Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 162: fight bravely

Three turret glass lamps and a prison island lighthouse glass lamps illuminate the waters outside the pier on the river bank as bright as day. Sixty or seventy boats are crowded in front of the pier on the river bank, waiting to send people ashore to attack the estuary. Who would have thought that there would be six A fast-oared warship and four armed vehicles and ships came to encircle them behind them?

While the bandits sent more than ten ships to intercept them, other ships stopped landing at the same time, and turned their bows to come and fight.

Where will Lin Fu give the pirates a chance to adjust their formation calmly? At the same time that the glass lamps surrounding the corner building and the prison island lighthouse illuminated the waters outside the pier, six fast oars and four armed vehicles and ships launched a charge together, breaking the waves, and the arrow rain covered the intercepting ship formation.

The warriors all held strong bows, with forty to fifty steps at close range, and the three-edged iron clustered arrows with full strings could shoot through ordinary leather armor. The side of the ship is low, flat and spacious. The bandits are standing on the board and ready to fight on the side. They don't even have a simple shield. How can they stop the strong bow and shoot at close range?

Lin Fu's nearly 200 bows were drawn in unison, gathering feathers like rain, the sound of breaking through the sky like a swarm of locusts flying by, and then the sound of "puff" entering the flesh. Two rounds of arrows had been shot, and more than 200 people on the dozen or so boats that rushed out first to intercept them, almost one-third of them were shot into the water in these two rounds of shooting.

Zhao Hu led the armed chariots and ships to the front, and was the first to catch up with the intercepting Kou boat. Lin Bian stood on the fast-oared warship later, making people beat drums, so that Zhao Hu could not stop to fight with the intercepting Kou boat. There are more pirate ships crowded in front of the pier and the formation has not yet unfolded. At this time, go forward bravely and defeat the enemy formation. You can take advantage of the situation to completely destroy the gang of pirates at the pier, and you must not entangle with the intercepting pirate ships and miss the best fighter.

Zhao Hu held a shield in one hand and a knife in the other, knocked on the shield with the knife, shouted and cursed so that the oarsmen stepped on the wheels and drove the boat forward.

The front half and sides of the armed vehicles and ships were covered with iron, and the iron rams, which were as thick as beams and pillars, were four or five feet long. He rushed directly into the formation of the pirates intercepting ships, and in the blink of an eye, the formation that had been covered by the two rounds of arrow rain was smashed to pieces. The four armed vehicles and ships did not stop at all. After breaking through the intercepting ship array, they did not turn around to fight, and went straight to the crowded Kou boats in front of the dock to kill.

Lin Bie led six fast-oared warships scattered on the two wings, followed by the armed vehicles and ships, and spread the formation slightly. For those who were far away to intercept the pirates, Lin Bian would not let them ignore them; for those who were near, they would throw the clay pots filled with lamp oil and set off rockets; Bamboo thorn guns and thorns - do not fight with the intercepting boats, do not shoot arrows, maintain the formation, and attack the boats crowded in front of the dock with all their strength...


In the darkness, on a fast-paddle boat, She Feihu squatted on the bow of the boat in armor, watching the fierce battle on the water in front of the river bank pier, which was illuminated by the glazed headlights, he felt the chill on his back. They were all silent, Song Jia also put on the petite and lightweight cotton armor worn by women, staring straight ahead with a pair of beautiful eyes, with a serious look.

She Feihu has been leading troops to fight since he was a teenager, standing alone for the She family. He has seen blood and is addicted to blood. Although the sudden encounter with Lin Fu just now was very dangerous and was forced to retreat, it did not mean that She Feihu was really timid and went back to Longzangpu immediately.

In Jiangning, the most taboo person in the She family is Li Zhuo. Once She Feihu shows its traces in the sky, unless there are special circumstances, he generally does not dare to continue to fish in troubled waters to prevent Li Zhuo from being caught. But She Feihu realized that Lin Fu would probably be the strong enemy of the She family in the future, and to be able to observe the future strong enemy so closely, he had to watch the battle of Hekou.

Lin Bie left with six fast-oared warships, and She Feihu asked Du Rong to contact the more than 100 elites they had hidden in Chaotian Dang. On the boat, they dived into the waters only four or five hundred steps away from the pier on the river bank, hiding in the dark to observe the situation.

Although Lin Fu led six fast-oared warships carrying more than 400 soldiers suddenly appeared, causing She Feihu and the others to meet suddenly, caught off guard, and finally forced to retreat to show weakness, but She Feihu did not think that Lin Fu was wrong. The family has an absolute chance to win. After all, the number of bandits invited by the Qu family exceeds a thousand people, and the Qu family's private army is likely to be dispatched at a critical moment. It is not known who will die in the battle of the river mouth.

Seeing Lin Bie taking the lead and leading the warships to smash the boat formation that the bandits gathered on the pier on the river's bank, She Feihu knew that the Qu family's situation was over.

Although the pirate ships were caught off guard by the attack on the back road, and they were temporarily assembled and lacked effective command and dispatch, they were also defeated too quickly. Before Lin Bie led the ships to launch such a sharp charge, it can be said that there was no such thing at all. The power of resistance. Lin Bing attacked the pirate boats and attacked the pirate boats from the periphery to the front of the Jiang'an pier. The whole process took less than a stick of incense, and the pirate boats were also completely destroyed and scattered in the process. There were countless robbers who were shot, stabbed, and arsoned into the water, and the ten warships under Lin Fu's personal command had almost no casualties.

