Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 220 [Additional update] The powerful power of the legendary monk

[Legend] What is it?

On the continent of Faerûn, many people have heard glimpses of legendary figures in the background of rural stories, but they do not know what the meaning of [Legend] represents.

Legends are the strongest men at the top of the main material plane. They control the situation in the continent. The experience of each legend is enough to write an earth-shattering epic chapter. This is the meaning of legend.

But such a strong man stood in front of a group of elite drow guards, three of them.

"Mind Flayer Mastermind!!" Some drow elves cried out in collapse when they saw the huge brain-like creature emerging from the void. Facing this terrifying existence, death is the best ending they can get. .

The mastermind's smooth language flowed into their minds like the tentacles of an octopus: "High-quality slaves and embryos cannot be wasted."

The translucent gelatinous brain began to emit an extremely strong purple light, and then a terrifying psychic power erupted from it, turning into a terrifying psychic storm that radiated to all the elite guards.

In an instant, all the guards stopped what they were doing. They knelt on the ground with dull faces and swore their surrender to the mastermind.

When this powerful spiritual wave spread to Master Guda's chest, an invisible force hit the ground like the bells of a heavy ancient tomb, and the waves set off annihilated all the spiritual power.

[The heart is like still water].

The monk clasped his hands together, looked at the mind flayer mastermind with an unhappy expression and said: "Evil existence, don't use your power to control innocent lives."

The green dragon Titanisa laughed out loud when she heard it and said: "Innocent? Hahahaha, this is really the funniest joke I have ever heard in my life, innocent drow, hahahahaha."

The monk shook his head and did not continue to speak. He also knew in his heart that the blood of slaves on the hands of these drow elves was probably only a lot more. Even the paladin could not have a legitimate reason to stop the black and white behavior.

But he still couldn't stand the mind flayer mastermind's horrific behavior of controlling people's thoughts at will.

In order to eliminate the real evil, Master Guda chose silence, which also made the mind flayer mastermind even more rampant. He raised a tentacle and pointed at the door of the divine sacrificial hall. The terrible spiritual power turned into telepathy and rushed out. In an instant Then the door was blown away, and the many guards inside were also crushed into pulp.

Imric looked at the teleportation array in the distance and said, "You can go down from there."

The four people continued to teleport down through the teleportation array, to the third floor, the second floor, until the bottom floor. A magnificent underground cave appeared in front of everyone, which was about one-third the size of the cave where Iredelin City is located. .

Deep in the cave is a huge building, a tower that towers into the sky. There are two altars on the left and right of the tower. A large number of guards are gathered at the gate that blocks the tower and the altar.

Titanisa transformed into a prototype and flew into the sky again. She looked greedily at the buildings in the distance and said, "Look, that's the tomb I mentioned. I didn't expect that damn black watch to have discovered this place."

Imrik raised his eyebrows. It was indeed the right choice not to sneak in secretly. The other party had already placed his hometown here, and it was impossible to deceive the other party.

"Roar!!! Feel the end of the world!!" Titanisa flew towards the group of guards gathered in front of the building and roared loudly, the mysterious dragon language constantly stirring the magic power.

"Giant thundercloud!"

Nine-ring conjuration spell - [Giant Thunder Cloud].

Huge black clouds were summoned by Titanisa, covering many guards, and various lightning strikes continued to strike from the sky.

Titanissa's body was looming in the dark clouds, and the long-range attacks launched by a large number of drow mages and archers were absorbed by the thick dark clouds without making any waves.

Relying on the cover of the dark clouds, Titanissa kept swooping down, spraying terrifying poisonous gas breath, and then flew into the dark clouds, leaving these drow guards helpless.

"Sound wave and lightning spells are invalid, use wind and fire spells!" The leader, a priest named Zhuoer wearing a luxurious sacrificial robe, shouted loudly.

He stretched out the scepter in his hand and pointed it at the thunderclouds in the sky and silently recited a spell: "Control the wind."

A strong tornado appeared, stirring up huge black clouds in the sky. The divine version of the wind control used by the priest was the same as the magic version, but it was far from the one modified by Imrik. The size of this tornado was not the same. Even if the wind is strong enough, it will only blow away half of the dark clouds.

