Lord Of Plants: Speed ​​Up Time By 100 Times At The Start!

Chapter 46: Overbearing world suppression, I have become the main team?! (For automatic subscription

Pang Yun, at Base 135.

In the same area, bases can be teleported to each other.

The difference is that in some areas, there are more people.

When teleporting into the battlefield, the base with a large number of people has a higher probability of being matched with multiple people.

Zhao Xing followed the address sent by Pang Yun to a street fountain on the edge of the square.

After a while, I heard someone calling me.

"Brother Zhao, this way. 35

Zhao Xing looked back and saw Pang Yun walking slowly with a group of people.

There were hundreds of people in the team, although they were just walking.

It can form a neat phalanx, and each moves forward in an orderly manner under the leadership of the captain.

Just looking at the opponent's team, Zhao Xing knew that Zhao Li was right.

This is indeed an elite group.

"The Jialan Academy is as famous as the Daxia Academy, I am afraid that it often trains the students' sense of teamwork.

The degree of tacit understanding and teamwork ability can distinguish it from other teams at a glance.

They are all excellent students of a college and well-trained.

With such a team, it is no wonder that Pang Yun and his 300 people at that time dared to touch the enemy several times.

In a weaker institution, students spend a lot of energy just to cultivate arms, ponder skills and rules, how can they do this kind of training.

Although Pang Yun said that his team had experienced a tough battle and suffered a lot, but even so, it was stronger than other teams.

"Brother Pang." Zhao Xing also greeted him.

"Brother Zhao, these two are Xiao Lin and Anna, and they are also the deputy commanders of the team."

"You two, this is what I call Zhao Xing.

Pang Yun introduced the two people next to him.

Zhao Xing greeted the two of them, and they didn't exchange much greetings with each other.

Because before coming, both sides have a simple understanding.

"Brother Zhao, I will pull you into the team." Pang Yun invited Zhao Xing to join the team channel.

At the same time, Zhao Xing was also assigned 20 "140" team members. The new team members that Pang Yun added to Zhao Xing were basically all the students of Jialan University.

According to Pang Yun's usual style of play.

After teleporting into the battlefield, the scattered team members must quickly find their respective captains.

Then the captain led the team members to gather in the direction of the commander to form a collective fighting force.

Zhao Xing has also organized many team members in the primary area, and he also knows the general battlefield command system of the empire.

Pang Yun and the others quickly figured out their command method.

"Old Pang, is the expert you invited reliable?" Xiao Lin asked in the private chat channel.

Another commander, Anna, also said: "There are so many new team members added to him, why don't you let him and the team members get acquainted first?"

"I don't need to use people, I don't need to suspect people." Pang Yun replied, "This time I will call 6 teams with 186 people. You will know after playing two games."

There are more than 300 people in Pang Yun's team, and this time they called a little more than half.

In their words, this is called a 'trial group'.

If it is confirmed that Zhao Xing's performance is good, then the more than 300 full troupes will be called up.

"Cheer up!" Pang Yun clapped his hands.

"Set off!"

With Pang Yun start group teleportation.


186 people suddenly disappeared in the teleportation square.

In the ruins of the broken city, shuttle cars, tracks and high-rise buildings can be seen everywhere.

Zhao Xing opened his eyes and saw a rusty, very old robot head under his feet.

In front of it is a broken spaceship hull, which is thousands of meters high.

From a distance, Zhao Xing looks like a civilized city base.

However, it seems that there has been no intelligent life for thousands of years, and what destroyed the city was the huge spaceship that fell from the sky.

"The Primordial Realm simulates the former battlefield environment. It seems that this scene has actually happened in a certain corner of the universe." Zhao Xing secretly said.

"Fortunately, this is just the simplest environment."

"Except for imperial students and alien lords, there will be no third parties. 33 Zhao Xing secretly said.

Like some battlefield maps, there will be many lives in itself.

Even the existence of advanced intelligent life, or the environment of the map itself, is a danger.

For example, last month, Zhao Xing teleported solo in the intermediate zone.

One time, it was actually teleported to an unowned starship!

He and 5 alien lords are fighting.

I don't know what trigger was triggered.

Suddenly, thousands of robots emerged from the starship!

Whether it is Zhao Xing and the 5 alien lords, the robots attack indiscriminately.

And all of them are comparable to the extraordinary level, and they all hold high-energy laser weapons in their hands.

Caught off guard, Zhao Xing lost hundreds of elite units and an extraordinary unit.

The 5 alien lords lost even more.

No way, in the end, the alien lord and Zhao Xing both started the 'emergency teleportation' to leave.

That was also the first time Zhao Xing activated the 'emergency teleport', which consumed 1 million points.

