Lord of the Divine Show

Chapter 861 Tingchao Pavilion (4600 supplement)

"If guests want to read ancient books, please go to the second floor!"

The clerk took Zhong Shenxiu and Jiang Kun up the stairs.

Just when he stepped onto the stairs, Zhong Shenxiu felt a layer of barrier, which was both defense and protection.


"Ha ha……"

There seemed to be a thin voice coming from the shadows all around.

In the darkness, there seemed to be eyes, with all kinds of evil colors, staring at the person coming.

An old and musty smell spread across the noses of the three of them.

Surrounded by various bookshelves, there are scattered ancient books, wire-bound books, parchment, black hard-shell notebooks, and various scattered papers, with some ghostly characters written on them.

Some of them make people feel upset just by looking at the brush strokes.

Jiang Kun subconsciously glanced at the cover of a book. There were some cloud-like ripples on it. They were both like clouds and water waves, like entangled tree roots. Together they formed a black hole, attracting people's attention.

In the details of those lines, it seems that the most essential mystery of the avenue is hidden, containing the miracle of life...

"This guest!"

The clerk looked intently and never looked at any of the ancient books. He reminded: "Don't look at these ancient books for a long time, otherwise they will be affected to a certain extent."

"Thank you!"

Jiang Kun wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and thanked him sincerely.

"Old Li Tou, if these two want to buy ancient books, I'll leave it to you."

The clerk threw Zhong Shenxiu to a skinny old man who was studying hard behind a desk, like a bright-headed but experienced scholar, and then ran downstairs as if running for his life.

Obviously, even if he knew the taboos here, he was not willing to stay here any longer.

Old Li Tou turned a deaf ear and was staring at an ancient green page in front of him with all his concentration. He kept chanting: "The changes of life and death, turning into a human being and a pupa, sublimation...sublimation..."

Around the mouth, there seemed to be some crystal water flowing down.

"Brother Fang..."

Jiang Kun's voice was trembling, and he wanted to run away.

This old 'Jie Wenshi' looks so dangerous. Is he going to go crazy in the next moment?

"You translated it wrong."

Zhong Shenxiu glanced at it and said: "The true expression of this sentence should be-'a moth flies into the fire, and it turns into a pupa, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and it is born from the extreme death'!"


Lao Li suddenly raised his head, two points of light burst out in his eyes, and suddenly clapped his hands: "Hey! That's it! Wonderful... wonderful!"

He seemed to have just seen the two of them, and bowed to Zhong Shenxiu: "Please forgive me for being rude, I never expected to meet a master interpreter!"

"I've only done a little research on Dao Zhiwen. I'm here to buy the ancient book."

Zhong Shenxiu smiled.

"Sure enough, he is a rare visitor." Old Li Tou wiped the corner of his mouth: "I heard from monks from all walks of life that many ancient books are sold in Chao Pavilion, but very few are bought..."

He glanced at Jiang Kun, his face blooming like a chrysanthemum, showing his sparse teeth: "Don't be afraid... I'm not crazy yet, and I won't go crazy... Master Jie Wen who is really about to go crazy has long been locked up in the pavilion. Already..."

Old Li Tou came out from behind the desk and asked, "What kind of ancient books does the guest want to buy?"

"Customs, customs, ancient secret history, everything is fine!"

Zhong Shen Xiu said, and then looked around: "Why are there so many ancient texts here, but they are all written in Dao texts..."

"A small part here are real ancient books, but the majority... Some are notes written by Daxiu deliberately in Daxiu script, some are classics written by monks after they became possessed, and some are even the works left behind by Master Jiewen before his death. …”

After Old Li Tou’s explanation, Zhong Shenxiu probably understood.

In the true secret book of the great road, just one word may be enough to make a monk collapse.

Therefore, the supreme secret scripture circulated in ancient times is also the supreme evil. Anyone who has read it will go crazy...

But some monks can still write something after going crazy and before dying.

These 'translations' are also highly polluted, and all the monks who read them went crazy, but some were able to write down some insights before they died.

Most of these insights are written in the writing of the Great Way. After all, the writing of the Great Way has its own Taoist rhyme and can best carry the Great Tao.

In this way, after countless generations of "dilution", the pollution was finally reduced to the point where it can be viewed normally, and it is now the classics passed down by the great sect.

The real job of Tingchao Pavilion’s ‘Expositor’ is to translate slightly contaminated books into text, and then refine them into bookworms.

The bookworm in Tingchao Pavilion is also a unique thing. It can reduce minor pollution to the point where it can be ignored. It is green, safe and pollution-free, and is widely praised among the monks.

This is also the foundation for Tingchao Pavilion to maintain.

And when it comes to books that are too polluted, it may take several interpreters to go through many translations before future generations can get a glimpse of them.

In Tingchao Pavilion, various ancient books are divided into four categories: heaven, earth, xuan and yellow according to their different degrees of pollution.

The Ministry of Heaven belongs to the supreme secret book. Just a glance at it may make people crazy. It has always been only in legends.

Perhaps, within the Xuanmen sect, there are still original collections that describe the secrets of heaven and earth.

Under the jurisdiction of the Earth Department, it is also a sign of great evil. Nine out of ten people who watch it will die, and the last one will probably go crazy.

Xuanbu classics belong to the usual work scope of the interpreter, but reading too much will also accumulate risks.

The last pornographic classics can be viewed by ordinary people, with no or very little pollution, such as the content contained in Bookworm.

‘So, the [Four Seas Wonders] in my hand is actually an ancient book. It can be sold on the second floor. After being interpreted by the interpreter, it can be refined into a bookworm with no crazy influence? ’

Zhong Shenxiu thought thoughtfully: 'However, this manuscript can be considered the 'Xuan Part' at most. The real original version of the "Four Seas Wonders" can probably be considered the "Earth Version". As for the "Heavenly Mother Sutra", it must be the "Xuan Part"... '

"Customs, customs, ancient secrets?"

Old Li blew his beard and said: "There are bookworms downstairs for this kind of classics, why bother coming up?"

"Different. A slight difference is a thousand miles away..."

Zhong Shenxiu shook his head.

The bookworm below must have been translated by a translator, and as long as it has been translated, there must be some differences, or even errors and omissions!

After all, how good are these interpreters... haha...

'It's best to read the original version, so that you can get the most authentic first-hand information...Accurately grasp the context of the world, so you won't be deceived...'

Zhong Shenxiu is still a little wary of Ouroboros of Time and the Lord of the Gate.

He even used the method of seizing the body to hide it, hiding it from [Tianmu] and other external gods, and also hiding it from the owner of the door, so he had this concern.

If he really wanted to contact them unilaterally, he could do it immediately, such as trying to recite the true name or something.

But it would be too one-sided to only listen to one side of the story.

Zhong Shenxiu was still prepared to investigate the world first, then talk to those two people, and finally make his own choice.

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