Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 19 Let’s boil some glue first

After lunch, the rain subsided a little, and Frederick took a carriage to the blacksmith shop.

The carriage, which had just been equipped with bearings this morning, ran very fast and left the city in a short time.

When Frederick was 3 years old, he fell into a puddle on the road. His father immediately ordered all sewers in the city to be cleaned and dredged regularly. There is not much water on the road now, so there is no fear of splashing. pedestrian.

The blacksmith shop was as lively as ever, and the sound of "dang-dang-dang" hammering could be heard in the distance.

Ordinary blacksmiths forge the red-hot wrought iron bars, then use molds to shape them into cylinders, and then cut them into sections. Then Bryant and several outstanding blacksmiths beat the wrought iron bars into round cakes in the molds, and finally Use special tools to punch the ring in another mold. The inner ring or outer ring blank of a bearing is ready, and then it is taken to a hydraulic lathe to process the groove.

On the other side, the thin wrought iron bar is also cut into sections after forging, and while hot, it is placed between the two molds to form beads. At this time, the beads have one edge, and some are not too round. They will be taken later. The millstone driven by the waterwheel can be rolled and rounded by grinding.

Frederick watched for a while, and then All Might was notified and hurried over.

The master asked about the recent bearing production situation before asking: "Yesterday you said that the golem puppet can be put on a layer of human-like skin? Can you tell me how it is done?"

Last night, Psyche said that All Might had said something that interested him. Frederick thought for a long time, and all he could think of was the artificial skin of an artificial puppet.

He had a feeling that this material was what he needed.

"This is simple." All Might said easily, "Just chop up the crystal slime, remove the internal organs, put the meat in the pot, add some water to cover it, cover it with a lid, apply some wet mud to seal it, and smolder for a while. When the water vapor blows away the lid, a batter-like paste will appear inside the pot.”

"Take out the paste, put it in a pot and boil it until the water dries up and it becomes sticky like snot. When it cools down, it becomes soft glue like skin."

"To make the golem's skin, you just need to heat it in a pot and melt it, add some dye, pour it into the mold and let it cool down."

"This kind of glue is not afraid of water. You see, I also put a layer on the boots so that I don't have to worry about getting my feet wet when walking in the rain. The cloak is also waterproof after being applied with a layer."

As he spoke, he bent his toes and pointed at the shoes on his feet.

Frederick was so surprised that his mouth opened. Can this thing replace rubber or plastic? !

"Where can I find this kind of glue now?" he said hurriedly, "Quick, show me!"

Seeing how excited he was, All Might was moved. He bent down and asked in a low voice, "Principal, is this very profitable?"

Nowadays, scholars at Weissenburg University are all suffering from the problem of "looking at money", and he is naturally no exception.

Frederick nodded slightly.

"Let's go!" Ogilvy suddenly became excited when he heard that he could make money. "BASF is cooking glue over there."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud "bang" from the other side of the blacksmith shop.

BASF is a student of Ogilvy in his early twenties. Many years ago, he stepped on a slime while walking at night and slipped and fell into the river. He became the laughing stock of the school. Since then, his hobby has been tossing slimes in fancy ways.

Frederick came to the other side of the blacksmith shop, where a long row of sheds had been built along the wall, with tables, chairs and stoves. It was a place for cooking and eating. It was now used to cook slime.

The minced transparent slime was put in a cloth bag by BASF and cooked. When the lid of the local pressure cooker flew away, a lot of water splashed out. The slime meat residue and paste remained in the bag. You can just squeeze it. Squeeze out the slime.

Frederick narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking that many people had done boiling slime and burning slime, but this had never happened. It was probably caused by something when the temperature exceeded the boiling point of water and the pressure increased. The ingredients reacted with the water.

BASF said hello to the principal and then continued the work at hand.

The remaining water in the pot was poured into the grass outside the shed. The slime paste was squeezed into the pot, and the meat residue was thrown into the grass. The paste quickly boiled out the water in the pot and gradually turned into slime glue.

There are several cloaks hanging on the wall. I don’t know who they belong to. BASF used a brush to apply the hot slime glue in the pot to the cloaks. After cooling, a waterproof film was formed.

Frederick thought for a while, found an iron plate, and asked BASF to apply a layer of slime glue on it, and then peeled it off after cooling.

This piece of slime glue is about 1 mm thick, transparent and colorless. It can be pinched and pulled. It has good strength but not much elasticity.

"The elasticity isn't right?" Frederick asked, "Isn't it a bit hard to use as skin?"

Ogilvy replied immediately: "You need to add some pigment when making the skin, and there will be some changes during the process."

BASF also said: "By adding different pigments or materials, these glues will become softer, harder or elastic."

Frederick said "Oh" and continued to pull the slime glue on his hand. It took some effort to break it.

"Is it poisonous?" He asked the most concerned question.

"It's not poisonous," BASF replied with a smile. "I once took a small piece out of a cold pot and threw it on the ground. A dog ate it, and it couldn't figure out how to get in."

"Can it burn?" Frederick asked again.

At this moment, he was stunned, smiled awkwardly, and threw a small piece of slime glue into the fire on the stove.

The slime glue melted immediately when it was placed on the firewood, and a large number of bubbles appeared immediately. It seemed to be boiling, but no flames appeared.

Frederick put the firewood clamp on the fire to heat, then folded the remaining piece of slime glue in his hand, and clamped it with the hot clamp.

The high temperature on the clip causes the slime glue to melt, and after cooling, it solidifies, and the upper and lower pieces are fused together where they are caught by the clip.

Pull hard and it's tight.

Frederick nodded, sat down on the blacksmith's dining chair, and began to think about how to use this material.

If slime glue can meet the requirements, rain gear, water shoes, tents, plastic bags and soft packaging cans can all be produced, and even the childcare artifact-coat hanger is not a problem.

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools.

If nothing else, at least this traditional pressure cooker needs to be replaced.

There is no big problem in producing a serious pressure cooker. The prerequisite skill for it is the relationship between air pressure and boiling point.

The seal between the lid and the pot was originally a problem, but now it seems that slime glue can be used as a sealing ring, so this problem is no longer a big problem.

When Frederick came back to his senses, he found that Omet and Basf had placed parchment, quills, ink bottles and drawing tools on the table, waiting for him to once again create "the house of gold in the parchment" A miracle.



As soon as Frederick called his name, BASF stood up straight like a soldier and answered.

"Make me one copy of each kind of slime glue." Frederick arranged the work, "The sooner the better."

BASF immediately responded: “Yes!”

Omet said to Frederick with a smile: "He originally planned to get married, but now he is worried about having no money. Naturally, he will not miss something that can make money."

Frederick also laughed and said: "Knowledge is gold."

Then he began to draw pictures on the parchment.

The body and lid of the pressure cooker are not difficult to make. They can be cast and forged to make them useful.

There are two ear buckles on the pot body. When working, buckle the cross beam on the pot lid. Rotate the screw in the middle of the cross beam to push the pot lid down. There is a slime sealing ring between the pot lid and the pot body. The rows on the pot lid The air valve, weight and safety valve are not a big problem either.

Then Frederick once again focused on threading the screw.

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