Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 127 [Two chapters combined into one] Imrik’s shape change technique

After gaining Blackbeard's allegiance, Imric entered the captain's cabin, where there was a huge treasure chest.

Blackbeard said from the side: "Here are the trophies that I have treasured for many years." After Imrik opened the treasure chest. It was found that there were a large number of bottles inside, and the bottles contained small models of giant ships.

After casting [Detect Magic], Imrik saw that each giant ship model had a strong magical aura on it.

"It's amazing." Imrik sighed.

He took down a bottle and studied it. Every giant ship in the bottle here was attached with a spell similar to the [Shrinking Spell], but their effects were countless times more powerful than the Shrinking Spell. Will one. The massive ship weighing hundreds of tons was transformed into a model small enough to fit inside a bottle.

Blackbeard saw this mysterious wizard. With an expression of wonder at his trophies, he said proudly: "I used the ultimate secret of voodoo - transformation witchcraft to seal the original shape of these giant ships."

I have to say that there is still a lot of magic in the world of Pirates of the Caribbean. This is called transformation witchcraft. I'm afraid it has reached the level of at least seven-ring spells on Faerun. No, even many seven-ring spells cannot do this.

And every bottle here seems to have been cast with constant magic, sealing these giant ships permanently within the bottle.

Imrik closed the door to the treasure chest. This transformation spell will be the focus of his research. through this spell. Maybe he could develop it. A spell that can greatly increase your size.

And this sword. Imric gently touched the Sword of Triton in his hand. This supreme treasure from Voodoo can actually control all ships.

Imric wondered where his limits were? Are they all normal ships, or are they enchanted ships? Or, as long as it is a human creation that fits the concept of a ship, it can be controlled.

In comparison, another ability of the Sword of Triton, which is the ability to control strong winds and ocean currents to a limited extent, is less outstanding. With Imric's current spellcasting level, even using wind creation can have the same effect, and wind creation is only a second-level spell.

Imric gently raised the Sword of Triton and closed his eyes. He felt that the sword radiated a powerful magic power. As the mage gave the order. The Queen Anne's Revenge actually moved without anyone controlling it. A strong gust of wind appeared, and the waves on the ocean slowly rose. The Queen Anne's Revenge sailed into the distance under the moonlight.


Imrik raised the apple in his hand, and the invisible power of his mind suspended the apple in the air. He closed his eyes and chanted a spell under his breath. As the spell ended, the apple became larger and larger, like a huge balloon, and Imrik stopped.

It has been more than a month since the Queen Anne's Revenge sailed out of the sea. During this month, Imric developed a four-ring spell by studying Blackbeard's transformation witchcraft. Imric named it [Imrik's Shape Change Technique].

According to the design concept of the spell model, each cast of this spell requires the consumption of a rainbow stone representing change worth 2,500 gold coins. Since the casting materials are extremely expensive, the effect of this fourth-level spell is outrageous. per spellcasting level. Imrik can double the size of an object.

With Imric's current level 10 caster level. It doubles the size of the recipient elevenfold. The effect of this spell can be said to be extremely outrageous, and its duration is as long as six minutes per caster level. Although this spell does not increase any attributes of the subject, in many cases the size represents strength. With a huge size bonus, even if the attributes are the same, the power of the huge creature between the two creatures will definitely crush the smaller creature.

besides. Rick also looked at other witchcraft in Blackbeard's private collection of voodoo books, but compared to this transformation witchcraft, other witchcraft were too useless.

for example. The black witchcraft used by Blackbeard to create zombies, the principle of this witchcraft is actually to summon a so-called purgatory flame. After being burned by this kind of flame, if the subject can withstand it, the subject can be infiltrated by the undead breath in this purgatory flame and become a creature similar to the living dead.

The burning of this purgatory flame can give the subject an invulnerable body, and can make all the vital points on the subject's body disappear. This zombie cannot die unless the head is cut off.

It sounds powerful, but in Faerûn, almost all undead creatures are difficult to kill. Even if you cut off the head of a skeleton, its body can still move freely and jump towards you.

