Lord of the Divine Show

Chapter 363 Harvest (please vote)

There is a saying in the mystical world that twelve great beings together form the root, and they are the source of all mysteries.

This statement is partially correct.

For example, Damo is a symbol of the corruption of this world.

And now, once He falls into silence, the fallen rules of the entire world will change.

It will become more difficult to perform evil rituals such as transforming into evil spirits and resentful spirits.

More influences will slowly appear over the course of thousands of years.

In short, the two great beings' accidents happened one after another, and the impact on the real world was simply more serious than the destruction of ten federations.

"An ominous man, the star of death! Even two existences like that suffered misfortune because of him. How can our world bear it?"

Israel almost wanted to curse: "That Levi is indeed a disaster star. Sending him to ascend is definitely the right decision!"

Just when the great sage lost his composure, a deep voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "That's right..."

"you you you……"

Israel was shaking and almost speechless.

Such a loss of composure was extremely rare in his long history of nearly a thousand years.

"Yes, I'm back."

As the first person who can descend after ascension, Zhong Shenxiu had a smile on his lips: "Because if I don't deal with you, this time travel will not be considered complete."

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand and slowly pressed it towards Israel.

Israel is no weakling.

He is an 'immortal', a erudite, a great sage... He has a rich heritage. He has countless ritual effects solidified on his body and possesses many magical items.

But none of this could withstand Zhong Shenxiu's mediocre palm.

He pressed down with his palm, and Israel's robes and various accessories exploded one after another, seemingly unable to withstand the huge force and shattered.

Under the robe is Israel's withered body.

The other party roared, encouraging the 'Lingge', and wanted to make a final struggle.

But it's no use!

A stronger person suppressed Israel's spirit and pressed it on his head.

next moment.

Israel's expression froze, and his whole person was reduced to ashes.

The great sage of the Federation, the ‘Immortal’, Yisriel—death!

"Very good...the goal of this time travel has been roughly accomplished..."

Harvest day show off!

Explore the mysterious system!

Hunt Yuandan creatures!

At this time, Zhong Shenxiu had done it all.

Even, not only was the ascension successful, but an ‘adventurer’ setting was added to the mysterious system.

"It just... doesn't seem to be of any use."

He stretched out his hand, grabbed it among the ashes, and pulled out a trace of twisted dark brilliance.

This is Israel’s ‘linga’, which is actually formless and has no specific image or concept.

Or was it because he forcibly defined it that it turned into this twisted silk thread pattern.

"If it is used as the foundation of the outer elixir, it will certainly be stronger than the spiritual elixir embryo created by Zhang Taiyi. It may be able to pass the final level of becoming an elixir, but its strength is limited..."

"The one that is truly most suitable for creating the outer elixir is of course the 'spirit' of my body... This is truly from the same source, and the compatibility rate is 100%!"

"And... my status is higher than that of ordinary 'immortals'..."

After making a complaint, Zhong Shenxiu directly extinguished this trace of dark brilliance.

Immediately, as if he had been punched by someone, he bent down, his face twisted and painful.

It was as if the strength just now was just a bluff.

Zhong Shenxiu's current body and spirit are numb.

His memory of the place of origin still lingered on the moment when he called the Tianxiu system to come out and be beaten.

Then, there was darkness.

When he came back to his senses, he had completed the process of descent and returned to the real world as an 'adventur', or... in other words... on the ascension altar.

"Who am I now...?"

After the pain, Zhong Shenxiu couldn't help but think about a question.

The title of 'The Adventer' was given to himself by himself.

Because he is neither an 'immortal' nor an 'ascended one'.

"Originally, after ascending to the root, because of the special nature of the root, I was forcibly promoted and entered the realm of the soul... But I would definitely die if I continued to stay, so I lowered myself to a lower dimension... I only did it for a short time I am an 'ascended one' and have not shared any of the glory and authority of the gods... So after my descent, I should actually still be at the Yuan Dan realm?"

"But... I am obviously stronger than ordinary 'immortal beings'. Maybe I can be considered as a half-step Yuan Shen? Ahem... Realm is just a realm, how can there be half a step? I'd better be humble first and treat myself as the peak Yuan Dan..."

Zhong Shenxiu rubbed his face and began to check Tianxiu's system.

The attribute bar that only he could see appeared in front of him, with a somewhat garbled feeling, very similar to the last time he was invaded by the Gate of Ten Thousand Gates.

Even when he started it, it gave him a headache.

"It seems the system has been fooled again."

Zhong Shenxiu sighed and continued reading:

‘Achieve the achievement [World Show]! ’

‘Tianxiu points +1000! ’

"Tsk, tsk, you actually have a thousand days of beauty?"

Zhong Shenxiu is very satisfied with this. You must know that this is the value that has been increased again after his Tianxiu Points have reached the limit.

What does this mean?

Even if the world doesn't give it to him, he can force it out!

If it was taken lightly as a breeze before, this large amount of money was taken into the account, and it felt a bit like taking something by force.

"This means that in the future, the idea of ​​​​forcibly suppressing a world and seizing the Tianxiu Point will be feasible..."

Zhong Shenxiu continued to look down and found several pieces of information emerging from the chaos:

[Information Fragment 1: Ouroboros of Time..., Moth Lord of Catastrophe...]

[Information Fragment 2: Digesting external forces, the Gate of Ten Thousand Gates is strengthened]


Zhong Shenxiu looked at the two names and felt the danger just by touching them.

The simple name actually contains a lot of information, which together form a difficult-to-pronounce pronunciation.

That is no longer a nickname, but the true name of a great existence.

Pronounced with a special accent and vibrated with spirit, the 'key' will definitely attract attention!

"It's a big killing weapon, but it has the smell of dying together. It's the same as the honorable name of the Ten Thousand Sects. Unless I'm in a desperate situation, I won't even think about it if I'm killed..."

Zhong Shenxiu complained that it was interesting to see the evolution of the Gate of Ten Thousand Gates.

A piece of information flowed by, letting him know that he might be able to travel through time in the future without being restricted by obsession.

"But I'm about to achieve the Yuan Dan. After the Yuan Dan, I will be transformed into a qi, and it's probably almost time for my real body to travel through time... Bad review! I can slightly break the restrictions and bring some invisible things back to Yanhan. It's worth a point. Thumbs up…”

Although the restrictions are quite large and tangible objects cannot pass through, there must not be many problems in transporting the 'spirit'.


At this moment, a thunder suddenly sounded.

Zhong Shenxiu looked up at the sky.

Drops of bloody rain suddenly fell from the sky.

"It seems that the battle between Ouroboros and the Moth Lord is almost over, and even the Lord of Black Blood has completely fallen?"

"Then I should go, otherwise it won't be fun if any existence thinks of me."

"This world is really cheating... Not to mention the cheating of the system, there is at least several major levels of difference between the 'Ascended Ones' and those evil gods. This is a rhythm that is going to cheat people to death!"

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