go on a hunger strike?" Qu Wuyang said, opening his bloodshot eyes.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter if anyone dies in Prison Island. If you die, Qu Wuyang, it will be really troublesome," Lin Fu sneered and turned around and instructed, "All the heavy prisoners in the inner cell will be reduced from tomorrow onwards. 50% of the people who go on hunger strike can be given to other heavy prisoners to eat, so maybe the nephews and nephews surnamed Qu Lao'er want him to go on a hunger strike."

"You came to judge me alone late at night, you must have a plan, you don't want me to be bullied by Qu Wuyang as a three-year-old child." Qu Wuyang said with a sigh of relief.

"Give him a stool to sit and talk, and remove the heavy shackles so that he has the strength to speak." Lin Fie instructed.

Changsun Geng sent someone to bring a stool and removed the heavy shackles on Qu Wuyang's neck, and then withdrew, leaving Lin Fu and Ao Canghai to interrogate Qu Wuyang alone in the cell.

"You said a lot of cruel words, but you understand people, we don't have to make mistakes," Lin Fu said, "You are still glad that your Qu family is in my hands, and I have my limits in what I do. Your Qu family has been convicted of banditry charges, if you feel wronged here, you can transfer your Qu family men, women and children to the city prison or the Jiangning mansion prison, so that your Qu family men, women and children can spend the last comfortable life."

Qu Wuyang didn't say a word. According to the usual practice, all female prisoners of the Qu family should be detained at the official matchmaker's place. If this is the case, the official matchmaker's place is probably more lively than the most famous Qingfen Lane in the city. There are a group of officials and gentry in Jiangning City who like to see big families being punished by prison. Most of the wives and concubines of big families are beautiful and moving, and they are much more interesting to play with than women in brothels.

"What do you want, isn't there enough money from confiscating the Qu family?" Qu Wuyang finally asked softly.

Investigating the property of the Qu family was the most lucrative task. Lin Fu gave up and did not participate, but Zhang Yubo and Chen/Yuanliang did not leave him behind. Afterwards, the gold and silver ingots that were quietly transported to the estuary were 20,000 taels of silver; Bound is to use the money to place an order to build two five-masted galleons from the Longjiang Shipyard.

At this time, Lin Fu was just trying to cover up the secret of Changshan Island. Gu Wuchen and the others knew that Jiyun Club had 20,000 taels of silver in his account, so he took the 20,000 taels of silver to build a ship, and there was nothing to blame. As for outsiders, they can't even figure out the intricate relationship between Lin Fu and the Lin family, and they don't need to explain anything to outsiders.

In addition, Zhang Yubo, Chen/Yuanliang and the others sent a half-foot-tall wooden crate filled with jewels and jade.

In the accounts temporarily sealed and stored in the public treasury, Zhang Yubo, Chen/Yuanliang and the others confiscated the family property from the Qu family with only 80,000 taels of silver. This number is just to fool the ghosts. The Lin family fled from Shanglin in a hurry and brought out 200,000 taels of silver. In fact, they took the Qu family calmly, and the gold and silver ingots were nearly 300,000 taels of silver. Countless, this is only the family property of the two families of Qu Wuyang and Qu Wuming. After all, the crime of banditry is much smaller, and it is no less than the crime of conspiracy to confiscate most of the family property of Quyang Town.

In addition to the 80,000 taels of cash confiscated, they have retained more than 200,000 taels of cash - this is the real account that Zhang Yubo and Chen/Yuanliang reported to Gu Wuchen. Of course, it is impossible to estimate how much the officers and soldiers who were responsible for the inspections were hiding.

It's no wonder that being an official is good for making money, and it's no wonder that the prefect and county magistrate like to break people's houses and destroy people's doors. Although Lin Fu's income from inspections is far less than Gu Wuchen's, the annual savings of the Lin family's business in Shanglinli is less than 20,000 taels of silver.

In the troubled waters of Luoyang Lake, Lin Bie had nearly 100,000 cash in his hands. At this time, he was not short of money. He sat with his feet up, stared at Qu Wuyang, and said, "The Qu family colluded with Taihu pirates to control Huzhou and Danyang. , Pingjiang, Jiahang lost the rice grain to Jiangning, I need a complete list of the Qu family colluding with Taihu thieves - if I find something missing, this prison island is too small, it can't accommodate your Qu family, you can do it. Before writing this list, I might as well tell you one more thing, one of your Qu family's female relatives is not sick but has a slippery pulse..."

If a woman has no disease and has a slippery pulse, it can be judged that she is pregnant.

Qu Wuyang opened his eyes and looked at Lin Fu: "You dare not cut the grass and root it out?"

"Hmph, I have my limits, and I don't need you to remind me how to do things..." Lin Fu said coldly, and asked the jailer waiting outside to pass in the pen and paper.