The only advantage of this black magic that creates zombies is that it keeps the subject in a state similar to that of a living being, and does not completely fall into the state of an undead creature. The price of course is that these zombies cannot live forever like real undead creatures.

Blood is still flowing through the veins in their bodies. This blood brings energy to their bodies. The real undead creatures rely on negative energy to survive, so these living dead will eventually grow old and die like living creatures.

"Lord Imrik."

Blackbeard knocked on the door of the captain's cabin, walked in and said.

"We are about to reach Spanish territorial waters."

Eric nodded. These past three months. The Queen Anne's Revenge had been sailing at full speed at sea. All the way from the UK. Arrive in Spain. He had already confirmed it with Blackbeard. Blackbeard has not yet received the prophecy that he will be killed by Captain Bassab, which means that the plot about the fourth Fountain of Youth has not yet unfolded.

Regarding this pirate world, Imric not only wanted to build this world into his own logistical garden, but he also extremely longed for the Fountain of Youth. As long as he masters this fountain of youth, he no longer needs to worry about lifespan.

And he was very curious as to what principle the Fountain of Youth used to plunder a person's lifespan, even the lifespan that the person had already spent, and add it to another person. He suspected that the plunder of the Fountain of Youth had touched upon the essence of life. It is very possible that the opportunity for breakthrough in the [life] subject you are studying is here.

After arriving in the Caribbean, Imrik can go and take a look. Did Elizabeth meet Jack Sparrow to determine the actual plot development time?

As for the British mainland, leave it to Bishop Samuel. If he gained the power of a mage and could mass-produce his subordinates without letting the other party get ahead in this age of law-ending, Imric would no longer need such incompetent subordinates.

Passed through Spanish territorial waters. The Queen Anne's Revenge arrives in the Caribbean. This is where the plot of Pirates of the Caribbean takes place.

In the first half of the 18th century, Spain's maritime hegemony gradually declined, and the Atlantic Fleet of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets gradually emerged in the world. And in this Caribbean area where pirates thrive. It is one of the few areas that even the British fleet cannot fully control.

Royal Governor's Harbor, a British colony in the Caribbean. In the plot, Jack Sparrow first appears here and meets Elizabeth and Will Turner.

"Ahead is the British Royal Governor's Port. Lord Imric." Blackbeard stood on the deck. Said to the mage on the side.

Eric looked at the prototype of the island in the distance and said, "I can just go there by myself. You manage these sailors on the ship and find a place nearby to wait for me."

The reputation of the Queen Anne's Revenge was too great, and the terrifying name of the Dark Wizard resounded throughout the ocean. If the ship appeared in the sight of the British Royal Governor's Harbor, it might cause riots. In order to reduce trouble, Imric decided to go alone.

"Sky Mastery."

A pair of transparent feather wings appeared behind Imric. He flew into the sky and disappeared from sight under Blackbeard's envious eyes.


Royal Governor's Harbor.

Imrik, dressed in a luxurious gentleman's tuxedo, appeared on the dock. The Royal Navy on the side saw Imrik's luxurious clothing and did not dare to ask more questions.

Imric walked towards the Royal Marines who were standing aside. There was a bewitching look in his eyes. Smiling and asked him: "Tell me, soldier. Has Governor Swan's daughter Elizabeth been kidnapped?"

The Royal Navy, who was confused by the secret [Suggestion Technique], stood sluggishly for a while and said: "Kidnapping? No one dares to kidnap the governor's daughter."

Imrik was overjoyed. It seemed that the plot of the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie had not happened yet. Elizabeth has not yet been kidnapped by the group of undead pirates who robbed the Black Pearl. Next, I just need to wait here for Jack Sparrow's arrival.

Only Jack Sparrow knows the location of the Fountain of Youth. If he is not found, Imrik can only wait until the fourth plot happens to break into the Spanish royal family to find the map.

"Look! It's Brigadier General Norrington's army back!"

The dock was in an uproar at this time. Imric followed the gazes of passers-by and saw a fleet appearing in the distance. Eric squinted his eyes and looked at Commodore Norrington standing on the fleet in the distance. He would have a big role to play next.