"Sun Flame Explosion!" The green dragon activated his eighth-ring warlock ability and released this terrifying energy-shaping spell.

An extremely compressed sphere appeared in the center of the archer army. Priest Zall's expression changed and he quickly shouted: "Hurry and leave!"

But it was too late, [Yangyan Explosion] exploded. The terrible explosion swallowed up everything around it, forming a huge semi-circular scorching spherical area. Then, the explosion disappeared, and the terrible heat quickly dispersed. The creatures that were not affected quickly felt a terrible heat covering their whole bodies. What they didn't know was that this was an extremely terrifying thermal radiation, the aftermath of an explosion that was comparable to a miniature nuclear bomb.

A huge pit appeared in the area where the explosion occurred, and the entire archer unit was completely wiped out by a spell from Titanissa.

The priest gritted his teeth and was about to cast his magic when Imrik's figure suddenly appeared behind him.

Level 5 psychic power: [Extremely effective and powerful power penetration—mind crushing].

The psychic power, which was strengthened by super power and invested with a full 241 psychic points, formed a terrifying psychic power and rushed into the priest's mind. A black mountain appeared in the priest's mind, crushing the fragile mind of the priest like Mount Tai. broken.

The priest's four-ring divine spell [Anti-death Barrier] took effect. This blow was enough to kill him completely, but the [Anti-Death Barrier] forcibly blocked his blood. He fell to the ground and gasped for breath. The pain felt like the brain was being torn apart, which was unbearable.

[Anti-death Barrier] can not only defend against various instant death spells, but also has a hidden effect, that is, it can block the most fatal damage for the user. Even if [Psychic Crushing] is enough to kill him completely instantly, he is still protected by [Prevention] Death Barrier] forcibly retained the last life to maintain body functions.

[Extremely effective spell enhancement—chain lightning]×20.

Imrik's body erupted with intense lightning, and countless thick thunderbolts scattered from his body. Every time the terrible lightning hit a drow, it would immediately split into more thunderbolts, and twenty thunderbolts finally split. It turned into a total of three hundred and forty lightning bolts.

Even the priest who was lying on the ground dying could not escape the disaster in the end and was electrocuted to death on the spot.

Imrik, with full firepower, was like a white hole spewing infinite energy, and the surrounding drow guards and mages were reduced in number at an extremely terrifying speed.

[Dissociation Technique].

With a casual finger, Imric penetrated the head of the last drow mage at his feet, then looked at the tower in front of him and said, "Can we destroy it directly?"

The Mind Flayer Mastermind and the Monk who came behind them were about to take action when Titanissa said, "No, this tomb is protected by ultra-ancient magic. Even the power of legend cannot destroy it."

"However," Titanisa turned to the glowing altars on both sides and said, "these two altars don't seem to be there originally. They may be related to the ceremony that Danifei is performing."

Master Guda looked at the altar that was emitting a faint green light and said, "I can feel that powerful evil auras are constantly appearing in it and being transported to the tower. They must be destroyed."

Master Guda's eyes became fierce, and the muscles all over his body tightened, and a blazing flame appeared on the surface of his body. Master Guda rushed towards the altar on the left, punched the altar, and a green streak A barrier appeared in front of him, but the moment Master Guda's fist came into contact with the green barrier, an extremely violent flame explosion occurred.


Master Guda's fist broke through the defense of the barrier and hit the altar. A strong explosion occurred instantly. Then, Master Guda walked out of it without any scars on his body, only the ruined altar behind him.

"Is this the power of the legendary monk?" Imrik narrowed his eyes. His ability to control flames was average, but his powerful body and strength were surprising.

A punch completely shattered an altar protected by a barrier. Although it was blessed by elemental power, its power probably reached at least 40 points.

Moreover, judging from his calm demeanor, this is probably far from his greatest contribution.

"Sun Flame Strike!"

Master Guda's hands made mysterious gestures like Tai Chi, and his last punch hit another altar through the air. His body burst into flames, and then, an extremely compressed ball of light appeared on the altar.

