Lord Of Plants: Speed ​​Up Time By 100 Times At The Start!

Chapter 17: One-Shot Kill, Random Teleportation! (Ask For Tickets And Flowers)

"The two junior lords, based on the energy fluctuations they generate, speculate that they are both level sixteen."

"Preliminarily determined to be the lord of the martial arts system."

The silver moon mecha reported the detection results immediately.

"Two sixteenth-order Martial Dao lords."

Zhao Xing's eyes locked on the two figures rushing over.

After the ninth-order novice lord.

For the primary lord, intermediate lord, senior lord, extraordinary lord.

The division of pet arms is not the same as that of plant arms.

The strength of the arms depends on the quality and the energy level.

Under the same quality, the higher level is stronger.

At the same level, those with higher quality are stronger.

If the quality is different, the level is different, but the level gap is not very large, the quality of the arms determines the strength.

However, the lord cannot be measured so simply.

Like Zhao Xing's current energy level is only level 15.

A level lower than these two alien lords.

But there are dozens of types of arms he possesses, even at the extraordinary level!

"World Projection!"

Zhao Xing opened his arms, and the inner world has a territory of 1,000 meters, which overlaps with the land in the real world.


The earth trembled, and plant life burst out of the ground.

In an instant, within a kilometer radius, it became Zhao Xing's territory.

From a wasteland to a jungle world!


The two aliens were taken aback for a moment, and then their faces showed joy.

Actually met a plant lord? !

"A plant lord actually dares to act alone and not find teammates to act with?"

"Hahaha, is this going to give us something to eat?"

"Humph, the posture is not bad, watch me smash your troops with one knife!"

After one of the martial arts lords approached, a sword appeared in his hand.

Alien lords also have weapons, they can kill students, snatch weapons and equipment, etc.

The inner world of the martial arts lord, the mysterious world rules, will continuously strengthen his physique.

As a result, the martial arts lord himself, the combat power is strong enough.

Even if it is the sixteenth rank, the attack power, defense power and speed are all very fast.

The distance quickly narrowed, and the two quickly entered Zhao Xing's kilometer territory.


The exploding iron tree swayed and grew up in an instant, forming a wall that blocked the way for the two of them.

"Look at me chopping you up for firewood!"

One of the tall aliens immediately jumped up and slashed over with a sword.

"Shu~" The abundant energy on the blade condensed, sending out a huge slash of vitality.

He is well versed in the truth of getting ahead, based on past experience.

As long as the other party is scared at first, those students will become flustered, and ten percent of their strength may not be able to exert fifty percent.


The vitality slash swept the exploding iron tree.

The sound of gold and iron interlaced sounded.

Then, a leaf fell.


"What the hell!"

The Martial Dao lord who launched the vitality slash attack widened his eyes.

Even a level 20 plant life with a knife with 70% of his strength can't be unscathed, right?

However, this tree, after encountering the vitality slash.

Only one leaf fell off?

"Lord of the Plant Department, is it so exaggerated?"

"Is this a lord who specializes in cultivating defensive arms?"

The companions were also surprised, and the speed slowed down.

Plant lords are rare.

The common ones are also in some auxiliary directions.

"If it's a fighting plant lord, it's going to be troublesome." The companion said in a deep voice, feeling the difficulty.

They are not experiencing one or two battles in the battlefield of glory.

He suddenly thought of a sentence:

Fighting plant lords are rare in a thousand battles!

One encounter is a thousand times!

That is to say, if you play a thousand games here, you may not be able to meet a fighting plant lord.

But if you meet... the other party is likely to have experienced thousands of battles and have a strong existence!

"The trouble is coming!" The alien holding the sword in his hand looked fierce, "We have no other choice, retreat is death!"

The rules of the Primordial Realm limit these alien races.

When encountering students, one cannot escape without a fight.

If you want to escape, you will be killed immediately by the rules.

Of course, if the students escaped with 'emergency teleportation', it would have nothing to do with them.

So the only condition for them to survive is to kill the other party, or force the other party to use emergency teleportation to escape.

"Come on, don't let him successfully spread the field and rush through this line of defense!"

The companions began to urge, and the alien lord holding the sword also quickened his pace.

The plant lord casts the world projection, and it also takes some time to spread out the arms.

Once the opponent's arms are fully spread out, the home field advantage is formed.

Then they may not be able to see Zhao Xing's figure, and they will be entangled by the plant troops on the territory.

In fact, they can no longer see Zhao Xing's figure now.

Zhao Xing's general orientation can only be confirmed with fuzzy perception.


After the two approached a row of iron trees, they took off in the air and tried to jump over the iron trees.

But just in midair.

"Swish, swish, swish~"

The trunk of the exploding iron tree shook.

Countless tiny seeds were launched from the explosive iron tree.

Explosive Iron Tree Skill - [Fruit Throwing]!