She Feihu and Song Jiamo were silent. Du Rong looked at Qin Zitan, and was really not sure whether the elite navy of the She family could attack the bandits from behind to achieve such a victory. The battle strength of the soldiers and armored soldiers led by Lin Fu is second. The key is that Lin Fu's ability to grasp the fighter planes almost makes them, the bystanders, unable to criticize. The ten warships led by Lin Fu are in the process of attacking the Kou ship formation. The formation of the central formation gathers and disperses like an arm, and it is not a fluke that the Zhongdongyang can retreat completely in the water battle of Luoyang Lake.

Du Rong also had to admit at this time that a character like Lin Fu was really worthy of the marriage of a lady of the luxury family, but unfortunately it was impossible now.

At this time, She Feihu completely lost his thoughts of fishing in troubled waters. Du Rong made the boat pull back a little bit to avoid hitting the collapsing boat, and he didn't say a word.

She Feihu watched Lin Fu and the others sprint to the pier. The four armed vehicles and ships immediately turned around to chase and route the fleeing pirates, preventing them from regrouping and posing a threat to their back. .

Lin Bie wears scale armor, holds a shield in his left hand, and holds a knife. He leads the soldiers and leads four hundred soldiers and soldiers to forcibly land on the pier. The guard Zhou Pu and the bearded man who failed to assassinate She Feihu twice are both Qingjiachi. Mo Dao and Shuang Ji guarded Lin Bie's side, and led the crowd to rush to the pier first.

The group of bandits who had landed earlier had four or five hundred people, and a group of them had already landed and attacked the streets and alleys of the estuary, but many others gathered near the pier. When the Jiang'an Pier landed, they also gathered manpower to intercept it, thinking of using the narrow favorable terrain of the Jiang'an Pier to kill Lin Fuhe off the pier.

There is only one berth for large ships over a thousand stone in the Jiang'an Wharf. The fast oar warships are small and can only berth three ships at the same time. Lin Bie led the three warships to dock first to seize the wharf, and the other three warships disperse. Shoot arrows to cover left and right.

Although She Feihu and the others retreated for a while, but where did Lin Fu and the others kill, there are always two glazed headlights on the prison island and the turret on the shore. See the fierce battle on the pier.

The near shore of the warship was first covered with arrows, and then the pirates at the dock were swept into the water with bamboo spears that were more than ten feet long. Lin Bie and the others who rushed to the dock first were all wearing battle armor and heavy helmets. Except for Lin Bie who held a sword and shield, the other armored soldiers were either halberds, long bamboo spears, or sharp weapons such as Mo knives. , and there are swords and shields holding shields from both sides to cover the two wings, blocking the group of bandits from shooting arrows from both sides, and there are archers standing behind and shooting the current enemy.

Just when She Feihu and the others were thinking about how Lin Fu and the others would get rid of the narrow terrain of the pier and rushed ashore, Lin Fu, Zhou Pu, and Ao Canghai led 30 or 40 armor-piercing and heavy-armed pawns, and their hands fell, blood and flesh. Funfei rushed to the shore with an unstoppable momentum. After gaining a firm foothold at the port, the swordsmen and archers behind him also came ashore from the pier.

Even if the robbers had elite combat power, when the vanguard first landed on the shore and attacked the hinterland of the estuary, Lin Fu and the others took the back road and seized the wharf. Few of the bandits near the wharf even wore armor, and most of them were short weapons such as single swords. , The bow is soft and small, how can it stop the penetrating killing of Lin Fu and the other thirty or forty?

When more than 400 soldiers rushed to the shore, Lin Fu and he personally restrained a little~www.wuxiaspot.com~ no longer taking the lead, but standing behind the port to command and dispatch, let Zhou Pu, Ao Canghai and others lead the way The four hundred warriors used the open terrain of the yard in front of the wharf to fan out and kill the bandits.

Although She Feihu cannot evaluate the combat strength of the other soldiers under Lin Fu's command, Lin Fu personally led the thirty or forty soldiers who were the vanguard to seize the pier just now, and their bravery was comparable to the most elite soldiers of the She family. .

She Feihu and the others knew that Lin Fu had also studied martial arts, but he was a civil official after all. When Lin Fu seized the pier just now, he took the lead in fighting the current enemy bravely and fearlessly. It also impressed She Feihu and the others.

There are many heroes in the world, but how many people can really be "wise and brave, both civil and military"?

"In time, it will be the second Li Zhuo!" Qin Zitan sighed softly.

"He is stronger than Li Zhuo," Song Jia said flatly, "Li Zhuo is full of loyalty and filial piety. Although it is difficult for the She family to defeat him on the battlefield, and it is easy to tie his siblings by other means, it is necessary for Lin Fu to truly form a force. Do you think the so-called loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, righteousness and morality can bind him? Li Zhuo wants to be a loyal minister of the Yuan Dynasty's Dayue Dynasty and a famous minister to be remembered in history, but Lin Fu has no such thoughts. This is why Lin Fu is stronger than Li Zhuo. place."

She Feihu and Du Rong didn't say a word, what else could they say at this time? Du Rong regretted not killing Lin Fu in Baisha County. She Feihu and the others couldn't have sent someone to assassinate Lin Fu, a character who was still very insignificant at the time. What he regretted was that he didn't take Song Jia's role. It is recommended to pay a lot of money to win over him for the extravagant family.


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