Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 149: In troubled times, good people are easy to become thieves

The prisoners sent in the past few months are mostly refugees who take risks, steal and loot, accounting for more than 90%, and they are also the most severely punished. The majority of Changsun Geng and the prison island officials and soldiers were locals, and they also held an attitude of exclusion to the refugee prisoners who were sent to the island. They were only limited to the strict orders of Lin Biao, and they barely treated them equally.

Even if Lin Fu is not a person who is sympathetic at will, he knows the cruel fact that good people in troubled times are easy to become thieves and rise up because they are mostly forced to make a living, so he has no prejudice against these prisoners.

Lin Fu saw that the size A prison cell, which can hold three or four hundred people, was full of cribs for laying wounds and sicknesses. With a gloomy face, he watched a juvenile doctor and apprentice brought by Wu Yanqing give medicine to the wounded prisoners.

The young man's technique is already familiar, and it is also because of the fact that he has been in contact with many wounded people. The paper package for the wound medicine is close to him. Probably because Lin Tie is too nervous beside him, the young man accidentally knocks the medicine bag to the ground. .

Changsun Geng was heartbroken as the scum-like wound medicine was spilled on the ground.

The puritans of Wuyan were also strict, and when they saw it, they reprimanded the young man sharply.

Lin Fu walked over and squatted down, carefully putting the unstained medicine on the upper layer into a paper bag, comforting the young man: "You're already quite proficient in getting started, it seems that you don't have enough rest?" Only half of the paper was left. Medicine packs are given to teenagers.

"There are too many wounded people, and we don't have enough manpower. In addition to taking care of the wounded here, we also need to prepare decoctions and dressings. You can see that these external medicines are also very sloppy," Wu Yanqing said, " There are really not enough people.”

"There are two bosses who escaped from the forest. I have thought about it. I want to open a medical clinic in Hekou. One person is enough. Another person will be sent here to help you temporarily, and then I will trouble Mr. Wu. Work harder and bring a few more apprentices." Lin Fu said.

"Okay, okay, you'd better send the person to me now." Wu Yanqing said.

Changsun Geng felt a pain in his heart. If you use more people, you will spend more money. He whispered, "If you add more people, the island will be unable to make ends meet."

"This is also troublesome," Lin Bie frowned and said to Chang Sun Geng: "Zhang Sun Shuban, in the name of Prison Island, you wrote a report to the Minister of Justice, bluntly saying that the corporal punishment of the yamen in various prefectures and counties is too severe, especially the Gutang County Office. Sent prisoners, ten prisoners and nine seriously injured, may I ask whether Gutang County is using corpse torture or beheading? Gutang County sent seventeen prisoners who died of serious injuries, what kind of corporal torture, where were the injuries, and when did they die? All are listed clearly, and the tone does not need to be euphemistic. In the future, prisoners sent from Gutang County, those with more than fractures and injuries will be rejected, and if the injured prisoners sent from Gutang County died of medical treatment, the corpses will be sent directly to the Gutang County ya Gutang County is not afraid to stab the basket, so let them continue to stab..."

"This..." Chang Sun Geng looked at Lin Fu hesitantly, "This submission is going to have a grudge with Gutang County."

"Is there not many enemies I've provoke in Jiangning?" Lin Fu looked at the wounded prisoners in the cell and asked with a frown, "We are also doing business here, so there's nothing to worry about; Only dare to pinch soft persimmons."

Lin Fu was still worried about the large number of refugees stranded on the north bank of the river, and would rather make some small disturbances at this time, forcing Jiangning Prefecture and Gutang County to solve the problem, rather than flooding and corpses in the future. I'm in pain, and I don't know if anyone knows.

Wu Yanqing's side was in urgent need of manpower, and Lin Fu did not delay, so he immediately sent someone to the river mouth to find Lin Mengde, and asked him to send a boat to the two masters and a few apprentices who had escaped in Shanglinli.

Lin Fu had an idea to train as many qualified doctors as possible.

The military barracks also used medical officers, but the number was very small. There were more than 10,000 people in every town with one military medical officer. Generals who paid attention to medical treatment problems in the military camp might also add two military medical officers to help them. Usually, it is barely enough to treat a headache and leg pain training injury, but when a large number of casualties occur in wartime, this manpower is simply not enough.

During fierce battles, there are always a small number of people killed on the spot. There are many factors that affect the morale of the dead. If the injured cannot receive timely and effective treatment, even if it is not the most important one, it cannot be ignored.

Of course, the profession of doctor has high requirements for practitioners, and the training time is long. Those who have the ability to train their children to read and write for a long time are keen on fame. Although the profession of doctor is also respected, it is not classified as a gentry after all. This also causes the scarcity of doctors in the world.

Even if Lin Bie can't completely solve these problems, he should try to improve this problem as much as possible.

This time, after escaping from Shanglin, Lin Fu didn't care about the others, and couldn't take care of them. The two bosses from Shanglinli Medical Center and several apprentices all picked them up.

Lin Tingxun is also a discerning person. The Lin family established a clan in Shanglin. Lin Tingxun has done many things to benefit the local area, one of which is to build a school in Shanglin.

Different from ordinary private schools, the Lin Clan School is much larger in scale. There are four teachers who are invited to teach. No matter the children of the family or the side branch, they can study for free. The children of the non-Lin people in the village who entrust their relationship to the school are only charged a small amount of rice. money.