The fleet docked. A group of British Royal Marines disembarked from the warship. The leader was a young and handsome man in a brigadier general's uniform.

The passers-by on the side saw that Brigadier General Norrington reacted extremely enthusiastically, which was not what Imric imagined.

Although many years have passed, he still remembers the general plot of the original work relatively clearly.

Brigadier General Norrington pursues the Governor's daughter Elizabeth, but Elizabeth has already fallen in love with William Turner, a poor blacksmith. In such a plot, the image portrayed by Brigadier Norrington is undoubtedly a relatively villainous character.

But this is also very realistic. In love, everyone is selfish. But if Brigadier General Norrington can achieve this position, he must have something of his own. The attitude of these passers-by at Royal Governor's Harbor towards him. It proved that he was at least a popular general.

Brigadier General Norrington couldn't wait to order the soldiers to return to the barracks, and then went to Governor Swan's home alone. Today is the day when he will be canonized as brigadier general, and it is also the day when he is going to propose to Elizabeth.

In fact, on the way back, he seemed to see traces of the legendary Queen Anne's Revenge. But in order not to miss today’s plan. He pretended not to see it and ordered the fleet to return to port.

After Eric cast [Advanced Invisibility] on himself, he secretly followed Brigadier Norrington. They walked all the way through the Royal Governor's Harbor and arrived at a tall castle building built on a hillside.

The servant at the door saw Brigadier General Norrington arriving. He hurriedly opened the door and informed Governor Swann.

A middle-aged man in rich clothes and a good-looking man. A fair-skinned woman came down from the second floor to greet Brigadier Norrington.

"Is this Elizabeth?" Imrik thought to himself when he saw the seemingly innocent girl behind the middle-aged man.

He knew that Elizabeth was not a simple woman. Bold, cruel, and selfish. In fact, this seemingly innocent girl would sacrifice the man she loves most for herself.

Imric admired her philosophy of life. This is very similar to how he behaves.

There was a hint of boredom in Elizabeth's eyes as she reluctantly dealt with the eager Brigadier Norrington in front of her. at this time. The doorman came in again. Behind him was a handsome-looking man in civilian clothes with a sharp sword in his hand.

He is William Turner. He is also Elizabeth's sweetheart. Sure enough, when Elizabeth saw William Turner, her whole look changed. Compared to dealing with Brigadier General Norrington, he looked at William Turner with eyes full of love.

However, it is obvious that Brigadier Norrington, who was blindly in love and could not help himself, and Governor Swan, who was indifferent, did not realize that their daughter Elizabeth had already fallen in love.

"Beautiful Elizabeth, may I have the honor to take you for a walk on the beach?" Commodore Norrington invited Elizabeth on a date. Under the encouraging eyes of Governor Swan, Elizabeth had no choice but to agree.

Watching the two people leaving. William Turner looked into the distance with fascination in his eyes. This poor boy who was born as a blacksmith also deeply loved Governor Swan's daughter, but it was a pity that their status was very different. Under normal circumstances, this love is destined to be fruitless.

It seemed that Jack Sperm was about to arrive. The invisible Imrik looked at everything in front of him with a smile on his lips.

After Governor Swan returned to the study, when he was about to open the files and deal with official business, a man in black robe suddenly appeared in the office.

"You, who are you!" Governor Swann was shocked. scolded angrily.

Imrik did not speak, but walked up to him. A bewildering look flashed in his eyes.

"Remember, I am a noble from London, Earl Seth. I will stay with you during this period. No matter what I ask for, you must do your best to fulfill my request."

Imric planted the seeds of hypnosis in Governor Swann's heart. Coupled with the fourth-level psychic power to tamper with memory, Governor Swan's memory from five minutes ago was modified.

When Swann came back to his senses, he looked at Imrik in front of him. Different from his previous vigilant attitude, he said enthusiastically: "Ah, Count Seth. Why did you come to me? Here you go. Are you still used to staying in the arranged guest room?”

Eric smiled and said, "Excellent, Governor Swan."

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