Lord of Mysteries: Curly-haired Baboon

Chapter 65: Arrodes convulsion

   Can't wait, the curly baboon took out the silver magic mirror.

   holding the frame, he took a few shots.

   "Arrods! Arrods! Lazy pig got up!"

   took a while, and finally a few lines of blood-red ancient Fusac words appeared on the silver mirror:

   "Stupid "instigator"! Hurry up and close your stinky mouth! Otherwise this uncle will make you look good!"

   curled his lips, Lucid couldn't help but slander:

   "This licking dog, you will be so fierce after not seeing you..."

   rolled his eyes, without any muddles, he asked bluntly: "Arrods, what is the formula for the potion of the Sequence 7 "Witch" of the "Assassin" sequence!"

   A hint of silver-white light appeared on the simple mirror surface of "Arrods".

   After a while, something slowly emerged, as if reluctantly.

   Looking at the mirror like a silver whirlpool, the curly baboon couldn't help but ecstatic.

   "Sure enough, after meeting the conditions for "bystanders", Arrods had to answer the questions!"

   After understanding the characteristics of this "dog licking mirror", he can use various methods to deal with it...

   "Hey hey..."

   He snickered a few times and looked expectantly at the mirror surface where the content slowly emerged.


   "Arrods" directly gave a complete "witch" potion formula!

  "Main material: all blood of the Black Abyss Demon Fish, agate peacock egg.

   Auxiliary materials: 80 ml of pure water, 5 drops of golden mandala juice, three scales of the shadow lizard, and 10 drops of daffodil juice. "

   is very incredible, I didn't expect all of this to come so easily.

   "That's not right? It seems that Ke Miao asked about a potion formula at that time, but it didn't show up directly..."

   Lucid is a bit unreality like a dream.

   "Perhaps the simpler reason I asked...?"

   curled his lips, this "Arrods" shouldn't lie, right?

   frowned, he felt that he had to verify if he had a chance before he was relieved.

   At this time, the question of "Arrods" also came:

   "Do you like the lady next to you?"

   Lucid couldn't help showing a strong suspicion in his eyes, but he answered quickly:

   "No, not at all."

   I saw that the silver magic mirror flashed, and there was no movement.

   Curly-haired baboon's expression became even stranger.

   This is different from the "dog licking mirror" in his memory!

"This unscientific……"

   was a little skeptical, he looked at this "magic mirror" carefully again.

   "Is this a fake...?"

   This kind of problem, like scratching your boots, doesn’t fit the character of Arrods in the impression at all!

   But after watching for a long time, he didn't find anything strange, so he had to put it away puzzled.

   glanced at the little beauty who was a little sluggish by the surrounding environment after getting off the carriage, and shook her head.

   "This "recipe" is unbelievable!"

   frowned, feeling a sense of irritability inexplicably.

   There was an impulse to destroy everything around him, which violently grew in his heart.

   faintly in the ear, another whisper came...

   Lucid realized that, without knowing it, he had another sign of losing control.

   can't help but cover his forehead, remove distracting thoughts, and try to calm down the confrontation.

   After a while, it slowly returned to normal state.


   relieved, he was a little scared.

   "The secret world is really terrible! Unknowingly there is a risk of "out of control"..."

   looked at the mess around him, he rubbed his forehead.

   picked a fairly clean carriage, and he sat on it.

   glanced at the little beauty who was still in a daze, and couldn't help rolling her eyes.

   The poor child still can't figure out what is going on now.

   "Will you go? If I don't go, I will go by myself!"

   Then she reacted and followed in a daze.

   Following the direction where the train disappeared, the curly-haired baboon and the dumb-faced girl rode away in the carriage.

   "Hey, what's your name?" Curly-haired baboon asked in a bad tone.

   "Bettlitz Rikali..."

"Oh, Hello."

   "Get to know, my name is Lucid."

   turned his head, he asked:

   "Miss Rikali, can you drive a car?"

   "Huh? I...I can't..."

   "What a coincidence, so am I."

  The road gradually parted ways from the railroad tracks.

   Gradually, Lucid and the others heard the sound of running water.

   Bethelitz, whose eyes were dull, suddenly recovered, swallowed and said:

   "You must be kidding me?"

   "It's not..."

   Looking at the sharp turn that was getting closer and closer, she was a little pale when she heard the sound of the torrent of water that kept coming.

   "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

   Amid the screams of Bethelitz, the carriage plunged into the swift and icy river.

   She couldn't help closing her eyes.

   did not expect the icy cold feeling, on the contrary, he guessed the solid feeling of the earth under his feet.

   Curly-haired baboons certainly don’t swim in the groundwater.

   With his extraordinary agility, jumping a car or something, it’s not too easy.

   Even with a drag oil bottle, it's nothing more than that.

   Looking up at the distant city, the curly baboon grinned.

   "Champagne, here I am!"

   At the same time ~www.NovelMTL.com~ a bold plan was slowly brewing in his heart.

   turned his head and glanced at the undecided Bethelitz, he asked:

   "Miss Ricari, what are you doing in Champagne this time?"


   Bethelitz hesitated a bit, but faced the "absolutely strong man" who killed the entire band of thieves alone, he didn't dare to conceal the slightest:

   "I came to Champagne to seek refuge from Trier..."

   "Huh?!" Lucid couldn't help scratching his head.

   This matter has something to do with him.

  Because he tossed in Trier for several waves, the major churches and forces failed to find his whereabouts...

   So the group went crazy, martial law everywhere in Trier, and raids.

   completely ignored the curly baboon hiding in the zoo, and forced the unofficial transcendents of Trier into desperation...

  Beit Ritz, a Sequence 9 "thief", was also affected by this, and had to travel far away to avoid the limelight in Champagne province.

   never thought of being caught by a thief on the road. The poor combat power of the "thief" made her shiver in front of a group of sturdy men.

   Then Glorious was captured... and then I met the curly-haired baboon who "just got off the car".

   Lucid couldn't help but curled up his mouth.

   "Miss Rikali, are you interested in accepting an employment?"


   In fact, Bethelitz subconsciously wanted to refuse.

   After all, the person in front of you, who looks like a **** the surface, is actually a deeply hidden metamorphosis...

   That curly, fluffy long and soft guy...

   She blushed again thinking about this.


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