Lord Of Plants: Speed ​​Up Time By 100 Times At The Start!

Chapter 96: Change of candidate list, sensational! Secret news of the city of domination! (please cu

"Have you found Demon King Zhao?" Muse looked at Nangong Shang with a smile.

"More than finding it!" Nangong Shang said excitedly, "He built a kingdom and has a third-order nine-star fire ring!"

"Furthermore, those second- and third-order divine soldiers and bones were all sold by him!"

"Oh? Muse was surprised, "If I remember correctly, he has not been in the fire civilization for less than half a year?"

"Four months and twenty days!" Nangong Shang rubbed his nonexistent eyes, "He is now a star lord!"

"And you don't know, just now, I met him and shot..."

"Director Liu, I just got some exciting news." Nangong Shang and Muse finished talking, and then reported to his boss.

"It's Nangong." Director Liu showed a slight smile, "Tell me, what interesting things did you find?"

"It's news about the lord candidate Zhao Xing." Nangong Shang said.

"Oh?" Liu Fang's heart moved when he heard the name, "Tell me now.

"Yes." Nangong Shang repeated his analysis again.

The silver-moon-level lord was also stunned after hearing this.

"you sure?"

"Yes, I have seen it with my own eyes, the level of the fire ring can't go wrong." Nangong Shang said.

"And Zhao Xing's candidate ranking, we were ranked out of the top 100 before, is obviously unreasonable.

"We had to update his ranking sooner. 35

"It is necessary to update his ranking." Liu Fang nodded, "Otherwise, it will damage the credibility of our Star Alliance.""

The Star Alliance serves countless lords, and there are branches all over the empire.

Screen the important news of this galaxy for countless lords.

Among them, the 'Beihe Lord Candidate' has always been the hottest topic in the Northern River Galaxy.

The ranking of candidates formulated by the Star Alliance is to include 1,000 talented and powerful people who have the hope of becoming the Lord of the North River.

Of course, the Star Alliance is a semi-official "one six seven" party, and will not reveal important information such as the candidate's unique skills and detailed strength.

It will only announce some records, realms, achievements, etc. that can be said.

Many geniuses are proud to be in this ranking of the Star Alliance.

Because this is for the audience of the entire empire.

Fame, glory, and practical benefits are all great.

Many people are even begging to be on some famous lists of the Star Alliance.

For example, "Mechanical Spaceship Performance Ranking".

If a mechanical spaceship developed by any force can make it to this list, it will definitely increase its sales!

There are also many such as "Star Lord Battle Power List".

Once on the list, that comes with fame!

Maybe a big boss from a distant galaxy, after reading this list, contacted through the virtual world, took the initiative to accept it as a disciple, and so on.

In short... the various lists of the Star Alliance have a very large publicity effect on the popularity.

However, the Star Alliance has always maintained its authority.

That kind of important list is generally an intelligent life audit.

Absolutely no human intervention.

"I will immediately submit an application for a replacement ranking, and confirm with the military and the parliament." Liu Yuan said, "Nangong, you did a good job this time."5

"It is my duty to contribute to the alliance." Nangong Shang also smiled.

The efficiency of the Star Alliance is very fast.

After multiple confirmations, the [North River Lord Candidate List] will be updated.

After updating the list, it is already evening.

This is also the time when the number of people in the virtual world is the largest, and the big companies, big forces, and powerhouses who have followed this list all received the push at the same time.

Among them is the Krach Congressman who is busy at the base.

"Lord Kuntos, I have signed the agreement for your family to develop the barren planet in the H56 sector, don't worry, your family will only make money.

"Thank you Councilor. An old man with a white beard smiled humbly, "If Councillor is free, please come to my planet. I have prepared some modest gifts..."


Clarke's face changed.

"What, the Star Alliance updated the ranking of the list, so Zhao Xing, actually ranked 18th? 35

Krach's face was gloomy. He didn't want his subordinates to see the gaffe, so he cut off the communication directly.

On the other side, Kuntos was confused.

"We had a good chat just now, what's wrong with Senator Krach? The Star Alliance list is updated, why is he suddenly angry?

Kuntos also immediately opened the list to take a look.

"Huh? The top 20 candidates have changed... Zhao Xing?"

"The Star Alliance ranked him eighteenth?

Quintos looked incredulous.

You must know that the Star Alliance's list is very authoritative.

Even if it is different from the ranking of the military, it will not be too far off.

However, now, a Zhao Xing suddenly appeared!

"In more than two years, after graduating from the Primordial Realm, I became a star lord, sh... What kind of pervert has happened to the blue star!

After being shocked for a moment, Kuntos immediately called his elite team: "Come on, go to Azure Star to buy assets, land, real estate...anything that can be bought, buy it for me!""