"Sun Flame Explosion?!" Imric's pupils shrank. This power was very similar to the eight-ring evocation spell that Titanissa had cast just now.

Sure enough, the light ball first collapsed inward, and then an extremely terrifying explosion occurred, swallowing up the entire huge altar, leaving a huge pit in place.

"The control power of the elements is not weak. It can perform long-range attacks with destructive power equivalent to the eighth-level spell." Imrik looked at it in his mind. Compared with warriors, monks are definitely a profession that is outstanding in all aspects. Not only does he have strong physical fitness, but he can also produce various supernatural phenomena by relying on the energy in his body.

“The most important thing is that it has great battery life!”

[Transcendental Saint] can allow the legendary monk to recover a little energy every 6 seconds, so Master Guda can use such powerful power to destroy the altar in a luxurious way. Even a few minutes of walking is enough for him to fully recover the energy he has consumed. .

But it is a pity that the explosive power of the monk is not enough. Whether it is the ability to control elements or physical strength, it is still far from enough to compare with the explosive output of a legendary caster.

But this is normal. If the monk profession has all the advantages, what else do other professions need to do? Among warriors, it is already an extremely outstanding existence.

The destruction of the altar obviously aroused Danifei's rage, and a terrible pressure radiated from the tower.

"How dare you! Interrupt my transformation ceremony! The great lady of decay will kill you all and turn you into fertilizer for fungi!" A hoarse and furious voice came from the tower, and a figure flew out of the tower.

Danifei had completely lost her original elegant and beautiful appearance at this time. Her lower body had completely turned into a plant-like existence. A large number of green fungi covered the brown tree trunks, and her arms and face also had large smears. The sickening swirls of grey, blue, purple and black ringworm oozed a sticky green fluid.

"Damn, it's so disgusting. You're such a lunatic for turning yourself into this for the sake of power." Titanisa yelled in disgust. As a flesh-and-blood animal, she was born with the feeling of becoming such a plant-like existence. disgust.

Danifei sneered and said piously: "Flesh and blood are weak, only fungi are eternal. You don't understand the greatness of the lady and her compassion for all living beings. We will eventually merge into one and become a life form that transcends the multiverse."

Master Guda shook his head, clasped his hands and said: "The devil will not have mercy. You have been controlled. Ms. Danifei, give up. If this continues, your final outcome will only be that your soul falls into the abyss. "

Danifee seemed to be extremely excited after hearing this. She yelled angrily: "Shut up! Fall into the abyss? Even the one I believed in before, the Kingdom of God is also in the abyss! What are the so-called gods and demons? The difference! They are just hypocrites who throw me away like a rag after using me!!"

She took a deep breath, as if she wanted to calm down. She looked at Imrik and said, "You are the little thing who closed the barrier, you really caused me a lot of trouble."

Danifei's face was grim, and then he pointed at Imric sharply.

[Law and Order·Death]!

Most of Danifei's body has been transformed into the existence of the fungus demon, and the terrifying energy has begun to take effect. The result is that she has awakened a large number of spell-like abilities, and this powerful nine-ring enchantment spell is one of them.

The terrifying power of death landed on Imric's head, but then, this invisible power disappeared as if nothing happened. Danifei frowned, not understanding why the spell lost its effect.

[Law of Death] is different from [Finger of Death]. It can directly kill any existence with a life level lower than level 16 without requiring a save. This is extremely powerful, but the side effect is that it is not like [Death]. One finger] Generally, you can enjoy the advantages brought by the caster level. Even if the level is higher, it can only be used as a spell to kill miscellaneous fish.

But the mage in front of her, she could tell, was only a professional level 14. As a human, it was impossible to surpass the 14th life level. How could he be able to withstand the power of [Law and Death]?

What she didn't know was that Imrik, who had eaten several real dragons in a certain world, had now reached a life level of 32, which was far beyond what the cruel spell of [Law of Death] could do. Scope of effect.

Four thousand words for one chapter, and there will be another chapter later, and today it is eight thousand words

The metamagic name of a superpower is a superpower, which is the same as a metamagic feat. Just an amplifying ability

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