The three brothers Lin Fu, Lin Jingzhong, full of knowledge, and Zhao Hu also benefited from their ability to read books. This also made the literacy rate of the villagers in Shanglinli far higher than the average level of the current world, which also made the Lin family industries use more books. It is possible for village children to be shopkeepers.

In addition to Lin Fu who directly picked up from Shanglinli, there were more than 1,000 refugees; Lin Fu asked Zhao Mengde to go to the checkpoint on the north bank to accommodate, and used the ferry from Xihedu to pick up all the villagers from Shanglinli who had fled to the north bank. to the estuary to settle. Apart from those who could rely on relatives and friends, there were almost 3,000 villagers stranded in the Hekou at this time. Lin Fu set up two porridge farms in the estuary to provide relief. The daily cooking porridge cost two thousand kilograms of rice, which also made Lin Mengde and Lin Jing and others very busy.

Among the villagers, there are as many as 400 to 500 young people, and there are 140 to 50 literate people.

Lin Bie looked at the more than 300 injured prisoners with broken bones lying in the cell, thinking that it shouldn't be too much to give Wu Yan another 20 or 30 apprentices.

There are so many wounded prisoners to practice hands, and apprentices should also learn to heal wounds faster.

When the wounded prisoner in the cell was sent to him after being tortured, he thought his life would not be guaranteed. How could he expect to receive careful treatment? Besides, the food here is much more delicious than the bark, grass, stem and rice bran when I was a refugee, and I thought it was heaven on earth. When I came to the island, I heard a lot of rumors about Lin Fu. When I saw the real person, many people would get up and kowtow to thank them if they were not worried about their injuries, but I didn't know that Lin Fu was thinking of giving them to apprentices to practice their skills.

"Mr. Wu, I have something to discuss with you..." Lin Fu said to Wu Yanqing.

"What's the matter?" Wu Yanqing left the incident at hand and walked with Lin Fu into the aisle outside.

"The external medicine used here is very large. Only apprentices are used to grind the powder, and the manpower is far from enough. I think Mr. Wu and his little brothers are very tired," Lin Fu said, "I thought about getting rid of the prisoners at first. Pick a few honest, dexterous and capable people for you to use, and after thinking about it, there is a better way, so ask Mr. Wu to discuss."

"What method?" Wu Yanqing asked.

"I know that most of the medicinal herb shops in the city have visited the clinic for patients. Currently, the medicine is taken or ground into powder, or the patient's family members can directly bring it back to the past for decoction. There are some common diseases, especially those that use powder, medicinal materials. The shop will grind the matched powder in advance and wrap it in paper. When someone comes to see a doctor, take the medicine package and leave - the tiger bones of Xuanjitang are very famous in Jiangning. I think it is the method developed by Mr. Wu," Lin Fu said. , "Mr. Wu's prescription is better than others in terms of hemostasis and wound healing, and the wound medicine can be ground into powder for a long time. I want to set up a drug store in Hekou and hire some people to make this powder specially. First, it is used to treat wounds. Prisoner, you don’t need to spend any more manpower here. Second, it can be sold to outsiders as trauma medicine. If there is any surplus, Mr. Wu will take 20% of the profit, Mr. Wu, what do you think…”

"That's fine," Wu Yanqing said. "Don't mention the matter of profit distribution. How much is a method worth? Outside of the prison island, it is said that it is not good for you, and the old man occasionally returns to the city. , there are always many people who come to persuade the old man to leave the right and wrong place, and say that if they are coerced by you, they will think for me with their hearts. But I was thinking that those people who are full of benevolence and morality will come to rule the island. , who would treat wounded prisoners with medicine as carefully as you do?"

"Mr. Wu is too famous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Fu said, "A gentleman loves money, and he takes it in a proper way. Loving money is not a gentleman. Mr. Wu built a garden in the bamboo house and planted some medicinal herbs. I heard that Mr. Wu has a vision to build a medicine garden to collect herbs from all over the world.

"Well," Wu Yanqing said after thinking for a moment, "grinding the potion has little benefit and requires a lot of manpower. If there is any profit, I can take 10% of the profit. It's just that Wu's ability is weak, and I'm afraid that you will give up the original. ."

"I'm a person who loves money..." Lin Bie laughed, so he stopped bothering Wu Yanqing to save lives and heal the wounded, and walked around the prison, rushing Lin Mengde to personally send the two masters and some apprentices to the prison. island.

Lin Mengde knew that Lin Fu was going to hide at this time and not participate in the Lin family's reduction of Xiangyong. During the day, he had to go to the island to find Lin Fu, find Lin Fu for others, and said to him, "It's a coincidence today, the boat from the Xihehui has just arrived. Bring Miss Liu, her father, brother and sister-in-law over. After Liu An'er occupied the city, there was no restriction on civilians to leave. They walked on the road for five days. They only arrived at the checkpoint of the camp in Gutang County yesterday morning and reported your name. Liu Xilin sent them. The people were sent to the ferry, and Sun Jingtang was in the north, and he personally sent them across the river. Now it's better."

Liu Yueer didn't say many things, but Lin Fu could also hear from other people. Liu Yueer's parents, brother and sister-in-law were quite mean and snobbish. Liang Zuoren gave Liu Yueer to the Gu family as a cook. greedy for money. Lin Mengde said that if Liu Yueer's parents, brother and sister-in-law came over safely, he could officially take Liu Yueer as a concubine, and he didn't have to worry about others talking about "filial piety".


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