Lord Of Plants: Speed ​​Up Time By 100 Times At The Start!

Chapter 69: Poison over a sea area, the lords are numb! (For automatic subscription)

The water magic mushroom sank completely.


It soon sank to the bottom of the sea.

The water magic mushroom is only the size of an adult head at first.

But after entering the water, it grows rapidly!

Soon it grew to a height of hundreds of meters!

But compared to the huge ocean.

Still like a grain of sand.

Zhao Xing also has doubts about this and the statement that it can "turn over a water with poison".

But he didn't know how big the scope could be.

This is also a test.

"Master." Bi Luo quietly stood behind Zhao Xing, "This water magic mushroom is a bit scary."5

"Huh? Are you afraid too?" Zhao Xing was stunned.

Bi Luo is known as the deep sea banshee.

"If I were a complete body, I wouldn't be afraid, but I'm still just growing up."

"It will also be affected by it."9

Bi Luo stared at the gradually darkening ocean, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

"If the master wants to let me into the water, I'm afraid I won't be able to last long.

"Unless the owner can remove a spore from its root.

"With it, I will not be affected."

Zhao Xing nodded.

Putting water magic mushrooms is only the first step.

Fishing for the source crystal is the second step.

Only the deep-sea banshee Biluo was the only plant arm that could afford this task.

Because she is very fast in the water, she can quickly salvage the source crystal.

Others, like the green water vine, can't hold on.

"Give you the spore." Zhao Xing stretched out a hand, then threw a spore to the deep sea banshee, "Go.""

"Yes, Master."

The deep sea banshee took the spore, put it in her mouth, and then started to work in the water.

Extraordinary beings, and king-level beings, have different amounts of source crystals in their bodies.

At the same time, it is possible for a king-level being to possess an 'intermediate source crystal'.

Of course, there is only a certain probability.



Soon the surface of the ocean was boiling.

Countless water beasts roared and rolled.

How come the sea, which is so good, has suddenly changed its taste?


A large number of extraordinary beings floated white on the water.

All kinds of fish extraordinary beings, foaming at the mouth, floated up.

The poison of the water magic mushroom is completely unbearable for their lives.

Not knowing what was going on, he died.

Extraordinary is unbearable.

The weak king level can't stand it either.

After a while, Zhao Xing saw more than a dozen marine life at the early stage of the king level die and drop to the surface.

In just half an hour, more than 30 king-level heads were poisoned, scattered around the water magic mushrooms!

"Master, 150 of you are approaching!" Intelligent Life Zero reminded.

"big guy?"

Zhao Xing also looked up the detector.

Then he saw a king-level life like a giant toothed whale.

Its body was like a small island, it jumped out of the water suddenly, and at the same time, it spewed mucus and attacked Zhao Xing.

A king-level life already possesses preliminary wisdom.

When it found its domain this sea was invaded.

He immediately tried to attack Zhao Xing.


Zhao Xing immediately flew high into the sky, easily dodging the attack of the king-level giant whale.

At the same time, No. 0 also controls the guardian spacecraft, constantly increasing the distance.

In the end, the king-level giant whale, with a thud, reluctantly fell to the sea level.


With whimpering and rolling, the entire sea became choppy.

The huge tail slapped the sea, and every blow had an impact force of thousands of tons.

"These primitive king-level beings also possess great power.

"If you go into the sea to hunt, I'm afraid it won't be so easy."

"It's much easier to force them to the surface with water magic mushrooms. 35

Zhao Xing cast the world projection, and four thousand-tone bamboos appeared on the deck of the spaceship.

At the same time, the spacecraft also descended the distance.


Zhao Xing actively controlled it to make Qianyinzhu's high-energy infrasound waves form a cone-shaped area.

The attack power condensed and completely enveloped the king-level giant whale.


The surrounding sea water boiled and evaporated continuously.

Although the surface of the giant whale is intact, the internal structure is constantly damaged.

After ten seconds.


The deep-sea banshee approached the giant whale, and one hand easily opened the belly of the king-level giant whale.

Then got in.

After a while, Bi Luo came out with a bunch of Origin Crystals.

"Look, master, there are so many delicious foods!" Pineapple drooled a little.

Primordial crystals are extremely attractive to life, and they are treasures that can break the limit of growth.

Instinctively attracts them.

Although the primary and intermediate source crystals are not enough to transform Biluo.

But she was still hungry.

"Take it! 35 Zhao Xing took away the Origin Crystal in Bi Luo's hand.

"In the belly of the giant whale, there are a total of 17,562 primary source crystals. 35

"Two intermediate source crystals."

The exchange ratio of beginner, intermediate and advanced is 1:100.

"If you want to transform the king-level arms, you need at least 1 million intermediate source crystals to start."9

"Converted to primary source crystals, it would have to be at least 100 million.