"Blue Star has such talents, and it will definitely appreciate in the future!


Azure Star, Mo Feng, Pang Long, Xiao Tian and several other star lords are sitting and drinking together.

But they are not the protagonists, the only two senior lords are sitting on the main seat.

"Brother Zhao, come and taste the thousand-year-old brew prepared by my Pang. This is a good thing I bought from a first-class galaxy. 35

Pang Long toasted a middle-aged man on the main seat, who was Zhao Xing's father Zhao Long.

"This, this is so embarrassing." Zhao Long said quickly, "Today is Brother Mo's birthday, and he should taste it first.

"My brother is out now." Mo Feng smiled and said, "I've lived for six or seven hundred years, so what's the point of celebrating my birthday once a year?"

"Today is just a small gathering of us."

"Well, then I'll be more respectful than obedient." Zhao Long smiled.

He was really happy. In the past, how could there be such an opportunity to sit with the star lord and exchange cups?

However, now, the Zhao family has become the No. 1 family in Azure Star.

Although most affairs were handled by his daughter-in-law Fang Qingxue, his status as Zhao Long also rose with the tide.

"I don't know what important things my son has done in the source world. The people at the helm of these families are more and more respectful to me."

Zhao Long sighed in his heart.

Although his face was flushed from drinking, his heart was very clear.

Only eat and drink, involving important issues, will be handed over to a professional team.

virtual reality.

a negotiating table.

"Ms. Fang, we are sorry that the Mengli Consortium cannot accept this cooperation plan. Please give the Zhao Group a serious consideration and show some sincerity." A man said proudly.

"Let me discuss with the assistants." Fang Qingxue nodded and appeared in another room, where a group of elites were busy and calculating.

"Miss Fang, the current cooperation plan is already the limit we can accept. If we go backwards, we will not be able to make any profit in 50 years." An assistant said.

"The Mengli consortium said they were sincere, but in fact they had no sincerity."

"The suggestion of the think tank is to cancel this cooperation.

Fang Qingxue nodded, "I see, let me think about it again.

But not long after, suddenly—

The assistant ran over excitedly.

"Miss Fang, Mengli Group has agreed to the cooperation plan, and it is asking us to sign the original contract!

"This...how is this possible?" Fang Qingxue was a little surprised. The original contract was drafted by her side deliberately raising the conditions, in order to let the other party bargain.

Now, Mengli Group has actually agreed, and is still cooperating according to the original plan?

"There won't be any fraud, right?" Fang Qingxue frowned, "Find the reason for me, I'd rather not sign than be fooled. 35

"Miss Fang." Another assistant came over, "We have already learned the reason why Mengli Group changed its mind.

"It's because of the boss that he was on the list of lord candidates in the Star Alliance, and he was the eighteenth!"

The boss that the assistants said was naturally only one person, Zhao Xing. After all, the group itself was called the Zhao Group.

"Husband became the 18th candidate for Lord Beihe?" Fang Qing was stunned.

The update of the list will spread quickly.

Many low-level lords are just watching the excitement, after all, the rankings are constantly changing.

There is no guarantee that someone has passed the age and left the list.

But for the many big families and forces in the Northern River Galaxy, this is tantamount to a heavyweight change!

According to some news released by the Star Alliance.

Zhao Xing is not yet 27 years old and has become a star lord.

And in the source world, he has obtained the achievement of the emperor-level fire hunter!

The meaning is completely different from before.

When he graduated from the Primordial Realm, he didn't even reach the extraordinary, so he was just a genius at most.

It will take a long time to become a strong person and affect the situation of one party.

But now that Zhao Xing has become a star lord, the concept is completely different.

The star lord can already be regarded as a strong man.

What's more, Zhao Xing is still so young!

The rise and fall of a family and a force depends on the number of strong people!

Now, Zhao Xing is in the Tinder world, and no one can contact him.

Therefore, these big families and forces all ran to Azure Star, or asked someone to find a relationship to find a way to contact Zhao Xing... At this moment.

The upper circle of the entire North River galaxy is talking about Zhao Xing!

The virtual world, in a luxury manor.

"Helianlie, look at your junior and senior brothers, you don't care about anything, everyone is looking for me." Yun Duo said, "How tired I am."

"Marquis Yun. Helianlie smiled and said, "Don't take me with you when you complain, my weight is much smaller than my junior brother.

"Those big forces are less than half of the junior brothers who are looking for me."

"Junior brother is so fast, it didn't take long for me to break through the star lord, he caught up."

"Don't be discouraged." Yun Duo patted Helianlie on the shoulder, "You are also one of the candidates now. Although you are not as perverted as your junior brother, your future is limitless. 99

"Yes, I will continue to work hard." Helianlie clenched his fist.

The source world, the space city.

