Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 97 The competition champion comes to vote

"Bye now."

"Bye, would you like some raspberries?"


Theresia took a bag of dried raspberries from Frederick's hand, then turned around and got into the carriage.

After watching the excitement, Theresia continued to travel around with Pontigan, and Frederick also wanted to go back to Lore to play with Maria for a few days, and then returned to Wesson in public.

As soon as he returned to Weissenburg, he was surprised by the visitors who had been waiting for him for several days.

"Tony?" Frederick frowned, "What's wrong with Count Ansbach?"

He thought to himself, now that the popularity of the knight competition has not subsided, is Count Ansbach sending the champion here to cause trouble?

Tony was wearing a newly bought suit, his pale blond hair was meticulously combed, his blue eyes were very bright, and his face was very serious.

"Lord Baron Wesson," he said respectfully, "I have nothing to do with Count Ansbach. I only ran out of money to participate in the knight competition. I came after I got the bonus."

"I'm here to fulfill my promise."

Then he said a little embarrassedly: "I didn't have any good clothes at that time. I wanted to earn some bonus and buy a new set of clothes before I come to meet the adults."

"It's just that I didn't expect that those people were too weak, and I accidentally won the championship."

After speaking, he took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to Ah Fu.

After taking the parchment, Frederick read it carefully three times before he understood the meaning of the missive-worded letter.

Then he showed the letter to Afu, who read it carefully several times, finally nodded to the master, and then handed the letter to Richard Nall, who was urgently invited back.

Frederick took a sip of tea quietly. His father left a letter with Tony, which roughly described how the two met. The wrong part was a secret code, and Afu identified the secret code as correct.

When Count Henry von Wesson went on an expedition the previous year, he was stationed by a river outside the city of Cologne. He did not go to the city to have fun and drink. Instead, he went fishing by the river while waiting for King William to send the order to set off. I met Tony who was clumsy at catching fish, and then taught Tony how to fish here.

Henry learned during the chat that Tony's father was sick, but the medicine was too expensive and he couldn't afford it, so he secretly came to the river to fish to replenish his father's health, so he gave Tony his money bag and asked him to go to the city. Go to a pharmacist to buy medicine.

In addition to some silver coins, there were several gold coins in the money bag. Tony thanked him and immediately went to buy medicine. A few days later, he came to the river, paid back the remaining money, and expressed to Henry that he was willing to sacrifice his life for the Earl.

At that time, Henry and many others felt that this war would last for a long time. He thought that only old Franz at home would be too busy, so he wrote him a letter of recommendation, asking him to give it to Wesson after his father's health got better. Franz helps.

It's just that Tony's father has been sick for too long and is very weak. He takes medicine and rests until this year before he can travel far away.

Richard Nall read the letter, and then asked Tony seriously: "What is the bottom of that river like?"

Tony was very reserved in front of the Juggernaut and answered cautiously: "The bottom of that river is full of green water plants, and underneath the water plants is silt."

Richard Nall asked again: "How did he fish?"

Tony immediately replied: "Count Wesson uses earthworms as bait and also sprinkles wheat soaked in wine into the water."

"That's right." Richard Nall turned his head and said to Frederick with certainty: "It is indeed Henry's idea to use wheat soaked in wine to make nests in areas with mud and water plants, and to use earthworms as bait. A common practice, this is his little secret.”

Tony continued: "Count Wesson's method worked very well, and I caught a lot of fish later."

Frederick finally asked Tony: "What do you want here with me?"

Tony said seriously: "Count Wesson saved my father's life, and now I will use my life to protect you in order to repay your kindness."

Psyche, who was called in as a lie detector, nodded to Frederick. This man was not lying.

Frederick thought for a while, and then said to Richard Nall: "Master, I will leave him to you. I think he is quite suitable for that position."

Richard Nall also thought for a moment and said, "Okay, let him try it."

A smile appeared on Tony's face.

He was most afraid that Frederick would not believe in him and drive him away, which would be terrible.

Then he stopped laughing, and Richard Nall asked him to follow him downstairs.

At the castle's training ground, Richard Nall took a training sword from the weapons rack and asked Tony to choose the weapon he was good at.

Tony hung his coat on the rack, loosened a few buttons on his shirt, took a buckler and a medium-length sword, and came to a place 5 meters away from Richard Nar to stand ready.

The sword master raised his hand and hooked it with his fingers, signaling him to take action.

Tony's skin suddenly turned a little darker, and the battering ram appeared again, but this time both legs were activated at the same time, and the huge reaction force made him rush over at extremely high speeds.

Richard Nall took a moment to turn his head and gave Psyche a depressed look, then raised his hand and flicked it with his sword, but there was no sound or light effect.

Tony, who was charging straight away, was deflected by the cheap training sword and rushed to the side.

He seemed unable to stop for a moment and was about to pass by Richard Nall.

At the moment when he was about to overshoot, Tony made a sharp turn and wanted to attack Richard Nall from the side.

But Richard Nall remained motionless and allowed Tony to rush past him from behind.

"Just a little bit." Richard Nall turned to Tony and said, "What books do you usually read?"

Tony was stunned, shook his head and replied: "I can't afford books."

"I have been studying the book "Three Properties of Force and the Energy of Object Movement and the Conjecture of Why We Stand on the Earth" recently." Richard Nall said seriously, "If you have studied this book, you will know just now Just make me move."

"I think this is the first time you have made a sharp turn at such a speed. You didn't take into account the deviation caused by the huge inertia of your body."

Tony thought for a moment, and it was indeed the first time he used the speed just now. When he turned, he found a force that caused his movements to deviate. He just thought it was the power of the sword master, so he didn't go into details.

Now it sounds like this is not the Juggernaut's power, but his own problem, and it seems to be related to speed.

He launched another attack, this time slower than before, but also more agile.

Richard Nall calmly brushed aside the incoming attack with his sword. Although his feet kept moving, they were only spinning in circles and did not move even half a step away from the original spot.

Tony became more and more serious. He didn't expect that he could hurt the Juggernaut even a hair, but it was very sad that the opponent didn't move even half a step.

Suddenly, Richard Nall moved and no longer stayed where he was.

The pressure on Tony suddenly increased, and the offensive and defensive momentum changed. There seemed to be more than ten or twenty people on the opposite side besieging him, and every sword was aimed at his vitals.

Frederick looked on dumbfounded. From the beginning, Richard Nall only used basic footwork and swordsmanship. His strength and speed were also suppressed to a slightly lower level than Tony, but even so, he was still able to overwhelm Tony.

Tony persisted for fifteen minutes under the rain-like all-pervasive attack, and his physical and mental exhaustion made him want to give up.

He gritted his teeth again, using his buckler and sword to block left and right. During this period, he suddenly used his sword to use the battering ram. As a result, Richard Narr left the attack range only halfway through.

Twenty minutes later, Tony finally couldn't hold on any longer and sat down on the ground with a thud. His white shirt was soaked with sweat as if he had just been fished out of the water.

Richard Nall sheathed his sword without a trace of sweat on his forehead.

He said with satisfaction: "Not bad, rest for two days, and then go to the military camp to find me."

"Now I am forming a guard to protect Wesson. You can have a place. It's up to you how far you can go."

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