Qu Wuyang couldn't figure out what Lin Fu wanted this list to do. He knew that he was not qualified to ask, and he didn't dare to cheat. After all, there were hundreds of Taihu thieves caught by Lin Fu overnight in Hekou, and Lin Fu only needed to spend some time. If you check it, you can check the authenticity of the list he wrote.


Lin Fu got the list written by Qu Wuyang, and asked Changsun Geng to show him other records, and went straight to the training camp at the east end of Prison Island with Ao Canghai.

Fu Qinghe, Cao Zi'ang, Zhou Pu, Wu Qi, Zhao Hu, Big Loach Master Ge Cunxin, and Xiao Loach Master Ge Cunxiong all gathered in the camp.

Fu Qinghe, Cao Zi'ang and Ge Cunxiong, the master of the loach, took the list written by Qu Wuyang and quickly compared them with other records one by one.

Taihu Lake is located between Jiahang, Pingjiang, Danyang, and Huzhou. There are also water village forces. However, because the Taihu Lake Basin is located in affluent people, people can barely live a life. The conflicts with the government are not very intense, and the water village forces are more like a trend. Although the people of the family are somewhat unclean in the background, they can maintain their identity as good people on the surface. There are very few Taihu thieves who openly rob their homes, and the government's suppression of the water village forces in the Taihu Lake Basin is also relatively light.

Liu An'er gathered a crowd to revolt and Hongzepu was in chaos. Jiangdong County would naturally increase its vigilance against the Taihu water village forces. The Qujiatong bandit case would completely reverse the views and stances of the Jiangdong County officials on the Taihu Lake water village. The Taihu pirates who were bought by the family to attack the estuary will definitely be included in the list to be cleared in the future.

"Ninghai Town can't have the patience to distinguish between good and bad, and Jiangdong County's prefectures can't treat Taihu water village forces differently; I'm afraid that Taihu lake water village forces are panicking and running up and down at this time; the she family is integrating the East China Sea bandit forces in Changguo. If you want to harass the Taihu Lake basin on a large scale, it is impossible to miss this opportunity to win over the Taihu water village forces." Cao Ziang compared the list written by Qu Wuyang with other records and said.

"Yeah, we set up the Qu family in Hekou, and maybe we will make the most profit for the luxury family in the end. I'm really unwilling to think about it." Lin Fu shook his head helplessly and said.

"The forces of Taihu Water Village are mixed, and some of them must be unwilling to join the East China Sea bandits. We cannot let the situation force them to go to the East China Sea bandits." Fu Qinghe said.

"Let Li Zhuo incorporate all the forces of the Taihu Water Village into the Jiangning Water Camp is the most suitable solution," Lin Fu sighed softly, "It's just that this strategy is difficult to work..."

"How do we make good use of this list?" Cao Zi'ang raised the list written by Qu Wuyang and asked~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will go to Pingjiang Mansion tonight..." Fu Qinghe said, "It should be able to convince a few companies. Go to Changshan Island. "

"Changshan Island can't hold too many people, and besides, Changshan Island is not very famous, so it can't convince a few," Lin Bie said with a frown, "but something is better than nothing, and it takes Mr. Fu to go for a walk. But it's not enough for Mr. Fu to go there, Mr. Fu goes in secret, I go out in the open..."

"It's too dangerous for you to go," said Cao Zi'ang.

"I am not reconciled to let the forces of the Taihu Water Village be pulled by the Shejia; besides, if the Shejia effortlessly infiltrate the forces into the Taihu Lake Basin, it will be extremely ineffective against Changshan Island. No matter how dangerous it is, I still want the Pingjiang House. Go," Lin Fu said flatly, "I will go to Gu Wuchen now to ask for a name to go to Pingjiang House."

Cao Zi'ang, Ge Cunxin, Ge Cunxiong and others wanted to dissuade Lin Bie,

"Don't persuade me, Lord Loach will accompany me there, and I will take Wuwei away. Besides, with Lord Ao, I can have an extra life, Lord Ao, don't you think?" Lin Fu asked Ao Canghai with a smile.

"Of course," Ao Canghai said with a smile, "but I don't agree with you going to Pingjiang."

In the battle of the river mouth, Lin Bing was too bloody. After all, the Taihu pirates killed and captured very few people. In the past few days, most of those defeated Taihu pirates have regrouped. Openly took the initiative to send it to the door, how could they not start?

Besides, the power of the She family in Jiangning is very weak, but it is very easy for the East China Sea bandits to enter Pingjiang Mansion. Lin Fu openly went to Pingjiang Mansion. Who knows if the She family will take the opportunity to attack?

Lin Fu openly went to Pingjiang Mansion, which was really not an ordinary danger. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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