Lord of the Divine Show

Chapter 715 Try (asking for monthly votes)

"Newbie Valley has really become different."

Jiang Shang walked into Novice Valley with a head of white hair.

At the entrance of the valley, there are several players who are hard at work moving bricks.

After Loopy Toad destroyed the novice wall, he felt a little scared. He immediately used the daily quota of experience points given to him by Zhong Shenxiu to issue a task to repair the city wall.

Then the players picked it up immediately.

However, the players experimented in various ways, and Loopy Ha went crazy from time to time, causing this kind of destruction-reconstruction-then destruction-then reconstruction to become an almost cycle.

Later, a player realized: "Isn't it because the game development team is worried that the real game doesn't have so many basic construction tasks to collect, so it sends an Erha to demolish the house every day?"

All in all, the interaction between Loopy Ha and the players is very harmonious and joyful...

"Wow, look, it's really eating!"

"Yao Shou, this NPC actually sleeps at night. I went to get a mission from it and it beat me!"

Another player said aggrievedly.

Then, he was stuck to the wall by Loopy Toad's paw.

The onlookers were unmoved at all: "Have you noticed its name? It's super cute. It's called Loop... Hahaha, I seem to feel the bad taste of the dog plan..."

Jiang Shang didn't care about this. He walked to Loopy Ha and bowed down respectfully: "Dear professional instructor Loopy Ha, I'm here to learn skills..."

"Oooh, woof...is there finally a player who can really learn skills?"

Loopy Toad's eyes widened, he looked Jiang Shang up and down, and opened the mall panel.

A row of Black Tiger skills appeared. It felt like the Black Tiger Escort had been robbed, but in fact it was almost the same.

Moreover, he can only sell these skills, and other magical powers are completely prohibited. Even if he leaks even a word, the 'Seal of Ha' will occur immediately.

[Do you want to spend 100 experience points to learn Black Tiger Fist (entry level)? 】

Looking at the prompts on the property panel, Jiang Shang suppressed his excitement and confirmed with all his strength: "Yes!"

The next second, his experience points were completely cleared.

In an instant, a set of Black Tiger Fist martial arts entered his mind, and various moves flashed by quickly, as if they had been practiced thousands of times.

Not only that, Jiang Shang felt that there was some inexplicable but perceptible cool energy between heaven and earth. It penetrated from his pores into his limbs and bones, making his skin turn red, and he couldn't help but groan...


After the study was completed, Jiang Shang couldn't wait to start his fist fight and fight vigorously.

Suddenly, there was a clear roar, and he punched a wooden wall next to him, causing the wall to shake continuously, leaving a faint fist mark.

"This feeling... is almost like having a thick layer of cowhide on your fist... According to the Black Tiger Fist secret book I got from the Black Tiger Escort Bureau, when you reach the Xiaocheng state, you will train this layer of skin to the limbs, and then the Dacheng state will cover the whole body. From now on, the copper skin is completed, and you can be called a ninth-grade martial artist!"

During this period of time, Jiang Shang was invincible in Sanyuan City. He planned to destroy the Black Tiger Escort Bureau and gained a lot of benefits.

For example, Pujia Boxing and some of the Black Tiger Escort techniques.

But soon I discovered that the skill book of this game is very confusing, and you need to practice it all by yourself.

For example, with the current entry-level Black Tiger Fist, even if he practices diligently with the cheats, it may take him several years of practice in the game before he can get started!

But now, once the experience point is initiated, it is suddenly worth other people's years of hard work!

'As long as you have enough experience, I'm afraid it won't be a big problem to become a sixth-grade warrior immediately...'

Jiang Shang's heart was surging.

He secretly discovered a little secret about experience points. It seemed that it was easier to gain experience in a big city with a lot of people.

Moreover, it is not entirely obtained from killing monsters, but more like achieving various goals or completing a certain achievement, giving some rewards.

After he realized this, he had been causing trouble in Sanyuan City recently, making all kinds of spectacles. Finally, he gathered a hundred points of experience and started experimenting immediately.

‘Sure enough... it is still too difficult for players to actively learn skills. It is better to rely directly on the system. ’

'But...is this really a game? ’

‘The following is the most important experiment. ’


After Jiang Shang went offline, he immediately ran to the living room and performed a black tiger fist.

"The black tiger tears the sheep!"

"The black tiger jumps off the beam!"

"The black tiger takes out the heart!"

Jiang Shang swept his fist away, and a blue and white porcelain vase fell to the ground and broke...

He didn't care at all. He closed his eyes. After a long time, he exhaled a long breath: "My body seems to have completely memorized this boxing technique and is familiar with the routines. Even with my current physical fitness, I won't be afraid of beating a few hooligans." But...it doesn’t have that special effect anymore.”

When getting started with Black Tiger Boxing, the most important thing is the layer of skin on your hands.

In the real world, although he has become a master of Black Tiger Fist, he feels much weaker than himself in the game!

"The heaven and earth have vitality, and they are mixed and endowed with manifolds. Below are the rivers and mountains, and above are the sun and stars..."

Jiang Shang thought of the cool energy he drew from the outside world when he was practicing boxing in the game, and he suddenly realized something: "Our world...doesn't it have vitality?"

At this moment, he didn't know whether his expression was relaxed or sad.

"Although there is no way to become a transcendent, it seems not bad, otherwise the empire will undergo major changes..."

"Even so, it's still very difficult. At least for me now, a few big guys can't take it down..."

Familiar with boxing routines, plus having practiced them in games, he dares to kill people and has rich experience in actual combat.

Now he is completely comparable to that kind of practical martial arts master.

If Jiang Shang mastered extraordinary power again, he would not even dare to think about it...

"Am I considered a martial arts master now? But on the Internet, various martial arts masters have been counterfeited and beaten too badly..."

"Now, with this game, at least there will be many experienced players in life and death fighting in reality. This is already a factor of instability..."

"And in the later stages of the game, I still don't know what will happen..."

"Did any players discover the problem so soon?"

In the villa, Zhong Shenxiu took a sip of red wine.

The boxing skills in Xuanming are naturally extraordinary, but after reaching Yuandongtian, without the support of vitality, they are just a showpiece.

Of course, even if he is just a showman, he still has honed his killing skills, so there is not much problem in using them to beat ordinary people.

As for himself, he has long surpassed the realm of needing the vitality of heaven and earth. Not only can he generate his own "mystery" and support the extraordinary, but he can also absorb some metaphysical things and transform his vitality, so that he can make the extraordinary appear divine even in the world of absolute demons.

"However, it's only the first round of internal testing, so it's a little too early. Some inferences still need to be verified slowly..."

He turned his eyes and saw Xie Biqi.

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