Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 162 Slavery and Dragon Disaster

The towering magic crystal tower attracted the attention of many people. Whether it was the forces in the dark or on the surface, they were all whispering about the identity of this mage who had made a big move in the port area.

The first one who couldn't sit still was the Thieves Guild who bore the brunt of facing the Magic Crystal Tower. In fact, they had already sent assassins to get information, but often before they got close to the Magic Crystal Tower, they were flashed by a dazzling magical light. Blinded.

A short, fat man with a simple face and unusually light movements appeared on the street. He had several gorgeous magic rings on his hands, and was followed by several seemingly well-trained rogues. He was a member of the Thieves Guild. President Wally Yunus.

At this time, he was standing in front of the Magic Crystal Tower. As the leader of the underground forces in Waterdeep City, he knew that he had to meet the mage who built the Mage Tower within his own sphere of influence.

Just when he was about to send someone to knock on the door, the door of the Magic Crystal Tower opened.

Wally was about to enter the door when Clinshinibon's words transmitted through telepathy stopped him: "Human, let your guards wait outside the door."

Wally felt a little unhappy, but he knew that mages were relatively solitary people. He also believed that in public, if this mage wanted to harm him, it would be the same whether or not the guards behind him were present. More importantly, the owner of this voice There seemed to be an imperceptible temptation, which made Wally want to obey the other party's words.

Wally ordered the guards behind him to stay where they were and walked into the Magic Crystal Tower alone. The door of the Magic Crystal Tower slammed shut after he entered, leaving only a few subordinates looking at each other. They didn't know why their boss was so brave today. big.

"Mr. Saul, how should I find you?" Wally stood in the hall on the first floor, looking at the empty surroundings and feeling a little uncomfortable. Suddenly, an invisible force enveloped Wally before he could react. , the body was transported to an unknown place.

At first, he was a little panicked, but then he regained his composure and tidied his clothes. He looked up and saw that it was a wide hall with a height of ten meters. In the center was a gorgeous throne made of magic crystal. Sitting on it was a handsome man wearing a gorgeous black mage robe.

Wally knew that the person in front of him was the real owner he was looking for, the holder of the Magic Crystal Tower, a nine-ring mage, even stronger! However, he is not someone to be trifled with. If he dares to refuse his proposal, he is just a fragile mage. He doesn't believe that he can survive by sending various assassins to assassinate him at night!

He took a deep breath and said with confidence: "Hello, Lord of the Magic Crystal Tower, I am the president of the Thieves Guild of Waterdeep City, Wo."

Before he finished speaking, the mage on the throne interrupted: "Wally Yunus, what do you want to do here?"

The coherent words in Wally's mind were interrupted for a moment, but he soon regained his composure and said: "Powerful mage, Wally is here to provide convenience to you. I believe you also know, thief The guild is the largest force that rules the port area, and only by reaching a close cooperative relationship can we achieve better mutual benefit."

Imrik chuckled lightly. Mutual benefit is also based on the equal strength of both parties. He said foolishly: "Mutual benefit? I don't think. I think you should surrender to me."

Wally heard Imric's words and suddenly felt something bad. Just as he was about to run away, Imric raised a hand and pointed it at him.


Outside the tower, the sunlight in the sky dimmed again for a moment, and the radiance of the Magic Crystal Tower also emitted a burst of bright or dark fluctuations, causing several wanderers outside to look uneasy.

A ray of pink light shot from Imrik's hand to Wally Yunus. His expression changed drastically, and he quickly activated various defensive spells on the magic ring, but to no avail.

The pink ray passed through [Endure Elemental Damage], [Force Field Wall], [Fire Shield] and other defensive spells as if it were nothing, and reached Wally's chest.

Wally's whole body seemed to be held up by some unknown force and suspended in mid-air. His head seemed to have no support and fell backwards. His eyes turned pure white without any black eyes. His whole body was shaking crazily, as if he was fighting something terrible. something to fight against.

After a long time, Wally's body seemed to have lost its support and fell to the ground from the air. He struggled to get up, looked at Imric and knelt down respectfully and said: "Greetings to the master, your loyal slave Wally will serve for you." You give it your all and complete your mission.”

Imrik, who was sitting on the throne, smiled. [Slavery] is indeed a legendary spell. Without its help, it would not be easy to control an entire Thieves Guild without any bloodshed.

"Wally Yunus, take control of the Thieves Guild and develop the Thieves Guild, just like you always do. Don't let outsiders see that you are serving me." Imrik ordered.

Then, as if he remembered something, he asked: "Oh, by the way, one more thing, there seems to be some Sword Coast Summit held in Waterdeep City recently? Do you know what the situation is?"

After hearing this, Wally raised his head and replied: "Master, I really know this. In fact, I also know the culprits of this Sword Coast Summit. They are called the [Dragon Witch Cult], and they are a group that extremely worships dragons." sect.

A few months ago, a group of adventurers reportedly discovered the conspiracy of the Dragon Witch Cult and heard that they were planning to summon some powerful being. After Lord Kelburn found out, he planned to convene a Sword Coast Summit to discuss and resolve the issue with many forces in the Sword Coast. The methods of the Dragon Witch Cult conspiracy.

But recently, it seems that everyone in the Dragon Witch Cult is not to be outdone. They don't know what method they used to attract a large number of giant dragons to attack small cities and villages in various areas of the Sword Coast. A large number of areas have suffered devastating blows from true dragons. This Another purpose of the Sword Coast Summit is to solve this dragon disaster. "

Imric touched his chin and said with interest: "Oh? So it seems that the Dragon Witch Cult and dragons have an inseparable relationship?"

Shattered Demon Crystal said at this time: "Master, the Dragon Witch Cult seems to be an organization that wants to transform dragons into lichs. When I controlled [Ice Death], I saw from his memory that the group of people were still alive. I approached him and tried to sell him the benefits of becoming a dracolich, but he kicked me out."

"Oh? Dracolich? Interesting." Imrik's eyes flashed. For such an organization that is dedicated to transforming dragons into lichs, there must be a large number of mages and a large amount of magic knowledge recorded. He had to say, The bait Kelben set made him a little greedy.

"Clinshinibon, contact Kelben for me and tell him that I want to participate in the Sword Coast Summit." Imrik clapped his hands and decided. Now that he has a near-legendary combat power, he is obviously qualified. Having a place in front of many forces in the Sword Coast and participating in the Sword Coast Summit is also Kelben's own purpose.

Depending on the situation in the afternoon, I might update a chapter in the evening. - But I can’t guarantee it. I’ll add another chapter when I have time when I get back from driving lessons.

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