However, because the two sides were already in a state of battle, the five alien lords used emergency teleportation to leave first.

And Zhao Xing is the last one.

Therefore, according to the original rules, Zhao Xing obtained 500,000 points by default, which is half of the loss.

That time, Zhao Xing also understood.

On some battlefield maps, you don't have to kill aliens to get points, just enter the battle state.

Then see who survives the harsh environment longer.

There is no need to fight, as long as you live to the end, this is also a victory!

Before long, Pang Yun's voice sounded in Zhao Xing's ears.

"The captain immediately gathers the team members, and the whole group gathers at the coordinate point XXX.

Zhao Xing glanced at the news, and immediately turned on the search mode of the Silver Moon Mecha.

A second later, the locations of his 30 team members were displayed on the map.

In the second second, Zhao Xing calculated the best rendezvous point based on the respective positions of the 30 players.

The coordinates of the team's assembly location were sent to 30 players.

The 30-person team immediately rushed towards the location designated by Zhao Xing.

After that, Zhao Xing also received the number of friends and foes sent this time.

"In addition to Pang Yun's 186-member regiment, there are also 7 teams of varying numbers. 35

"The total number of friendly troops is 532.

"The number of enemy troops is four times as large, 2,128."

"It's all distributed in a circle with a radius of 50 kilometers.

"However, this is trivial to me." Zhao Xing smiled and cast the world projection.

Today, Zhao Xing's inner world has a radius of more than 500 kilometers.

Calculated according to the projection of the world covering one tenth of reality.

He just happens to be able to cover the entire combat area!

"big big big!"

Zhao Xing expanded the world projection to the maximum in one breath.

Like a shadow, with Zhao Xing as the center, spreading out in the space.

The combat area was slowly eroded by Zhao Xing's world projection.

As the world projection expands.

Many friendly lords felt it immediately.

"Huh? The closest allies next to me are all 10 kilometers away. Where does the power of projection in this world come from? From 10 kilometers away?"5

"The strong world projection, within his world projection, mine world projection, are all compressed. 55

"It's so strong! Covering so far, the sense of oppression is still so strong?"

"Which team's genius."

The rest of the seven teams that came in, the students were extremely shocked.

Generally speaking, the inner world of an intermediate lord has a radius of about 10 kilometers.

The projection of the world can cover a radius of 1 kilometer at most.

Many are not even attainable.

However, Zhao Xing has been comprehending the rules of the internal world for the past month.

Except for [Jungle Jump] and [Lifeguard].

He also mastered two other intermediate rules.

One is, for the enhancement of world projection, [Power of the Realm]

The second is, for the arms, [Recovery].

The more you master the rules of the world, and the more you cast the world projection, of course, the stronger!

Zhao Xing also bought a lot of Five Element Stones and World Stones.

There is also a Grade A energy tower, which also greatly improves the stability of the inner world.

Various factors make Zhao Xing's internal world not only very large.

Cast projection, when colliding with other mid-level lords.

The pressure is also unexpectedly tyrannical!

"Lord Ryan mentioned that the plant lord must pay attention to the internal world and the world projection.

"Faster layup, greater range, and stronger suppression.

"When that gap gets bigger and bigger."

"A lord can even use the world projection to completely suppress other lords, so that he cannot summon troops! 35

Zhao Xing narrowed his eyes slightly.

How terrible is it to completely suppress the same level, so that the opponent cannot summon troops?

As long as it is not a martial arts lord, in the face of this situation, you have to run away.

Even if it can't reach that level, facing that kind of violent army flow, it will greatly slow down the speed of the opponent's dispatch of troops.

If all 100,000 soldiers start to charge, the enemy is still calling one by one.

Seeing this situation, I am afraid that the enemy will collapse before the fight begins.

"Warn the friendly forces and get them out of the way."

Zhao Xing spreads his spiritual power along with the expansion of the world projection.

It was as if a 'spiritual power broadcast' was sent.

This is much more effective than speaking on a public channel.

"Want us to get out of the way?

"Damn it, who is this riding on a horse? It's too arrogant."

"Such a big place, you want us to back away?"

"Forget it, let's step back.

The friendly army scolded and avoided the place where Zhao Xing projected.

no way.

World projection, exclusive.

In one place, Zhao Xing's world projection is shrouded, and it is difficult for others to cast it.

Unless hardtop.

But with this kind of genius, isn't it unpleasant to find?

Fear of being strongly suppressed by the other party.

Zhao Xing is also just a warning, and he is deliberately restraining and suppressing the friendly forces.

Will not prevent them from summoning troops.

After all, the battlefield of glory is forbidden to attack friendly forces.

