Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 211 Surrender or die

The warning from the drow on the watchtower caused panic among the many guards guarding the city. At this time, tiny shadows of the monster army in the distance appeared on the horizon.

Countless monsters occupied the rocks and giant mushrooms outside the city, holding swords and bows in their hands. Above the huge rock cave, an ancient green dragon was hovering.

The guards guarding the city sounded the alarm bell that resounded throughout the city. It has been hundreds of years since the prestige of Eredelin City was established. This is the first time that monsters other than mind flayers have attacked the city.

In the center of Eredelin City, in the First Family, the matron, Danifei, looked displeased after hearing the alarm. She thought it was a failure on the front line, and the Mind Flayer's slave army had broken through the defenses.

The mistress raised a hand, and the magical aura showed the scene outside the city in front of her.

"An ancient green dragon? Damn it, why are you here at this time." The mistress' face was gloomy. Most of the army in Eredlin City was now confronting the Mind Flayer. The army in the city was empty, and it was really difficult to defeat four hands with one fist.

"Negives!" the mistress shouted. Negives, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, glanced at Sanghasu who was also waiting beside her with a proud look and walked in.

"Mother." Negeves knelt on the ground, respectfully waiting for her mistress's order.

The mistress said angrily: "Lead the city defenders and destroy that army of monsters for me! It's best to chop off the head of the green dragon!"

Negeves was quite surprised. She didn't expect that her mother would send her to take control of the military. Logically speaking, the enemy had already arrived at the city, and the army was empty. With her mother's temperament, she should have taken the initiative to stand up and crush the enemy with powerful force. That's right, a bunch of monsters.

Could it be

A cold light flashed in Negevese's eyes, as if all kinds of conspiracies and plots were brewing in her heart.

The mistress frowned, looked at the silent Negeves with sharp eyes and shouted sternly: "What are you thinking about? Go quickly!"

Negeves quickly raised her head and said in panic: "I'm sorry, mother, I will never let you down."

Then, she left the sacred hall.

The mistress looked at her leaving figure gloomily and took out the hand hidden under her sleeve. A piece of plaque was slowly growing on her hand, like a living animal.

"Damn Green Dragon, why did you choose this time? Could it be that someone knew about my situation and sold the information about me?" the mistress guessed in a low voice in surprise.

"Is it that beholder?" The mistress then shook her head, as if she didn't believe her absurd reasoning.

"This power was given to me by the master behind her. It shouldn't be that beholder. Is it really just a coincidence?"

The mistress looked at the plaque on her hands, with a trace of worry in her eyes.


Outside the city of Iredelin, the green dragon sent the silver mirror to the ground. The ancient spell caused the silver mirror to rise into the sky, emitting a silver stream of light.

Imrik's voice came through the silver mirror: "Has the Mistress appeared?"

Titanisha shook her head and said, "No, I've been waiting here for half an hour, and I haven't seen anything except the group of defenders."

Yin Jing made an unexpected sound: "Didn't show up? This is a bit unreasonable, isn't it? The monster army has already arrived at the city, and there is also an ancient green dragon. The mistress didn't show up? Could it be that she wanted to sneak attack after we got close?"

Imrik learned through his clone that as early as half an hour ago, the mistress had notified Negeves to see her, so the other party must be in the city, but now there is no response.

Imrik, who was in the magic crystal tower, had a subtle flash in his eyes. Could it be that the mistress was temporarily unable to escape because of something?

Imrik, who was standing in front of the Mirror of Prophecy, began to cast spells. He wanted to test the reality of Eredlin City at this time.

The high-altitude silver mirror began to gather magic power, and the vortex in the center rotated rapidly, and was even dyed blue by the powerful magic power. Strong winds began to appear, and dark clouds began to appear in the sky of the cave.

[Extremely effective expansion—Imrik’s control of wind].

At the central vortex of the silver mirror, huge magic power spurted out as the spell was completed. The runes around the silver mirror flowed rapidly, forming a dazzling halo. Under the action of the spell, the magic power turned into an endless stream along the magic network. The wind was getting stronger and stronger at the gate of Eredelin City.

"Damn it, the opponent has released a spell! How is it possible? At this distance, [controlling the weather] can't even do it." Negeves stood on the city wall with a gloomy face. The army in the distance was at least three miles away. , how did the other party complete the spell casting at such a long distance.

But she had no time to think about this. The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and a huge tornado had even formed outside the city gate. Iredelin City had a basic barrier to defend the entire city, but its main function was to prevent [transportation from other worlds] Such mobile spells cannot protect against natural hazards like the powerful [Mystery Lock] of the elves.

The tornado that penetrated the cave world slowly approached the city wall under the influence of magic. The strong wind blew countless slaves and drow away. The silver mirror suspended in the sky was like the Lord of Winds, controlling the terrifying natural power to sweep everything. .

The green dragon looked at the spell in front of him with dumbfounded eyes and said, "Are you a super magician who has strengthened [controlling the weather]?"

Then, she looked at the drow elves at the city wall with gloating: "Some of them have a headache with this level of spells. I want to see if the mistress can still sit still."

But unfortunately, the Green Dragon's idea did not come true. Facing the huge tornado, Negeves, who was in charge of the army, chose to retreat. She ordered all the soldiers to take shelter in the buildings. The grand and hard stone walls of the drow city were not It could be dismantled by a tornado, and Imrik's spell slowly dissipated after ravaging the city wall and pedestrians on the nearby streets.

"The range is good, but the attack power is a bit weak." Imric sighed, but [Control the Wind] was originally only a fourth-level spell. If Imric hadn't made improvements, the range would have been much smaller than it is now. times.

As the tornado disappeared, the drow army climbed out of the building, and Negevis was quite confident. She believed that the opponent would not be able to release this level of power again.

Titanisha couldn't wait any longer at this time. Such a large-scale spell did not cause the mistress to appear. She judged that the other party must be in some kind of dilemma that she couldn't get out of. This was an excellent opportunity.

"Army attack!"

The green dragon let out a huge roar, and countless monsters began to move towards the gate of Eredelin City.

When Negeves saw the ancient green dragon flying in the distance and the monster army beneath her, her pupils shrank and she shouted: "Get ready for the impact!"

The troops on the city wall began to line up, and a large number of alchemical explosives and hot oil barrels were taken out to beat the enemy. The silver mirror suspended in the air used magic to increase the volume, and a chilling sound resounded throughout the battlefield.

"Surrender, or die."

In the center of the silver mirror, the vortex rotates rapidly again, and powerful magic is ready to go.

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