"Now, among the king-level arms I have, Qianyin Bamboo, Moyun Vine, Water Magic Mushroom, and Colossus Tree are all king-level peaks.

"If it can be transformed, it can directly become an emperor-level unit." Zhao Xing looked forward to it.

For these powerful arms in the king class, the arms have a high coefficient of increase in combat power, and it is totally worth making them transform!

"There are more than 40 other king-level beings, and each of them has more than 3,000 primary source crystals, adding up to four intermediate source crystals."9

"There are more than 100,000 extraordinary beings, and each of them has at least one primary source crystal. 35

Zhao Xing made a rough estimate.

In this session alone, he had 230,000 primary source crystals and 6 intermediate source crystals.

"Sure enough, the deep sea area is a good place for hunting.

Zhao Xing smiled.

The poison of the water magic mushroom slowly spread to the distance.

Over time, this range has also grown.

However, after four hours, the speed of this diffusion slowed down.

The toxin's power also began to weaken.

"Master, this ocean.

"The longest from north to south is about 105,900 kilometers, the widest from east to west is about 109,000 kilometers, and the total area is 10.54 billion square kilometers."

"The average depth is 39,000 meters, and the maximum depth is 114,000 meters.""

Zero reported that it stored a huge database, and at the same time, the spacecraft was constantly flying, and the ocean exploration was completed in less than an hour.

"By imperial standards."

"Normal water magic mushroom, its pass line is able to affect the marine life from the early stage of supernatural to the late stage of king level within one thousandth of the area of ​​​​this sea."5

"As expected to say that it can poison a sea area." Zhao Xing nodded.

The size of this range is about the size of the Pacific Ocean in the memory of the previous life.

That is to say, the king-level peak water magic mushroom of the passing line can cover the entire Pacific Ocean!

"And the master's water magic mushroom, with the passage of time, in about two or three days, can reach the limit."

"It's about one percent of this ocean."

"The combat power increase factor is about 10 times!"

"10 times? It seems to be the role of the territorial energy tower." Zhao Xing nodded.

SS Class Territory Power Tower!

Optimizing the life structure can make the water magic mushrooms at the peak of the king level move closer to the strongest in the group sample.

Of course, this change is imperceptible, not overnight.

But 37 days have passed since he obtained the SS-class territorial energy tower.

Under the acceleration of 300 times, the water magic mushroom has been in the inner world for 30 years!

30 years under the subtle influence of SS-class territorial energy towers!

It is not surprising that the combat power increase factor reaches 10.

"Not enough, under 10 times increase. 35

"It can only be said that killing the extraordinary can reach such a large range, and it is still reluctant to kill the king-level on a large scale."

Zhao Xing fell into the water and came to the mushroom species.

Although it is in the sea water, the toxin of the water magic mushroom will not harm Zhao Xing.

"The water magic mushroom has not been infused yet.

"Now my SS-level talent can at the highest be able to infuse and strengthen emperor-level life."

"Let's start with the water magic mushroom."

Zhao Xing's innate ability was activated, and a spiritual force enveloped the water magic mushroom.

SS-level empowerment can be strengthened in four directions: combat, defense, support, and reproduction.

The Water Magic Mushroom is a combat-type unit, and its poison belongs to its combat capability.

Therefore, Zhao Xing empowered and strengthened the combat attributes of the water magic mushroom.


The world projection unfolded, and a mighty force from the world within the body enveloped the water magic mushroom.

The innate abilities of the lords appeared when the world inside the body was in the 'momentary primordial'.

According to the Great Emperor, all the rules are possible in the moment of the original.

When the talent ability is displayed, the water magic mushroom changes in an instant.


The size of the water magic mushroom suddenly skyrocketed!

(abed) Compared with its original size, it has soared nearly a hundred times!


On the detector of No. 0, various data suddenly changed wildly.

Then Zhao Xing heard a surprised voice from No. 0.

"Master, the various values ​​of the water magic mushroom have increased nearly a hundred times!""

"Its current combat power increase factor has reached 99! 99

The sea water around the water magic mushroom suddenly became pitch black as ink.

Above the entire sea area, there is a black mist.

But soon the black mist was restrained and sank into the sea.

"The original increase factor was 10, but now it's 99?"

Zhao Xing looked at the water magic mushroom.

"Strengthening King-level life once will probably make it a hundred times more effective."

Although it is fully exerted, the mental power consumption is huge.

But Zhao Xing was very excited.

After the combat power amplification factor reaches 100, the water magic mushroom is completely enough to cover this ocean!

"This is the real poison turning over a sea!

"The entire ocean, the extraordinary level is completely within the killing range."

"The king-level peak marine life in the central area can't stand it either."


With a wave of his hand, Zhao Xing ordered more than 18,000 extraordinary tree people, with spores in them, to enter the sea to salvage.