But if you don't listen to the advice, you have to fight for territory with yourself.

Then Zhao Xing couldn't blame Zhao Xing for making them feel bad.

Allies feel better.

The alien lords, the feeling is completely different!

After the black beam of light disappeared, the alien lords also unfolded world projections one by one and summoned troops.

But they were stunned to find that they were met with great resistance!

With all his strength, he can only project the world, shrouded in a spherical space of about four or five meters in front of him.

To summon troops, you must leave enough space.

Otherwise, you can't get out at all.

This is why most lords do not fight in small spaces.

And now, many weaker alien lords who have not fully grasped the rules find that they can only open up a spherical space with a radius of one or two meters!

"What is the original world joking about, how can people randomly come to such a place!

"My megalodon is more than five meters tall, how did it come out?"

"What's the matter, my troops can't be summoned?

The weak lords suddenly panicked.

Without mastering the complete rules, the world projection is very weak.

If you can't open up the space, you can't recruit troops, how can you face the enemy with your own strength?

The stronger ones, who have mastered the primary rules, or the rudiments of the intermediate rules, are in a slightly better situation.

But if you want to recruit all the arms, the time is also stretched!

"Someone is casting world projection oppression!"

"Hey, who the hell is this person, separated by such a distance, the oppression of the world's rules is still so strong?"

"Meet a genius who masters the power of several tyrannical rules?

The alien lords are all blinded, and the more powerful they are.

The more you can feel this pressure from Zhao Xing.

"Escape, escape!"

"Get out of that direction!

"Damn it, unlucky!

Many lords left and stayed away from Zhao Xing's direction.

And Zhao Xing's world projection stopped after expanding to a certain extent.

This range is enough to cover the students of his team and let them gather safely.

"Huh? What's going on, why don't those alien lords stop chasing them?"

"Three alien lords, seeing one of me, ran away instead of chasing? 39

The team members under Zhao Xing were at a loss.

They are the newly added team members, and they can only feel that there is the power of world projection passing by.

But this situation is not uncommon on the battlefield. When the members gather, they can often feel it from the friendly troops.

In this way, with the help of Zhao Xing, his 30 team members made it easy to travel.

It quickly reached the designated place sent by Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing, who had been waiting at the location, watched the members come to his side one by one.

After giving an order to wait in place, he sent a message to Pang Yun and the others that the assembly was complete.

"The team on Zhao Xing's side has already assembled?" Pang Yun looked a little surprised. "Me and Xiao Lin, and Anna, haven't been able to assemble yet.

"Of the six teams, he is the fastest." Xiao Lin also looked at the communication channel, "It's really good luck."

"Pang Yun and Xiao Lin, things are not quite right." Anna said in surprise.

"Just now, I felt a very powerful world projection oppression.

"The world projection is also accompanied by a wave of spiritual power, and the source direction is Zhao Xing's position.

"Then those aliens suddenly avoided Zhao Xing's team members."

"Even those who wanted to hunt down did not attack. 99

If you do not attack, you will not enter the combat state, so those lords 4.3 can also choose to temporarily avoid it.

Even if you enter a combat state, as long as you do not escape the 50-kilometer radius, it is still allowed.

"I feel it too." Pang Yun's position on the map was also constantly moving.

After entering Zhao Xing's world projection range, he is Pang Yun, who ranks 40,000.

Although he didn't target him, he still felt that powerful rule force.

"It's true or false." Xiao Lin wondered, "You can't judge wrong.

"My judgment will never be wrong!"

"It's definitely him, there's no one else left in that range, only Zhao Xing's team. 35

"We have checked the strength of the team members. Pang Yun licked his lips and said excitedly.

"It could only be Zhao Xing!"

"The projection range of the world is so large, and the pressure is still so strong."

"With such a powerful internal world rule, its arms must not be weak.

Anna exclaimed: "Old Pang, where did you invite this master?

"Don't ask so much." Pang Yun said, "The team assembly location has changed!"5

"The new coordinates are the assembled coordinates of the Zhao Xing team!

"Old Pang, you are going to..." On the battlefield, Xiao Lin, who was riding on a shadow magic leopard, stopped.

The team members around him, as well as the alien beasts, also stopped immediately and looked at the commander in confusion.

"I think this game, fight around him!

Pang Yun expressed his thoughts.

"I agree." Anna's crisp voice appeared in the ears of the two of them.

"I'm not a big fan of the decision, but since you both agree, that's fine. 35

Xiao Lin was silent for a while, and turned the direction of the team.

After a while.

The assembly coordinates in the team channel have changed.

Zhao Xing was surprised to find that he didn't need to hurry, and all the team members were focusing on him.

"Is these six teams going to become the main team?"

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