Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 325 The Hellfire Legion descending from the sky

Just below the Dead City, in the dark sewers under the Street of Rain, Melkor suddenly stopped moving. The twelve zombies behind him also stopped, although their legs were still soaked in the smelly water.

"The stone is in the street, my friends," Melkor whispered, as if the zombies actually cared what he said. None of his followers are around, and over the past few weeks Death has sacrificed his entire Church of Waterdeep to fuel his magic.

Melkor stared at the dark ceiling of the passage and absentmindedly touched the bag slung over his shoulder. There was a tablet of destiny inside. After Barr's death, he came to the explosion site and found that it had turned into a completely dead magic area, empty of anyone, except for this tablet lying quietly on the ground.

The stone tablet that was given to Kelanvor for safekeeping at midnight was lost in the fierce spiritual storm. Now, Melkor has obtained two stone tablets. As long as he returns to the Kingdom of God, he can obtain the second one.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but regret a little, why he put that stone slab in the Kingdom of God in the first place, which made him no longer good or bad now. Fortunately, he had other options at this time.

An hour and a half ago, Melkor had sensed that Midnight had brought another stone slab to Waterdeep through the item locating spell released on the stone slab. He immediately began to chase the mage, hoping to recover the stone slab before the large number of monsters he would arrive at any time surrounded the city.

"No, this is not safe enough. I should wake up those corpses and serve their immortal lord." Melkor smiled sadly.

Rich black energy flowed out of his body and spread out at an extremely fast speed. Melkor recited extremely complex spells in his mouth, and the huge death scythe emitted a whistling cold wind in his hand.

Countless corpses in the dead city obtained the initial soul fire under the influence of energy. They absorbed the magic power around them and provided kinetic energy for their bodies. Thousands of zombies and skeletons cut open the soil and recovered from their sleep for hundreds of years. crawled out of the grave.

There have been hundreds of thousands of corpses left in Waterdeep City over the years. Under Melkor's summons, these densely packed undead creatures occupied every corner of the dead city. The monsters in the sky saw the rich sacred undead aura. , knowing that it was his eternal Lord of Death who showed his power, he tried to rush out even more excitedly.

Suddenly, twenty-five green lights came from the sky. The light spots grew in size at an extremely fast speed, attracting the attention of the demon people and the undead army.

"What is this?" A bat monster with a three-layer belly and yellow pus asked in confusion.

But soon, its doubts were clarified.

A huge boulder with a diameter of nearly five meters fell from the sky. The dazzling light was the spark caused by the rapid friction between the boulder and the air. The boulder burning with blazing green flames bombarded the numerous undead legions, causing a violent explosion. .


Huge green pillars of flame rose into the sky, swallowing everything around them. Twenty-five green meteorites cleared away thousands of undead creatures in an instant.

But this is not the end.

This earth-shattering explosion caused the earth to tremble. In the huge craters created by the huge rocks, in the smoky black, a pair of eyes burning with green flames opened.

Twenty-five green flame golems with a height of 5 meters came out of it. The strange flames burning on their bodies turned everything burned into black waste, spreading to the surroundings like an infection.

Imrik in the sky slightly raised the corners of his mouth. This was the first time he used the supernatural ability [Fire of Destruction]. The effect exceeded his expectations. The first wave of bombing attacks alone had surpassed the nine-ring spell. Although it is still a bit inferior to legendary spells, it is still very powerful. More importantly, this is only the first stage. At this moment, there are still 25 invulnerable and magic-immune fire golems who are killing people.

Facing 25 golems, those fragile zombie skeletons were completely helpless. Their rusty claws could not shake the hard rock body of Hellfire, and the negative energy attacks had no effect on these lifeless golems. The sky's Many monsters used spells to attack, but found that there was nothing they could do. These unknown golems were like turtle shells. They could only watch helplessly as they smashed each of their kind one by one.

The monsters found that they seemed unable to contain these golems, so they gave up their plan to support the undead creatures. As noble people of the God of Death, they would not waste their lives to save a group of lowly undead creatures.

The black monsters flapped their wings and flew high again, scattering in all directions. At this time, a large number of troops were stationed outside the dead city, and they were waiting under the leadership of Elminster and Kelben.

The bloodthirsty monsters couldn't help but drool when they saw these living humans. Most of them stayed and launched attacks on the ground.

Elminster stroked his beard, looked at the monsters charging towards him, and said with disgust: "Mystra, these monsters look really unappetizing."

He raised the pipe in his hand and gently touched the blue lines in the void.

In an instant, a huge flame spewed out from the air and burned towards the monsters who were rushing towards them. Dozens of monsters hit too fast and had no time to brake, so they were directly burned to death by the extremely high-temperature flames.

The old sage continued to stir the lines with his pipe with satisfaction, and the flames burned countless flying monsters to ashes like the breath of a giant dragon.

This is one of the functions of the Mysterium - flame.

Although Elminster and Kelben cannot cast spells normally, relying on the Mystery Lock, they can use magic effects comparable to [Dragon Breath] in the city an unlimited number of times. In addition, there are also meteors, which can be used every time they pass by. For 5 minutes, they can all summon a meteor that is comparable to the ninth-level spell [Meteor Spell] to bombard the enemy.


In the distance, there was a huge explosion. Elminster shook his head and looked. That was the other side where Kelben was stationed. He used the authority of [Meteor] to summon the meteorite.

The earth trembled again, and a huge meteorite hit the ground and exploded extremely violently. Countless gravels flowing with magma flew around, and dense secondary explosions occurred. A huge pothole appeared in the south of the dead city. The demons in the sky may have been frightened by this terrible spell. Just like in the dead city, the demons in the south gave up their attack and flew out of the city.

Elminster shook his head. Since Kelben had already used it, he had to hold on for another five minutes. Flames erupted from his hands one after another, but compared to the number of monsters, it was a drop in the bucket. Fortunately, old man There are a large number of soldiers around the sage to help. Even if every demon citizen has some simple supernatural abilities, they can handle it with ease.

Imrik in the sky also activated his spell again at this time. The 25 golems were more than enough to deal with the undead creatures in the city. Now he needed to efficiently kill the highly mobile monsters.

Seventh Ring War Spell [Extremely Effective and Powerful Spell Enhancement Spell Split Spell Twins - Advanced Chain Lightning]!

Imrik at level 19 has six feat slots, which is just enough.

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