There are 20 king-level colossus trees, each of which breeds 10 extraordinary warriors each year, 200 people a year, and in the past 30 years, he has added 6,000 extraordinary warriors.

The light tree human warriors reached 18,000.

All of the tree people warriors are extraordinary peaks, and they have the ability to fly.

With spore protection, it is also able to move quickly underwater.

This sea area was immediately contracted by Zhao Xing.

Planet 107 is huge.

There are thousands of places like this ocean.

However, there are also a lot of extraordinary lords who entered Planet 107 to hunt for the source world.

Not only the Northern River Galaxy, but also the Wolf Fang Galaxy.

Elsewhere, many lords came in.

Ji Hao was an extraordinary late-stage lord from the ancient moon galaxy.

At this time, Gu Yue was driving a C-class spaceship, wandering in the shallow sea area of ​​Planet 107.

Along with him were dozens of clansmen from the Ji family.

Ji Hao has been in the space city for more than two years. Ji Hao's family is also a big family in this galaxy.

As the lord of martial arts, he is bold.

Also made a lot of friends here.

Each time the harvest is still very good.

"Brother Ji, I have less than a month before I have to go out." A young man with purple skin said towards Ji Hao.

"Thank you brother Jihao, for the help to our brothers these days, our brothers are grateful."

"Two brothers, don't be like this." Ji Hao laughed, "relying on parents at home and friends outside, it is only natural to help each other. 99

"You guys are leaving in half a month, this time let's do a good job, hunt some king-level life, and practice it for your brothers! 95

"Okay, let's listen to Big Brother Jihao." The two Ziskin brothers smiled, and the rest had no objection.

Their team, all of them are not weak, hunting king-level life, still have a certain degree of confidence.


At this moment, the sound of the detector sounded from the spacecraft.

"King-level life detected, coordinates..."

Ji Hao suddenly smiled: "Look, what to say.

‘Come on, the Martial Dao lords in the later stage of extraordinary, all go into the water with me to hunt that king-level life! 55

Ji Hao immediately jumped off the spaceship, and seven or eight people followed.


However, not long after Ji Hao and the others jumped off, the sound of the detector sounded again from the spacecraft.

and more frequently.

"DiDi, King-level life detected, coordinates... Quantity..."

Soon on the instrument, the king-level life increased from one to twenty or thirty!

The people on the spaceship were suddenly shocked!

"What's the situation, this is a shallow water area, it's normal to occasionally have a king-level life, how can there be so many all at once!

"Hi, it's still increasing!"

"God, there are more than 100,000 extraordinary beings?!"

"Quick, inform Big Brother Jihao!""

"Come up!"

Without their notice, Ji Hao and others were also terrified.

From the waves in the distance, dozens of powerful auras rushed towards this side frantically.

At the same time, Ji Hao and the others also flew into the sky and looked into the distance, and found a strange scene.

There is a black shadow in the sea in the distance, spreading to the sea at an extremely fast speed.

Those king-level beings and a large number of extraordinary beings are fleeing frantically.

"Back, back to the shore and high altitude!"

Ji Hao immediately ordered and led the people to retreat far away.

Then he saw an unforgettable scene.

Those king-level life and extraordinary life, a large number of deaths, just floated for a while and then sank to the bottom of the sea.

When Ji Hao and the others sent troops to go down, they tried to be bossy.

However, I found that my king-level troops could not stand it!

"What a powerful poison, what the hell is going on!"

"My king-level troops can't be salvaged at all."

"Look, what is that?"

Suddenly there is pointing to the distant sea.

I saw an arc-shaped spaceship flying in the distance.

There are many cruise yachts on the spacecraft.

Then a famous tree human race turned into a streamer and submerged into the sea, unscrupulously salvaging the source crystal.

"Then, is that a tree warrior?"9

"B-class guardian ship?

"No, how are they all right?"

"This, this is someone manipulating them"

Ji Hao and the others stood in the distance, staring blankly at this scene.

The same scene happened on Planet 107, everywhere in the eastern ocean.

"Damn it, what's wrong with this seawater, why is it suddenly poisonous!"

"Hey, run away!"

"Wori, I'm about to kill that extraordinary life."

The extraordinary lords made a surprising discovery on this day.

This ocean to the east has become a completely forbidden area.

The seawater suddenly became extremely poisonous.

Many extraordinary lords were accidentally caught.

From fainting, to loss of troops.

In the face of this unexpected situation, the lords are all poisoned.

One day, two days, three days... a month.

With the passage of time, more and more lords discovered this scene of Planet 107 and passed it to the virtual world.

Rumors of a mysterious plant lord who encircled the entire ocean as a forbidden area also began to spread among the extraordinary lords.

The eastern ocean of Planet 107, because of Zhao Xing, instantly became the focus of hot discussion!

At the same time, it also aroused the curiosity of countless lords, who is that mysterious plant lord?

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