A hundred years of explosive iron tree, the level is as high as 40!

After being infused, the elite quality is achieved, and the two attribute effects of hardness and explosion are strengthened.

Each explosive iron tree can instantly launch thousands of explosive fruits.

And what they faced was the attack of a hundred exploding iron trees!

The overwhelming explosion fruit, the size of a fist, is also covered with sharp spikes.

Hundreds of explosive iron trees were aimed at the two and the scene was terrifying.


The two aliens were in mid-air, desperately activating the Qi Jin defensive shield.

At the same time, he also waved his knife frantically to block the explosive fruits that were launched.

However, after just holding on for a second, a thought appeared in the minds of the two aliens:

"It's over!"

They never thought that the common explosive iron tree could be so powerful.

After just holding on for a second, he was bombed to the bone.

"This is the end?"

Zhao Xing appeared on the edge of the territory through [Jungle Jump].

Looking at the pool of blood in front of him from a distance.

"I didn't even exert my strength, and you all fell down."

Zhao Xing shook his head.

It was the first time he faced an alien race, although he was sure that he would definitely win, but he also maintained a high degree of precaution.

Not only did he get on the exploding iron tree, but he also summoned a hundred-year-old [Sword Bamboo].

This is a sword bamboo with the highest attack power among the elite qualities.

Although it did not reach the extraordinary level, its attack power was comparable to that of many extraordinary-quality arms.

Unexpectedly, the other party was useless and died suddenly.

[You killed two junior aliens and got 20,000 points. 】

[Your current point ranking is: 950 million (changes in real time)]

A reminder sounded in my mind.

He has only entered in the second half of the year, and at this time the points are completely the bottom group.

The ranking of points is common to the three areas.

It is not easy to reach the top 100,000 people.

However, the three regions have similar opportunities.

In the advanced area, although the points for killing one are high enough, the number of alien enemies is also less.

Moreover, the alien races in the high-level area were all promoted from the middle and low-level areas.

It means that all of them are strong men who have killed countless fields, and it is very difficult to hunt them down. !

Sometimes if you kill one, you will be injured too, so you have to rest for two or three days.

The primary area and the intermediate area, although the points are less, but the number is enough, the difficulty is relatively not that big.

Zhao Xing stood high on the branch and looked up.

There was no one in the desert.

"Teleportation!" Zhao Xing put away the world projection and recalled all the units to the inner world.

Open the normal teleportation and return to the city of the lord.

There are two ways to find the enemy in the glory of the battlefield.

One is to look for aliens around after teleportation.

The second is to kill the enemy through the fact that the aliens will be refreshed every time you teleport nearby.

The former is relatively safe, after all, the terrain environment, etc., are already familiar, and the initial unfamiliar period has passed.

But it's hard to say how long it takes. Maybe after a day or two, you won't be able to meet the enemy.

The latter is more dangerous.

Just teleported, the terrain, environment, opponent type, number, and distance are completely random.

It is very likely that a certain teleportation will come into close contact with aliens.

The highest mortality rate is often at this time.

"I have a king-level life Moyun rattan body protection, and I have a silver moon mecha on my body."

"Finding enemies by teleportation is the most appropriate."

Zhao Xing's figure dissipated in the wasteland.

Then return to base 10005.

As soon as he returned, Zhao Xing immediately requested to teleport.



Zhao Xing felt that he was enveloped by a beam of light, and then there was a slight weightlessness.

The surrounding area was incandescent, and it dissipated after three seconds.

[The transmission is completed, this time, there are 45 students who will be randomly selected for transmission. 】

[Please familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment as soon as possible, leave or choose to go together! 】

"Huh? This time I encountered random mass teleportation?" Zhao Xing glanced around.

Sure enough, 44 white light beams gradually dissipated around.

Exposing the costumes, the junior lords of different types.

At the same point in time, students who choose to transmit together may encounter each other.

Only then did he realize that the surrounding terrain was completely different from last time.

Surrounded by the ruins of a dilapidated city.

The vision is blocked by tall buildings, which is not conducive to observation.

"According to the rules, 1-10 alien lords will be spawned around each student."

"Now there are 45 students here, and the theoretical maximum is 450 aliens."

Zhao Xing is highly concentrated, although the probability of theoretical values ​​appearing is extremely low.

But he can only guarantee his own strength, not the strength of his teammates.

The strength of the group is uneven, and this time is also the time when the mortality rate is the highest.

In addition, due to the rules of the Primordial Realm, the aliens hardly need to communicate, and they will immediately unite to hunt and kill students.

And the students, because they can choose, do not necessarily form a joint force so quickly.

"Go first!"

Zhao Xing immediately decided to retreat, and the Silver Moon Mecha quickly pulled himself up to the rooftop of a tall building in the distance.


Black light beams light up around, one, two, three...

Zhao Xing finished counting, his face changed slightly, there were 213 black beams!

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