"Huh? I didn't expect that my ranking would make such a big noise?" After getting the Soul Spirit Grass, Zhao Xing returned to Space City shortly after.

When No. 0 reconnected, he immediately received a lot of news, some from Azure Star's family, some friends, and some well-known forces in the North River Galaxy.

That treat and invitation, the general star lord, is afraid that they will be excited.

However, that is only for ordinary star lords.

Zhao Xing is also calmer now.

"I have time to accelerate and SS-level talent, and I will not be short of money in the future." Zhao Xing smiled.

"The current cash cows already have the fruit of life and the soul grass, and with these two alone, they will be able to lie down and collect money in the future.

SS-level talent, empowering and strengthening, you can choose four directions of combat, defense, support, and reproduction to strengthen the effect.

Coupled with the acceleration brought by the Time God Tree, Zhao Xing can cultivate some natural treasures, and the cost is much lower than others. What's more, the soul grass is still a relatively rare treasure.

"This soul grass, I have to give Master points. Zhao Xing returned to the lord's hall in the space city.

The first is the immersive practice of "Yan Shen Jue", which is a technological means.

Second, I plan to give some samples to Master Gu Luohe for research.

After all, the teacher can cultivate tenacious vines to the emperor level!

There is no end to learning, Zhao Xing also wants to take the opportunity to learn more with Gu Luohe.

"Teacher, Soul Spirit Grass, I have found it.

"Bring it back specially to honor the teacher.

In front of the inner world wooden house, Zhao Xing released a soul grass.

"You really found it?" Gu Luohe also looked at the black grass with interest.

"I'm lucky, there are just 10 seedlings in the Fire Origin Temple, and no one knows their value. I spent 200 million high-level Primordial Crystals and replaced them all. Zhao Xing smiled.

The aborigines of the Tinder Continent have no plant lords, so they can see the role of those plant life at a glance.

Even in the Empire, the soul grass is rare, and the white bone tree is only mentioned in a few documents.

"Not bad." Gu Luohe smiled and said, "This soul grass is very difficult to survive, so the teacher will help you raise two plants."

"I'll let you know when it turns out later.

"Yes." Zhao Xing nodded, in fact, he was not afraid that the soul grass would fail.

"By the way, teacher, I also got a piece of news on Tinder Continent. It is said that the city of domination of Tinder Continent is about to be born. 55

"Teacher, is there any news on the Empire's side? Is this news true or false?

Zhao Xing felt that if the news was true, then the empire would definitely move.

So you don't have to go to the field to find out by yourself, just ask the teacher directly.

Gu Luohe is the pinnacle of the sun level, and it is stationed in the source realm.

If there is any news, he should have the right to know.

"Haha, do you want to hear this from the teacher?" Gu Luohe smiled, "It stands to reason that I can't tell you this."

"But who made you a disciple of my Gu Luohe.

"This news is true."

"Is it true?" Zhao Xing was stunned, he thought it was a rumor, but he didn't expect it to be true?

"There is such a treasure indeed."

Gu Luohe Road: "The secret archives of the empire recorded that the 4.3 Continents of Huo were born with powers comparable to the Void.

"The skeleton master, trying to leave the planet.""

"But as soon as it appeared, it was known by the three Void-level envoys guarding the origin realm by the empire. 99

"We regard the Tinder Continent as a training ground for geniuses, hunting and killing Tinder lives at will... This has led to this strong man hating the empire very much."

"Non-my family, its heart must be different.

"When the skeleton master is already hostile, it is basically impossible to subdue it.

"Faced with this situation, the principle of the empire is to kill directly."

"Kill it, get its skeleton, give it to an undead lord, and still be able to have a powerful combat power. 35

"However, the skeleton of the skeleton master was not taken. When his fire was about to be wiped out, it fled back to the mainland of fire and sank into the underground space with the city of the master. 39

Zhao Xing listened quietly.

Gu Luohe said: "In fact, the empire has always known the approximate location of the city of domination, but the skeleton dominion is also a good way. 35

"If the empire forcibly destroys the city of domination, it will have an irreversible impact on the entire planet from a spatial level, and there may even be nothing to gain.

"Although there are many treasures in the city of domination, and there are even legendary treasures... But for the sake of the overall situation, the empire has not touched its ruins.

Zhao Xing nodded slightly, indeed, it would not be worthwhile to destroy the entire Planet 56 at the cost.

"Until recently, the Empire calculated that its relics were about to be born.

Gu Luohe Road: "However, the specific time cannot be determined, it may be a few years, it may be a few months.

"But what is certain is that once it is born, the geniuses and powerhouses of the entire empire will find a way to enter the source world!"

"The entire empire..." Zhao Xing was stunned: "Teacher, is it such an exaggeration?"

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